Is it appropriate to have sex in public?

It is a disgusting nasty practice. The only reason to have sex is to make babies period. If you get any enjoyment out of it then you are not doing it right (especially women).

Yeah right. Just like sex is the root of all evil.
Thanks for ridiculing my argument by misapplication.
you mean antiquated tradition combined with religious condemnation ?
Nope. Think of a Venn Diagram. Where logic and experience are one circle and antiquated tradition and religious condemnation are the other circle. Now place "no sex before marriage" where they overlap.
I don't know about that judgement call. AS far as I know the only use of the word normal in Statistics is the use of the word as in

Noraml distribution

Assuming that 5-10% of the population is born gay, I'd say that's fairly normal, wouldn't you?

Only 1-2% of all people have red hair, so using your definition of "normal" that would mean that gay people are more "normal" than redheads.

(Having dated a few redheads, I'd actually be inclined to think that might be true, though. Are they ALL crazy or is it just me?)

Where'd you get that stat? I know a heck of a lot of redheads, not very many gays.

Of course, red hair does run in my family.
Seeing as you haven't done much outside of the convent, are you sure you're the expert here?
You seek multitudes of logical fallacies. There is an ad hominem situational and an expectation of an argument of authority. The root of all these fallacies is that we are no longer discussing the issue, but instead we are discussing me.
You seek multitudes of logical fallacies. There is an ad hominem situational and an expectation of an argument of authority. The root of all these fallacies is that we are no longer discussing the issue, but instead we are discussing me.

Those are inaccurate allegations.

You have not sought to share your contentions with us.
Wow, talk about going off-topic. The point is that gay guys as the ones boning each other on the beach, in rest areas, and in public parks. Not normal folks.

LOL, That's a funny joke. Oh, if you believe it then I have some ocean front property in Arizona, sell it to you for a steal.
Wow, talk about going off-topic. The point is that gay guys as the ones boning each other on the beach, in rest areas, and in public parks. Not normal folks.

you truly need to get out more often and make some friends. go look around you. the displays of public affection of many a hetero couple that approach soft porn is astounding. then if you care too you can study the song "Blueberry Hill"

there are other songs but we'll start out slow. your world view is about to get an expansion.

I found my thrill on Blueberry Hill
On Blueberry Hill where I found you
The moon stood still on Blueberry Hill
And lingered till my dreams came true

The wind in the willow played
Love's sweet melody
But all of those vows we made
Were never to be

Tho' we're apart you're part of me still
For you were my thrill on Blueberry Hill

The wind in the willow played
Love's sweet melody
But all of those vows we made
Were never to be

Tho' we're apart you're part of me still
For you were my thrill on Blueberry Hill

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