Is race relations something that can be really healed?

Whites see diversity as a threat. To them diversity means they cant keep up the facade of superiority. I keep telling you that whites as a group are insecure and instinctively racist because they fear genetic annihilation. Actually I should point out its more so the white males. The white females seem to instinctively seek out those that can improve their genetics.

Anyone can turn away from racism and heal their conscious direction towards unity; we can make it , if we try! We have to turn away from blaming others and change our own sight of others who are not like us.

Ascelepias is not interested in healing. He is a terrible racist and will never stop blaming whites for everything and denying all responsibility.

Well then those like him are the ones we need to deal with. We need to confront both black and white groups who are pushing racism , and some how get into their belief systems and effect change ; as much change as we can reach with them.

There is a reason why people are so racist ; and that needs to be seriously examined. We need to make them friends of freedom.
You dont need to confront people like me. I cant be racist and raising a white child. Corral is just mad I dont take his racist bullshit.

That sounds interesting ; so your raising a white child? If that is true, then I agree it would be hard for you to be truly racist in your heart. I think many here just judge you by your words;

and I certainly do see that you don't take racist things from others. Let me ask you, just looking at your own words, do you see why others may think your racist?
Never really thought about it. I think if someone lacks the intelligence to understand my words in context then they could think I'm racist. Its weird to me that people think youre racist when youre trolling a racist.
We can heal racism by communicating with each other and understanding that difference in culture is a thing to embrace or at least see the difference in diversity as one of the reasons why humanity is strong.
Whites see diversity as a threat. To them diversity means they cant keep up the facade of superiority. I keep telling you that whites as a group are insecure and instinctively racist because they fear genetic annihilation. Actually I should point out its more so the white males. The white females seem to instinctively seek out those that can improve their genetics.

Anyone can turn away from racism and heal their conscious direction towards unity; we can make it , if we try! We have to turn away from blaming others and change our own sight of others who are not like us.

Ascelepias is not interested in healing. He is a terrible racist and will never stop blaming whites for everything and denying all responsibility.

Well then those like him are the ones we need to deal with. We need to confront both black and white groups who are pushing racism , and some how get into their belief systems and effect change ; as much change as we can reach with them.

There is a reason why people are so racist ; and that needs to be seriously examined. We need to make them friends of freedom.

I don't see that happening.
I was listening to a program about Trumps age and how he was really too old to change his views on race. Which is why he rehashed his same views on the KKK and Alt Right that got him in trouble already.

Yeah, that Ellis Island Award certainly endeared him to the KKK.

Trump is no racist.


Well what is he? Can he bring racial healing to the nation? Would he be your pick to accomplish that?

Skin color at this late stage has little to do with it. Cultural and behavioral differences are the catalyst, and those differences are accentuated, preserved and forwarded by Democrat policies and media accident chasers. They have been very successful at Balkanizing America.

Race relations had been moving right along positively until Obama, realizing the only way to "fundamentally change" the United States was to further fragment it began to personally "adopt" every black thug in sight and make them into the heroes of the black community. The thing ran under its own power after that.

Fortunately for America, his goals were crushed when Trump won. We were just left with a clean-up job.

Without racism to scream about, the Democrats would be gone already.

See my signature. That echoes my opinion on the matter.

The biggest impediment is that some people see it as a way to gain advantage over others, be it politically and economically.

Until this stops, there is no way to end the divide.

Well it certainly will not be easy to close the divide , and we then have to deal with this tendency in some to try and gain advantage over others; we can give them certain benefits for their own groups, or offer reward for leaving our political and economic systems alone , and get their help in promoting harmony and peace; you know, let them still be involved in the process, just get them to see what the process of peace looks like when all are involved and all benefit from it.

What needs to happen is that people need to stop seeing their groups as the main definition of themselves. I am Irish-Italian American, 2nd generation-5th generation, and all it means to me is I love me some St Patrick's day, and I have my own special recipes for Marinara Sauce and Meatballs.
I was listening to a program about Trumps age and how he was really too old to change his views on race. Which is why he rehashed his same views on the KKK and Alt Right that got him in trouble already.

Yeah, that Ellis Island Award certainly endeared him to the KKK.

Trump is no racist.


Well what is he? Can he bring racial healing to the nation? Would he be your pick to accomplish that?

Skin color at this late stage has little to do with it. Cultural and behavioral differences are the catalyst, and those differences are accentuated, preserved and forwarded by Democrat policies and media accident chasers. They have been very successful at Balkanizing America.

Race relations had been moving right along positively until Obama, realizing the only way to "fundamentally change" the United States was to further fragment it began to personally "adopt" every black thug in sight and make them into the heroes of the black community. The thing ran under its own power after that.

Fortunately for America, his goals were crushed when Trump won. We were just left with a clean-up job.

Without racism to scream about, the Democrats would be gone already.

See my signature. That echoes my opinion on the matter.

The biggest impediment is that some people see it as a way to gain advantage over others, be it politically and economically.

Until this stops, there is no way to end the divide.
You mean like what whites have been doing to Blacks and other people of color since the inception of this country?

And what they did to each other back in Europe, and what Africans did to each other in Africa, and what Asians did to each other in Asia.

You are one of those people that are the problem, all you seek is revenge for something you did not suffer, against people who were not around when the harm was caused.
Anyone can turn away from racism and heal their conscious direction towards unity; we can make it , if we try! We have to turn away from blaming others and change our own sight of others who are not like us.

Ascelepias is not interested in healing. He is a terrible racist and will never stop blaming whites for everything and denying all responsibility.

Well then those like him are the ones we need to deal with. We need to confront both black and white groups who are pushing racism , and some how get into their belief systems and effect change ; as much change as we can reach with them.

There is a reason why people are so racist ; and that needs to be seriously examined. We need to make them friends of freedom.
You dont need to confront people like me. I cant be racist and raising a white child. Corral is just mad I dont take his racist bullshit.

That sounds interesting ; so your raising a white child? If that is true, then I agree it would be hard for you to be truly racist in your heart. I think many here just judge you by your words;

and I certainly do see that you don't take racist things from others. Let me ask you, just looking at your own words, do you see why others may think your racist?
Never really thought about it. I think if someone lacks the intelligence to understand my words in context then they could think I'm racist. Its weird to me that people think youre racist when youre trolling a racist.

Well with this revelation that your a parent to a white child , I think that is something to honor and it should push back on some of those accusing you of racism; because bringing up children is greater than accusations of racism. I myself will honor what you are doing, its worth more than what you are saying. God bless you brother, raise that child to where it will understand racism, and understand the greater reality of unity and fellowship.

Peace on your journey.
Yeah, that Ellis Island Award certainly endeared him to the KKK.

Trump is no racist.


Well what is he? Can he bring racial healing to the nation? Would he be your pick to accomplish that?

Skin color at this late stage has little to do with it. Cultural and behavioral differences are the catalyst, and those differences are accentuated, preserved and forwarded by Democrat policies and media accident chasers. They have been very successful at Balkanizing America.

Race relations had been moving right along positively until Obama, realizing the only way to "fundamentally change" the United States was to further fragment it began to personally "adopt" every black thug in sight and make them into the heroes of the black community. The thing ran under its own power after that.

Fortunately for America, his goals were crushed when Trump won. We were just left with a clean-up job.

Without racism to scream about, the Democrats would be gone already.

See my signature. That echoes my opinion on the matter.

The biggest impediment is that some people see it as a way to gain advantage over others, be it politically and economically.

Until this stops, there is no way to end the divide.

Well it certainly will not be easy to close the divide , and we then have to deal with this tendency in some to try and gain advantage over others; we can give them certain benefits for their own groups, or offer reward for leaving our political and economic systems alone , and get their help in promoting harmony and peace; you know, let them still be involved in the process, just get them to see what the process of peace looks like when all are involved and all benefit from it.

What needs to happen is that people need to stop seeing their groups as the main definition of themselves. I am Irish-Italian American, 2nd generation-5th generation, and all it means to me is I love me some St Patrick's day, and I have my own special recipes for Marinara Sauce and Meatballs.

I wish I could taste your favorite dinner; sounds good!

I agree that people need to stop seeing their groups as the " Main definition of themselves." I think selfishness is one of the main problems in human nature ; its a giant wall that is a roadblock to growth and healing. We could write pages after pages as to what problems selfishness can cause or give birth to. But we have to expose it, and then attack it; fight it , and never give in to its ways and the different shapes it takes on to fool others.
Another possible avenue to help racism that I think should be considered, is " Spirituality." Its certainly like " Another Power to heal", or to bring peace; and there is little doubt that it has helped humanity.

Because we must use powers that can engulf a whole group of people at the same time. Powers that effect change and solidify that change; keep it permanent. We have to try spiritual help; this problem demands that we try various avenues.
Ascelepias is not interested in healing. He is a terrible racist and will never stop blaming whites for everything and denying all responsibility.

Well then those like him are the ones we need to deal with. We need to confront both black and white groups who are pushing racism , and some how get into their belief systems and effect change ; as much change as we can reach with them.

There is a reason why people are so racist ; and that needs to be seriously examined. We need to make them friends of freedom.
You dont need to confront people like me. I cant be racist and raising a white child. Corral is just mad I dont take his racist bullshit.

That sounds interesting ; so your raising a white child? If that is true, then I agree it would be hard for you to be truly racist in your heart. I think many here just judge you by your words;

and I certainly do see that you don't take racist things from others. Let me ask you, just looking at your own words, do you see why others may think your racist?
Never really thought about it. I think if someone lacks the intelligence to understand my words in context then they could think I'm racist. Its weird to me that people think youre racist when youre trolling a racist.

Well with this revelation that your a parent to a white child , I think that is something to honor and it should push back on some of those accusing you of racism; because bringing up children is greater than accusations of racism. I myself will honor what you are doing, its worth more than what you are saying. God bless you brother, raise that child to where it will understand racism, and understand the greater reality of unity and fellowship.

Peace on your journey.
Thanks but the opinions of whites calling me racist are less than irrelevant to me. I appreciate your blessing brother.
The banner at the Red Sox game was unfurled by Antifa, to knock racists.
I think we've already made a lot of progress to do away with racism, at least as a defining characteristic of our country. It will take time. It's a human instinct to sense differences in others and find those with commonalities. It takes good socialization to overcome those intuitive fears of others, but I think we're making progress.
Then along comes the internet and trolls and a soap box for every hateful racist and it seems like racism is coming back full force. But we've made progress. Maybe we've just taken one step back. It's up to us not to let it go too far.
OldLady, I think you’re exactly right....again.

There seems to be a deeply rooted instinct at work. And that instinct may reach back to our earliest beginnings as human beings. Maybe it was once necessary to our survival, as a group, and as individuals. If that’s the case, then, in its earliest existence this ‘instinct’, this fear of ‘others’ wouldn’t have been racist. The fear would have extended to all others outside of one’s own, known to be friendly, group.

And much that we attribute to racism may be, in part, due to this ages old instinct. Certainly there have been many examples of that kind of behavior that did not involve black people, yet still had the same kinds of hostility involved.

Some relatively recent events, in America, might include the way the Irish were treated when they first began coming here. Remember the photos of the old signs in businesses: Dogs Welcome, But No Irish? I’d say that was pretty hateful. At another time, it was felt there were too many Chinese people coming here. So the Chinese were kept out by passing a law to do just that. Wasn’t it called the Chinese Exclusionary Act, or something like that (it’s near midnight and I’m too tired to look it up). The Italians too suffered discrimination. Now it’s the turn of blacks and hispanics to run those hurdles.

But, if the instinct to beware of people different from ourselves is real, and old, and deep. Then it may never completely go away. And, there is also the fact that some groups look more ‘different’ than others. For instance, in a majority white population darker skinned people would stand out as the most ‘different’. If that is so, then blacks, hispanics, arabs, might fill the role of the most ‘different’ at this time because of their deeper skin tones. And the roles might be reversed in other countries where the majority population shared a darker skin tone: African countries, Asian countries, etc.

I don’t know if any of this is true but, as OldLady said in her post: “It’s a human instinct to sense differences in others and find those with commonalities.”

I just think there’s a lot more to racism than simply disliking people we don’t know or feel comfortable with. I also don’t think we’ll find any answers on an internet forum like this, but it’s good that we’re at least talking about it.
The banner at the Red Sox game was unfurled by Antifa, to knock racists.
I think we've already made a lot of progress to do away with racism, at least as a defining characteristic of our country. It will take time. It's a human instinct to sense differences in others and find those with commonalities. It takes good socialization to overcome those intuitive fears of others, but I think we're making progress.
Then along comes the internet and trolls and a soap box for every hateful racist and it seems like racism is coming back full force. But we've made progress. Maybe we've just taken one step back. It's up to us not to let it go too far.
OldLady, I think you’re exactly right....again.

There seems to be a deeply rooted instinct at work. And that instinct may reach back to our earliest beginnings as human beings. Maybe it was once necessary to our survival, as a group, and as individuals. If that’s the case, then, in its earliest existence this ‘instinct’, this fear of ‘others’ wouldn’t have been racist. The fear would have extended to all others outside of one’s own, known to be friendly, group.

And much that we attribute to racism may be, in part, due to this ages old instinct. Certainly there have been many examples of that kind of behavior that did not involve black people, yet still had the same kinds of hostility involved.

Some relatively recent events, in America, might include the way the Irish were treated when they first began coming here. Remember the photos of the old signs in businesses: Dogs Welcome, But No Irish? I’d say that was pretty hateful. At another time, it was felt there were too many Chinese people coming here. So the Chinese were kept out by passing a law to do just that. Wasn’t it called the Chinese Exclusionary Act, or something like that (it’s near midnight and I’m too tired to look it up). The Italians too suffered discrimination. Now it’s the turn of blacks and hispanics to run those hurdles.

But, if the instinct to beware of people different from ourselves is real, and old, and deep. Then it may never completely go away. And, there is also the fact that some groups look more ‘different’ than others. For instance, in a majority white population darker skinned people would stand out as the most ‘different’. If that is so, then blacks, hispanics, arabs, might fill the role of the most ‘different’ at this time because of their deeper skin tones. And the roles might be reversed in other countries where the majority population shared a darker skin tone: African countries, Asian countries, etc.

I don’t know if any of this is true but, as OldLady said in her post: “It’s a human instinct to sense differences in others and find those with commonalities.”

I just think there’s a lot more to racism than simply disliking people we don’t know or feel comfortable with. I also don’t think we’ll find any answers on an internet forum like this, but it’s good that we’re at least talking about it.

I think as long as it is possible for opinions to flow freely , then its possible to find answers on an internet forum like this. Every once and a while, a unique mind will pass by and enlighten us all. And that mind could be a member of any race we have discussed.
Well then those like him are the ones we need to deal with. We need to confront both black and white groups who are pushing racism , and some how get into their belief systems and effect change ; as much change as we can reach with them.

There is a reason why people are so racist ; and that needs to be seriously examined. We need to make them friends of freedom.
You dont need to confront people like me. I cant be racist and raising a white child. Corral is just mad I dont take his racist bullshit.

That sounds interesting ; so your raising a white child? If that is true, then I agree it would be hard for you to be truly racist in your heart. I think many here just judge you by your words;

and I certainly do see that you don't take racist things from others. Let me ask you, just looking at your own words, do you see why others may think your racist?
Never really thought about it. I think if someone lacks the intelligence to understand my words in context then they could think I'm racist. Its weird to me that people think youre racist when youre trolling a racist.

Well with this revelation that your a parent to a white child , I think that is something to honor and it should push back on some of those accusing you of racism; because bringing up children is greater than accusations of racism. I myself will honor what you are doing, its worth more than what you are saying. God bless you brother, raise that child to where it will understand racism, and understand the greater reality of unity and fellowship.

Peace on your journey.
Thanks but the opinions of whites calling me racist are less than irrelevant to me. I appreciate your blessing brother.

Your welcome bro; I think some of your views are harsh, but also irreplaceable!
Another possible avenue to help racism that I think should be considered, is " Spirituality." Its certainly like " Another Power to heal", or to bring peace; and there is little doubt that it has helped humanity.

Because we must use powers that can engulf a whole group of people at the same time. Powers that effect change and solidify that change; keep it permanent. We have to try spiritual help; this problem demands that we try various avenues.
I was delighted a number of years ago to read about Cardinal Bevilacqua’s letter to his flock calling them to eradicate racism. It was especially timely for me because I had just read a chapter in a book that also spoke of racism in terms of it being a spiritual, not a physical matter.

The book was The Priesthood of All Believers written by James Luther Adams and it was published in 1986. James Adams refers to the “principality of pigment,” saying that the more this principality favors the people of one pigment, the more it engenders resentment and resistance at the hands of the people of other pigments.

Adams states that the cost in human suffering that has been paid in the past to this principality of racism is incalculable and in the strict sense irredeemable. Resentment, self-hatred, aggression, the hardening of the heart, the sense of deprivation- so goes the catalog of suffering. He encourages us to be open to the change that comes from the source of our origin and fulfillment.

Returning to the source of our origin sounds like the answer to me. For should we decide to return, we would indeed find our fulfillment. And once we are fulfilled, we no longer look down our noses at each other. And when we stop looking down our noses, we look people straight in the eyes. And when we look people straight in the eyes- guess what. We see the sparkle of humanity that the source of our origin put there – and it looks exactly like ours.
Another possible avenue to help racism that I think should be considered, is " Spirituality." Its certainly like " Another Power to heal", or to bring peace; and there is little doubt that it has helped humanity.

Because we must use powers that can engulf a whole group of people at the same time. Powers that effect change and solidify that change; keep it permanent. We have to try spiritual help; this problem demands that we try various avenues.
I was delighted a number of years ago to read about Cardinal Bevilacqua’s letter to his flock calling them to eradicate racism. It was especially timely for me because I had just read a chapter in a book that also spoke of racism in terms of it being a spiritual, not a physical matter.

The book was The Priesthood of All Believers written by James Luther Adams and it was published in 1986. James Adams refers to the “principality of pigment,” saying that the more this principality favors the people of one pigment, the more it engenders resentment and resistance at the hands of the people of other pigments.

Adams states that the cost in human suffering that has been paid in the past to this principality of racism is incalculable and in the strict sense irredeemable. Resentment, self-hatred, aggression, the hardening of the heart, the sense of deprivation- so goes the catalog of suffering. He encourages us to be open to the change that comes from the source of our origin and fulfillment.

Returning to the source of our origin sounds like the answer to me. For should we decide to return, we would indeed find our fulfillment. And once we are fulfilled, we no longer look down our noses at each other. And when we stop looking down our noses, we look people straight in the eyes. And when we look people straight in the eyes- guess what. We see the sparkle of humanity that the source of our origin put there – and it looks exactly like ours.

Like I said, every now and then a voice of reason and hope will stop by;

welcome voice , its so nice to hear from you.
You dont need to confront people like me. I cant be racist and raising a white child. Corral is just mad I dont take his racist bullshit.

That sounds interesting ; so your raising a white child? If that is true, then I agree it would be hard for you to be truly racist in your heart. I think many here just judge you by your words;

and I certainly do see that you don't take racist things from others. Let me ask you, just looking at your own words, do you see why others may think your racist?
Never really thought about it. I think if someone lacks the intelligence to understand my words in context then they could think I'm racist. Its weird to me that people think youre racist when youre trolling a racist.

Well with this revelation that your a parent to a white child , I think that is something to honor and it should push back on some of those accusing you of racism; because bringing up children is greater than accusations of racism. I myself will honor what you are doing, its worth more than what you are saying. God bless you brother, raise that child to where it will understand racism, and understand the greater reality of unity and fellowship.

Peace on your journey.
Thanks but the opinions of whites calling me racist are less than irrelevant to me. I appreciate your blessing brother.

Your welcome bro; I think some of your views are harsh, but also irreplaceable!
I would say my views are practical. Harsh is....well harsh.
Trump was never racist until Hillary lost the election. A lot of racists are "made" that way. The accusation of racisim is made because it supports an important social or political point. Someone who has been the victim of a violent crime by a black or hispanic is "racist". Hispanic, George Zimmerman, became a racist white hispanic when he saved his own life.

Accusations of racism need to be ignored.
That sounds interesting ; so your raising a white child? If that is true, then I agree it would be hard for you to be truly racist in your heart. I think many here just judge you by your words;

and I certainly do see that you don't take racist things from others. Let me ask you, just looking at your own words, do you see why others may think your racist?
Never really thought about it. I think if someone lacks the intelligence to understand my words in context then they could think I'm racist. Its weird to me that people think youre racist when youre trolling a racist.

Well with this revelation that your a parent to a white child , I think that is something to honor and it should push back on some of those accusing you of racism; because bringing up children is greater than accusations of racism. I myself will honor what you are doing, its worth more than what you are saying. God bless you brother, raise that child to where it will understand racism, and understand the greater reality of unity and fellowship.

Peace on your journey.
Thanks but the opinions of whites calling me racist are less than irrelevant to me. I appreciate your blessing brother.

Your welcome bro; I think some of your views are harsh, but also irreplaceable!
I would say my views are practical. Harsh is....well harsh.

Well I don't think that those who accuse you would softly define you, but how we define ourselves should always be included in the definition.
Trump was never racist until Hillary lost the election. A lot of racists are "made" that way. The accusation of racisim is made because it supports an important social or political point. Someone who has been the victim of a violent crime by a black or hispanic is "racist". Hispanic, George Zimmerman, became a racist white hispanic when he saved his own life.

Accusations of racism need to be ignored.

Well yes I agree, a person can " Become racist" because of an tragic event in their lives. Conversely, they can escape racism by another incredible event in their lives. I mean it makes sense to me.
We can heal racism by communicating with each other and understanding that difference in culture is a thing to embrace or at least see the difference in diversity as one of the reasons why humanity is strong.
Then by all means do so. But I think you'll fins that in reality "forced intermingling", or diversity, as the left calls it is the root of the problem. All the problems described so far are a testament to it's failure, and certainly don't reflect a position of strength, or advantage.
We can heal racism by communicating with each other and understanding that difference in culture is a thing to embrace or at least see the difference in diversity as one of the reasons why humanity is strong.
Then by all means do so. But I think you'll fins that in reality "forced intermingling", or diversity, as the left calls it is the root of the problem. All the problems described so far are a testament to it's failure, and certainly don't reflect a position of strength, or advantage.

WE can make it , if we try!
Even here, on this message board, we can see the different kinds of thinking that divide us , as people are attracted to the mess instead of the solutions and motivations of peace. Unity is just not as attractive as hate filled rage, not as loud; and we see that all through out the history of marching for peace. We have hardcore examples here; right here, of the various shades of human nature.

We just naturally click on the stupid off track threads to view them like a train wreck. Its just an inner strange pull. Some people like to demonize this subject of race and throw it out like a baseball of confusion that brings a demented smile to their day. But that can be healed by us posting just as many threads of peace that they post of pity filled words that are waste of time.

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