Is Cuba a ‘Leading’ Sponsor of Terrorism as Republicans charge?



Is Cuba a 8216 Leading 8217 Sponsor of Terrorism

Sen. Ted Cruz condemned President Obama’s announcement that he would normalize relations with Cuba, calling the communist country “a leading state sponsor of terrorism.”

It’s true that Cuba – along with Iran, Syria and Sudan — is listed by the State Department as one of four “State Sponsors of Terrorism.”

But, as the report also says, “intelligence experts have been hard pressed to find evidence that Cuba currently provides weapons or military training to terrorist groups” and “many experts are skeptical” that Cuba still belongs on the list.

The State Department report on Cuba was brief — just three paragraphs, and concluded by saying there’s no evidence that Cuba has provided training or weapons to terrorist groups.


Will Cuba become the new Isis? The new Ebola? The new Gitmo? The new way for Republicans to terrorize America?
oh for crying out loud. here come's the lies

gotta cover for the Dear Leaders ass

guess who was President in 1960???
TheUnited States embargo against Cuba(in Cubael bloqueo) was a commercial, economic, and financialembargoimposed onCuba. It began on 19 October 1960 (almost two years after theBatistaregime was deposed by theCuban Revolution) when the US placed an embargo on exports to Cuba (except for food and medicine). On 7 February 1962 this was extended to include almost all imports.[1]

and the rest of the truth:
United States embargo against Cuba - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
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oh for crying out loud. here come's the lies

gotta cover for the Dear Leaders ass

guess who was President in 1960???
TheUnited States embargo against Cuba(in Cubael bloqueo) was a commercial, economic, and financialembargoimposed onCuba. It began on 19 October 1960 (almost two years after theBatistaregime was deposed by theCuban Revolution) when the US placed an embargo on exports to Cuba (except for food and medicine). On 7 February 1962 this was extended to include almost all imports.[1]

TheUN General Assemblyhas, since 1992, passed a resolution every year condemning the ongoing impact of the embargo and declaring it to be in violation of theCharter of the United Nationsand international law.[2]Human rights groups includingAmnesty International,[2]Human Rights Watch,[14]and theInter-American Commission on Human Rights[15]have also been critical of the embargo. Critics of the embargo say that the embargo laws are too harsh, citing the fact that violations can result in 10 years in prison.

and the rest of the truth:
United States embargo against Cuba - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Dwight D. Eisenhower...

Is Rand Paul covering for Obama too?
oh for crying out loud. here come's the lies

gotta cover for the Dear Leaders ass

guess who was President in 1960???
TheUnited States embargo against Cuba(in Cubael bloqueo) was a commercial, economic, and financialembargoimposed onCuba. It began on 19 October 1960 (almost two years after theBatistaregime was deposed by theCuban Revolution) when the US placed an embargo on exports to Cuba (except for food and medicine). On 7 February 1962 this was extended to include almost all imports.[1]

TheUN General Assemblyhas, since 1992, passed a resolution every year condemning the ongoing impact of the embargo and declaring it to be in violation of theCharter of the United Nationsand international law.[2]Human rights groups includingAmnesty International,[2]Human Rights Watch,[14]and theInter-American Commission on Human Rights[15]have also been critical of the embargo. Critics of the embargo say that the embargo laws are too harsh, citing the fact that violations can result in 10 years in prison.

and the rest of the truth:
United States embargo against Cuba - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Dwight D. Eisenhower...

Is Rand Paul covering for Obama too?

I don't care what Paul say's that isn't the TOPIC of the thread is it
Is Cuba a 8216 Leading 8217 Sponsor of Terrorism

Sen. Ted Cruz condemned President Obama’s announcement that he would normalize relations with Cuba, calling the communist country “a leading state sponsor of terrorism.”

It’s true that Cuba – along with Iran, Syria and Sudan — is listed by the State Department as one of four “State Sponsors of Terrorism.”

But, as the report also says, “intelligence experts have been hard pressed to find evidence that Cuba currently provides weapons or military training to terrorist groups” and “many experts are skeptical” that Cuba still belongs on the list.

The State Department report on Cuba was brief — just three paragraphs, and concluded by saying there’s no evidence that Cuba has provided training or weapons to terrorist groups.


Will Cuba become the new Isis? The new Ebola? The new Gitmo? The new way for Republicans to terrorize America?

Maybe you should address that question to the folks in Argentina and Africa where people have been screwed over by them for years.

Seems to me that every moment the Cuban people are exposed to American people and thought and freedom hastens the end of communism there.


The Cuban people have always been exposed to American people. That's why they get on rafts to leave. It has never stopped the Castro regime from killing anyone who opposes them.

Seems to me that every moment the Cuban people are exposed to American people and thought and freedom hastens the end of communism there.


The Cuban people have always been exposed to American people. That's why they get on rafts to leave. It has never stopped the Castro regime from killing anyone who opposes them.

Oh they desperately get on makeshift rafts to risk their lives trying to get to the U.S.?

Yeeeeea there's nothing in Cuba for us to work with... they hate freedom over there. Obama's a traitor lets leave Cuba to Russia and Iran. :cuckoo:
This would have happened 50 years ago had President Kennedy lived to serve his second term...

In the final months of his Administration, J.F.K. even opened a secret peace channel to Castro, led by U.N. diplomat William Attwood. "He would have recognized Cuba," Milt Ebbins, a Hollywood crony of J.F.K.'s, says today. "He told me that if we recognize Cuba, they'll buy our refrigerators and toasters, and they'll end up kicking Castro out."

Time Magazine

Seems to me that every moment the Cuban people are exposed to American people and thought and freedom hastens the end of communism there.

Unfortunately the US has been the principal enemy of Cuban Sovereignty and Nationalism since the 19 th century....

Seems to me that every moment the Cuban people are exposed to American people and thought and freedom hastens the end of communism there.


The Cuban people have always been exposed to American people. That's why they get on rafts to leave. It has never stopped the Castro regime from killing anyone who opposes them.

I don't think this regime could survive a revolt in this day and age. That's why Castro's bro was out there saying that communism will remain there. He has a shitload to lose, but he's between a rock and a hard place.

Not that this really matters, but it would also be cool to shove this in Putin's face. Heh.


Seems to me that every moment the Cuban people are exposed to American people and thought and freedom hastens the end of communism there.


The Cuban people have always been exposed to American people. That's why they get on rafts to leave. It has never stopped the Castro regime from killing anyone who opposes them.
Is that any different than the reason people from Guatemala and San Salvador come here? Perhaps they`re just fleeing capitalism.
Is Cuba a 8216 Leading 8217 Sponsor of Terrorism

Sen. Ted Cruz condemned President Obama’s announcement that he would normalize relations with Cuba, calling the communist country “a leading state sponsor of terrorism.”

It’s true that Cuba – along with Iran, Syria and Sudan — is listed by the State Department as one of four “State Sponsors of Terrorism.”

But, as the report also says, “intelligence experts have been hard pressed to find evidence that Cuba currently provides weapons or military training to terrorist groups” and “many experts are skeptical” that Cuba still belongs on the list.

The State Department report on Cuba was brief — just three paragraphs, and concluded by saying there’s no evidence that Cuba has provided training or weapons to terrorist groups.


Will Cuba become the new Isis? The new Ebola? The new Gitmo? The new way for Republicans to terrorize America?

Maybe you should address that question to the folks in Argentina and Africa where people have been screwed over by them for years.
Why Nelson Mandela Loved Fidel Castro - Huffington Post

Mandela’s admiration for the Cuban Revolution only grew with time. Cuba under Castro opposed apartheid and supported the African National Congress -- Mandela's political organization and the current ruling party.Mandela credited Cuba’s military support to Angola in the 1970s and 1980s with helping to debilitateSouth Africa’s government enough to result in the legalization of the ANC in 1990

In Argentina on the Occasion of Castro's Birthday

The day before, a march was organized in Buenos Aires by Argentine political and social organizations (PCA, the FJCA, the Territorial Liberation Movement and groups of friendship and solidarity with the island), which went to the Cuban embassy in that city to express support for Cuba and wish good health to President Fidel Castro.
Carrying a large white banner with the slogan “Hang in there, Fidel!” in red and blue letters, along with the Cuban and Argentine flags, demonstrators shouted “Vivas!” for Cuba and the Revolution, as slogans for the liberation of the Latin American peoples.
In response to a call by one of the organizers, Alejandro Forni, general secretary of the Communist Youth Federation of Argentina (FJCA), participants sang “Happy Birthday” to the Cuban leader.
The youth leader expressed Argentine wishes for a speedy recovery of the Cuban leader, and noted that they are on Cuba’s side at this time, when its enemies in the United States are advocating intervention to overthrow the Revolution, and urged the Revolution to stay firm and defend its conquests.
Forni gave Cuban Ambassador Aramís Fuente a mural tapestry as a gift “to reach the hands of compañero Fidel, whom we hope will get well soon.”
“This is a painting by the Jorge Calvo Muralist Brigade, of the Communist Party of Argentina (PCA), with artistic representation of the presidents of Cuba, Bolivia and Venezuela — Fidel Castro, Evo Morales and Hugo Chávez, vanguards of Latin American unity and integration,” he said.
The tapestry, several meters long, was unfurled in Córdoba during the MERCOSUR Summit attended by the three leaders, and during a public event at the university where the Venezuelan and Cuban presidents spoke.
They also presented a wooden carving of Fidel Castro with the slogan “Hang in there, Fidel!” which was used as

Is Cuba a 8216 Leading 8217 Sponsor of Terrorism

Sen. Ted Cruz condemned President Obama’s announcement that he would normalize relations with Cuba, calling the communist country “a leading state sponsor of terrorism.”

It’s true that Cuba – along with Iran, Syria and Sudan — is listed by the State Department as one of four “State Sponsors of Terrorism.”

But, as the report also says, “intelligence experts have been hard pressed to find evidence that Cuba currently provides weapons or military training to terrorist groups” and “many experts are skeptical” that Cuba still belongs on the list.

The State Department report on Cuba was brief — just three paragraphs, and concluded by saying there’s no evidence that Cuba has provided training or weapons to terrorist groups.


Will Cuba become the new Isis? The new Ebola? The new Gitmo? The new way for Republicans to terrorize America?

Maybe you should address that question to the folks in Argentina and Africa where people have been screwed over by them for years.
Why Nelson Mandela Loved Fidel Castro - Huffington Post

Mandela’s admiration for the Cuban Revolution only grew with time. Cuba under Castro opposed apartheid and supported the African National Congress -- Mandela's political organization and the current ruling party.Mandela credited Cuba’s military support to Angola in the 1970s and 1980s with helping to debilitateSouth Africa’s government enough to result in the legalization of the ANC in 1990

In Argentina on the Occasion of Castro's Birthday

The day before, a march was organized in Buenos Aires by Argentine political and social organizations (PCA, the FJCA, the Territorial Liberation Movement and groups of friendship and solidarity with the island), which went to the Cuban embassy in that city to express support for Cuba and wish good health to President Fidel Castro.
Carrying a large white banner with the slogan “Hang in there, Fidel!” in red and blue letters, along with the Cuban and Argentine flags, demonstrators shouted “Vivas!” for Cuba and the Revolution, as slogans for the liberation of the Latin American peoples.
In response to a call by one of the organizers, Alejandro Forni, general secretary of the Communist Youth Federation of Argentina (FJCA), participants sang “Happy Birthday” to the Cuban leader.
The youth leader expressed Argentine wishes for a speedy recovery of the Cuban leader, and noted that they are on Cuba’s side at this time, when its enemies in the United States are advocating intervention to overthrow the Revolution, and urged the Revolution to stay firm and defend its conquests.
Forni gave Cuban Ambassador Aramís Fuente a mural tapestry as a gift “to reach the hands of compañero Fidel, whom we hope will get well soon.”
“This is a painting by the Jorge Calvo Muralist Brigade, of the Communist Party of Argentina (PCA), with artistic representation of the presidents of Cuba, Bolivia and Venezuela — Fidel Castro, Evo Morales and Hugo Chávez, vanguards of Latin American unity and integration,” he said.
The tapestry, several meters long, was unfurled in Córdoba during the MERCOSUR Summit attended by the three leaders, and during a public event at the university where the Venezuelan and Cuban presidents spoke.
They also presented a wooden carving of Fidel Castro with the slogan “Hang in there, Fidel!” which was used as

Relativism is the doctrine which holds that knowledge, truth, and morality exist only in relation to one's cultural, societal, historical and personal context, and, as such can never be the result of soundly reasoned moral absolutes.

It is through this deviation in reason that relativism axiomatically rejects the objectivity which is essential to truth.

And with truth being essential to trust and, both of those being critical to the establishment of a soundly reasoned morality, and because a soundly reasoned morality is essential to Justice... it becomes clear to reasonable people, that Relativism can never serve justice.

Mandela was a Leftist... thus he had no sense for what Justice actually is. Therefore he tended toward the irrational belief that whatever served his interests, was justice. As a result, where he saw 'Socialism" as 'himself', he naturally adhered to whatever he felt served socialism, served justice.

It's idiocy on a grand scale... but idiocy, nonetheless.
Cuba calls weapons on North Korean ship obsolete - Yahoo News

In early July, a top North Korean general, Kim Kyok Sik, visited Cuba and met with In early July, a top North Korean general, Kim Kyok Sik, visited Cuba and met with his island counterparts. The Cuban Communist Party newspaper Granma said he was also received by President Raul Castro, and the two had an "exchange about the historical ties that unite the two nations and the common will to continue strengthening them

The meetings were held behind closed doors, and there has been no detailed account of their discussions.

"After this incident there should be renewed focus on North Korean-Cuban links," said Hugh Griffiths, an arms trafficking expert at the Stockholm International
Peace Research Institute Griffiths said his institute told the U.N. this year that it had uncovered evidence of a flight from Cuba to North Korea that travelled via
central Africa.

So why are we doing any business with Cuba who has strong ties with our enemies.
Nothing like Russia with their newly opened spy base and military ties to N. Korea having access just 90 miles away from our shores.
This gives them strong political clout to manipulate America.
It's not Cuba in and of itself, it's the two countries that Cuba are strong friends with that is the threat.
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oh for crying out loud. here come's the lies

gotta cover for the Dear Leaders ass

guess who was President in 1960???
TheUnited States embargo against Cuba(in Cubael bloqueo) was a commercial, economic, and financialembargoimposed onCuba. It began on 19 October 1960 (almost two years after theBatistaregime was deposed by theCuban Revolution) when the US placed an embargo on exports to Cuba (except for food and medicine). On 7 February 1962 this was extended to include almost all imports.[1]

TheUN General Assemblyhas, since 1992, passed a resolution every year condemning the ongoing impact of the embargo and declaring it to be in violation of theCharter of the United Nationsand international law.[2]Human rights groups includingAmnesty International,[2]Human Rights Watch,[14]and theInter-American Commission on Human Rights[15]have also been critical of the embargo. Critics of the embargo say that the embargo laws are too harsh, citing the fact that violations can result in 10 years in prison.

and the rest of the truth:
United States embargo against Cuba - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Dwight D. Eisenhower...

Is Rand Paul covering for Obama too?

I don't care what Paul say's that isn't the TOPIC of the thread is it

Oddly, you seem to support everything paul says when he is in opposition to a black president, but don't really care about his opinion when he is in agreement with a black president. I think I see a pattern here.
Relativism is the doctrine which holds that knowledge, truth, and morality exist only in relation to one's cultural, societal, historical and personal context, and, as such can never be the result of soundly reasoned moral absolutes.

It is through this deviation in reason that relativism axiomatically rejects the objectivity which is essential to truth.

And with truth being essential to trust and, both of those being critical to the establishment of a soundly reasoned morality, and because a soundly reasoned morality is essential to Justice... it becomes clear to reasonable people, that Relativism can never serve justice.

Mandela was a Leftist... thus he had no sense for what Justice actually is. Therefore he tended toward the irrational belief that whatever served his interests, was justice. As a result, where he saw 'Socialism" as 'himself', he naturally adhered to whatever he felt served socialism, served justice.

It's idiocy on a grand scale... but idiocy, nonetheless.

OK so what you are saying is the Right wing has exclusive domain over morality and rational beliefs that are not "idiocy"...Right there you blew up all your credibility ... why am I smirking and sneering broadly..

The crimes of the U.S. throughout the world have been systematic, constant, clinical, remorseless, and fully documented but nobody talks about them.

Harold Pinter

Harold Pinter Nobel Lecture Art Truth Politics

The United States supported and in many cases engendered every right wing military dictatorship in the world after the end of the Second World War. I refer to Indonesia, Greece, Uruguay, Brazil, Paraguay, Haiti, Turkey, the Philippines, Guatemala, El Salvador, and, of course, Chile. The horror the United States inflicted upon Chile in 1973 can never be purged and can never be forgiven.

Hundreds of thousands of deaths took place throughout these countries. Did they take place? And are they in all cases attributable to US foreign policy? The answer is yes they did take place and they are attributable to American foreign policy. But you wouldn't know it.

It never happened. Nothing ever happened. Even while it was happening it wasn't happening. It didn't matter. It was of no interest. The crimes of the United States have been systematic, constant, vicious, remorseless, but very few people have actually talked about them. You have to hand it to America. It has exercised a quite clinical manipulation of power worldwide while masquerading as a force for universal good. It's a brilliant, even witty, highly successful act of hypnosis.

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