Is it liberal permissiveness? sex ed doesn't work? HIV rates


Gold Member
Dec 5, 2011
With alarming HIV numbers, doctors debate mandatory testing -

Anyone care to explain the findings here?

And why is it okay to persecute smokers to reduce their unhealthy behaviors but not other groups like men and women who engage in anal sex? I thought you persecute smokers for their own good?

PS: And the advice about using a condom, while that's great and will reduce HIV if people coudl be bothered to be responsible, it still won't do anything for HPV and the anal cancer it causes.
This is a world of no consequences. Children should be indulged in sexual activity at the earliest possible age so they can have fun. Prevent pregnancy, but no one cares much about disease.
... why is it okay to persecute smokers to reduce their unhealthy behaviors but not other groups like men and women who engage in anal sex? I thought you persecute smokers for their own good?

It's not 'ok' in my book. Are you suggesting the persecution of smokers should end, or that we should expand the policy to target other undesirables?
With alarming HIV numbers, doctors debate mandatory testing -

Anyone care to explain the findings here?

And why is it okay to persecute smokers to reduce their unhealthy behaviors but not other groups like men and women who engage in anal sex? I thought you persecute smokers for their own good?

PS: And the advice about using a condom, while that's great and will reduce HIV if people coudl be bothered to be responsible, it still won't do anything for HPV and the anal cancer it causes.

Don't forget to persecute IV drug abusers! And married men on the down low. And all prostitutes and their Johns.

Oh and don't forget Grandpa who passes on the virus to Grandma after visiting a hooker.

I'm sure there's other categories of people to persecute. Perhaps since this is World Aids Day you might find more than the normal amount of HIV infection info today

How's about looking it up and getting back to me on whom I missed, K?


Regards from Rosie
With alarming HIV numbers, doctors debate mandatory testing -

Anyone care to explain the findings here?

And why is it okay to persecute smokers to reduce their unhealthy behaviors but not other groups like men and women who engage in anal sex? I thought you persecute smokers for their own good?

PS: And the advice about using a condom, while that's great and will reduce HIV if people coudl be bothered to be responsible, it still won't do anything for HPV and the anal cancer it causes.

Don't forget to persecute IV drug abusers! And married men on the down low. And all prostitutes and their Johns.

Oh and don't forget Grandpa who passes on the virus to Grandma after visiting a hooker.

I'm sure there's other categories of people to persecute. Perhaps since this is World Aids Day you might find more than the normal amount of HIV infection info today

How's about looking it up and getting back to me on whom I missed, K?


Regards from Rosie

It's very difficult for heterosexual men to catch HIV from women. That's a biological reality. It's possible, but very difficult to do.

Also, why do they have needle exchanges? That's like someone opposed to smoking giving smokers lower tar cigarettes.

However, you can deny reality all you'd like, but fact remains that those who engage in anal sex are far morem likely to get HIV from the act due to the nature of it.

How does denying reality help the situation?
This is one of the saddest subjects facing people today, loss of trust in a loved one who brings home the AIDs, a baby who isn't the husband's, online hookers for the wife to find out about one horrifying day... and

"... doctors agree the new numbers are sobering, and more needs to be done."

The only thing that needs to be done is to stop screwing around outside marriage. Withdrawing sex from the spouse because you have contracted Herpes, Aids, and an attitude that marital sex isn't any fun after the hooker/office sexpot finds a more exciting opportunity thus destroying the future as a family for the kids. :(

We're creating motherless and fatherless children and a nation that depends on foreigners for population producing wealth for the economy when 1.4 million Americans are aborted because they are inconvenient and unwanted.

The future for America is not much of a bright dice roll, and enemies of the state are getting off on it, because they're more than ready to move in on us. There's even a bomb out there that nukes people and 24 hours later, it is safe to walk in and start removing dead bodies.

And our government is playing footsie with communism while state enemies are working at breakneck speed to garner a nuclear arsenal while our press plays stupid.

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The numbers of people with AIDS, or syphilis or all STDs is rising commensurate with the level of accepted sexual license.
With alarming HIV numbers, doctors debate mandatory testing -

Anyone care to explain the findings here?

And why is it okay to persecute smokers to reduce their unhealthy behaviors but not other groups like men and women who engage in anal sex? I thought you persecute smokers for their own good?

PS: And the advice about using a condom, while that's great and will reduce HIV if people coudl be bothered to be responsible, it still won't do anything for HPV and the anal cancer it causes.
You have a one-man crusade against HIV, it seems...two threads on it so far.
With alarming HIV numbers, doctors debate mandatory testing -

Anyone care to explain the findings here?

And why is it okay to persecute smokers to reduce their unhealthy behaviors but not other groups like men and women who engage in anal sex? I thought you persecute smokers for their own good?

PS: And the advice about using a condom, while that's great and will reduce HIV if people coudl be bothered to be responsible, it still won't do anything for HPV and the anal cancer it causes.
You have a one-man crusade against HIV, it seems...two threads on it so far.

Wouldn't you rather medical research go to illnesses that aren't almost 100% preventable? How many people need to die of Malaria so someone can continue to be irresponsible?
With alarming HIV numbers, doctors debate mandatory testing -

Anyone care to explain the findings here?

And why is it okay to persecute smokers to reduce their unhealthy behaviors but not other groups like men and women who engage in anal sex? I thought you persecute smokers for their own good?

PS: And the advice about using a condom, while that's great and will reduce HIV if people coudl be bothered to be responsible, it still won't do anything for HPV and the anal cancer it causes.

Republicans try to keep condoms from people. They push "abstinence only" which just doesn't work. It only takes one mistake. The Republican (let him die) Party feels the punishment is appropriate.
With alarming HIV numbers, doctors debate mandatory testing -

Anyone care to explain the findings here?

And why is it okay to persecute smokers to reduce their unhealthy behaviors but not other groups like men and women who engage in anal sex? I thought you persecute smokers for their own good?

PS: And the advice about using a condom, while that's great and will reduce HIV if people coudl be bothered to be responsible, it still won't do anything for HPV and the anal cancer it causes.

Republicans try to keep condoms from people. They push "abstinence only" which just doesn't work. It only takes one mistake. The Republican (let him die) Party feels the punishment is appropriate.

What does this have to do with HIV rates increasing? Are republicans to blame for the increases in HIV and anal cancer? Now add in that condoms don't prevent HPV, and thus anal cancer....

And how are republicans trying to keep condoms from people? Do you need to lie to have an argument? Now how about you discuss the topic instead of trying to change it?

Why are HIV rates increasing?
With alarming HIV numbers, doctors debate mandatory testing -

Anyone care to explain the findings here?

And why is it okay to persecute smokers to reduce their unhealthy behaviors but not other groups like men and women who engage in anal sex? I thought you persecute smokers for their own good?

PS: And the advice about using a condom, while that's great and will reduce HIV if people coudl be bothered to be responsible, it still won't do anything for HPV and the anal cancer it causes.

Republicans try to keep condoms from people. They push "abstinence only" which just doesn't work. It only takes one mistake. The Republican (let him die) Party feels the punishment is appropriate.

What does this have to do with HIV rates increasing? Are republicans to blame for the increases in HIV and anal cancer? Now add in that condoms don't prevent HPV, and thus anal cancer....

And how are republicans trying to keep condoms from people? Do you need to lie to have an argument? Now how about you discuss the topic instead of trying to change it?

Why are HIV rates increasing?

Condoms are more accessible than aspirin. No one is keeping people from getting condoms. In West Hollywood bars are required to give them out free. HIV rates are increasing because each condom doesn't come with a condom minder. Someone who will physically apply the condom.
Also, why is HIV treated differently than other STDs? you get it you are some brave hero, to be lauded. You get the clap, you are a pervert.

It's ENTIRELY preventable, and the unfortunate few who get it from blood transfusions got it due to the irresponsible behavior of others. Many people die every day from NON PREVENTABLE ILLNESSES that are lacking in funding for research due to money being wated on research for a disease that it ENTIRELY preventable.

How can the people behind this sleep at night?
With alarming HIV numbers, doctors debate mandatory testing -

Anyone care to explain the findings here?

And why is it okay to persecute smokers to reduce their unhealthy behaviors but not other groups like men and women who engage in anal sex? I thought you persecute smokers for their own good?

PS: And the advice about using a condom, while that's great and will reduce HIV if people coudl be bothered to be responsible, it still won't do anything for HPV and the anal cancer it causes.

Don't forget to persecute IV drug abusers! And married men on the down low. And all prostitutes and their Johns.

Oh and don't forget Grandpa who passes on the virus to Grandma after visiting a hooker.

I'm sure there's other categories of people to persecute. Perhaps since this is World Aids Day you might find more than the normal amount of HIV infection info today

How's about looking it up and getting back to me on whom I missed, K?


Regards from Rosie

It's very difficult for heterosexual men to catch HIV from women. That's a biological reality. It's possible, but very difficult to do.

Also, why do they have needle exchanges? That's like someone opposed to smoking giving smokers lower tar cigarettes.

However, you can deny reality all you'd like, but fact remains that those who engage in anal sex are far morem likely to get HIV from the act due to the nature of it.

How does denying reality help the situation?

Prostitutes never have anal sex for money. Unheard of. Men who have a lot of unprotected sex with HIV+ women have a greater risk of getting the virus than average men.

What is it with you that you are fixated on only one form of transmission?

Oh, ya know just about every heroin junkie runs to the needle exchange before cooking and shooting up. Not. And if you pay for unprotected sex with either a male or female heroin shooter you raised your riisk greatly.

Why not focus on known dangers and safer sex practices rather than merely anal sex?

If anal sex fixation IS your reality that makes me sad. :(

Regards from. Rosie
With alarming HIV numbers, doctors debate mandatory testing -

Anyone care to explain the findings here?

And why is it okay to persecute smokers to reduce their unhealthy behaviors but not other groups like men and women who engage in anal sex? I thought you persecute smokers for their own good?

PS: And the advice about using a condom, while that's great and will reduce HIV if people coudl be bothered to be responsible, it still won't do anything for HPV and the anal cancer it causes.

Republicans try to keep condoms from people. They push "abstinence only" which just doesn't work. It only takes one mistake. The Republican (let him die) Party feels the punishment is appropriate.

What does this have to do with HIV rates increasing? Are republicans to blame for the increases in HIV and anal cancer? Now add in that condoms don't prevent HPV, and thus anal cancer....

And how are republicans trying to keep condoms from people? Do you need to lie to have an argument? Now how about you discuss the topic instead of trying to change it?

Why are HIV rates increasing?
Condoms don't prevent HPV? Do you have a source for that?
Also, cons are against the HPV vaccine being given to girls.
On another board I was on, there was a guy who had AIDS. He got it from casual, unprotected sex.

It wound up killing him.

He was a good guy to talk to, but his irresponsibility caught up with him. I felt sorry for his partner and his family, but I couldn't work up a lot of sympathy for him.
With alarming HIV numbers, doctors debate mandatory testing -

Anyone care to explain the findings here?

And why is it okay to persecute smokers to reduce their unhealthy behaviors but not other groups like men and women who engage in anal sex? I thought you persecute smokers for their own good?

PS: And the advice about using a condom, while that's great and will reduce HIV if people coudl be bothered to be responsible, it still won't do anything for HPV and the anal cancer it causes.

You’ve thus far provided no evidence of that.

We know as a conservative you’d like to criminalize homosexuality, or other forms of ‘perverted’ sex, but fortunately that would be un-Constitutional.

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