Is Gay sex a health risk?

I have two elderly gay men friends who are having digestive problems with colitis and Crohns disease and uncontrollable diarrhea and in and out of the hospital. One attempted suicide about a year ago because of the excruciating pain. Inflammation of the lower bowels is common. You may not feel it as first but it will eventually become a pain in the ass. No pun intended,

You don't get Crohn's disease from anal sex. :oops:

It is common among gays and there are other health problems related to anal sex.
Causes of Proctitis

Proctitis has many causes, but sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are the most common. Gonorrhea, syphilis, herpes, anal warts, and chlamydia are the most common cause of sexually transmitted proctitis. Proctitis is increasingly more common in homosexual men and in people engaging in oral-anal or anal intercourse with many partners.

Ok, but my post said, "You don't get Crohn's disease from anal sex."

Crohn's disease is not Proctitis.

Gay men are not the only people that have anal sex.
I have two elderly gay men friends who are having digestive problems with colitis and Crohns disease and uncontrollable diarrhea and in and out of the hospital. One attempted suicide about a year ago because of the excruciating pain. Inflammation of the lower bowels is common. You may not feel it as first but it will eventually become a pain in the ass. No pun intended,

.....I believe "colitis". Not sure honestly about the Crohn's or IBD. Inflammatory Bowel Disease is not a disease really of the bowel per se. It is an autoimmune disease, like allergies, MS, rheumatoid arthritis, any of those. Only this one attacks the digestive system. For both men to get this...? I don't know. Sounds to me like they messed up their plumbing and they call it Crohn's fwiw
I have two elderly gay men friends who are having digestive problems with colitis and Crohns disease and uncontrollable diarrhea and in and out of the hospital. One attempted suicide about a year ago because of the excruciating pain. Inflammation of the lower bowels is common. You may not feel it as first but it will eventually become a pain in the ass. No pun intended,

You don't get Crohn's disease from anal sex. :oops:

Thank you--I did not read far enough down the thread to see that you had addressed this
Sounds like you are really asking if ANAL sex is risky. Of course it is regardless of the gender attached to the anus. Anal sex is also generally more work. Prepping, cleaning, lubricating etc. Of course gay men do other things such as oral, mutual jackoff, etc. As far as risks of ANAL sex for anyone doing it, yes there is increased risk of STDS, and not only HIV but also hepatitis etc. Condoms reduce the risk. Not being promiscuous and knowing the status of your partner reduces the risk but gay people cheat on their spouses just like everyone else. Taking PREP reduces the risk even more. Then there is rimming. Yeah, you can sick from that for sure. As far as anal stretching from taking big organs (or hands or toys) repeatedly, yes that can happen too but most men aren't all that big so no worries.

Ironically, wait for it, douching the anus increases the risk of STDs. That's not intuitive but that's the latest research.
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Aside from sexually transmitted diseases, are there any long-term physical health risks of Gay sex?

If you do not take steps to mitigate them, yes there are hazards. But sexually transmitted diseases are rampant among many social groups.

That said, a little prep and the use of a condom all but eliminates the hazards.

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