Is it time to take action against Muslims

Sorry bout that,

1. I read the last link, Obama is a muslim folks, go read it yourself.
2. I will drag a portion on over for you lazy fucks!
3. LINK:Obama:

"My husband and I just came back from the Middle East. As we arrived in Cairo, going down the mechanical stairs to go to the baggage claim area, there’s this big poster which reads: “We must educate our children to become like young Egyptian people.” President of the USA, Barack Obama"


"Terrorism becomes a substitute for advancing civilization through hard work, innovation, free trade, government limitation, and religious freedom.

The only people in the United States who have time to protest in the streets — the Occupy Movement — are the disenchanted who feed on envy. Like the Islamists, they can only destroy what they can’t have. When the fires cool and their “enemies” have been defeated, what will they do to rebuild? They don’t have a worldview that works. Islamists and Occupiers are dependent on the very worldviews they work so hard to destroy.

President Obama believes that a mythical Islamic Renaissance would emerge Phoenix-like from the ashes of an Arab Spring. It will never happen."

4. Truth is truth, this is the truth.

You socialist should ask the families of the victims at Ground Zero and what about our dead and maimed soldiers, how do they feel?

I suppose you dickheads support Iran and the followers countries wanting to blow Israel off the face of the earth too.
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You're one liners are getting old fuck face.

You stick with the losers! You socialist moron.

Shutup nazi

Is ridding our Country of Muslims Nazi? Canada must be Nazi, they just forced the Iranian Ambassador out and closed the Embassy. It's Vacant!

Are you really this fucking stupid? We haven't had an Iranian embassy in the US, since they held our diplomats hostage in the '70s. Were the Iranians forced out because most of them are Muslim, or because they're dicks regarding their treatment of Canadians?

You're a fucking moron.
Shutup nazi

Is ridding our Country of Muslims Nazi? Canada must be Nazi, they just forced the Iranian Ambassador out and closed the Embassy. It's Vacant!

Are you really this fucking stupid? We haven't had an Iranian embassy in the US, since they held our diplomats hostage in the '70s. Were the Iranians forced out because most of them are Muslim, or because they're dicks regarding their treatment of Canadians?

You're a fucking moron.

You keep tryin and lyin son.

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You socialist should ask the families of the victims at Ground Zero and what about our dead and maimed soldiers, how do they feel?

I suppose you dickheads support Iran and the followers countries wanting to blow Israel off the face of the earth too.

did your mom forget to cut the crusts off your sammiches again, bunky?

is that why you're so cranky?

just put them back up at the top of the stairs with a note. :thup:
Is ridding our Country of Muslims Nazi? Canada must be Nazi, they just forced the Iranian Ambassador out and closed the Embassy. It's Vacant!

Are you really this fucking stupid? We haven't had an Iranian embassy in the US, since they held our diplomats hostage in the '70s. Were the Iranians forced out because most of them are Muslim, or because they're dicks regarding their treatment of Canadians?

You're a fucking moron.

You keep tryin and lyin son.

Hitler: David Axelrod: Obama A Leader On Immigration

no shit.

i'm sure you've never fucked in your life, moron.
The fable and fiction of this story has been explored, and the one your crazees keep repeating has been exposed.

Birfers, those who use birfers, and libertarians are loons who flock together.

You will have no role in charting America in her future.

I'm not a birther, but if a Republican had applied for aid as a foreign student and their own book stated they were born in a different country, the entire Democratic party wouldn't shut up about it ever. It wouldn't just be a fringe group in their party. Be honest at least.

That is so very true
If obama was a Republican the left would be out raged about obama's questionable past.

The thing I like about the foreign aid one is that as far as I know it's false. Remember how the left wouldn't shut up about W and the National Guards even after the documents were shown to be forged? As I say, apples to apples, they are hypocrites.
Liberals losers club, Same old same old.

What will they say when Bwarney Fwank weaves woffice?.

I'll tell ya, Same old same old.
Sorry bout that,

1. I can't hardly wait till Obama is thrown out of office.
2. Then we can get around to fixing all his fuck ups!
3. And then all we have to do is listen to the *libnuts whiners club*.
4. At least we will be able to get to work making things better for our future, we already know the libnuts have no future.

Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. Unless we rid America of Islam we will have serious problems.
2. Problem is, most people are too stupid.
3. There has been great progress over the last 18 years I have been reporting on this problem.
4. 911 seemed to open a lot of eyes.
5. But the drumming of th liberal piss boy media that its not the muslims in general, but just a select few radicals who are doing all these attacks on American interests.
6. Ofcourse after awhile, the stupid have to agree, because they are what else?
7. Stupid.


On that point ever notice it's never just a few when there an issue/incident/protest but we're supposed to believe the majority of them are good, peaceful and decent...and love America.

1. Yes, they never say 'We are ashamed of those who did this', and the head rag heads in Saudi arabia, or iran, or turkey, or anywhere, or even whatshisfuck,...farrakhan asshole.
2. They love it secretly when they attack us.
3. They send each other thank you notes.
4. Those dead terrorist famlies draw on a secret fund set up by the Saudi king, the ass hat!
5. I see nothing worthy of protecting, in the saudi kingdom, if Israel attacks Iran, and flattens them, I say they just go ahead and take out mecca as well.
6. And the rest of those fucking hell holes.:clap2:

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Well now, here is one of those Constitutional Republicans speaking the truth about how they really feel about the Constitution.

How many times have we seen dimwit preachers from some of the extreme Christian sects stating exactly the same thing?

Muslims like drawing blood. Did you see what they did to our Ambassador in the dirt streets
they stroll on.

I haven't seen any other religious fanatics do any such thing or demand America become Sharia compliant. Why would you protect our enemy?
The militant muslims who intimidate the moderate muslims either here or over seas, see us as very weak now in our resolve of these issues, and that is exactly why that all that we see in which is going on, is now going on in the world, and just as well bleeding back to here also.

We have allowed a huge growth in the radical people here, for whom want to banish God in this nation as we as Americans have known him, and this by American radicals who want to throw God out of this nation, or under the bus and/or etc. where as they want to remove all traces of him and Jesus Christ his son from here now, but over there they will kill you if you try and do that to their beliefs or to challenge their beliefs in these ways. Sadly we have here in this nation the left ((YES)) that are actually here in this nation "supporting their side (the militants) on such issues" big time, and yet the same left wants to destroy ourside on such issues and beliefs without even a sound heard by us when doing so.

Now how crazy is it that the left supports their wanting to protect their religion and beliefs over there, and also right here in this nation as found in those same beliefs in which they have in Allah etc. but yet hate the Americans beliefs in God and religion, and therefore attacks daily our American beliefs and God in this nation, even making excuses for the militants when they killed Americans alledgedly over the mockery of their beliefs by a film that was made ?

The muslims see this as confusion in this nation, and where their is confusion, there is weakness, a crack in the door, and a tear in the net. They see us as standing for nothing anymore, and then they see us beginning to attack their religious values and views from within this nation also, and that is totally unexceptable to them, so so they attack us, because they aren't having it. Infact in this weakness they see within us, they now want to help us by giving us an alternative to our loss of God in this nation, and so they want to install their religion and law in order to help guide us in our vacum (loss of leadership) over these issues in America.

I say it's time we recognize what has happened, and why we are weak, and what we need to do in order to gain back our strength as Americans being founded as being one nation, under God, and with liberty and justice for all, in which is a nation that is founded under God, and as a nation who believs in these beliefs without waver.

The left could be guilty of high treason actually, because they have formented things that have led to the weakness of this nation in areas that are considered as high security breaches, because the world has viewed our confusion and inward fighting over these issues, as a grave weakness that has evolved from within, and when it extends to their part of the world, then they are having none of it. The left in their loonesy, wherefore they are attacking their own nation constantly from within, has led to some very bad things now, yet no one seems to understand this bigger picture as to what has gone on in it all ?

Weakness, or the simply the appearance of weakness, historically, has always been an open invitation to an aggressive response. Obama's Americans simply refuse to acknowledge that historical truth. Here's your typical Obama supporting American:

Occupier: “I Give Respect” To The Terrorists Who Killed US Ambassador In Benghazi… | Weasel Zippers

I can think of a multitude of well deserved 'Happy Endings' for this b!mbo. The prime would be the same ending as Chris Stevens met.

Obama Campaign Flag Poster Quietly Yanked From Website… | Weasel Zippers

Video: Obama Says Attacks In Libya And Egypt Are Just “Bumps In The Road”… | Weasel Zippers

They mustabeen. He was told about the embassy being besieged and under assault and ninety minutes later went to bed. That was probably about the same time that Ambassador Chris Stevens was being sodomized to death with a steel pipe while being dragged through the streets. Fellow perv sodomized and killed, "No Drama Obama" just goes to sleep Probably dreamin' of the day he's named the Mahdi. Wonder if he'll show any emotion while he watches the films of Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and Roger Ailes being hung with piano wire from meathooks during his second term. After Sharia Law is instituted across the United States of course.
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