Is Reality Beginning To Seep In Yet?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Anyone who has looked at their pay stub was in for a rude awakening this week.

A remarkable amount of money was taken out thanks to Obama. The payroll tax holiday expired and Democrats and Republicans alike saw their taxes go up. Trust me, this is just the beginning folks. The rich are gonna be fine. It's you and me Obama has been after all along.

I told you dumb-asses about this months ago but you wouldn't listen. Now deal with it.

What's worse is this just the tip of the iceberg.
Obama supporters are low information voters. They probably won't even notice.......and if they do, it will be a greedy rich person's fault that they have less money.
Yep! Just wait for obamacare. It is gonna suck to have to pay them 10,000 deductables every year
Obama supporters are low information voters. They probably won't even notice.......and if they do, it will be a greedy rich person's fault that they have less money.

Do taxes come out of welfare?

I checked. They do not
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Obama supporters are low information voters. They probably won't even notice.......and if they do, it will be a greedy rich person's fault that they have less money.

Those Obama supporters on welfare won't even know the difference, the money is just deposited into their accounts, or on pay cards....besides, i don't think their money is even taxed!

My check this week was about $15 less than it usually is.......I notice these things! :)
Anyone who has looked at their pay stub was in for a rude awakening this week.

A remarkable amount of money was taken out thanks to Obama. The payroll tax holiday expired and Democrats and Republicans alike saw their taxes go up. Trust me, this is just the beginning folks. The rich are gonna be fine. It's you and me Obama has been after all along.

I told you dumb-asses about this months ago but you wouldn't listen. Now deal with it.

What's worse is this just the tip of the iceberg.


The Truly Rich are geographically flexible. As Gerard Depardieu has shown us, when taxed to much, the Truly Rich can move to another country.

The middle class don't have this luxury. Most have family, roots, and homes (too many of which are underwater) which make it difficult to leave. There networks for jobs are local - they need to work for a living. All of which makes them susceptible to an increasingly burdensome government tax yoke.

That's the point. To make as many people with limited mobility tax slaves.
What about spending cuts that could have accomplished exactly the same infintesimal dent in the budget, but were shelved by legislators across the board? For another two months?

What about THAT?

Oh, the haters and their small minds.

Wouldn't have had to raise ANYONE'S taxes. Just start cutting. But when it affected YOU, you would have screamed bloody murder.

You want it BOTH ways. Can't help you there.
What about spending cuts that could have accomplished exactly the same infintesimal dent in the budget, but were shelved by legislators across the board? For another two months?

What about THAT?

Oh, the haters and their small minds.

Wouldn't have had to raise ANYONE'S taxes. Just start cutting. But when it affected YOU, you would have screamed bloody murder.

You want it BOTH ways. Can't help you there.

Obama told us 4 years ago he was going to cut the budget deficit in half without raising taxes. He has raised taxes and the deficit is growing. The left has Stockholm Syndrome.
What does any of that blather have to do with anything I said?

Cut spending. Then no need to raise taxes.

Why don't ANY of them do that?

Try answering the question.

Disband the Department of Education. Does it actually do ANYTHING? Homeland Security? We needed an entire cabinet department to do better screening? Cut Defense by 10%. We really need air bases in South Korea, Germany and, hell, while we're at it, Las Vegas?

They can close Nellis anytime they like. There'd be a slight hiccup, nothing more. There was a time when it was a major contrbutor to the local economy, but that's long since past. I really doubt the country would be less safe. They could train pilots somewhere else.
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What does any of that blather have to do with anything I said?

Cut spending. Then no need to raise taxes.

Why don't ANY of them do that?

Try answering the question.

I agree, cut spending. Obama keeps telling us we need to cut spending, but he never puts anything on the table. He's our Dear leader.
From 2010 when this was passed:

Republicans acknowledged that the expiration of the tax holiday will be treated as a tax increase. "Once something like this goes into place, a year from now, when it expires, it'll be portrayed as a tax increase," said Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.).
Tax Cut Deal A Hidden Threat To Social Security

Corker was quite prescient with this observation, apparently.

No one ever intended for this to be permanent; hence the name "tax holiday."
Right wingers do not understand the temporary thing.
A function of that right wing brain thing.

I understand Obama promised to cut the deficit in half and promised us he would not raise taxes on the middle class. I also understand he's a liar.
What does any of that blather have to do with anything I said?

Cut spending. Then no need to raise taxes.

Why don't ANY of them do that?

Try answering the question.

I agree, cut spending. Obama keeps telling us we need to cut spending, but he never puts anything on the table. He's our Dear leader.

Because all our other "dear leaders" won't allow it. They're all accountable, but we allow it to continue, because God Forbid it might effect ME.

Besides, if he REALLY wanted to cut defense, the Right would start screaming that he's "threatening our safety" to make political points.

9/11, as horrible as it was, was an abberation. A sucker punch, if you will. The TSA and all its associated spending was a gross overreaction. It could have been encompassed into the DOJ, and I'll wager it would have been done much more cheaply. Now you've got the "body scanners", which I'll bet are expensive. But will we see a benefit? Probably not.

But just let someone TRY to get rid of it. They will be labeled as conspiring with terrorists.

Anyone even SUGGESTING that SSA or Medicare be dealt with is always portrayed as "wanting to kill/harm Grandma".

The DOE? Biggest waste of money ever. It encourages passing kids along who shouldn't be. No Child Left Behind? When I was a kid, being "left back" had SUCH a stigma that no kid or parent allowed it to happen. Now a lot of people view their kid's school as state-sponsored day care.

"But it's for the CHILDREN ..............", people would scream.
What does any of that blather have to do with anything I said?

Cut spending. Then no need to raise taxes.

Why don't ANY of them do that?

Try answering the question.

I agree, cut spending. Obama keeps telling us we need to cut spending, but he never puts anything on the table. He's our Dear leader.

Because all our other "dear leaders" won't allow it. They're all accountable, but we allow it to continue, because God Forbid it might effect ME.

Besides, if he REALLY wanted to cut defense, the Right would start screaming that he's "threatening our safety" to make political points.

9/11, as horrible as it was, was an abberation. A sucker punch, if you will. The TSA and all its associated spending was a gross overreaction. It could have been encompassed into the DOJ, and I'll wager it would have been done much more cheaply. Now you've got the "body scanners", which I'll bet are expensive. But will we see a benefit? Probably not.

But just let someone TRY to get rid of it. They will be labeled as conspiring with terrorists.

Anyone even SUGGESTING that SSA or Medicare be dealt with is always portrayed as "wanting to kill/harm Grandma".

The DOE? Biggest waste of money ever. It encourages passing kids along who shouldn't be. No Child Left Behind? When I was a kid, being "left back" had SUCH a stigma that no kid or parent allowed it to happen. Now a lot of people view their kid's school as state-sponsored day care.

"But it's for the CHILDREN ..............", people would scream.

I stopped at this....."Because all our other "dear leaders" won't allow it."

Now tell me what Obama was going to cut and tell me the name of the person or persons who stopped it.
I agree, cut spending. Obama keeps telling us we need to cut spending, but he never puts anything on the table. He's our Dear leader.

Because all our other "dear leaders" won't allow it. They're all accountable, but we allow it to continue, because God Forbid it might effect ME.

Besides, if he REALLY wanted to cut defense, the Right would start screaming that he's "threatening our safety" to make political points.

9/11, as horrible as it was, was an abberation. A sucker punch, if you will. The TSA and all its associated spending was a gross overreaction. It could have been encompassed into the DOJ, and I'll wager it would have been done much more cheaply. Now you've got the "body scanners", which I'll bet are expensive. But will we see a benefit? Probably not.

But just let someone TRY to get rid of it. They will be labeled as conspiring with terrorists.

Anyone even SUGGESTING that SSA or Medicare be dealt with is always portrayed as "wanting to kill/harm Grandma".

The DOE? Biggest waste of money ever. It encourages passing kids along who shouldn't be. No Child Left Behind? When I was a kid, being "left back" had SUCH a stigma that no kid or parent allowed it to happen. Now a lot of people view their kid's school as state-sponsored day care.

"But it's for the CHILDREN ..............", people would scream.

I stopped at this....."Because all our other "dear leaders" won't allow it."

Now tell me what Obama was going to cut and tell me the name of the person or persons who stopped it.

You stopped reading because you have an irrational hatred of Barack Obama. Everything is "his" fault. When specific options were laid out to you by me, and the rationale for their continued existance was presented to you, you covered your ears and closed your eyes. Because you couldn't pin it on your arch-enemy.

Why do you THINK he doesn't want to cut defense? The Homeland Security Department?

Tried to explain it to you. The far right will paint him as "soft on our enemies".

He doesn't seem interested with getting Medicare payouts under control. And the doctors say they'll stop taking Medicare patients. So he'll get labeled as a "Grandma Killer". I'm sorry, I goofed. As a matter of fact, he DID propose doing just that. Why did it get shot down?

You just don't want to listen. Because Obama is evil incarnate to you.

You are as bad and closed-minded and foolish as anyone who blamed GWB for this mess.
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