Is Holder a bold faced liar? The timeline just doesnt add up.

In 2009 President Bush had nothing to do with Fast and the furious 2012 still the same. Nothing new. Now back to your normal propaganda sources

Just a quick aside. There was (and I can't believe I'm going to say this) an excellent piece at NPR which really delves into the February 4 letter debacle that ended up in a retraction.

I love the phrase "cringe-worthy process".:D

Under fire for losing track of weapons that turned up at crime scenes along the Southwest border, the Justice Department hbas taken the extraordinary step of formally withdrawing an inaccurate letter about the episode that it sent to Congress earlier this year.

Deputy Attorney General Jim Cole sent nearly 1,400 pages of emails and other documents to Capitol Hill late Friday afternoon that lay bare the raw and sometimes cringe-worthy process by which the letter was draftumaterials contain clues into how misleading information about the botched gun trafficking operation made it into a Feb. 4, 2011 letter to Congress that department leaders have since acknowledged was false.

And oh it gets better.....

— Drafts of the Feb. 4th letter reached the highest levels of the Justice Department, as aides to the Deputy Attorney General suggested fixes to the language and prodded subordinates to check the facts.

In one email chain, a deputy named Lisa Monaco advised against using adjectives such as "categorically" and asked, "why poke the tiger" when it comes to communications with Capitol Hill.

Freaking Kazinga!!!!!!!!!!

Here's the link. Happy reading.

Justice Withdraws Inaccurate 'Fast And Furious' Letter It Sent To Congress : The Two-Way : NPR

Cool lol I saw a great report on junk bonds corporate corruption and the fed happenings at turn of the century under Clinton on NPR. Still can't believe it Greenspan ticked someone off there I thought :D
In 2009 President Bush had nothing to do with Fast and the furious 2012 still the same. Nothing new. Now back to your normal propaganda sources

Just a quick aside. There was (and I can't believe I'm going to say this) an excellent piece at NPR which really delves into the February 4 letter debacle that ended up in a retraction.

I love the phrase "cringe-worthy process".:D

Under fire for losing track of weapons that turned up at crime scenes along the Southwest border, the Justice Department has taken the extraordinary step of formally withdrawing an inaccurate letter about the episode that it sent to Congress earlier this year.

Deputy Attorney General Jim Cole sent nearly 1,400 pages of emails and other documents to Capitol Hill late Friday afternoon that lay bare the raw and sometimes cringe-worthy process by which the letter was drafted.

The materials contain clues into how misleading information about the botched gun trafficking operation made it into a Feb. 4, 2011 letter to Congress that department leaders have since acknowledged was false.

And oh it gets better.....

— Drafts of the Feb. 4th letter reached the highest levels of the Justice Department, as aides to the Deputy Attorney General suggested fixes to the language and prodded subordinates to check the facts.

In one email chain, a deputy named Lisa Monaco advised against using adjectives such as "categorically" and asked, "why poke the tiger" when it comes to communications with Capitol Hill.

Freaking Kazinga!!!!!!!!!!

Here's the link. Happy reading.

Justice Withdraws Inaccurate 'Fast And Furious' Letter It Sent To Congress : The Two-Way : NPR

Nice find. Can you point me to the part that proves that Holder lied?

U.S.-Mexico Border Security Policy - C-SPAN Video Library
He testified before congress that he had just learned of F&F only a few weeks before he testified. Yet his current mantra is that he killed the program after learning about it. Strangely though, the program was terminated a long time ago.

Why doesn't the left see this disconnect?

You mean bald faced liar (though his actions are rather bold) and yes, I do believe he is orchestrating a cover up.
He's just a Holder


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What if it was a lie and the President knew and obstructed ?

Then we'd have to hold him accountable wouldn't we.


Do you think an "under the radar" scheme to impugn lawful gun sales, in particular in Arizona along the border and create need for further legislation by BATFE is possible ?

It's quite clear in documents procured by CBS news that Operation Fast and Furious was purposefully designed to enact gun control.

Here ya go:

On Jan. 4, 2011, as ATF prepared a press conference to announce arrests in Fast and Furious, Newell saw it as "(A)nother time to address Multiple Sale on Long Guns issue."

And a day after the press conference, Chait emailed Newell: "Bill--well done yesterday... (I)n light of our request for Demand letter 3, this case could be a strong supporting factor if we can determine how many multiple sales of long guns occurred during the course of this case."

This revelation angers gun rights advocates. Larry Keane, a spokesman for National Shooting Sports Foundation, a gun industry trade group, calls the discussion of Fast and Furious to argue for Demand Letter 3 "disappointing and ironic."

Keane says it's "deeply troubling" if sales made by gun dealers "voluntarily cooperating with ATF's flawed 'Operation Fast & Furious' were going to be used by some individuals within ATF to justify imposing a multiple sales reporting requirement for rifles."


It's not Prison Planet, it's not a conspiracy website, it's CBS.

Documents: ATF used "Fast and Furious" to make the case for gun regulations - CBS News Investigates - CBS News
In 2009 President Bush had nothing to do with Fast and the furious 2012 still the same. Nothing new. Now back to your normal propaganda sources

Just a quick aside. There was (and I can't believe I'm going to say this) an excellent piece at NPR which really delves into the February 4 letter debacle that ended up in a retraction.

I love the phrase "cringe-worthy process".:D

Under fire for losing track of weapons that turned up at crime scenes along the Southwest border, the Justice Department hbas taken the extraordinary step of formally withdrawing an inaccurate letter about the episode that it sent to Congress earlier this year.

Deputy Attorney General Jim Cole sent nearly 1,400 pages of emails and other documents to Capitol Hill late Friday afternoon that lay bare the raw and sometimes cringe-worthy process by which the letter was draftumaterials contain clues into how misleading information about the botched gun trafficking operation made it into a Feb. 4, 2011 letter to Congress that department leaders have since acknowledged was false.

And oh it gets better.....

— Drafts of the Feb. 4th letter reached the highest levels of the Justice Department, as aides to the Deputy Attorney General suggested fixes to the language and prodded subordinates to check the facts.

In one email chain, a deputy named Lisa Monaco advised against using adjectives such as "categorically" and asked, "why poke the tiger" when it comes to communications with Capitol Hill.

Freaking Kazinga!!!!!!!!!!

Here's the link. Happy reading.

Justice Withdraws Inaccurate 'Fast And Furious' Letter It Sent To Congress : The Two-Way : NPR

Cool lol I saw a great report on junk bonds corporate corruption and the fed happenings at turn of the century under Clinton on NPR. Still can't believe it Greenspan ticked someone off there I thought :D

I don't know who coined this phrase but I love it.

"Every once in a while even the left wing media commit a random act of journalism".

How true. :eusa_clap:
Last edited:
Either Holder intentionally lied, misled or whatever you choose to call it or he is the most gullable, out of the loop AG we've ever had. I don't believe he is stupid so I'm gonna have to go with he lied in order to hide something.

Just watch the vote in the house this week and see if there are any democrats playing party politics with the republicans. I suspect many will vote to hold him in contempt. I could be wrong but we'll see.
Either Holder intentionally lied, misled or whatever you choose to call it or he is the most gullable, out of the loop AG we've ever had. I don't believe he is stupid so I'm gonna have to go with he lied in order to hide something.

Just watch the vote in the house this week and see if there are any democrats playing party politics with the republicans. I suspect many will vote to hold him in contempt. I could be wrong but we'll see.

Holder lied, now it's time to find out how much obama knew
The correct term is "Bald-faced liar".

Yes, Obama and Holder are both bald-faced liars. They are idealogues and have no business holding any authority or national office.
what did Holder say?

he said "I dont know, maybe...........

that is fucking off the top of his head guess NOT some fucking huge lie you lair.

I dont know , maybe your a fucking partisan hack with no integrity left
Just a quick aside. There was (and I can't believe I'm going to say this) an excellent piece at NPR which really delves into the February 4 letter debacle that ended up in a retraction.

I love the phrase "cringe-worthy process".:D

Under fire for losing track of weapons that turned up at crime scenes along the Southwest border, the Justice Department hbas taken the extraordinary step of formally withdrawing an inaccurate letter about the episode that it sent to Congress earlier this year.

Deputy Attorney General Jim Cole sent nearly 1,400 pages of emails and other documents to Capitol Hill late Friday afternoon that lay bare the raw and sometimes cringe-worthy process by which the letter was draftumaterials contain clues into how misleading information about the botched gun trafficking operation made it into a Feb. 4, 2011 letter to Congress that department leaders have since acknowledged was false.

And oh it gets better.....

— Drafts of the Feb. 4th letter reached the highest levels of the Justice Department, as aides to the Deputy Attorney General suggested fixes to the language and prodded subordinates to check the facts.

In one email chain, a deputy named Lisa Monaco advised against using adjectives such as "categorically" and asked, "why poke the tiger" when it comes to communications with Capitol Hill.

Freaking Kazinga!!!!!!!!!!

Here's the link. Happy reading.

Justice Withdraws Inaccurate 'Fast And Furious' Letter It Sent To Congress : The Two-Way : NPR

Cool lol I saw a great report on junk bonds corporate corruption and the fed happenings at turn of the century under Clinton on NPR. Still can't believe it Greenspan ticked someone off there I thought :D

I don't know who coined this phrase but I love it.

"Every once in a while even the left wing media commit a random act of journalism".

How true. :eusa_clap:

That would be Limbaugh. ;)
Cool lol I saw a great report on junk bonds corporate corruption and the fed happenings at turn of the century under Clinton on NPR. Still can't believe it Greenspan ticked someone off there I thought :D

I don't know who coined this phrase but I love it.

"Every once in a while even the left wing media commit a random act of journalism".

How true. :eusa_clap:

That would be Limbaugh. ;)

The man has a way with words. "Drive by media" is a classic as well.
Just a quick aside. There was (and I can't believe I'm going to say this) an excellent piece at NPR which really delves into the February 4 letter debacle that ended up in a retraction.

I love the phrase "cringe-worthy process".:D

Under fire for losing track of weapons that turned up at crime scenes along the Southwest border, the Justice Department hbas taken the extraordinary step of formally withdrawing an inaccurate letter about the episode that it sent to Congress earlier this year.

Deputy Attorney General Jim Cole sent nearly 1,400 pages of emails and other documents to Capitol Hill late Friday afternoon that lay bare the raw and sometimes cringe-worthy process by which the letter was draftumaterials contain clues into how misleading information about the botched gun trafficking operation made it into a Feb. 4, 2011 letter to Congress that department leaders have since acknowledged was false.

And oh it gets better.....

— Drafts of the Feb. 4th letter reached the highest levels of the Justice Department, as aides to the Deputy Attorney General suggested fixes to the language and prodded subordinates to check the facts.

In one email chain, a deputy named Lisa Monaco advised against using adjectives such as "categorically" and asked, "why poke the tiger" when it comes to communications with Capitol Hill.

Freaking Kazinga!!!!!!!!!!

Here's the link. Happy reading.

Justice Withdraws Inaccurate 'Fast And Furious' Letter It Sent To Congress : The Two-Way : NPR

Cool lol I saw a great report on junk bonds corporate corruption and the fed happenings at turn of the century under Clinton on NPR. Still can't believe it Greenspan ticked someone off there I thought :D

I don't know who coined this phrase but I love it.

"Every once in a while even the left wing media commit a random act of journalism".

How true. :eusa_clap:

Mar 23, 2009 ... Shell Oil CEO Schools Charlie Rose · The Out-of-Touch Liberal Provincials · Random Act of Journalism: The Washington Post Writes the Truth ...

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