Is Officer Wilson Expendable?

The depths you will stoop to in order to defend a criminal are truly astounding

Well, I'd say that fact you'd put the value of Cigars above a young man's life to be astounding, but we've already established you're a selfish asshole.

You tell young black men their lives have no value, you develop a generation of nihilists.
I don't care what color a criminal's skin is.

Face it Brown was a criminal. he stole, he assaulted a man half his size then he assaulted a cop. And those are only the crimes we know about. A person who will do those things has committed crimes before and would have committed more crimes in the future

He and he alone is responsible for getting himself dead.

Stealing cigars is not a death penalty offense, and if this cop can't handled an unarmed suspect without shooting him, he shouldn't be a cop.

Yeah I'm sure you'd just Chuck Norris any 6' 4 300 lb guy bearing down on you with the intent to cause bodily harm. After you shit your pants that is.
And how is this relvent to Officer Wilson shooting Brown six times, pausing, and firing four more times?
It's not.

They are different situations. It's not about some massive injustice that's going on in America. It means that there are some really fucked up people that do some fucked up things and it doesn't mean Whites are out to murder Blacks. Blacks just seem to bring alot of this stuff onto themselves. However, why a kid becomes a murderer is usually because he has issues that haven't been addressed. Of course there's always the possibility that nothing can be done about it.

Blacks bring a lot of this stuff on themselves? Really?

400 years of slavery, Jim Crow and systematic discrimination had nothing do to with that, eh?
Slavery ended in 1865. Jim Crow was overturned 50 years ago. Don't you think its time they got over it? Especially the ones that were born after 1990?
And how is this relvent to Officer Wilson shooting Brown six times, pausing, and firing four more times?
It's not.

They are different situations. It's not about some massive injustice that's going on in America. It means that there are some really fucked up people that do some fucked up things and it doesn't mean Whites are out to murder Blacks. Blacks just seem to bring alot of this stuff onto themselves. However, why a kid becomes a murderer is usually because he has issues that haven't been addressed. Of course there's always the possibility that nothing can be done about it.

Blacks bring a lot of this stuff on themselves? Really?

400 years of slavery, Jim Crow and systematic discrimination had nothing do to with that, eh?
Slavery ended in 1865. Jim Crow was overturned 50 years ago. Don't you think its time they got over it? Especially the ones that were born after 1990?

Uh, no. When Jamal Washington can send out a resume and get as many call backs as John Smith, then maybe, maybe they can be over it.

Yeah I'm sure you'd just Chuck Norris any 6' 4 300 lb guy bearing down on you with the intent to cause bodily harm. After you shit your pants that is.

Well, if he couldn't handle the 300 lbs guy, MAYBE he shouldn't have confronted him in the middle of the street and try to force him into his car. Maybe, and I'm just spitballing here, he could have waited for backup before making that arrest for Grand Theft Cigar.

Yeah I'm sure you'd just Chuck Norris any 6' 4 300 lb guy bearing down on you with the intent to cause bodily harm. After you shit your pants that is.

Well, if he couldn't handle the 300 lbs guy, MAYBE he shouldn't have confronted him in the middle of the street and try to force him into his car. Maybe, and I'm just spitballing here, he could have waited for backup before making that arrest for Grand Theft Cigar.
he didn't confront him he asked him to get his ass out of the middle of the street.

But then again you'd probably think the cop was at fault if Brown got his criminal ass flattened by a bus because the cop didn't get him out of the street fast enough

Yeah I'm sure you'd just Chuck Norris any 6' 4 300 lb guy bearing down on you with the intent to cause bodily harm. After you shit your pants that is.

Well, if he couldn't handle the 300 lbs guy, MAYBE he shouldn't have confronted him in the middle of the street and try to force him into his car. Maybe, and I'm just spitballing here, he could have waited for backup before making that arrest for Grand Theft Cigar.
You're always spitballing.

Used to be your silliness was amusing. Now it's just boring.

Yeah I'm sure you'd just Chuck Norris any 6' 4 300 lb guy bearing down on you with the intent to cause bodily harm. After you shit your pants that is.

Well, if he couldn't handle the 300 lbs guy, MAYBE he shouldn't have confronted him in the middle of the street and try to force him into his car. Maybe, and I'm just spitballing here, he could have waited for backup before making that arrest for Grand Theft Cigar.
You're always spitballing.

Used to be your silliness was amusing. Now it's just boring.

Duly noted you couldn't answer the point.

Why start a confrontation if you couldn't handle it?

I mean, picking a fight with a bigger tougher guy might work in a bar if you are drunk enough, but it's not a good law enforcement technique.

Naw, we should just shoot the kid for jaywalking.

Yeah I'm sure you'd just Chuck Norris any 6' 4 300 lb guy bearing down on you with the intent to cause bodily harm. After you shit your pants that is.

Well, if he couldn't handle the 300 lbs guy, MAYBE he shouldn't have confronted him in the middle of the street and try to force him into his car. Maybe, and I'm just spitballing here, he could have waited for backup before making that arrest for Grand Theft Cigar.
You're always spitballing.

Used to be your silliness was amusing. Now it's just boring.

Duly noted you couldn't answer the point.

Why start a confrontation if you couldn't handle it?

I mean, picking a fight with a bigger tougher guy might work in a bar if you are drunk enough, but it's not a good law enforcement technique.

Naw, we should just shoot the kid for jaywalking.

He COULD handle it. That's why cops carry guns. And other tools, for violent people who are bigger. Had "Gentle Giant" just stayed "gentle", he'd be alive today.
On one of the news shows last night I think it was Megan Kelly speaking with the black attorney for the victims. She asked if he would accept the verdict if it was self defense and he wouldn't answer except to say what if it was your child's casket you were walking behind. A poignant question but I think I would have asked the attorney what if it was your kid stealing the cigars and pushing around the store owner, what would his response have been. I don't doubt blacks have more situations to deal with than other folk but if you nurture a culture that shows disrespect for authority and law enforcement you will have chaos, and that is what we are getting. If brown walked the straight and narrow because if his dad found out about the cigars he would get a royal ass whipping the kid would still be alive today, but if attitude is the new normal than we will have more tragedy.

There was an article in USA today about a cop who shot a black man in Detroit in 2000. He was exonerated at trial and on appeal even though the guy he shot was slow and only had a rake in his hands. The officer says he goes over the incident thousands of times in his head and cannot come up with a different outcome, but after one year back on the force he quit not only because of his notoriety but also because he came to doubt his ability to handle,other situations like that. I suspect officer wilson will meet the same fate.
If you need a gun to handle a jaywalker, you should probably be doing something else for a living.
What Joey is saying is that Officer Wilson is expendable because Brown's life is more important.
I just saw a video of a female police officer getting beat nearly to death by a parole who was pulled over for speeding.

Should we get rid of every female cop just because she can't beat a 6'4" 300lb man with her bare hands now?


Obviously, she wasn't capable of handling a traffic stop.

Say it ain't so Joe.

I'm a 6'4" 230lb fella. Do we need to fire every officer who can't take me down by hand 90% of the time? 74% 51%?

Don't say 100 because I wouldn't even let some of my friends who weigh 80 lbs less than me have a free hit. Any grown man can get lucky any day I believe.

Obviously, she wasn't capable of handling a traffic stop.

Say it ain't so Joe.

I'm a 6'4" 230lb fella. Do we need to fire every officer who can't take me down by hand 90% of the time? 74% 51%?

Don't say 100 because I wouldn't even let some of my friends who weigh 80 lbs less than me have a free hit. Any grown man can get lucky any day I believe.

She lost control of that situation and lot it very quickly.

Again, if you can't address a JAYWALKER without shooting him 11 times, you've probably made a poor career choice.
If a jaywalker attacks a cop with a gun, he deserves to be shot 11 times. It's not the jaywalking that gets you shot, you know? Cops CAN handle those situations. That is precisely why they have guns and are trained to shoot people attacking them. That guy does not need to be running around loose. If one will attack an armed officer, they will attack me without a second thought. They need to be taken in, and shot if they assault in the process IMO.
She lost control of that situation and lot it very quickly.

Again, if you can't address a JAYWALKER without shooting him 11 times, you've probably made a poor career choice.

Ditto what Tresha said. Some cops are better than others at keeping folks from getting themselves killed. I thought this was a Conservative board with folks who figured each man had respknsibility for themselves.

My point is, it is not the cop's job to make sure you don't act in a way that will get yourself shot. You are supposed to follow the laws.

If ya want to talk natural law and open rebellion I see the debate I suppose but it is a stretch to think I am responsible for you driving properly so you don't get killed. That would be like me saying "Joe, I'm gonna go rob a bank. You keep me safe now or my family will sue you when I don't come home."
She lost control of that situation and lot it very quickly.

Again, if you can't address a JAYWALKER without shooting him 11 times, you've probably made a poor career choice.

Ditto what Tresha said. Some cops are better than others at keeping folks from getting themselves killed. I thought this was a Conservative board with folks who figured each man had respknsibility for themselves.

My point is, it is not the cop's job to make sure you don't act in a way that will get yourself shot. You are supposed to follow the laws.

If ya want to talk natural law and open rebellion I see the debate I suppose but it is a stretch to think I am responsible for you driving properly so you don't get killed. That would be like me saying "Joe, I'm gonna go rob a bank. You keep me safe now or my family will sue you when I don't come home."

I wasn't aware this was a "Conservative Board". I thought this was a far mix of views. If you want to go to a board where you never hear a contrary opinion , maybe Townhall would be more to your liking. Or Stormfront.

You should not shoot a kid because he was jaywalking. Or even if he stole some cigars.

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