Is our military as mighty as it once was?

Do I wear my medals or my ribbons on my dress whites? Depends on what the reason was that I had to wear dress whites. Sometimes it was medals (and ribbons, medals go on one side, awards with ribbons only go on the other side). Same goes for dress blues. If we were told dress whites, then it was ribbons only, if we were told full dress whites, then it was ribbons and medals. By the way, ALL medals have a ribbon form (even that highest award, the CMH, which is a very noticeable ribbon as it is all blue with little white stars), but the proper name for the National Defense award is the National Defense Service MEDAL, not National Defense Service ribbon as you keep mistakenly referring to it.

BTW.................what award is the CMA? Are you referring to the CMH, which is the Congressional Medal of Honor? I've never heard of a CMA, except for the Country Music Awards.
Do I wear my medals or my ribbons on my dress whites? Depends on what the reason was that I had to wear dress whites. Sometimes it was medals (and ribbons, medals go on one side, awards with ribbons only go on the other side). Same goes for dress blues. If we were told dress whites, then it was ribbons only, if we were told full dress whites, then it was ribbons and medals. By the way, ALL medals have a ribbon form (even that highest award, the CMH, which is a very noticeable ribbon as it is all blue with little white stars), but the proper name for the National Defense award is the National Defense Service MEDAL, not National Defense Service ribbon as you keep mistakenly referring to it.

BTW.................what award is the CMA? Are you referring to the CMH, which is the Congressional Medal of Honor? I've never heard of a CMA, except for the Country Music Awards.

As far as firefighting? Was a member of both the at sea and inport fire parties, and qualified as Scene Leader for both. As far as Fire Marshal, I thought that was a billet for commissioned officers only.
Maybe you can start correcting my spelling and punctuation while you're at it.
Ok you two men. Y'all both served, and thank you for that. you think our military right now, this minute, is the same as it was when you both served?
Far as I know the only people who are veterans who vote Democrat are either black, female, or you can't really fault me for thinking you're one of the above. And I seriously doubt any female marine would have anything to do you with your punk-ass.

I never said I didn't know that the National Defense ribbon had a medal. I didn't think it was that important.
The award actually calls it a ribbon. Nobody bothers to award it to you so most people don't even take the time to buy the medal. National Defense Service Medal Ribbon

And to wear a Green Beret you have to have won the Special Forces Tab. I don't remember them asking me if the NDM was a ribbon or a medal. Course I graduated August of 90' and that was a long time ago....and my memory sometimes fails me....especially when it comes to superfluous bullshit. Maybe you could call JFKSWCS at Ft Bragg and suggest it to them. I'm sure they'd get a kick out of your stupidity.

You obviously don't know that the National Defense Service Medal is a medal, as exhibited by your previous posts. That's one of the reasons I quote them is so that people don't have to scroll up the thread to see what I'm talking about. Most people don't take time to buy the medal? If they don't, then they are out of uniform when called to wear full dress uniform, since they are supposed to have ALL their awards. If they are stupid enough to wear the ribbon on one side and not have the medal, like I said, they are out of uniform if they are in full dress, as they should have the NDSM mounted with their other medals, and no ribbon on the ribbon side. And posting a link to the AAFES site for buying one doesn't prove that it's a ribbon or a medal, just that you can buy the ribbon. Like I said, it's actually a medal award, but, like I've said before, you should have known that. I know it was a costly pain in the ass every time I got another medal, because that meant I had to go and get them remounted with the newly awarded medal. And, it ain't cheap to get medals mounted if you have more than 3 of them. And, I don't have to call Ft. Bragg................I'm pretty sure they have a copy of the Uniform Regulations which shows how to display medals and ribbons properly, as when a person is supposed to wear them and whether or not they are a ribbon only or a medal.
Ok you two men. Y'all both served, and thank you for that. you think our military right now, this minute, is the same as it was when you both served?
I was talking to a guy who's going to be doing my roof this week, and he said the military has changed dramatically since Biden took over. He just ETS's recently.

But I'm sure sailor boy will tell you a bunch of "THERE I WAS....KNEE DEEP IN HAND GRENADE PINS" stories about floating miles off the coast of a war zone on a Navy ship....and never being trusted to carry a gun in combat much less carry frags into battle.
I was talking to a guy who's going to be doing my roof this week, and he said the military has changed dramatically since Biden took over. He just ETS's recently.

But I'm sure sailor boy will tell you a bunch of "THERE I WAS....KNEE DEEP IN HAND GRENADE PINS" stories about floating miles off the coast of a war zone on a Navy ship....and never being trusted to carry a gun in combat much less carry frags into battle.

Never been knee deep in hand grenade pins, matter of fact, never had to qualify or even throw one. As far as never being trusted to carry a gun in combat? Never pounded the ground in a war or conflict zone, but the Navy did see fit to have me carry around a 45, and then later a 9mm when we transitioned to them when I was on Security Force in Newport RI. Even had live ammo!
You obviously don't know that the National Defense Service Medal is a medal, as exhibited by your previous posts. That's one of the reasons I quote them is so that people don't have to scroll up the thread to see what I'm talking about. Most people don't take time to buy the medal? If they don't, then they are out of uniform when called to wear full dress uniform, since they are supposed to have ALL their awards. If they are stupid enough to wear the ribbon on one side and not have the medal, like I said, they are out of uniform if they are in full dress, as they should have the NDSM mounted with their other medals, and no ribbon on the ribbon side. And posting a link to the AAFES site for buying one doesn't prove that it's a ribbon or a medal, just that you can buy the ribbon. Like I said, it's actually a medal award, but, like I've said before, you should have known that. I know it was a costly pain in the ass every time I got another medal, because that meant I had to go and get them remounted with the newly awarded medal. And, it ain't cheap to get medals mounted if you have more than 3 of them. And, I don't have to call Ft. Bragg................I'm pretty sure they have a copy of the Uniform Regulations which shows how to display medals and ribbons properly, as when a person is supposed to wear them and whether or not they are a ribbon only or a medal.
Well you're wrong,.....obviously. You just want to repeat the same fucking lie hoping it's the truth. You're just trying to parse words and pay attention to nitpicked details because you're so lacking in everything else.

And as long it's on your service record you can wear it. When it comes to the Army the cost isn't that much.
If you have to go up another row, then just buy it and put it on.

And you're not out of uniform if you don't wear all of your ribbons. There is no Army regulation that says you have to wear every medal or ribbon. I doubt the Navy is any different, so you probably went out of your way to wear every Gedunk ribbon they gave you. It's hard to distinguish yourself when your job is swabbing the deck and jerking off in the shower.
Never been knee deep in hand grenade pins, matter of fact, never had to qualify or even throw one. As far as never being trusted to carry a gun in combat? Never pounded the ground in a war or conflict zone, but the Navy did see fit to have me carry around a 45, and then later a 9mm when we transitioned to them when I was on Security Force in Newport RI. Even had live ammo!

You were on the security force.

How many bullets did they give you. More than 10?

One of the fucking problems with you is you take everything too fucking literally.

I was being sarcastic, you little bitch.
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I guess you forgot that the Korean and Viet Nam wars were why Top Gun was invented. The US currently has the best fighter pilots. And even if China figures out how to operate a carrier, they still have to get their pilots trained to land on what looks like a postage stamp from 3 miles out, coming in at 150 mph.
Airplanes speed is not measured in mph. It is nautical miles per hour, or knots.
Ok you two men. Y'all both served, and thank you for that. you think our military right now, this minute, is the same as it was when you both served?

You're welcome. Was my pleasure to serve, as where else can a poor dumb country boy from Montana get paid to travel and see the world? Been to 26 different countries, and 49 different states, only missing Alaska.

Do I think the military right now is the same as it was when I served? Nope, there have been many changes, lots of them have to do with the modernization of the military, because computers are used more than they ever were. Prime example of that is my job which was a Personnelman. It has now been phased out and merged with another rate (DK), and the main reason for that is computers.

Is the atmosphere and structure of the military the same? Nope. And a lot of that has to do with the way the world has changed over time. One of the things that irritated the hell out of me was finding out that recruits were given "stress cards" to show the CC (Company Commander) while in boot camp to say that they were feeling overwhelmed. IT'S BOOT CAMP, YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO GET STRESSED TO SEE HOW MUCH YOU CAN TAKE! (sorry for the yelling, but that particular change chapped my ass royally). But, I've heard that the stress cards have been phased out and things are (kinda) back to normal.

As far as gays in the military? There have always been gays in the military, and many of them were actually pretty decent servicemembers. They paid attention to detail and were pretty good at their jobs. My personal opinion is that I think it's great they can serve openly and not have to worry about being exposed and kicked out, as it used to be if it was even hinted that a person was gay, they were discharged immediately. If a gay person wants to serve, can follow all the rules and regs and conduct themselves with proper military bearing, yeah, be my guest, as we always need qualified people to serve. As far as the transexuals? Not sure about that, as I retired before they started to show up. But, if they are qualified, can follow the rules and conduct themselves with proper military bearing? Why not? Only 30 percent of the American population that is age eligible is qualified to join, so if they are qualified, let them serve.
You're welcome. Was my pleasure to serve, as where else can a poor dumb country boy from Montana get paid to travel and see the world? Been to 26 different countries, and 49 different states, only missing Alaska.

Do I think the military right now is the same as it was when I served? Nope, there have been many changes, lots of them have to do with the modernization of the military, because computers are used more than they ever were. Prime example of that is my job which was a Personnelman. It has now been phased out and merged with another rate (DK), and the main reason for that is computers.

Is the atmosphere and structure of the military the same? Nope. And a lot of that has to do with the way the world has changed over time. One of the things that irritated the hell out of me was finding out that recruits were given "stress cards" to show the CC (Company Commander) while in boot camp to say that they were feeling overwhelmed. IT'S BOOT CAMP, YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO GET STRESSED TO SEE HOW MUCH YOU CAN TAKE! (sorry for the yelling, but that particular change chapped my ass royally). But, I've heard that the stress cards have been phased out and things are (kinda) back to normal.

As far as gays in the military? There have always been gays in the military, and many of them were actually pretty decent servicemembers. They paid attention to detail and were pretty good at their jobs. My personal opinion is that I think it's great they can serve openly and not have to worry about being exposed and kicked out, as it used to be if it was even hinted that a person was gay, they were discharged immediately. If a gay person wants to serve, can follow all the rules and regs and conduct themselves with proper military bearing, yeah, be my guest, as we always need qualified people to serve. As far as the transexuals? Not sure about that, as I retired before they started to show up. But, if they are qualified, can follow the rules and conduct themselves with proper military bearing? Why not? Only 30 percent of the American population that is age eligible is qualified to join, so if they are qualified, let them serve.

You're from MONTANA....?

I was born in Missoula....and being from MT doesn't make one automatically a country boy.

You're from MONTANA....?

I was born in Missoula....and being from MT doesn't make one automatically a country boy.

You're right, especially if you live in one of the large population centers like Great Falls, Missoula, Bozeman, etc. But, I never lived in large population areas, and grew up hunting (that, in addition to the cow we raised were our primary sources of meat. Also included chickens that we raised), fishing, and spent most of my time in the woods growing up. Was born in Great Falls, but my school years were in places like Libby, Vaughn, and Frenchtown (being from Missoula, you should know that place). Spent a lot time camping, as well as cross country skiing through the woods and mountains. You could drop me off in the middle of nowhere with just a knife, a hook and a bit of line, and the clothes on my back, pick me up a week later, and I'd be happy and well fed.
You're right, especially if you live in one of the large population centers like Great Falls, Missoula, Bozeman, etc. But, I never lived in large population areas, and grew up hunting (that, in addition to the cow we raised were our primary sources of meat. Also included chickens that we raised), fishing, and spent most of my time in the woods growing up. Was born in Great Falls, but my school years were in places like Libby, Vaughn, and Frenchtown (being from Missoula, you should know that place). Spent a lot time camping, as well as cross country skiing through the woods and mountains. You could drop me off in the middle of nowhere with just a knife, a hook and a bit of line, and the clothes on my back, pick me up a week later, and I'd be happy and well fed.
Great Falls is bigger than Missoula. We usually liked going to that mall they had there....with the inside area you could drive a truck thru. Missoula didn't build a mall till the 80s.
When our team played the Bison we usually got a chance to check it out. Cold as balls every time I went. I went to Sentinel H.S. and graduated in 74'. Joined the Navy with a buddy in October of that year when I turned 18.
Libby is where my Uncle Howard lived. The Lodge Pole Pines were so close together I wondered how deer could get through. We would drive up to the Canadian border to pick Huckleberries every year when I was a kid.

When I went through survival school in NC they let us have a knife and a couple of ponchos....but no fishing gear. They went through our shit to make sure we didn't have any.
3 weeks and the only thing I had to eat was a live chicken. The area we had to stay was secluded but picked clean of herbs and other things you could eat from the previous classes. No chives or wild onions.
See? When not bickering, ya both have much in common.

Anyway...thank you both for answering my question...and again, for your service. BOTH of you.
I thought all naval personnel were trained as firefighters since World War Two? And it is not "CMA" (Congressional Medal of Honor) anyway isn't it? But simply "Medal of Honor"
To most servicemen, that blue ribbon with white stars in referred to as either THE MEDAL, or the CMH. Few servicemen are ever privileged to meet a CMH awardee.

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