Is Joe Biden losing it?


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
Joe Biden Trades Barbs With Voter in Iowa: ‘You’re a Damn Liar’

So Quid Pro Joe goes off on this Iowa voter for daring to ask questions about why his son was hired by a corrupt Ukrainian corporation for some $16 million even though he had no experience and even admitted that if his last name was not Biden he would probably not have had the job, and then Biden threatens the Ukrainian President that he better fire an investigator looking into corruption in the corporation that hired his son or else?

Not only did Quid Pro Joe call the man a damn liar, he called him a fatty.


So how many fatty's will vote for Quid Pro Joe?

Is Joe now an 80 year old tough guy now?
Was Biden screaming "Fake news!" and foaming at the mouth? Just curious.

He is and so is Pelosi, who is 79 and is trying to hide that fact behind her facelifts.

Her eyebrows are up to her hairline, FFS, and watching her talk, with the clear breaks in ability to hold a train of thought makes it obvious she is well due to pack it in. If she looked her actual age I have little doubt there would be more calls for her to move it along.....
He started as a Moron...and is suffering gradually diminishing Mental Acuity---from already being a Moron---so that's bad.

It will only get worse as a gruelling year unfolds.


I haven't made up my mind who I am pulling for as most likely to get crushed by The Donald.

1) A senile old white man, who also has heavy pay-for-play baggage;

2) A crusty old white self-proclaimed SOCIALIST;

3) A raving loon and congenital liar who got where she is by pretending to be an Indian;

4) A male homosexual who has a "husband", and by the way is an insufferable religious hypocrite;

5) A Billionaire turd ex-New York Mayor who just said it would be good to tax poor people more so they would spend less of their money on things like soft drinks.

Its the worst field this side of the cast from "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest."

I expect The Donald waits happily for any one of the five ass-clowns.

Who do you poorly-educated Bolshevik Dumb-Asses think would get beat by the least number of Electoral Votes by The Donald?

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Joe Biden Trades Barbs With Voter in Iowa: ‘You’re a Damn Liar’

So Quid Pro Joe goes off on this Iowa voter for daring to ask questions about why his son was hired by a corrupt Ukrainian corporation for some $16 million even though he had no experience and even admitted that if his last name was not Biden he would probably not have had the job, and then Biden threatens the Ukrainian President that he better fire an investigator looking into corruption in the corporation that hired his son or else?

Not only did Quid Pro Joe call the man a damn liar, he called him a fatty.


So how many fatty's will vote for Quid Pro Joe?

Is Joe now an 80 year old tough guy now?
America lost it, long ago.
Biden is CLEARLY having cognitive difficulties.

I find it astonishing he is even trying to run for president!
Well ya see......apparently the Left thinks it's ok to talk trash to the voters and still get elected...….just ask Hillary calling people deplorables. See where that got her??? Will be the same with slojo
Biden is CLEARLY having cognitive difficulties.

I find it astonishing he is even trying to run for president!
I find it astonishing he has been a fugitive of natural selection for so long. If not for his secret service detail he probably would have fallen into some machinery on a campaign stop at some manufacturing facility that managed to survive the 8 years of stagnation and economic malaise caused by him and that meat puppet faggot.

Joe Biden Trades Barbs With Voter in Iowa: ‘You’re a Damn Liar’

So Quid Pro Joe goes off on this Iowa voter for daring to ask questions about why his son was hired by a corrupt Ukrainian corporation for some $16 million even though he had no experience and even admitted that if his last name was not Biden he would probably not have had the job, and then Biden threatens the Ukrainian President that he better fire an investigator looking into corruption in the corporation that hired his son or else?

Not only did Quid Pro Joe call the man a damn liar, he called him a fatty.


So how many fatty's will vote for Quid Pro Joe?

Is Joe now an 80 year old tough guy now?

He called a guy "Fat"
You're not fat. I don't lik'em fat.

If Biden became pres, what happens when he loses his temper and yells "Damn Liar" at the president of China, North Korea, Russia, Pakistan, India, or some other country with nuclear weapons ?

This guy is a walking catastrophe. Trump's mouth is a piece of candy compared to him.

And can you believe that Biden is saying that "no one is saying" that there was corruption by his son in Ukraine ? LOL.

Joe Biden Trades Barbs With Voter in Iowa: ‘You’re a Damn Liar’

So Quid Pro Joe goes off on this Iowa voter for daring to ask questions about why his son was hired by a corrupt Ukrainian corporation for some $16 million even though he had no experience and even admitted that if his last name was not Biden he would probably not have had the job, and then Biden threatens the Ukrainian President that he better fire an investigator looking into corruption in the corporation that hired his son or else?

Not only did Quid Pro Joe call the man a damn liar, he called him a fatty.


So how many fatty's will vote for Quid Pro Joe?

Is Joe now an 80 year old tough guy now?
I think this is Biden's 4th time trying to run for President. He has never been that good at it. There is a reason he has never won a single primary. And some of those runs were back in his prime which was in Warren Speak: "Many Moons Ago!"

THE KERRY TOUCH: Latest Biden Endorsement Draws More Attention to Hunter Biden Corruption.

Biden's flailing in the early states of Iowa and New Hampshire. On Thursday, former Secretary of State John Kerry endorsed him in an effort to bolster the former VP. This endorsement, however, should remind Americans of the unsavory business practices of Biden's son and Kerry's stepson, who raked in cash while their fathers went soft on China despite its aggressive campaign to dominate the South China Sea.

"During a critical eighteen-month period of diplomatic negotiations between Washington and Beijing, the Biden and Kerry families and friends pocketed major cash from companies connected to the Chinese government," Peter Schweizer writes in his book Secret Empires: How the American Political Class Hides Corruption and Enriches Family and Friends.

Biden's drug addled son, Hunter Biden, teamed up with Chris Heinz, John Kerry's stepson. The two formed Rosemont Capital, an alternative investment firm "positioned to strike profitable deals overseas with foreign governments and officials with whom the U.S. government was negotiating."

Devon Archer, Chris Heinz's roommate at Yale and star fundraiser for John Kerry's 2004 presidential run, joined them at Rosemont. Federal agents would later arrest Archer in May 2016 for defrauding a Native American tribe in an effort to enrich a branch of Rosemont Capital, Rosemont Seneca Bohai.

When Vice President Biden went to China in December 2013 amid the South China Sea aggression, his son Hunter went with him. Hunter Biden was negotiating a major deal between Rosemont Seneca and the state-owned Bank of China. Ten days after the Bidens visited China, the Bank of China — which is embedded in a complex network with the Communist Party, and which provides capital for China's economic statecraft — created an investment fund with Rosemont Seneca called Bohai Harvest RST (BHR).

"In short, the Chinese government was literally funding a business that it co-owned along with the sons of two of America's most powerful decision makers." Rosemont Seneca received a benefit no other Western firm had in China — "a private equity cross-border investment fund formed in the Chinese government's Shanghai Free-Trade Zone."​

In July 2014, Kerry visited China. While the Chinese government had disliked Hillary Clinton's "unipolar voice," they found Kerry a much more willing ally. When President Xi Jinping called for a commitment to "boost Sino-US economic ties," Kerry echoed this call. "China and the United States represent the greatest economic alliance trading partnership in the history of humankind," he said.

Meanwhile, a former subsidiary of the Chinese government, Gemini Investments, aimed to purchase Rosemont Realty, another branch of the Rosemont Capital tree run by Hunter Biden, Chris Heinz, and Devon Archer.

Schweizer also linked the trio's business interests in China to the Middle Kingdom's theft of American military technology.

So wonder no more at why all these voices on the Left and the Deep State parrot the Chinese line on every issue. Their pockets and the pockets of their families are stuffed to the brim with the China reaps from raping the US Economy.
Joe Biden Trades Barbs With Voter in Iowa: ‘You’re a Damn Liar’

So Quid Pro Joe goes off on this Iowa voter for daring to ask questions about why his son was hired by a corrupt Ukrainian corporation for some $16 million even though he had no experience and even admitted that if his last name was not Biden he would probably not have had the job, and then Biden threatens the Ukrainian President that he better fire an investigator looking into corruption in the corporation that hired his son or else?

Not only did Quid Pro Joe call the man a damn liar, he called him a fatty.


So how many fatty's will vote for Quid Pro Joe?

Is Joe now an 80 year old tough guy now?

Biden has already lost it a long time ago.

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