Is it ethical to make money off the Trump Derangement syndrome?

Only if it is not monkey business . . . for that would be politically incorrect, Jack. And political correctness then would call for us to fall on our sword, even with the monkey still on our backs.

Capitalism, my second favorite ism behind feudalism (I wanna be feudal lord, and you all can be my serfs) is the definition of mercenary. Mercenaries go where the winds of fortune direct them cardinally, so what's good for the goose is . . . .


I never knew you were a racist.



Damn it, sir! Now that I have violated the core cultism of political correctness, I am drawing my sword from its conservative encrusted scabbard and . . . not.

Look, at the merest mention of a government based on moral restrictions of any kind, the modern American Left will scream authoritarian, totalitarian, what have you oppression. And yet, they crusade even now for restriction based on the protected identities of the few, but fail miserably to see the authoritarianism in their own revolution for total "special" rights and protections.

Capitalism is unethical. Hell, we sell sex, violence and gore to our own children. The upside is, even the commonest man can take capitalism and run with it to a more financially secure future. So the devil really is in the details, and while I am no racist, I do enjoy my small violations of PC and their impetus for enraging the Lefties. Now, don't monkey up this thread!

Let me guess, you dress up in a white sheet every night and listen to this

Are you suggesting my reality pales in comparison to the crazy kids cult of coerced and limited public speech? Well then, I suppose I do not stand a ghost of a chance.

Of course what Kaepernick's doing with Nike is unethical, immoral, anti-patriotic justification, etc. however, one downside of our modern American way is to capitalize on a mainstreamed paradigm of anything goes for the right profit margin or bank account growing. In the end, we the people--or more accurately, we the consumers will decide the fates of all captains of capitalism by voting with our almighty dollars.


How much to you want to bet?

Less than one cent.
Kaepernick Campaign Created $43 Million in Buzz for Nike So Far

So is it ethical to make money off the Trump derangement syndrome?

I ask this in wake of Kaepernick making millions with Nike for selling shoes. His selling point is, of course, standing up to Trump in a Twitter war. Now the sky is the limit, and he could potentially make a run for the Oval Office now in 2020. This is true capitalism.

So what say you? Should we also do the same?

I'm thinking of selling some Halloween Atifa costumes that look like ninjas ready to kill at any second.

Sure, Trump makes money off you sheep buying his shit so why not make it off of those against Trump as well.

All is fair in capitalism.
Kaepernick Campaign Created $43 Million in Buzz for Nike So Far

So is it ethical to make money off the Trump derangement syndrome?

I ask this in wake of Kaepernick making millions with Nike for selling shoes. His selling point is, of course, standing up to Trump in a Twitter war. Now the sky is the limit, and he could potentially make a run for the Oval Office now in 2020. This is true capitalism.

So what say you? Should we also do the same?

I'm thinking of selling some Halloween Atifa costumes that look like ninjas ready to kill at any second.
Since when have Trump supporters been concerned with ethics?
Sure it’s completely ethical to make money off of Trump’s deranged self. I plan on giving Bob Woodward some of my hard earned money the moment his new book about the circus formerly known as the White House is available for purchase!
How are you not broke buying all of the shitty anti-Trump books?

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