Is Obama a liar?

I knew the 100 Billion Dollar green energy plan was a lie in 2008, we were already in a depression in 2009 that Obama caused, how would he expect millions of americans to buy those solar panels with a decrappitiating real estate market and 15% unemployment?
It's hard to take someone who thinks Obama caused the recession seriously.

Those of us who were alive at the time (and in contact with reality) remember it differently.

OK so it wasn't obama. It was Reid and Pelosi. Before you start on me with another history lesson, think about the economy in 2006. Think about the housing market, the stock market, unemployment and come back and tell me who owns the economy.

Umm, by 2006, the housing bubble began to decline, on it's way to collapse in 2008. What was needed was oversight of the GSE's -- Republicans, who controlled the House, Senate, and White House at the time, failed to pass any.
The economy could have sprung back in 2009.

Obama ground it under his heel.

Now we have the new normal where hundreds of thousands of people -- or is it in the millions? -- aren't counted as unemployed because they just gave up looking. And people lose their jobs because of Obamacare and are told it's okay because now they can sign up for welfare.

And additionally, we will now experience the death of the 40 hour work week. Part timers will have jobs.
Highschool friend turns on Lying Obama

Added by Bill Bissell, Admin II on November 7, 2013 at 10:42am​

Mia Marie Pope Ousts Barack Obama as a Foreigner on the Manning Report - YouTube

Mia Marie Pope, who was a high school friend of Barack Obama (aka Barry Soetoro) in Hawaii during the 1970s, says that Obama identified himself as a foreigner in high school and was known as a crack-smoking homosexual.

Highschool friend turns on Lying Obama - Patriot Action Network


Obama has the credibility of Bernie Madoff and Jessie Jackson.. anything is possible with our Liar and Chief..
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It's hard to take someone who thinks Obama caused the recession seriously.

Those of us who were alive at the time (and in contact with reality) remember it differently.

OK so it wasn't obama. It was Reid and Pelosi. Before you start on me with another history lesson, think about the economy in 2006. Think about the housing market, the stock market, unemployment and come back and tell me who owns the economy.

Umm, by 2006, the housing bubble began to decline, on it's way to collapse in 2008. What was needed was oversight of the GSE's -- Republicans, who controlled the House, Senate, and White House at the time, failed to pass any.

Both the House and the senate went to Democratic majorities in 2006. The President issued 27 requests for the Congress to deal with the dangerous situation he knew was developing. Chris Dodd and Barney Frank refused and continued to insist that Fannie and Freddie were just fine and no adustment or new regulation was needed.

But our fearless leader and his loyal subjects are all too eager to tell lies about that too.

[ame=]Nancy Pelosi, Barney Frank, and Democrats are Clueless on Freddie Mac Fannie Mae and the financial credit crisis. - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Barney Frank Freddie Fannie Flip - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Peter Schiff Vs. Chris Dodd - Fannie and Freddie - YouTube[/ame]
Highschool friend turns on Lying Obama

Added by Bill Bissell, Admin II on November 7, 2013 at 10:42am​

Mia Marie Pope Ousts Barack Obama as a Foreigner on the Manning Report - YouTube

Mia Marie Pope, who was a high school friend of Barack Obama (aka Barry Soetoro) in Hawaii during the 1970s, says that Obama identified himself as a foreigner in high school and was known as a crack-smoking homosexual.

Highschool friend turns on Lying Obama - Patriot Action Network


Seems there is someone who new "his highness" that they forgot to silence down.

Truth or not, this lady tells interesting story...

He said himself he was crackhead, I learned he is liar on my own... but sausage jockey? :confused: :confused: :confused:
Ame®icano;8116623 said:
Highschool friend turns on Lying Obama

Added by Bill Bissell, Admin II on November 7, 2013 at 10:42am​

Mia Marie Pope Ousts Barack Obama as a Foreigner on the Manning Report - YouTube

Mia Marie Pope, who was a high school friend of Barack Obama (aka Barry Soetoro) in Hawaii during the 1970s, says that Obama identified himself as a foreigner in high school and was known as a crack-smoking homosexual.

Highschool friend turns on Lying Obama - Patriot Action Network


Seems there is someone who new "his highness" that they forgot to silence down.

Truth or not, this lady tells interesting story...

He said himself he was crackhead, I learned he is liar on my own... but sausage jockey? :confused: :confused: :confused:


Who knows what happens on crack???
Are there any crack addicts here to let us know...:confused:
It's hard to take someone who thinks Obama caused the recession seriously.

Those of us who were alive at the time (and in contact with reality) remember it differently.

OK so it wasn't obama. It was Reid and Pelosi. Before you start on me with another history lesson, think about the economy in 2006. Think about the housing market, the stock market, unemployment and come back and tell me who owns the economy.

Umm, by 2006, the housing bubble began to decline, on it's way to collapse in 2008. What was needed was oversight of the GSE's -- Republicans, who controlled the House, Senate, and White House at the time, failed to pass any.
I thought your messiah was gonna fix everything. He had a super majority in the Senate and a lopsided majority in the House for the first two years of his presidency and he got EVERYTHING he wanted. He would have turned it all around if he had any leadership ability. Either he is a complete incompetent or he's a damn liar who never intended to "fix" anything. Those of us with a brain know it is the latter, don't we?
It's hard to take someone who thinks Obama caused the recession seriously.

Those of us who were alive at the time (and in contact with reality) remember it differently.

OK so it wasn't obama. It was Reid and Pelosi. Before you start on me with another history lesson, think about the economy in 2006. Think about the housing market, the stock market, unemployment and come back and tell me who owns the economy.

Umm, by 2006, the housing bubble began to decline, on it's way to collapse in 2008. What was needed was oversight of the GSE's -- Republicans, who controlled the House, Senate, and White House at the time, failed to pass any.

Whoops. The Democrats held both the House and the Senate from 2007-2011 or the 110th and 111th Congress. That burden was on their shoulders, not Republicans. So many squandered opportunities... and yet all they did was pass the worst law in American history, a proven failure, Obamacare. They did nothing to address the housing bubble.
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haven't read the thread yet, even the op, just by title, my initial response is, "Is the Pope Catholic?"
OK so it wasn't obama. It was Reid and Pelosi. Before you start on me with another history lesson, think about the economy in 2006. Think about the housing market, the stock market, unemployment and come back and tell me who owns the economy.

Umm, by 2006, the housing bubble began to decline, on it's way to collapse in 2008. What was needed was oversight of the GSE's -- Republicans, who controlled the House, Senate, and White House at the time, failed to pass any.

Both the House and the senate went to Democratic majorities in 2006. The President issued 27 requests for the Congress to deal with the dangerous situation he knew was developing. Chris Dodd and Barney Frank refused and continued to insist that Fannie and Freddie were just fine and no adustment or new regulation was needed.

But our fearless leader and his loyal subjects are all too eager to tell lies about that too.

[ame=]Nancy Pelosi, Barney Frank, and Democrats are Clueless on Freddie Mac Fannie Mae and the financial credit crisis. - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Barney Frank Freddie Fannie Flip - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Peter Schiff Vs. Chris Dodd - Fannie and Freddie - YouTube[/ame]

Allow me to correct your mistakes ...

Democrats took over in 2007. By 2007, the damage was done. By 2007, the housing market was already dropping like a rock and foreclosures were already rising rapidly. The time to take action was years earlier.

And your talking points about Frank and Dodd are duly noted, however, they were in the minority party and did nothing to prevent the majority party from passing oversight of the GSE's. Despite Democrats being completely wrong on the issue, Frank and Dodd ultimately represented nothing but two votes against oversight.

Majority party Republicans were in charge ... Majority party Republicans had 3 bills introduced in Congress to address the problem ... Majority party Republicans passed zero bills to add oversight of the GSE's. None of the 3 bills were filibustered. All 3 bills died because they were crappy bills which didn't actually address the problem.
OK so it wasn't obama. It was Reid and Pelosi. Before you start on me with another history lesson, think about the economy in 2006. Think about the housing market, the stock market, unemployment and come back and tell me who owns the economy.

Umm, by 2006, the housing bubble began to decline, on it's way to collapse in 2008. What was needed was oversight of the GSE's -- Republicans, who controlled the House, Senate, and White House at the time, failed to pass any.
I thought your messiah was gonna fix everything. He had a super majority in the Senate and a lopsided majority in the House for the first two years of his presidency and he got EVERYTHING he wanted. He would have turned it all around if he had any leadership ability. Either he is a complete incompetent or he's a damn liar who never intended to "fix" anything. Those of us with a brain know it is the latter, don't we?

And here were the results of those two years ...

Unemployment went from losing 793,000 jobs in January, 2009, to gaining 362,000 jobs in January, 2011.

GDP went from dropping 8.3% in the 4th quarter of 2008, to rising 2.8% in the 4th quarter of 2010.

The DJIA went from 8,300 in January, 2009, to 11,800 in January, 2011. NASDAQ went from 1,500 in January, 2009, to 2,700 in January, 2011. And the S&P500 went from 850 in January, 2009, to 1,280 in January, 2011.

Not too shabby for someone who took over the worst economy any president inherited since FDR took over a failed economy given to him by Hoover.
OK so it wasn't obama. It was Reid and Pelosi. Before you start on me with another history lesson, think about the economy in 2006. Think about the housing market, the stock market, unemployment and come back and tell me who owns the economy.

Umm, by 2006, the housing bubble began to decline, on it's way to collapse in 2008. What was needed was oversight of the GSE's -- Republicans, who controlled the House, Senate, and White House at the time, failed to pass any.

Whoops. The Democrats held both the House and the Senate from 2007-2011 or the 110th and 111th Congress. That burden was on their shoulders, not Republicans. So many squandered opportunities... and yet all they did was pass the worst law in American history, a proven failure, Obamacare. They did nothing to address the housing bubble.

And in their second year, Democrats got a bill with oversight to the president's desk. Something Republicans failed to do in all the years before then when they were in charge. The problem was, by then, it was too late. That action needed to occur by 2005. By 2006, the cookie had already begun to crumble. By 2007, collapse was already unavoidable. By 2008, the housing markets and credit markets were in complete free fall.
I knew impeachment would come up...I credit the neanderthals for waiting so long (48 hours) before getting to the point where you always go.
Having 'fessed up makes Obama a pathological liar.

"And I am sorry that they-- you know, are finding themselves in this situation, based on assurances they got from me. "

No, Mr. Obama, they're not finding themselves in this situation based on assurances they got from you. They're finding themselves in this situation in spite of assurances they got from you. Assurances which you made after you or your team decided it was better for you to lie about the restrictions your team put into the law, because they or you decided if you told the truth it would be damaging to your agenda.

Can you EVER tell the truth? EVER?!!!

Worthy of a bump.
Umm, by 2006, the housing bubble began to decline, on it's way to collapse in 2008. What was needed was oversight of the GSE's -- Republicans, who controlled the House, Senate, and White House at the time, failed to pass any.

Both the House and the senate went to Democratic majorities in 2006. The President issued 27 requests for the Congress to deal with the dangerous situation he knew was developing. Chris Dodd and Barney Frank refused and continued to insist that Fannie and Freddie were just fine and no adustment or new regulation was needed.

But our fearless leader and his loyal subjects are all too eager to tell lies about that too.

[ame=]Nancy Pelosi, Barney Frank, and Democrats are Clueless on Freddie Mac Fannie Mae and the financial credit crisis. - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Barney Frank Freddie Fannie Flip - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Peter Schiff Vs. Chris Dodd - Fannie and Freddie - YouTube[/ame]

Allow me to correct your mistakes ...

Democrats took over in 2007. By 2007, the damage was done. By 2007, the housing market was already dropping like a rock and foreclosures were already rising rapidly. The time to take action was years earlier.

And your talking points about Frank and Dodd are duly noted, however, they were in the minority party and did nothing to prevent the majority party from passing oversight of the GSE's. Despite Democrats being completely wrong on the issue, Frank and Dodd ultimately represented nothing but two votes against oversight.

Majority party Republicans were in charge ... Majority party Republicans had 3 bills introduced in Congress to address the problem ... Majority party Republicans passed zero bills to add oversight of the GSE's. None of the 3 bills were filibustered. All 3 bills died because they were crappy bills which didn't actually address the problem.

So why didn't the Democrats remedy that immediately when they obtained power in January 2007? Please point to a single Democratic bill even offered to address the situation even as Pelosi, Dodd, and Frank were proclaiming in front of every microphone they could get in front of that the housing market was just fine - Freddie and Fannie were just fine - the banking regulations in place were just fine? Show me a single Democrat who voted for any of those Republican bills intended to address some of the problems.

Show me Senator's Barack Obama's vote to address some of the problem. (Clue: he either voted nay with the Democrats or, more typically, didn't vote.)

But of course he commissions his shills to blame it all on the Republicans. Yep those eeeeeeeeeevul Republicans did this all to us single handedly. Because they refused to fix the bad laws the Democrats put into place, the GOP is totally to blame and the Democrats are pure as the driven snow.

Just ask our fearless leader. Who even now won't admit that Obamacare is terrible law and is hurting people. And the Democrats who could TODAY agree to put this turkey back on the shelf will not consent to do that lest the GOP get some credit for wanting to do the right thing.

The President's 'apology' comes up really empty when he won't admit he didn't realize how bad it was going to be, that he didn't fully understand the consequences, and he is unwilling to back off what is obviously terrible law. And because we all know it resulting from that meeting with Democrats this week who no doubt demanded he do something because they are terrified that they are going to get the blame for this entire fiasco as no Republicans voted for it. And they should.
I knew impeachment would come up...I credit the neanderthals for waiting so long (48 hours) before getting to the point where you always go.

I agree with you on this. People knew Obama was a liar if they paid attention when they elected him. And even if you give them the benefit of the doubt, his re-election was a lie campaign on a lie first term.

The problem is the voter. Until they man up to taking personal responsibility and they believe shallow liars like Obama because they are still telling them what they want to hear, impeaching Obama would only be addressing a symptom.
Unemployment went from losing 793,000 jobs in January, 2009, to gaining 362,000 jobs in January, 2011.

We have fewer employed Americans than the day he took office, and the country has grown. Only a liberal would view persuading people that giving up finding work because things are so bad is a good thing. And of course you only think that when a liberal is in office.
It's hard to take someone who thinks Obama caused the recession seriously.

Those of us who were alive at the time (and in contact with reality) remember it differently.

OK so it wasn't obama. It was Reid and Pelosi. Before you start on me with another history lesson, think about the economy in 2006. Think about the housing market, the stock market, unemployment and come back and tell me who owns the economy.

Umm, by 2006, the housing bubble began to decline, on it's way to collapse in 2008. What was needed was oversight of the GSE's -- Republicans, who controlled the House, Senate, and White House at the time, failed to pass any.

Uh No. It was late 07 before, at least the Northeast saw any housing price retreat. I bought a house in CT in late 03 and sold it in January of 07 and realized a 35% profit.
By mid 07 when it was clear that the shit was about to hit the fan, pelosi/reid were in charge and barney frank insisted the GSE's were in great shape.
OK so it wasn't obama. It was Reid and Pelosi. Before you start on me with another history lesson, think about the economy in 2006. Think about the housing market, the stock market, unemployment and come back and tell me who owns the economy.

Umm, by 2006, the housing bubble began to decline, on it's way to collapse in 2008. What was needed was oversight of the GSE's -- Republicans, who controlled the House, Senate, and White House at the time, failed to pass any.

Both the House and the senate went to Democratic majorities in 2006. The President issued 27 requests for the Congress to deal with the dangerous situation he knew was developing. Chris Dodd and Barney Frank refused and continued to insist that Fannie and Freddie were just fine and no adustment or new regulation was needed.

But our fearless leader and his loyal subjects are all too eager to tell lies about that too.

[ame=]Nancy Pelosi, Barney Frank, and Democrats are Clueless on Freddie Mac Fannie Mae and the financial credit crisis. - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Barney Frank Freddie Fannie Flip - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Peter Schiff Vs. Chris Dodd - Fannie and Freddie - YouTube[/ame]

Our friend Fawn only believes what he is told to believe.

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