Is measles eradication through vaccination a realistic goal


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Is Measles Eradication Through Vaccination a Realistic Goal? | The Liberty Beacon

When the U.S. launched measles vaccination in the 1960s, facilitated by generous federal funding, there were experts who questioned the need for a vaccine, given the low and falling measles morbidity rate and the greater than 98% decline in mortality since 1900. In March 1963 the first two measles vaccines were approved for use in the United States: a live vaccine produced by Merck (Rubeovax) and a formalin-inactivated one produced by Pfizer (Pfizer-Vax Measles–K).

Is Measles Eradication Through Vaccination a Realistic Goal?

When you are weak you take a pill and vaccine for everything thinking wow i'm going to stay healthy and fit lmfao you dumb SOB's haven't got a clue even when it's told to you shown to you etc.......
Is Measles Eradication Through Vaccination a Realistic Goal? | The Liberty Beacon

When the U.S. launched measles vaccination in the 1960s, facilitated by generous federal funding, there were experts who questioned the need for a vaccine, given the low and falling measles morbidity rate and the greater than 98% decline in mortality since 1900. In March 1963 the first two measles vaccines were approved for use in the United States: a live vaccine produced by Merck (Rubeovax) and a formalin-inactivated one produced by Pfizer (Pfizer-Vax Measles–K).

Is Measles Eradication Through Vaccination a Realistic Goal?

When you are weak you take a pill and vaccine for everything thinking wow i'm going to stay healthy and fit lmfao you dumb SOB's haven't got a clue even when it's told to you shown to you etc.......
We eradicated small pox worldwide and there has not been a case of polio in the US since 1979.
So yes, I believe in answer to your title question, it is realistic.
Is Measles Eradication Through Vaccination a Realistic Goal? | The Liberty Beacon

When the U.S. launched measles vaccination in the 1960s, facilitated by generous federal funding, there were experts who questioned the need for a vaccine, given the low and falling measles morbidity rate and the greater than 98% decline in mortality since 1900. In March 1963 the first two measles vaccines were approved for use in the United States: a live vaccine produced by Merck (Rubeovax) and a formalin-inactivated one produced by Pfizer (Pfizer-Vax Measles–K).

Is Measles Eradication Through Vaccination a Realistic Goal?

When you are weak you take a pill and vaccine for everything thinking wow i'm going to stay healthy and fit lmfao you dumb SOB's haven't got a clue even when it's told to you shown to you etc.......

Sure, it can be achieved.

However, neither variety of measles is very serious at all, and is usually a very self-limited kind of disease. It would be better to focus the same kind of effort to eliminate heart disease or cancer.

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