Is Putin Targeting Us? Testing Us?

i can see LoinBORE is a blame America-Type.

Well-done asshole.
And you're a "never blame America" for anything. Which means, we're never responsible for the things we do. How convenient!

WE have our faults no doubt...but to blame America for the world's ills as drones like yo have a propensity to do Loin Bore? It's gets tiring...espeially when schmucks as YOU refuse to see evil in the world and defend it just like yer Messiah, Obama...:eusa_hand:
I don't know why, but Russia's got a history of intruding upon the airspace of nations for reasons known only to itself. It can't be explained as a navigational error, either, as their incursions always result in direct violactions of sovereign airspace. They were routing Tu-95M bombers over the UK two year ago and previous to that they were directing aging prop bombers over UK airspace in 2007, and they're known for their unexplained ariel trespassing all over Europe. In the absence of Russian co-operation, speculation leads analysts to assume it's the Russians flexing their muscles by testing nations' response time. Though to what end remains a mystery.

RAF Tornados Scrambled to Intercept Russian Bomber - Mail Online
I don't know why, but Russia's got a history of intruding upon the airspace of nations for reasons known only to itself.

To mistaken "air defense zone" for "other nations airspace" on a MILITARY thread is inexcusable, unless, of course, it is an indication of the quality of US military education.
I don't know why, but Russia's got a history of intruding upon the airspace of nations for reasons known only to itself. It can't be explained as a navigational error, either, as their incursions always result in direct violactions of sovereign airspace. They were routing Tu-95M bombers over the UK two year ago and previous to that they were directing aging prop bombers over UK airspace in 2007, and they're known for their unexplained ariel trespassing all over Europe. In the absence of Russian co-operation, speculation leads analysts to assume it's the Russians flexing their muscles by testing nations' response time. Though to what end remains a mystery.

RAF Tornados Scrambled to Intercept Russian Bomber - Mail Online

Russians have a habit of testing thier percieved enemies...the 'Soviets' have never gone away. Just on hiatus since the fall of the wall.

I don't trust them at ALL.
Ever since Putin got in charge, they inreased their bomber runs at us testing NORAD.
Another idiot liberal talking out your ass.

Uh, Star Wars has been dead for years, nobody is talking about bringing it back.

Now, BMD is something Romney most likely will keep alive after Obamination is using it as a toy to bargain with Russia. "Wait until after the election" bullshit to Putin caught on camera.

As for 9/11, the blood is on your hands for doing nothing for 8 years under Clinton, asshole.

if romney wins, then finally you can get to concentrate on serious business again.

star wars and russia

like from january 2001 to september 10.
Another idiot liberal talking out your ass.

Uh, Star Wars has been dead for years, nobody is talking about bringing it back.

Now, BMD is something Romney most likely will keep alive after Obamination is using it as a toy to bargain with Russia. "Wait until after the election" bullshit to Putin caught on camera.

As for 9/11, the blood is on your hands for doing nothing for 8 years under Clinton, asshole.

if romney wins, then finally you can get to concentrate on serious business again.

star wars and russia

like from january 2001 to september 10.

holy guacamole, i found a scholar.
A pair of Russian strategic nuclear bombers were intercepted near the Pacific coast Wednesday, the Washington Free Beacon reported — the second such incident in two weeks.

According to the Free Beacon, the two long range bombers entered the U.S. air defense zone and came close to the U.S. coast, but did not enter sovereign airspace. The bombers were “were visually identified by NORAD fighters,” Pentagon spokesman Capt. John Kirby said.

The first incident in late June involved two Tu-95 Bear H bombers near Alaska conducting war games, which included simulated attacks on “enemy” air defenses and strategic facilities, a Russian military spokesman told the site.

Report: Russian Nuclear-Capable Bombers Intercepted Near West Coast for Second Time in 2 Weeks

“It’s becoming very obvious that Putin is testing Obama and his national security team,” McInerney told the Free Beacon. “These long-range aviation excursions are duplicating exercises I experienced during the height of the Cold War when I command the Alaska NORAD region.”

IMHO? The Berlin may have fallen with the old 'Iron Curtain'...but the Soviet mentality lives on...

All that, and we couldn't intercept 4 planes hijacked by Saudis on 9/11. Yeah, it still makes me wonder, but not about Putin.
My son and I were discussing Russia a while back and talked about how Putin in command again would probably change things. Their economy has improved over the years and with that the war machine is re-building. Putin is old school KGB and sees Obama as a punk who deserves no respect. A few weeks ago, Romney mentioned something to the effect of Russia being an enemy who bears watching. Obama and team scoffed at his comments.

We sucked up to him under Bush, remember? "Pooty Poot", as Bush called him, saw a weakness, and will continue to try to take advantage of our errors in Afghanistan & Iraq. Blame Obama for not doing anything SINCE the Bush boy decided to spread the military too thin, and allow al Qaeda to survive. I do.
My son and I were discussing Russia a while back and talked about how Putin in command again would probably change things. Their economy has improved over the years and with that the war machine is re-building. Putin is old school KGB and sees Obama as a punk who deserves no respect. A few weeks ago, Romney mentioned something to the effect of Russia being an enemy who bears watching. Obama and team scoffed at his comments.

We sucked up to him under Bush, remember? "Pooty Poot", as Bush called him, saw a weakness, and will continue to try to take advantage of our errors in Afghanistan & Iraq. Blame Obama for not doing anything SINCE the Bush boy decided to spread the military too thin, and allow al Qaeda to survive. I do.

I have no idea what you are talking about but am pretty sure it has nothing to do with what I'm talking about.
My son and I were discussing Russia a while back and talked about how Putin in command again would probably change things. Their economy has improved over the years and with that the war machine is re-building. Putin is old school KGB and sees Obama as a punk who deserves no respect. A few weeks ago, Romney mentioned something to the effect of Russia being an enemy who bears watching. Obama and team scoffed at his comments.

We sucked up to him under Bush, remember? "Pooty Poot", as Bush called him, saw a weakness, and will continue to try to take advantage of our errors in Afghanistan & Iraq. Blame Obama for not doing anything SINCE the Bush boy decided to spread the military too thin, and allow al Qaeda to survive. I do.

I have no idea what you are talking about but am pretty sure it has nothing to do with what I'm talking about.

You wrote Bush's BUDDY "POOTY POOT" saw Obama as a punk, I clarified with FACTS. Our military has been spread too thin, the Iraq disaster makes the US look foolish(.)
as for us, living on the other side - Putin is very strange, very strange person... and very dangerous! someone making parallels with great Stalin... BUT! Stalin was really thinking about soviet people, about his country... he never tried to be rich... as for Putin - we don't understand him in Russia, also like people in US... what he wants? where he is leading Russia? where he is leading all the world? because, let's tell honestly - this moment Putin is the most strong, dangerous and secretive politician on the Earth... and he is not Stalin, he don't thinks about our motherland... people will not die for him and his oligarh command with cry "for Motherland! for Putin!"... we do not love Putin!... it's very strange diablo :) and he is dangerous for Russia in the same proportion as for USA
Putin recognizes that we have a weak dolt in the presidency. Not only generally a dolt, but an arrogant dolt at that. obama's ONLY concern is reelection. Nothing else matters and that is his weakness and Putin not being a stupid man, will exploit it.
as for us, living on the other side - Putin is very strange, very strange person... and very dangerous! someone making parallels with great Stalin... BUT! Stalin was really thinking about soviet people, about his country... he never tried to be rich... as for Putin - we don't understand him in Russia, also like people in US... what he wants? where he is leading Russia? where he is leading all the world? because, let's tell honestly - this moment Putin is the most strong, dangerous and secretive politician on the Earth... and he is not Stalin, he don't thinks about our motherland... people will not die for him and his oligarh command with cry "for Motherland! for Putin!"... we do not love Putin!... it's very strange diablo :) and he is dangerous for Russia in the same proportion as for USA

Well said. Sadly, most Americans do not know enough about Russian history to understand the psychology behind the actions of most of her leaders. It is one melded with the impact of centuries of Tartar, Hun, Pole, and Mongol invasion. We have not suffered such. Putin may have his ways, but he is not the threat we wish to paint him out to be here in America in order to search for that infamous foe to keep our minds off the true problems on hand.

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