Is it an Employer's Right to Discriminate?

Bottom line: Anti-discrimination laws are anti-freedom. Period.

You may be able to offer a laundry list of reasons why you think they're still necessary. But anyone that denies that they are anti-freedom is either retarded or intellectually dishonest.

I'll take this remarkably underwhelming rebuttal from the board's most prolific, intellectually dishonest retard as an affirmation of the FACT I posted. :thup:
That is a very strange roll that you have assigned to government. You seem to believe that government decides the standard of behavior. What if my own religion told me otherwise or my own moral standard said it was OK. Am I not free to choose how I should live my own life?


The government and it's gaggle of corrupt politicians knows better than you how you should live your life.

oh the irony.. so rich.. so SAVORY.

What Irony. Its you guys arguing for more government control such as telling employers the reasons they can and can not hire someone does not know better.
and little bitches like you love that way

stomping your foot like a tantrum throwing child in a toy store won't overturn these laws.

Maybe you can be a little less ironic when supporting government bans on personal behavour during this upcoming election season. Until then... there is always the militia option.


I am not throwing a tantrum.

Leave it to a government lackey to say disagreeing with idiotic laws is throwing a tantrum

actually, you started throwing a tantrum the moment you thought calling me a little bitch would improve your argument. too bad, so sad.


I'm hardly a gov lackey. But, as someone who works in HR I'm letting you know the reality of your surroundings. don't like it? Until you do more than cry like a baby online it's going to be tough shit for you.

The government and it's gaggle of corrupt politicians knows better than you how you should live your life.

oh the irony.. so rich.. so SAVORY.

What Irony. Its you guys arguing for more government control such as telling employers the reasons they can and can not hire someone does not know better.

I invite you to quote where I suggested any opinion for more or less gov controls. Instead, I'm letting you know exactly what the current rules are. Feel free to extrapolate what you need to hear.
Bottom line: Anti-discrimination laws are anti-freedom. Period.
Only if you are a nincompoop fundamentalist for freedom. Freedom in any society without constraints would inevitably lead to fascism or totalitarianism, as people would demand some kind of order.

HUman nature doesn't fit teh logic model. Never did and never will.

You may be able to offer a laundry list of reasons why you think they're still necessary. But anyone that denies that they are anti-freedom is either retarded or intellectually dishonest.

You are either intellectual constipated here or woefully ignorant of nuance in meaning.

In the land of the intellectually lazy, strict adherence to a dictionary term may be king, but we are not making law here.

Everything is a restriction on freedom in some ways. But that is the circle jerkers position.

have fun
Are you trying to say the employer's rights to hire on his beliefs trump the employees' rights to be hired on their qualifications?


The owner of a business should be able to hire or not hire or fire or not fire anyone he wants.


I agree. Even if the reasons are unfair to begin with.

Living in a free society pretty much means that someone else can live by their own moral beliefs. Thats why I am a "liberal" and think that these fair hiring laws should be removed.

I was in management for 17 of the last years I worked in Govt. Programs at a major healthcare org. We had to go to so many seminars on hiring. So all I know is that it's against the law to ask people if they are married, have children, or if they plan to have children. Also, if they are gay, their ethnicity, and religion were all no-no questions.

All we were supposed to ask were work related questions that pertained to the position they were applying for.

Now I manage apts. and the same rules apply. Years ago it was alright to ask about children, but not now. When I post vacancies on Craig's list, there is a warning to watch what I say in my post. A lot of questions are against the law.

The owner of a business should be able to hire or not hire or fire or not fire anyone he wants.


I agree. Even if the reasons are unfair to begin with.

Living in a free society pretty much means that someone else can live by their own moral beliefs. Thats why I am a "liberal" and think that these fair hiring laws should be removed.

I was in management for 17 of the last years I worked in Govt. Programs at a major healthcare org. We had to go to so many seminars on hiring. So all I know is that it's against the law to ask people if they are married, have children, or if they plan to have children. Also, if they are gay, their ethnicity, and religion were all no-no questions.

All we were supposed to ask were work related questions that pertained to the position they were applying for.

Now I manage apts. and the same rules apply. Years ago it was alright to ask about children, but not now. When I post vacancies on Craig's list, there is a warning to watch what I say in my post. A lot of questions are against the law.

California with it's liberal reputation is truly approaching fascism, by the right and the left.
The way things are and the way things should be never coexist.

Um, but this day did exist. Remember... when the only one who could get a job and even DREAM of going all the way to the top was a white man? Women could only be secretaries and shop girls and if you're a different color? Forget about it. No thanks. We don't want to go back.
stomping your foot like a tantrum throwing child in a toy store won't overturn these laws.

Maybe you can be a little less ironic when supporting government bans on personal behavour during this upcoming election season. Until then... there is always the militia option.


I am not throwing a tantrum.

Leave it to a government lackey to say disagreeing with idiotic laws is throwing a tantrum

actually, you started throwing a tantrum the moment you thought calling me a little bitch would improve your argument. too bad, so sad.


I'm hardly a gov lackey. But, as someone who works in HR I'm letting you know the reality of your surroundings. don't like it? Until you do more than cry like a baby online it's going to be tough shit for you.

you have no fucking clue what I do politically do you?

let's face it, you have no fucking clue period
The way things are and the way things should be never coexist.

Um, but this day did exist. Remember... when the only one who could get a job and even DREAM of going all the way to the top was a white man? Women could only be secretaries and shop girls and if you're a different color? Forget about it. No thanks. We don't want to go back.

Personally no I don't remember those days.

All I want is the government to stop telling me hat to do.

I don't care if a black business owner only hires blacks
I don't care if a woman business owner only hires women

So no one should care who I hire as it is none of their business.
To the ignorant O/P

No. It's illegal.

Any other questions?

I asked if its an employer's right to discriminate not if it is illegal because I know an employer does not have that right under the law but I asked if they had the right to do so.
To the ignorant O/P
No. It's illegal.
Any other questions?
I asked if its an employer's right to discriminate not if it is illegal because I know an employer does not have that right under the law but I asked if they had the right to do so.

Actually I think it is illegal. Here is one case i recall, where a male sued HOOTERS for not hiring men. The owners wanted to establish a reputation for a certain type of attractive female waitress to attract young male customers.

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