Is it over and the US just doesn't know it

No, we are not going to fail as a country.

Sure we have a mountain of debt, however we have a very good system in place so that that can be corrected.

It may take year, even more than a decade, but applying some fiscal conservatism will put on a the right track.
No, we are not going to fail as a country.

Sure we have a mountain of debt, however we have a very good system in place so that that can be corrected.

It may take year, even more than a decade, but applying some fiscal conservatism will put on a the right track.
Yes it will take some time for America to fall.
We are a giant stone with a lot of inertia.
And we will pass thru a police state phase before the fall.

And we will not likely fall into dust for a few decades. We will however fall to a shadow of our former self. Freedoms and the standard of living will continue to fall.

We no longer have the resolve as a nation to do what needs doing.
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No, we are not going to fail as a country.

Sure we have a mountain of debt, however we have a very good system in place so that that can be corrected.

It may take year, even more than a decade, but applying some fiscal conservatism will put on a the right track.
Yes it will take some time for America to fall.
We are a giant stone with a lot of inertia.
And we will pass thru a police state phase before the fall.

And we will not likely fall into dust for a few decades. We will however fall to a shadow of our former self. Freedoms and the standard of living will continue to fall.

We no longer have the resolve as a nation to do what needs doing.

Technology aids in the birth of empires , it also accelerates there collapse .
China with raise and fall faster.
Greed is not part of human nature. Greed is a misdirected desire.

I believe it is. Everybody to some level is greedy. Everybody should want to do better in life.

Doing better in life is called ambition, not greed.

I do not agree that it is a natural part of human nature.

If it is not a natural part of human nature, then why does it exist? If it's not a natural part of human nature, then what's the alternative: It was injected into people as a drug?
This thread is good for a couple chuckles.

In the grand scheme of things, the US is still in good shape. It is not a third world country; it still has a sound economy; it is still a strong trading partner with other industrialized nations; and it still has the most tanks, missiles, jet fighters, aircraft carriers and nukes than anyone else.

The door is always open for those who want to leave and try their luck somewhere else.
The right wing has been dragging down this country for decades. They have to "hit bottom" before we can rebound because they fight everything that could help.

Their rotten policies have been disasters. You can't really name which policy because they don't have any. They just "wing it" with "cut taxes for rich people" and other memorized bullet points, none of which work. They call the stagnant Bush economy a "wild success".

Not guilty
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We no longer have the resolve as a nation to do what needs doing.

Cause nobody makes us, hell, they don't even ask us.

Proper response to 9/11?

Go shopping.

Instead of a Manhattan Project for a new source of energy and few borrowed KGB agents.
As long as America can pay interests on the increasing debt, America won't fall.
Or let's say, those who give you credit will not have an interest for you to fail as long as you pay good interest.

In the grand scheme of things, the US is still in good shape.(...)

Engineers Give U.S. Infrastructure a 'D' Grade, $2.2 Trillion Price Tag
"In 2009, all signs point to an infrastructure that is poorly maintained, unable to meet current and future demands, and in some cases, unsafe," the engineers warn.
graded D or D-, including:
aviation, dams, hazardous waste, inland waterways, levees, roads, schools, transit and wastewater.
Engineers Give U.S. Infrastructure a 'D' Grade, $2.2 Trillion Price Tag
Nation?s crumbling infrastructure endangers our future -
Sure we have a mountain of debt, however we have a very good system in place so that that can be corrected.

Yes. UK is doing it right with austerity measures, they will even cut their Battle Tank size down to 50 pieces, share aircraft carriers with France and significantly cut down the Airforce and Army in general.
Army's 400 tanks may be cut to 50 - Telegraph
Off course the UK doesn't only cut expenditure in defense but also in public spending.

I don't really see the motivation for 'cutting expenditures' in the USA.
All projections tell us, the US's debt will rise, increasingly credited by non-Americans and that half of the debt the US is going to take in this decade is just for serving interest on existing debt.

Between 2010-2020, the USA will take another 9 Trillion $ in debt.
Half of it only to serve interest payments on existing debt.
In 2015, a third of federal tax income will go just to serve interest on debt.
Interest due on U.S. debt: Close to $5 trillion - Nov. 19, 2009

Once Credit Rating Agency's down-value the USA (it should already have happened), it becomes more sorrowful.
U.S debt to rise to $19.6 trillion by 2015 | Reuters

I found this link in the comments of the Reuters article.
All the gold ever mined & accumulated by all people around the world can currently only serve 51.65% of US debt. In the link it is also explained why they come to the 51% number.
The United States Public Debt placed in context to the World's Gold Supply

Once the Ottomans went into fiscal bankruptcy, they had to cede exclusive trade rights to foreign powers.
Foreign powers also bought into the shares of the Ottoman FED, practically controlling the state budget.
You want to know what this nation is going to shit?

TOM DELAY is a fairly good example of why, folks.

Our nations political system corrupted starting with campaign financing and the cronny-shit rolls UPHILL from that point.

Incidently, I only choose TOM DELAY because he was the HoR leaders of the GOPand because he was recently CONVICTED of conspiring to peddle influence so he could take that money to prevert the democratic process in TEXAS.

The man not only managed to be a venal political whore, but the evil architect to the jerrymandering SHAMOCRACY that is Texas, too.

He's only uinique only in that he got caught
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Time after time ,generation after generation governments at there populous requests and when allowed through there voting powers--the super power of the time is reduced to a small memory of what they once were.

Is that what is happening to the worlds best country???

Are we trying so hard to get it right that we are seriously destroying all that made the USA the most generious,compasionate,giving,industrious,educated,kind,wealthy nation in the history of the world that we are going to fail???

It is fact that you just don't know how great someone or something is till you loose them or it.

It's over because we've become a nation of fools. Subjects, not citizens. We celebrate greed and money over human life.

We fail because we deserve to fail.

ANY nation that wantonly attacks small nations for profit deserves to fail.

ANY nation that has the GROSS defense budget that we have deserves to fail.

Any nation that has become the greatest prison nation in human history can hadly call itself "great."

In a time of vast communication could that speed us to a second rate country,does our own selfish greed (not corporate) make business seek to use labor from other less expensive countries?? Are the greedy politicans who blame the large coroporations and wall street more of a problem than those whom they blame?
It seems as I read many of these posts that GREED is what many of you think is a major problem. I submit that the greed of John Q public is worse for this Nation than any other greedy ones.


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