Is It Possible Trump Could Get A fair Trial

Independentthinker, I'm responding to you as I responded within another discussion thread, to a poster expressing reservations similar to yours:
... My experiences and my opinions were formed while serving on juries in NY City. I've never believed New Yorkers' characters are particularly superior or inferior to those of any other city or state in the nation.

It seems to me that thieves think most everyone else is also dishonest. That leads me to speculate that persons believing that everyone of a court's 11 sworn in jurors, (regardless of the case or where in America they're serving), would all likely betray their oaths, are themselves likely to be untrusty.
For your sake, I hope I'm wrong; but if you ever should be judged by others, you'd do better if the character of the jury were not similar to your own character.
That has nothing to do with what we are talking about.
Just like the left wingers would never accept it if he were found not guilty…so here we are again at square one.

It wasn't the Democrats who attacked the Capitol and tried to overturn the election. Look at what Trump has done to you.

Now he's threatening Comcast and NBC while raving about free speech.
I just said I'm ok with the court procedure to move the trial, to whatever area. I didn't specify an area because I didn't feel the need to. I don't care. I'm not particularly sensitive about where Trump is tried. You are.
Actually, I’m not. I’ve said repeatedly that I’m not a trump supporter. I do however recognize the antics that democrats will try and pull.

However, good on you for being honest. You see, most dems would be livid if his trump were moved to a venue where it’s possible to have a jury stacked with people favorable to trump.
It wasn't the Democrats who attacked the Capitol and tried to overturn the election. Look at what Trump has done to you.

Now he's threatening Comcast and NBC while raving about free speech.
Sooo, you’re saying if he was found not guilty…you wouldn’t have anything to say about that??
Actually, I’m not. I’ve said repeatedly that I’m not a trump supporter. I do however recognize the antics that democrats will try and pull.

However, good on you for being honest. You see, most dems would be livid if his trump were moved to a venue where it’s possible to have a jury stacked with people favorable to trump.

Don't you know that both prosecution and defense conduct voire dire?
Actually, I’m not. I’ve said repeatedly that I’m not a trump supporter. I do however recognize the antics that democrats will try and pull.

However, good on you for being honest. You see, most dems would be livid if his trump were moved to a venue where it’s possible to have a jury stacked with people favorable to trump.
Would they? From my perspective you're the one who seems emotional over whatever you call Democratic antics. The only antics going on so far in these trials are from Trump's lawyers, who were fined in yesterday's ruling for repeatedly bringing the same invalidated defense that the judge had already dismissed, and from judge Cannon who didn't seem to understand how indictments from a Washington grand jury could affect her case and needed it explained to her like she was a first year law student.
Ok, then no trump haters either. I mean..yeah, I can see not wanting someone who’s an avowed trump supporter but I can also see not wanting someone who’s an avowed trump hater too.

It’s going to be tricky, trying to find a jury who has no bias. I doubt it’s possible.

I agree. Hey, did you hear he's officially a fraud? Inflated his worth by $2 billion? And it wasn't like if I told you I had a million dollars. He lied for tax purposes. Like, he's going to be ruined. This case might hurt him the most. He's not going to go to jail for any of the 4 cases. He should but we just don't do that to old people let alone rich people let alone former presidents. This one got him in the pocket book. But hey, he and Jared got 2000 million from the Saudi's so what's $250 million?

$250 million in penalties at a trial starting Oct. 2. Trump’s lawyers have asked an appeals court for a delay.
“Today, a judge ruled in our favor and found that Donald Trump and the Trump Organization engaged in years of financial fraud,” James said in a statement. “We look forward to presenting the rest of our case at trial.”
No, my grasp of reality isn’t the question, your understanding of my question is.

The word “IF” is the key word here.

IF trump could get the trial moved, and it were moved to a trump friendly area…would you be ok with that?

If I were born with tits and a snatch I would still be one extremely homely hooker.

It's way past the point for your argument.
No, my grasp of reality isn’t the question, your understanding of my question is.

The word “IF” is the key word here.

IF trump could get the trial moved, and it were moved to a trump friendly area…would you be ok with that?

Nope. Not after he was arraigned and charged. It's too late. Rump had a lot of chances but blew every one of them. Had he cooperated, he would have received a slap on the back of the hand with a stern warning. But, no. He decides to break even more laws. And even then, when the feds wanted to settle, Rump chose to take it to the limit. Fair would have been for Rump to take the first deal and we all could have moved on.
Don't you know that both prosecution and defense conduct voire dire?
Yep, they do. Again, you seem to believe all of this is on the up and up, but you have the advantage of knowing that all of these trials will be held in heavily democratic areas. Would you be so confident if they were held in heavily Republican areas?
I would be shocked and saddened that America had become a Trump sewer.
But your accept it, out of hand? None of this “the trial was rigged! Trump lawyers did dirty tricks!”?

If so, you will be separate from the majority on the left.
Yep, they do. Again, you seem to believe all of this is on the up and up, but you have the advantage of knowing that all of these trials will be held in heavily democratic areas. Would you be so confident if they were held in heavily Republican areas?
Sorry, not our problem. Trump should have picked different locations for his crime sprees. Complain to him.
Would they? From my perspective you're the one who seems emotional over whatever you call Democratic antics. The only antics going on so far in these trials are from Trump's lawyers, who were fined in yesterday's ruling for repeatedly bringing the same invalidated defense that the judge had already dismissed, and from judge Cannon who didn't seem to understand how indictments from a Washington grand jury could affect her case and needed it explained to her like she was a first year law student.
Yes, they would. Remember, this coming from a party who has been in a twist ever since trump announced he was running. So much so that they vowed to go after him from the very first weeks of his campaign. Hell, Letitia James’ campaign was based around the promise of going after trump.

And the only antics are far from being trumps lawyers. The antics started back in 2016, but also in the J6 committee, which I can’t get a straight answer as to, if they had all the evidence they needed to impeach him, then why the 2 year investigation? Seems if they had what they needed for the impeachment, the following investigation was pointless, right?

My point here is, I don’t trust the left with these trials, just like you all don’t trust the right.
I agree. Hey, did you hear he's officially a fraud? Inflated his worth by $2 billion? And it wasn't like if I told you I had a million dollars. He lied for tax purposes. Like, he's going to be ruined. This case might hurt him the most. He's not going to go to jail for any of the 4 cases. He should but we just don't do that to old people let alone rich people let alone former presidents. This one got him in the pocket book. But hey, he and Jared got 2000 million from the Saudi's so what's $250 million?

$250 million in penalties at a trial starting Oct. 2. Trump’s lawyers have asked an appeals court for a delay.
“Today, a judge ruled in our favor and found that Donald Trump and the Trump Organization engaged in years of financial fraud,” James said in a statement. “We look forward to presenting the rest of our case at trial.”
I heard today about a judge who said he overinflated the value of mar a lago, but I haven’t looked into it. What laws did he break? Is it illegal to over inflate your own net worth? Why would someone over inflate their net worth for tax purposes. Seems like you’d want to under inflate for that.
If I were born with tits and a snatch I would still be one extremely homely hooker.

It's way past the point for your argument. don’t want to answer the question. I get it, by answering that question, you’d have to acknowledge that you’d be making the exact same argument I am, thus, you avoid the question.
Nope. Not after he was arraigned and charged. It's too late. Rump had a lot of chances but blew every one of them. Had he cooperated, he would have received a slap on the back of the hand with a stern warning. But, no. He decides to break even more laws. And even then, when the feds wanted to settle, Rump chose to take it to the limit. Fair would have been for Rump to take the first deal and we all could have moved on.
And a non answer to my question. But my previous post explains why.

Look, we all know that if trump had successfully been able to get a new venue in a more red state, the left would be up in arms, claiming “it’s rigged! His maga crowd are going to cheat the system and not convict him!!”

That’s what would happen, and everyone knows it.
Once again, you avoid my question. You know what I’m getting at, you just refuse to answer.
Because i don't care about your question. I am not your assistant. Make your points all by your big boy self.

Hint: we don't care about your opinions of us.

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