Is electing Hillary Clinton 'forward thinking'?


VIP Member
Jun 2, 2013
What do you think her physical and mental health will be like 3+ years from now?

It'd probably be an easy Dem win, but long-term speaking, is the excitement of electing our first female president worth a tense 8 years of worsening health that will have a significant impact on her ability to do her job?
What do you think her physical and mental health will be like 3+ years from now?

It'd probably be an easy Dem win, but long-term speaking, is the excitement of electing our first female president worth a tense 8 years of worsening health that will have a significant impact on her ability to do her job?

more forward thinking than anyone the right wing would run

winning is forward thinking.
Her health is not the forward thing we should worry about the question should be are the policies she would bring forward thinking or just more of what we have seen and that have failed? The same question applies to potential Republican nominees the thing supporters of both parties should be looking for are people who actually bring something new to the table.
What do you think her physical and mental health will be like 3+ years from now?

It'd probably be an easy Dem win, but long-term speaking, is the excitement of electing our first female president worth a tense 8 years of worsening health that will have a significant impact on her ability to do her job?

The GOP had no such concerns about Reagan.

Furthermore the healthcare provided to the leader of the free world would preclude the situation of "worsening health" therefore there won't be any impact.

That you are trying to make this an issue says that you cannot defeat her on the issues that are important to the American people.

But if you feel this strongly you are free to support anyone who might run against her in the Dem primary or whichever GOP might be running against her in 2016.
Any selection that please the far right wing nut reactionaries and social cons would be backward loser thinking.
What do you think her physical and mental health will be like 3+ years from now?

It'd probably be an easy Dem win, but long-term speaking, is the excitement of electing our first female president worth a tense 8 years of worsening health that will have a significant impact on her ability to do her job?
We had Reagan, who had half a brain to run for a third term, literally. HC will be fine. She's had good healthcare in her later years for one.
The country would be moving in forward in the same direction we are now - toward socialism.
Hillary has told close friends that the only way she will accept the job as President
is that Bill does for her what Monica did to Bill in the Oval office. :D

Bill has not given his answer yet.
Hillary has told close friends that the only way she will accept the job as President
is that Bill does for her what Monica did to Bill in the Oval office. :D

Bill has not given his answer yet.
I'll send him another cigar if he does. But no thong this time. Granny panties will have to do.
What do you think her physical and mental health will be like 3+ years from now?

It'd probably be an easy Dem win, but long-term speaking, is the excitement of electing our first female president worth a tense 8 years of worsening health that will have a significant impact on her ability to do her job?

more forward thinking than anyone the right wing would run

winning is forward thinking.

wiining is forward thinking ? winning at all costs you mean , this isn't a football game - look what you jack asses have done to the country , nay the free world, you simple minded useful idiot.
What do you think her physical and mental health will be like 3+ years from now?

It'd probably be an easy Dem win, but long-term speaking, is the excitement of electing our first female president worth a tense 8 years of worsening health that will have a significant impact on her ability to do her job?

Age was a big issue with Dole and McCain. If it comes up this time, people will be accused of attacking her because she's a woman.

Funny, that no one, including Hillary, is able to name her accomplishments. Her job as Sec of State was disappointing for the most part. The $6 billion unaccounted for and Benghazi aren't things she can run on, but the media will likely try to help her run from them. The media will do it's best to claim that those are non-issues, but I hope voters have good memories.

She is looking old, which in itself is no big deal. Personally, I think it looks like a lot of stress took it's toll.

I do think health is very important and should always be considered and if she is fine, then it's wrong to bring it up. Of course, the double standard will apply since age alone was a factor with Republican candidates. I doubt it will fly this time because she is a Dem.

While Hillary doesn't have a list of achievements, we do know where she stands on many things. She'll continue the current agenda and likely push for single payer health insurance. I think her opponents should focus on the current policies she will continue since her rhetoric will focus on meaningless catch phrases and empty promises. It'll be the usual race wars, class wars, income inequality, amnesty, socialized health care and promises to improve everyone's life without being able to explain how. It will be more hope and change or building a bridge to the 21st century crap. All completely meaningless, but sounds fancy enough to impress some idiots.

Polls consistently show people are favoring Repubs right now, but if they do take Senate in addition to keeping the House, everything that goes wrong will be blamed on them. Never mind that Obama has a pen full of poison ink and he will never accept responsibility for anything on his watch, even if he did it.
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