Is OWS violent?

Is OWS violent?

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Diamond Member
May 6, 2007
North Carolina
Is OWS responsible for the actions of the people that freely group under its banner? As I recall the left insisted that the Conservatives were completely responsible for a couple signs at one Tea Party rally.

Murder, suicide, rape, beatings, robberies, riots, destruction of private property assault of police, fire. All under the banner of OWS. Are they responsible for the actions of the people they gather together under their banner?

Will the Portland OWS be responsible if its people riot and use weapons to attack police when they clear the illegal camp grounds?
When you base a movement on the spirit of envy, fueled by hatred and a craving for more attention, the natural progression is toward violence.

Envy (Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1828 edition))

v.t. [L. invideo, in and video, to see against, that is, to look with enmity.]

1. To feel uneasiness, mortification or discontent, at the sight of superior excellence, reputation or happiness enjoyed by another; to repine at another''s prosperity; to fret or grieve one''s self at the real or supposed superiority of another, and to hate him on that account.

2. To grudge; to withhold maliciously.

EN''VY, n. Pain, uneasiness, mortification or discontent excited by the sight of another''s superiority or success, accompanied with some degree of hatred or malignity, and often or usually with a desire or an effort to depreciate the person, and with pleasure in seeing him depressed. Envy springs from pride, ambition or love, mortified that another has obtained what one has a strong desire to possess.​
Is OWS responsible for the actions of the people that freely group under its banner?

It is not responsible for the actions of every individual who claims to be part of it, no. It is certainly not responsible for the actions of individuals who make no pretense of being part of it, and who may attempt to victimize members.

The movement as a whole remains nonviolent so far.
apples and oranges

Only to retards. The Tea Party committed no violent acts. Broke no laws, peacefully assembled with all the proper permits and organized and legally elected about 60 people to Congress and more to State positions. They are blamed for a couple racist signs at a rally. They are accused of advocating violence even though that claim has yet to be proven.

Jillian and other members of the left on this board have called them thugs and criminals even though not one violent act or illegal action has occurred.

OWS meanwhile is directly responsible for at least 3 riots. For cops being injured in 2 cities. For destroying personal property, setting fires. AT least one suicide, and I believe a murder, 2 rapes and numerous attacks on camp members by other members, theft and other illegal activity.

Your right the Tea Party is nothing like OWS.
Is OWS responsible for the actions of the people that freely group under its banner?

It is not responsible for the actions of every individual who claims to be part of it, no. It is certainly not responsible for the actions of individuals who make no pretense of being part of it, and who may attempt to victimize members.

The movement as a whole remains nonviolent so far.

But the Tea Party is and was right?
But the Tea Party is and was right?

If you want to complain that the Tea Party has been unfairly vilified, please do so directly. I was answering your thread question and poll, which had nothing whatever to do with the Tea Party.
Three people are dead and not by natural causes. I'd deem that "violent."

and I'm so glad the democrats are joined at the hip with the violent cows..
When you base a movement on the spirit of envy, fueled by hatred and a craving for more attention, the natural progression is toward violence.

Envy (Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1828 edition))

v.t. [L. invideo, in and video, to see against, that is, to look with enmity.]

1. To feel uneasiness, mortification or discontent, at the sight of superior excellence, reputation or happiness enjoyed by another; to repine at another''s prosperity; to fret or grieve one''s self at the real or supposed superiority of another, and to hate him on that account.

2. To grudge; to withhold maliciously.

EN''VY, n. Pain, uneasiness, mortification or discontent excited by the sight of another''s superiority or success, accompanied with some degree of hatred or malignity, and often or usually with a desire or an effort to depreciate the person, and with pleasure in seeing him depressed. Envy springs from pride, ambition or love, mortified that another has obtained what one has a strong desire to possess.​

Is OWS responsible for the actions of the people that freely group under its banner?

It is not responsible for the actions of every individual who claims to be part of it, no. It is certainly not responsible for the actions of individuals who make no pretense of being part of it, and who may attempt to victimize members.

The movement as a whole remains nonviolent so far.

Oh please, most on the left have taken every opportunity to accuse the TPM of creating an atmosphere that incites violence, and not just at their rallies. The shooting in Mass last month is a good example, where they piled on the fact that the guy had a Tea Party license plate frame.
Is OWS responsible for the actions of the people that freely group under its banner?

It is not responsible for the actions of every individual who claims to be part of it, no. It is certainly not responsible for the actions of individuals who make no pretense of being part of it, and who may attempt to victimize members.

The movement as a whole remains nonviolent so far.

Oh please, most on the left have taken every opportunity to accuse the TPM of creating an atmosphere that incites violence, and not just at their rallies. The shooting in Mass last month is a good example, where they piled on the fact that the guy had a Tea Party license plate frame.

There you have it.

Proof that the TPM is a violent, extremist movement.

Well, not really, but by the logic of this thread.........
So it comes down to a simple but obvious fact, if you start a movement anyone and everyone can join. They can say they're part of that movement whether you want them there or not. You don't get to pick and choose who gets in. It's not a club. ;)
It is not responsible for the actions of every individual who claims to be part of it, no. It is certainly not responsible for the actions of individuals who make no pretense of being part of it, and who may attempt to victimize members.

The movement as a whole remains nonviolent so far.

Oh please, most on the left have taken every opportunity to accuse the TPM of creating an atmosphere that incites violence, and not just at their rallies. The shooting in Mass last month is a good example, where they piled on the fact that the guy had a Tea Party license plate frame.

There you have it.

Proof that the TPM is a violent, extremist movement.

Well, not really, but by the logic of this thread.........
...YOU chose to participate in...despite it's lack of logic?
So it comes down to a simple but obvious fact, if you start a movement anyone and everyone can join. They can say they're part of that movement whether you want them there or not. You don't get to pick and choose who gets in. It's not a club. ;)

Just like the entire South was responsible for the Ku Klux Klan............
Oh please, most on the left have taken every opportunity to accuse the TPM of creating an atmosphere that incites violence, and not just at their rallies. The shooting in Mass last month is a good example, where they piled on the fact that the guy had a Tea Party license plate frame.

There you have it.

Proof that the TPM is a violent, extremist movement.

Well, not really, but by the logic of this thread.........
...YOU chose to participate in...despite it's lack of logic?

Oh, I'm sure GTH chastised the left when they made such assertions.:D

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