Is "Diversity" A Device Being Used To Undermine White America?

The Republican Party benefited politically when the Democrats gave up on being the party of southern racists during the 1960s and this married racial intolerance with New York Republican capitalism, their unnatural allies. This began the process of modernizing the Republican Party which has culminated in a dysfunctional government with Republican Donald Trump as president, a Republican Senate and a Republican House with the promise of support from a Republican Supreme Court.

With the winnowing of racism from the Democratic Party, Democrats have taken on the cause of equality among the races and, while they were at it, equality for all, regardless of color or creed. Jews have little to benefit from supporting Republicans who include the formally Democrat evangelical white Protestants in such numbers.
I see. So some sort of vague criteria, based on a so-far undefined combination of physical characteristics, behavior, spiritual, and political beliefs, should be used to determine who can and cannot have children. I'm not entirely sure if you think the same criteria should be used to determine who has a "legitimate" reason to be in the country.

This, so that the country can have a greater population of people who fit within the undefined criteria. Put another way, you would like to see the country filled with people you approve of, and would like to see that enshrined in law and the constitution. I'll try to remain cordial and say that is sounds like a good deal of arrogant authoritarianism.
This Nation was founded by, established by, and primarily inhabited by persons of European nationality and ethnic extraction. To this day there continues to be a strong familial linkage between the majority of Americans and the nations and peoples of Europe -- including those with whom we have occasionally gone to war with.

This familial linkage once existed between the vast majority of Americans, not just the simple majority, because the census of those of essentially European (White) extraction is being overrun by those of alien ethnic extraction non-Whites. Now, if you are asking if I find this disturbing, unsettling, undesirable, unpleasant, and threatening -- the answer is a most definite, yes! As any normal human animal would, I have gotten used to my tribe being dominant and I want it to stay that way.

I hope that answers your question in acceptably cordial terms.
I see. So some sort of vague criteria, based on a so-far undefined combination of physical characteristics, behavior, spiritual, and political beliefs, should be used to determine who can and cannot have children. I'm not entirely sure if you think the same criteria should be used to determine who has a "legitimate" reason to be in the country.

This, so that the country can have a greater population of people who fit within the undefined criteria. Put another way, you would like to see the country filled with people you approve of, and would like to see that enshrined in law and the constitution. I'll try to remain cordial and say that is sounds like a good deal of arrogant authoritarianism.
This Nation was founded by, established by, and primarily inhabited by persons of European nationality and ethnic extraction. To this day there continues to be a strong familial linkage between the majority of Americans and the nations and peoples of Europe -- including those with whom we have occasionally gone to war with.

This familial linkage once existed between the vast majority of Americans, not just the simple majority, because the census of those of essentially European (White) extraction is being overrun by those of alien ethnic extraction non-Whites. Now, if you are asking if I find this disturbing, unsettling, undesirable, unpleasant, and threatening -- the answer is a most definite, yes! As any normal human animal would, I have gotten used to my tribe being dominant and I want it to stay that way.

I hope that answers your question in acceptably cordial terms.

Feeling uncomfortable because of shifting ethnicity numbers is one thing, desiring to treat people unequally under the law in order to make yourself feel more comfortable is quite another.
Feeling uncomfortable because of shifting ethnicity numbers is one thing, desiring to treat people unequally under the law in order to make yourself feel more comfortable is quite another.
Please be more specific about my supposed desire to "treat people unequally under the law" to make myself feel more comfortable. What have I said that suggests such a motive?
I see. So some sort of vague criteria, based on a so-far undefined combination of physical characteristics, behavior, spiritual, and political beliefs, should be used to determine who can and cannot have children. I'm not entirely sure if you think the same criteria should be used to determine who has a "legitimate" reason to be in the country.

This, so that the country can have a greater population of people who fit within the undefined criteria. Put another way, you would like to see the country filled with people you approve of, and would like to see that enshrined in law and the constitution. I'll try to remain cordial and say that is sounds like a good deal of arrogant authoritarianism.
This Nation was founded by, established by, and primarily inhabited by persons of European nationality and ethnic extraction. To this day there continues to be a strong familial linkage between the majority of Americans and the nations and peoples of Europe -- including those with whom we have occasionally gone to war with.

This familial linkage once existed between the vast majority of Americans, not just the simple majority, because the census of those of essentially European (White) extraction is being overrun by those of alien ethnic extraction non-Whites. Now, if you are asking if I find this disturbing, unsettling, undesirable, unpleasant, and threatening -- the answer is a most definite, yes! As any normal human animal would, I have gotten used to my tribe being dominant and I want it to stay that way.

I hope that answers your question in acceptably cordial terms.

Kinda like how most, if not all, of India's indigenous population felt about a minority of White people of British extraction's creeping dominance of their social and cultural narrative. So they took action and sought their eventual removal?
Feeling uncomfortable because of shifting ethnicity numbers is one thing, desiring to treat people unequally under the law in order to make yourself feel more comfortable is quite another.
Please be more specific about my supposed desire to "treat people unequally under the law" to make myself feel more comfortable. What have I said that suggests such a motive?

You said this:
There definitely needs to be restrictions based on the primary intention of preventing the over-breeding of non-Whites -- such as is presently occurring.

In conjunction with your stated desire to see whites remain the dominant race in this country, that indicates you would like to see laws restricting the number of children a couple can have based on their race or ethnicity. That would be unequal treatment.
Feeling uncomfortable because of shifting ethnicity numbers is one thing, desiring to treat people unequally under the law in order to make yourself feel more comfortable is quite another.
Please be more specific about my supposed desire to "treat people unequally under the law" to make myself feel more comfortable. What have I said that suggests such a motive?

You said this:
There definitely needs to be restrictions based on the primary intention of preventing the over-breeding of non-Whites -- such as is presently occurring.

In conjunction with your stated desire to see whites remain the dominant race in this country, that indicates you would like to see laws restricting the number of children a couple can have based on their race or ethnicity. That would be unequal treatment.

Montrovant, how do you think the indigenous population of India would react if they were faced with a disproportionately higher rate of birth among non-indigenous minorities compared to that of ethnic Indians? I think they'd be justifiably concerned.
In conjunction with your stated desire to see whites remain the dominant race in this country, that indicates you would like to see laws restricting the number of children a couple can have based on their race or ethnicity. That would be unequal treatment.
The primary purpose of my proposal is about survival of a dominant ethnic category, i.e., Whites in America. If the current situation were reversed and non-Whites were dominant what do you suppose they would do if the White population began to outnumber the non-Whites?

I suggest to you that imposition of a maximum allowable birth rate, controllable by mandatory medical prevention or intervention is significantly more civilized than the alternative, which is genocide. And if that notion seems a bit unrealistic to you I refer you to the methodical slaughter of millions of Hutu tribesmen by the (dominant) Tutsi army in Burundi and Rwanda, Africa, during the sixties and seventies. This genocide was effected for the express purpose of reducing the expanding Hutu population.

I further suggest that you do some basic research into a sociological phenomenon called the territorial imperative, which is the leading factor attending the majority of wars occurring throughout human history. The keyword in this issue is dominance. Dominance is either peacefully accepted by one side in an insoluble territorial (or other) dispute or there is war, forcible subjugation, or systematic genocide.

Again, reverse the circumstances of this discussion. How do you suppose the non-Whites would deal with the situation? Paying attention to the essential nature and the demonstrated behavior of the non-Whites who presently are invading Europe, how do you think these barbaric bottom-feeders would deal with diminished White populations if they were dominant?
In conjunction with your stated desire to see whites remain the dominant race in this country, that indicates you would like to see laws restricting the number of children a couple can have based on their race or ethnicity. That would be unequal treatment.
The primary purpose of my proposal is about survival of a dominant ethnic category, i.e., Whites in America. If the current situation were reversed and non-Whites were dominant what do you suppose they would do if the White population began to outnumber the non-Whites?

I suggest to you that imposition of a maximum allowable birth rate, controllable by mandatory medical prevention or intervention is significantly more civilized than the alternative, which is genocide. And if that notion seems a bit unrealistic to you I refer you to the methodical slaughter of millions of Hutu tribesmen by the (dominant) Tutsi army in Burundi and Rwanda, Africa, during the sixties and seventies. This genocide was effected for the express purpose of reducing the expanding Hutu population.

I further suggest that you do some basic research into a sociological phenomenon called the territorial imperative, which is the leading factor attending the majority of wars occurring throughout human history. The keyword in this issue is dominance. Dominance is either peacefully accepted by one side in an insoluble territorial (or other) dispute or there is war, forcible subjugation, or systematic genocide.

Again, reverse the circumstances of this discussion. How do you suppose the non-Whites would deal with the situation? Paying attention to the essential nature and the demonstrated behavior of the non-Whites who presently are invading Europe, how do you think these barbaric bottom-feeders would deal with diminished White populations if they were dominant?

So because "barbaric bottom-feeders" would do something, you feel you should do the same? :lol:

I neither agree with your premise that the white population shrinking as a percentage of the total US population constitutes genocide, nor that governmental population control based on race is a good idea (nor constitutional, for that matter).
Feeling uncomfortable because of shifting ethnicity numbers is one thing, desiring to treat people unequally under the law in order to make yourself feel more comfortable is quite another.
Please be more specific about my supposed desire to "treat people unequally under the law" to make myself feel more comfortable. What have I said that suggests such a motive?

You said this:
There definitely needs to be restrictions based on the primary intention of preventing the over-breeding of non-Whites -- such as is presently occurring.

In conjunction with your stated desire to see whites remain the dominant race in this country, that indicates you would like to see laws restricting the number of children a couple can have based on their race or ethnicity. That would be unequal treatment.

Montrovant, how do you think the indigenous population of India would react if they were faced with a disproportionately higher rate of birth among non-indigenous minorities compared to that of ethnic Indians? I think they'd be justifiably concerned.

I don't know how Indians would react. Perhaps they would be concerned. Considering the population of India, it isn't a question that is likely to be answered. :p

How the people of India might react does not determine what reaction, if any, I think should be taken to whites being a shrinking proportion of the total US population.
In conjunction with your stated desire to see whites remain the dominant race in this country, that indicates you would like to see laws restricting the number of children a couple can have based on their race or ethnicity. That would be unequal treatment.
The primary purpose of my proposal is about survival of a dominant ethnic category, i.e., Whites in America.

Which makes as much sense as the 'survival' of right handed people in America.

White men control most of the wealth and power in the United States. That doesn't change with the introduction of migrants who don't share your same hue of whiteness.

White people- and brown people- Jews and Muslims and Christians- European and Asian and African- will all survive- and eventually thrive in America.

When did my fellow pale Americans become such snowflakes?
Originally posted by Montrovant
I neither agree with your premise that the white population shrinking as a percentage of the total US population constitutes genocide.

US immigration laws were changed in the 60's with the specific purpose of allowing massive non white immigration into the country.

At the same time, the american mass media started bombarding the american youth with the glamourization of black, latino popular culture and the glamourization of mixed-race couples in a clear effort to present race mixing as an ideal to be followed by the american youth.

If the exact same thing were happening in an african or asian country the whole world would be crying genocide but since it's happening in a white country, all of a sudden, it's not genocide anymore, it's "diversity".
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Originally posted by Montrovant
I neither agree with your premise that the white population shrinking as a percentage of the total US population constitutes genocide.

US immigration laws were changed in the 60's with the specific purpose of allowing massive non white immigration into the country.

At the same time, the american mass media started bombarding the american youth with the glamourization of black, latino popular culture and the glamourization of mixed-race couples in a clear effort to present race mixing as an ideal to be followed by the american youth.

If the exact same thing were happening in an african or asian country the whole world would be crying genocide but since it's happening in a white country, all of a sudden, it's not genocide anymore, it's "diversity".

I find your speculation about the reactions to a similar situation unconvincing.

Let me guess, the glamorization was orchestrated by the Jews?

Excuse me if I don't find your anti-semitic conspiracy theory persuasive.
When did my fellow pale Americans become such snowflakes?

If you mean when did White Americans realize that what is happening in Europe is not a coincidentally simultaneous uprising of malcontents from a dozen economically depressed and socially defective nations, ranging from the Middle East to Indonesia, Asia, and Africa. It doesn't take a Poli/Sci Ph.D to figure out that a movement is under way to undermine the stability of the principal European nations and, eventually, the U.S.A. What we are seeing is the initial stage of a planned effort by the UN to replace the declining birth-rate of the dominant ethnic groupings in the West with easily controllable worker categories from depressed nations. And in case you haven't notices, the dominant ethnic groupings in Europe and America happen to be White while their intended replacements are not.

Speaking for myself, I didn't wake up to this until I learned what is happening in Europe and started asking questions. That was about nine months ago.
The Republican Party benefited politically when the Democrats gave up on being the party of southern racists during the 1960s and this married racial intolerance with New York Republican capitalism, their unnatural allies. This began the process of modernizing the Republican Party which has culminated in a dysfunctional government with Republican Donald Trump as president, a Republican Senate and a Republican House with the promise of support from a Republican Supreme Court.

With the winnowing of racism from the Democratic Party, Democrats have taken on the cause of equality among the races and, while they were at it, equality for all, regardless of color or creed. Jews have little to benefit from supporting Republicans who include the formally Democrat evangelical white Protestants in such numbers.
Democrats have been anti-white since the 70s, moron.

This grotesque idea that somehow you can kick out the KKK members from your party and somehow your party can't be racist in a country that is increasingly non-white is absolutely insane and simple-minded.

If you want to claim the non-white vote, you have to claim ALL elements of it, including the worst ones.
In conjunction with your stated desire to see whites remain the dominant race in this country, that indicates you would like to see laws restricting the number of children a couple can have based on their race or ethnicity. That would be unequal treatment.
The primary purpose of my proposal is about survival of a dominant ethnic category, i.e., Whites in America.

Which makes as much sense as the 'survival' of right handed people in America.

White men control most of the wealth and power in the United States. That doesn't change with the introduction of migrants who don't share your same hue of whiteness.

White people- and brown people- Jews and Muslims and Christians- European and Asian and African- will all survive- and eventually thrive in America.

When did my fellow pale Americans become such snowflakes?
Complete nonsense, and mostly demonstrably false.
In conjunction with your stated desire to see whites remain the dominant race in this country, that indicates you would like to see laws restricting the number of children a couple can have based on their race or ethnicity. That would be unequal treatment.
The primary purpose of my proposal is about survival of a dominant ethnic category, i.e., Whites in America.

Which makes as much sense as the 'survival' of right handed people in America.

White men control most of the wealth and power in the United States. That doesn't change with the introduction of migrants who don't share your same hue of whiteness.

White people- and brown people- Jews and Muslims and Christians- European and Asian and African- will all survive- and eventually thrive in America.

When did my fellow pale Americans become such snowflakes?
Complete nonsense, and mostly demonstrably false.

Poor little snowflake. So certain that we will not survive.....
In conjunction with your stated desire to see whites remain the dominant race in this country, that indicates you would like to see laws restricting the number of children a couple can have based on their race or ethnicity. That would be unequal treatment.
The primary purpose of my proposal is about survival of a dominant ethnic category, i.e., Whites in America.

Which makes as much sense as the 'survival' of right handed people in America.

White men control most of the wealth and power in the United States. That doesn't change with the introduction of migrants who don't share your same hue of whiteness.

White people- and brown people- Jews and Muslims and Christians- European and Asian and African- will all survive- and eventually thrive in America.

When did my fellow pale Americans become such snowflakes?
Complete nonsense, and mostly demonstrably false.

What in that post was demonstrably false, and can you demonstrate? The only thing that pops out is that white men control most of the wealth and power.
The Republican Party benefited politically when the Democrats gave up on being the party of southern racists during the 1960s and this married racial intolerance with New York Republican capitalism, their unnatural allies. This began the process of modernizing the Republican Party which has culminated in a dysfunctional government with Republican Donald Trump as president, a Republican Senate and a Republican House with the promise of support from a Republican Supreme Court.

With the winnowing of racism from the Democratic Party, Democrats have taken on the cause of equality among the races and, while they were at it, equality for all, regardless of color or creed. Jews have little to benefit from supporting Republicans who include the formally Democrat evangelical white Protestants in such numbers.
Democrats have been anti-white since the 70s, moron..

And by 'anti-white' you mean welcoming of minorities- with whites being the single largest ethnic group in the Democratic Party.

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