Is Chief Justice John Roberts Getting Shaky In His Oath?


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
Is Chief Justice John Roberts getting shaky in his oath?

The Bush/Cheney administration understood well their criminal actions could get Dubya impeached and thrown out of office. To insure this could not happen, Cheney had the party loyalist John Roberts installed as USSC Chief Justice. Cheney had no desire to be president, he had his puppet Dubya for that.

Cheney also understood the House Majority Party changes regularly, and he could not count on Nancy Pelosi to remain steadfast in her opposition to impeaching Dubya. As we’ve seen Cheney was correct, public pressure finally forced her to take action against the corrupt trump.

Now, John Roberts, the insurance policy Dick Cheney never needed to keep Dubya as POTUS, is in the position to be trump’s savior. If, that is, Roberts remain loyal to the oath he took to the Republican Party and permit this farcical “trial” to play out according to Moscow Mitch's plan.

(Two dogs meet on the street where they spend thirty seconds sniffing each other's butt holes. These dogs have just gained more factual information than conservatives who watch FOX News for a full year.)

Is Chief Justice John Roberts getting shaky in his oath?

The Bush/Cheney administration understood well their criminal actions could get Dubya impeached and thrown out of office. To insure this could not happen, Cheney had the party loyalist John Roberts installed as USSC Chief Justice. Cheney had no desire to be president, he had his puppet Dubya for that.

Cheney also understood the House Majority Party changes regularly, and he could not count on Nancy Pelosi to remain steadfast in her opposition to impeaching Dubya. As we’ve seen Cheney was correct, public pressure finally forced her to take action against the corrupt trump.

Now, John Roberts, the insurance policy Dick Cheney never needed to keep Dubya as POTUS, is in the position to be trump’s savior. If, that is, Roberts remain loyal to the oath he took to the Republican Party and permit this farcical “trial” to play out according to Moscow Mitch's plan.

(Two dogs meet on the street where they spend thirty seconds sniffing each other's butt holes. These dogs have just gained more factual information than conservatives who watch FOX News for a full year.)


He has no say in the trial. He's a moderator, there to see the trial is conducted constitutionally, under SENATE rules.
Is Chief Justice John Roberts getting shaky in his oath?

The Bush/Cheney administration understood well their criminal actions could get Dubya impeached and thrown out of office. To insure this could not happen, Cheney had the party loyalist John Roberts installed as USSC Chief Justice. Cheney had no desire to be president, he had his puppet Dubya for that.

Cheney also understood the House Majority Party changes regularly, and he could not count on Nancy Pelosi to remain steadfast in her opposition to impeaching Dubya. As we’ve seen Cheney was correct, public pressure finally forced her to take action against the corrupt trump.

Now, John Roberts, the insurance policy Dick Cheney never needed to keep Dubya as POTUS, is in the position to be trump’s savior. If, that is, Roberts remain loyal to the oath he took to the Republican Party and permit this farcical “trial” to play out according to Moscow Mitch's plan.

(Two dogs meet on the street where they spend thirty seconds sniffing each other's butt holes. These dogs have just gained more factual information than conservatives who watch FOX News for a full year.)


He has no say in the trial. He's a moderator, there to see the trial is conducted constitutionally, under SENATE rules.

Oh the democrats don't need a reason to try to impeach somebody, Supreme Court Justice or otherwise.
Is Chief Justice John Roberts getting shaky in his oath?

The Bush/Cheney administration understood well their criminal actions could get Dubya impeached and thrown out of office. To insure this could not happen, Cheney had the party loyalist John Roberts installed as USSC Chief Justice. Cheney had no desire to be president, he had his puppet Dubya for that.

Cheney also understood the House Majority Party changes regularly, and he could not count on Nancy Pelosi to remain steadfast in her opposition to impeaching Dubya. As we’ve seen Cheney was correct, public pressure finally forced her to take action against the corrupt trump.

Now, John Roberts, the insurance policy Dick Cheney never needed to keep Dubya as POTUS, is in the position to be trump’s savior. If, that is, Roberts remain loyal to the oath he took to the Republican Party and permit this farcical “trial” to play out according to Moscow Mitch's plan.

(Two dogs meet on the street where they spend thirty seconds sniffing each other's butt holes. These dogs have just gained more factual information than conservatives who watch FOX News for a full year.)

LOL the Judge has no authority to do anything the Senate majority does not approve.
Is Chief Justice John Roberts getting shaky in his oath?

The Bush/Cheney administration understood well their criminal actions could get Dubya impeached and thrown out of office. To insure this could not happen, Cheney had the party loyalist John Roberts installed as USSC Chief Justice. Cheney had no desire to be president, he had his puppet Dubya for that.

Cheney also understood the House Majority Party changes regularly, and he could not count on Nancy Pelosi to remain steadfast in her opposition to impeaching Dubya. As we’ve seen Cheney was correct, public pressure finally forced her to take action against the corrupt trump.

Now, John Roberts, the insurance policy Dick Cheney never needed to keep Dubya as POTUS, is in the position to be trump’s savior. If, that is, Roberts remain loyal to the oath he took to the Republican Party and permit this farcical “trial” to play out according to Moscow Mitch's plan.

(Two dogs meet on the street where they spend thirty seconds sniffing each other's butt holes. These dogs have just gained more factual information than conservatives who watch FOX News for a full year.)


He has no say in the trial. He's a moderator, there to see the trial is conducted constitutionally, under SENATE rules.

Oh the democrats don't need a reason to try to impeach somebody, Supreme Court Justice or otherwise.

It would not surprise me if Dem's tried to impeach all the conservative SCOTUS justices. Dems have lost their shit since the people elected Trump.
Is Chief Justice John Roberts getting shaky in his oath?

The Bush/Cheney administration understood well their criminal actions could get Dubya impeached and thrown out of office. To insure this could not happen, Cheney had the party loyalist John Roberts installed as USSC Chief Justice. Cheney had no desire to be president, he had his puppet Dubya for that.

Cheney also understood the House Majority Party changes regularly, and he could not count on Nancy Pelosi to remain steadfast in her opposition to impeaching Dubya. As we’ve seen Cheney was correct, public pressure finally forced her to take action against the corrupt trump.

Now, John Roberts, the insurance policy Dick Cheney never needed to keep Dubya as POTUS, is in the position to be trump’s savior. If, that is, Roberts remain loyal to the oath he took to the Republican Party and permit this farcical “trial” to play out according to Moscow Mitch's plan.

(Two dogs meet on the street where they spend thirty seconds sniffing each other's butt holes. These dogs have just gained more factual information than conservatives who watch FOX News for a full year.)


He has no say in the trial. He's a moderator, there to see the trial is conducted constitutionally, under SENATE rules.

Oh the democrats don't need a reason to try to impeach somebody, Supreme Court Justice or otherwise.

It would not surprise me if Dem's tried to impeach all the conservative SCOTUS justices. Dems have lost their shit since the people elected Trump.

Won't happen, but would be hysterically funny.
Is Chief Justice John Roberts getting shaky in his oath?

The Bush/Cheney administration understood well their criminal actions could get Dubya impeached and thrown out of office. To insure this could not happen, Cheney had the party loyalist John Roberts installed as USSC Chief Justice. Cheney had no desire to be president, he had his puppet Dubya for that.

Cheney also understood the House Majority Party changes regularly, and he could not count on Nancy Pelosi to remain steadfast in her opposition to impeaching Dubya. As we’ve seen Cheney was correct, public pressure finally forced her to take action against the corrupt trump.

Now, John Roberts, the insurance policy Dick Cheney never needed to keep Dubya as POTUS, is in the position to be trump’s savior. If, that is, Roberts remain loyal to the oath he took to the Republican Party and permit this farcical “trial” to play out according to Moscow Mitch's plan.

(Two dogs meet on the street where they spend thirty seconds sniffing each other's butt holes. These dogs have just gained more factual information than conservatives who watch FOX News for a full year.)


WTF are you talking about? The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court has no say in the matter of whether the president is convicted of the articles of impeachment charged by the House. That is solely to be determined by the vote of the Senators, requiring a 2/3 Supermajority (67 votes) to convict and remove the president. Read up on the Constitution when you get a few minutes between posting nonsense.

Article 1, Section 3, Clause 6:

"The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments. When sitting for that Purpose, they shall be on Oath or Affirmation. When the President of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside: And no Person shall be convicted without the Concurrence of two thirds of the Members present."
Is Chief Justice John Roberts getting shaky in his oath?

The Bush/Cheney administration understood well their criminal actions could get Dubya impeached and thrown out of office. To insure this could not happen, Cheney had the party loyalist John Roberts installed as USSC Chief Justice. Cheney had no desire to be president, he had his puppet Dubya for that.

Cheney also understood the House Majority Party changes regularly, and he could not count on Nancy Pelosi to remain steadfast in her opposition to impeaching Dubya. As we’ve seen Cheney was correct, public pressure finally forced her to take action against the corrupt trump.

Now, John Roberts, the insurance policy Dick Cheney never needed to keep Dubya as POTUS, is in the position to be trump’s savior. If, that is, Roberts remain loyal to the oath he took to the Republican Party and permit this farcical “trial” to play out according to Moscow Mitch's plan.

(Two dogs meet on the street where they spend thirty seconds sniffing each other's butt holes. These dogs have just gained more factual information than conservatives who watch FOX News for a full year.)

If Moscow Mitch can stop witnesses against trump, you sure dam* well better do what you were put in charge of the USSC to do, protect the GOP, its people, and its policies.

You must not permit any witnesses to appear in this trial. (Except those who will lie to protect trump.)

Is Chief Justice John Roberts getting shaky in his oath?

The Bush/Cheney administration understood well their criminal actions could get Dubya impeached and thrown out of office. To insure this could not happen, Cheney had the party loyalist John Roberts installed as USSC Chief Justice. Cheney had no desire to be president, he had his puppet Dubya for that.

Cheney also understood the House Majority Party changes regularly, and he could not count on Nancy Pelosi to remain steadfast in her opposition to impeaching Dubya. As we’ve seen Cheney was correct, public pressure finally forced her to take action against the corrupt trump.

Now, John Roberts, the insurance policy Dick Cheney never needed to keep Dubya as POTUS, is in the position to be trump’s savior. If, that is, Roberts remain loyal to the oath he took to the Republican Party and permit this farcical “trial” to play out according to Moscow Mitch's plan.

(Two dogs meet on the street where they spend thirty seconds sniffing each other's butt holes. These dogs have just gained more factual information than conservatives who watch FOX News for a full year.)

Do you take meds? If not, why not?

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