Is It Time To Finally Put Away The Confederate Flag Once and For All?

But it doesn't and never will. Racist, pure and simple; always has been, always will be.
Only in the opinion of those who decide to stay with such a mind frame instead of showing some creativity by giving it a new and better meaning. One person's trash can always be another person's treasure.

God bless you always!!!

I have no problem with the flag. In my mind it stood for rebellion and I never considered it a race thing. I don't and wouldn't fly it now because I'm a grown man with a career that doesn't need tarnished because some snowflake was offended.

You wanna fly it? More power to ya.
"It's seen as" is the key phrase here.

Who sees it that way, and why?

Bottom line, it's not a racist flag.

Do you think it's a racist flag?
I don't but I could see why old black men might.

The rainbow flag irritates me when it's shoved in my face for political reasons. As does the blm shit. Know why? It isn't because you're gay or black, it's because you demand special recognition/ treatment.
The Confederacy only existed for about 4 years. Thanks to inept politicians like Lincoln, it was seen at the time as legitimate as the Unites States. Strange that lefties show more empathy for illegal aliens these days than they show for the good people who have been in the South as long as the elitist self righteous New England descendants of pirates and slave traders. The flag that flew off the stern of slave ships for about 200 years was the Stars and Stripes as well as from England, France and Portugal.
If the Mexicans can fly their flags......
If the Muslims can fly their flags........
If the Cubans can fly their flags........
If the queers4sale can fly their flags........
If the black racists like BLM can fly their flags........
If the NeoNazi's can fly their flags........

Then why can't Southerners fly the Union flag?????

If you want flags taken away, then take them ALL away, except for the American flag!!!

What consensus is that?

Spell it out.
There was no "concensus" on racial equality since the "early 1960's". The Civil Rights Act was not even passed until 1964, and the racial climate in America during that year, even though the Civil Rights Act was signed, did not dramatically change overnight.

Anyone who is old enough to vividly recall the early 60's in America knows that.
Why are some Americans still brandishing that loser traitor flag?

Isn't it time to put away for good now?

It should be seen and flown only in a museum.

What say you?
That would be a great way to piss off a lot of Southerners. There is already a number of secession movements in our nation. Why add fuel to the fire?

While a Yankee I have lived in the South for over half a century. I know people who are proud of the Confederate flag because thsir ancestors fought for the South. Most are not racist and will argue that the Civil War was fought for state rights rather than over slavery. They still support state rights. As an example I know a lady who flies an American flag in her front yard and a Confederate flag in her back yard. (She happened to put up the American flag first and just recently got her Confederate flag.)

My advice is to avoid teasing rattlesnakes.

I was raised in Ohio and learned the Civil War was fought over slavery and still believe that is true however here is the argument it was fought over state’s rights.

If the Mexicans can fly their flags......
If the Muslims can fly their flags........
If the Cubans can fly their flags........
If the queers4sale can fly their flags........
If the black racists like BLM can fly their flags........
If the NeoNazi's can fly their flags........

Then why can't Southerners fly the Union flag?????

If you want flags taken away, then take them ALL away, except for the American flag!!!

I have no desire to fly the Confederate flag as I come from a long line of Yankees some who may have fought for the North in the Civil War.

However I have lived in the South for over half a century and know a lot of people whose ancestors fought for the South and they are proud of their ancestors and the Confederate flag. Most I know are less prejudiced against blacks than many northerners I have known. (In fact some are more prejudiced against me because I am a Yankee than the blacks in their neighborhoods.)

In my opinion in a free country like ours is susposed to be, you should be able to fly your Confederate flag if you wish. That should fall under the First Amendment and freedom of speech. If it is OK to burn the American flag you should be allowed to display the Confederate flag in your house or on your property. We don’t have freedom of speech for only accepted speech despite what liberals would have you believe. Keep in mind that even hate speech is protected speech. However in my opinion that doesn’t mean a state government should be allowed to fly the Confederate flag or you be allowed to display it at work if your employer has rules against such display.

Why are some Americans still brandishing that loser traitor flag?

Isn't it time to put away for good now?

It should be seen and flown only in a museum.

What say you?
There exists a significant amount of racism, bigoty, and hate among conservatives as expressed by displaying the flag of racism, bigotry, and hate.

Conservatives will of course attempt to hide that racism, bigotry, and hate behind the lie and façade of Southern ‘history’ and ‘culture,’ or some wrongheaded, bad-faith expression of ‘defiance’ – but the fact remains the flag is a symbol solely of racism, bigotry, and hate.
"Come down" from where?

Should we raise the #BlackLivesMatter flag in courtrooms, local, state and national parks, schools and/or other government locations?

That would be equity according to what you guys are pushing here in this thread.

From where ever we see it and it "offends" us, so we pitch a hissy fit and hold our breath until people do want we want, ie take it down.

Like you guys do, with the Confederate Flag.

Like I said, you have that power, and are exercising it, even as we speak. That is Black Privilege.

We DON'T have that power. Because we are white. Any complaints from us are dismissed.

Hell, if we are lucky they are just dismissed. If we are unlucky, you people whip up a fucking mob and cancel us.

Are we done with the bit where you pretend to not get it? Or do you want to stone wall some more?

That was a rhetorical question. I know you will just stonewall some more.
Why are some Americans still brandishing that loser traitor flag?

Isn't it time to put away for good now?

It should be seen and flown only in a museum.

What say you?

Hey, we agree. The flags of the democrat party slave owners should be gone. But......I do believe in freedom of expression..........
Why are some Americans still brandishing that loser traitor flag?

Isn't it time to put away for good now?

It should be seen and flown only in a museum.

What say you?
I say a flag is nothing but a bit of cloth.

I don't care if people wave around bits of cloth
Why are some Americans still brandishing that loser traitor flag?

Isn't it time to put away for good now?

It should be seen and flown only in a museum.

What say you?

I've never understood the adoration of that flag. It represents a failed political entity that hasn't existed in more than 150 years.

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