Is our military as mighty as it once was?

I'm not an expert on the PLA, but from what I know, nothing you said is correct. The modern PLA soldier is a pampered prince nothing like the battle hardened troops o the Korean War. The Chinese are not innovators, they are thieves and copiers.
Prove what I said is not true. Their kids study all the time. THEY all study all the time. Don't underestimate Xi's plans and motivation. Or do you want to test their capabilities? I sure don't.
Military spending doesn't always mean you're bigger and better.
It depends on what you spend it on.
If you spend alot of it on buildings and gender studies then you're not going to improve your readiness.
In our case, it does

No nation on earth has the global military reach of the US
Please post what percentage of the military budget goes for gender studies
Prove what I said is not true. Their kids study all the time. THEY all study all the time. Don't underestimate Xi's plans and motivation. Or do you want to test their capabilities? I sure don't.
They used to say the same thing about the Japanese
And that's the problem

We spend far too much of our money propping up the militaries of Europe

We do spend far too much money propping up the entire world
We are the worlds policeman. We can’t find money for healthcare, education and modern infrastructure but we always find the money to engage in conflicts on the other side of the world

A case of priorities
We did have the most powerful military that the world had ever seen. Then the purges started. The mandatory vaccine got rid of tens of thousands. Those suspected of white rage got rid of many many more. Anyone not embracing trans and gay went out. Then the changes in training. Physical fitness is too hard. It went. No more war college or team work training. Critical race theory and gender identity are more important than shooting. The military is now taught social emotional learning.

We did have the most powerful military the world had ever seen. So did Rome, until it didn't any more.
You guys said the same thing when they allowed “negroes” to integrate
Then you said the same thing when they expanded the role of women.
I think the only purpose behind the vaccine mandates was political, to help Biden and the democrats with their agenda. Not so sure they want to destroy our military, they just want to spend much of the defense appropriations somewhere else and they really don't care about our military capabilities.
The purpose was to maintain military readiness
Just like any other vaccine
Comparing us vs the rest of the major we still have the lead in "mighty"? Some years back, yes. I'd believe so. Now? Not so sure. What are your thoughts?
Our Navy alone could flatten any major city anywhere in the world. It would be powder.
When you look at pure numbers of China's Navy... yuo might think their Navy is stronger than ours.
It is not. The majority of their fleet is many decades old. It is known that a number of their ships haven't been out of port for a few decades.
The U.S. Navy is ultra modern.
The hellfire fury is the nuclear submarines. If these subs unleased their full potential, they could literally turn most of Hong Kong into dust. 100s of miles away.
In our case, it does

No nation on earth has the global military reach of the US
Please post what percentage of the military budget goes for gender studies
Fuck you.
You must think every Pentagon project is online for people to read.

I have a suggestion....find out for yourself.
Having worked for decades for the government I saw the changes of facilities and attended their project meetings.
But some of the stuff they're doing doesn't spell out in detail what their ultimate goal is.
You put a communist in the White House you can pretty much figure out what the goal is.
Fuck you.
You must think every Pentagon project is online for people to read.

I have a suggestion....find out for yourself.
Having worked for decades for the government I saw the changes of facilities and attended their project meetings.
But some of the stuff they're doing doesn't spell out in detail what their ultimate goal is.
You put a communist in the White House you can pretty much figure out what the goal is.
Come on Skippy

Show your math
Show how much the military spends on gender studies and compare to the cost of a new carrier
Well, China has 3 carriers, one of which they just now put in commission. The US has 11, of which they have had for a while. The US knows how to run carrier operations quite well, as we've had many years of practice to learn and improve our skills. China is just now getting started, meaning they have very little experience.

The US has nuclear powered carriers, as well as other ships that are nuclear powered. China has diesel powered ships. Diesel cannot run as long or as far as nuclear powered, and the US also has the ability (as well as the experience) of at sea replenishment, much more than China does.

The US also has better tech (although other nations are working on catching up to us), but we still have the edge there as well.

Yep, the US is still the top dog when it comes to military.
Russia has one carrier, the Admiral Kuznetzov. They should turn it into a ski jump (it is, actually)
Always docked for repair. A real POS and some say it's cursed.

Anyone who doubts the US military's capability/superiority is a fool.
I'm not an expert on the PLA, but from what I know, nothing you said is correct. The modern PLA soldier is a pampered prince nothing like the battle hardened troops o the Korean War. The Chinese are not innovators, they are thieves and copiers.
"The Chinese are not innovators, they are thieves and copiers"

They have a habit of displaying cosmetic appealing equipment also.
Come on Skippy

Show your math
Show how much the military spends on gender studies and compare to the cost of a new carrier
Commies like you like to play dumb all of the time. Clearly you're one of those fucking literalists who can't read between the fucking lines.

I wonder how much it costs for the military to teach CRT and the proper use of pronouns in all of their slideshows at all levels of the military.
I haven't been in the Navy since 79'....and we had to stop doing UNREPs during the day because the Russians kept trying to figure out how we were doing it.
The Chinese always learn how to do things by copying or reverse-engineering everything.

Not for nothing, but you said that the last time you were active duty Navy was back in 1979. That is a long time ago dude, and there have been MANY changes over the years. I joined in 1982, and retired in 2002, and just over those 20 years, I saw many changes. Some were even changed to one thing, and then changed back because the Navy saw they didn't work. So, I'm a little curious as to how much you really know about what happens to people on active duty.

Fuck you.
You must think every Pentagon project is online for people to read.

I have a suggestion....find out for yourself.
Having worked for decades for the government I saw the changes of facilities and attended their project meetings.
But some of the stuff they're doing doesn't spell out in detail what their ultimate goal is.
You put a communist in the White House you can pretty much figure out what the goal is.

Again, the last time you were active duty, you said it was back in 1979. And, while you might have been lucky enough to land a job consulting with the military in some way, chances are, that as a civilian contractor, you never went to most of the training that active duty participates in. Especially stuff like Navy Rights and Responsibilities (1 week of training held every year), or the Leadership courses (again, 1 or 2 week courses that a person had to attend when they were advanced to the next higher rank) where they might talk a little bit about what you say are the policy changes.

I know that I haven't been active duty since 2002, and there are a VAST amount of changes that have happened, and I can't keep up with all of them because I don't live in that culture any longer. One of the things that I thought was a major change which would never happen was the phasing out of certain rates and the large change to my own. PN's no longer exist, as they are now PS's, and their job is now a combination of DK, YN, and PN. I think that DK's and YN's have been phased out, but a large part of the reason that happened was because of all the computer programs that have been created to make life a bit easier on the troops. What policy changes are you specifically talking about?

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