Is Benghazi Becoming a Watergate, or Iran-Contra, or Both?


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
Is Benghazi Becoming a Watergate, or Iran-Contra, or Both? | National Review Online

By Victor Davis Hanson

Benghazi cannot be dismissed with “long ago” or “what difference does it make” exasperation, given it may have the cover-up and civil-liberties aspects of Watergate and the weapon-transfers and foreign-policy implications of Iran-Contra.

Mr. Hanson makes 4 logical points that require the reader to reconsider what Mr. Obama is up to.
Beside the loss of four killed and at least 6 wounded and maimed, the most insulting thing about the Benghazi fiasco is that this narcissistic president could really believe that he could fool Americans about the incompetent handling and loss of life at that isolated post.
No. Benghazi is one more feeble effort by the GOP to find something, anything to resonant with the American People as did Watergate and Iran-Contra. The fact that both Reagan and Nixon surrogates committed felonies is a hard act to follow. One might better equate Benghazi with the bombing in Beirut under Reagan's watch in 1983.
Benghazi is one more feeble effort of the Left to dismiss its shortcomings and delude the American People into believing non-truth.

Obama can not stand. On his own. Nor on his own watch.

He has fallen asleep at the wheel.
Benghazi is one more feeble effort of the Left to dismiss its shortcomings and delude the American People into believing non-truth.

Obama can not stand. On his own. Nor on his own watch.

He has fallen asleep at the wheel.

Thanks so much for sharing your opinion, it is always so ... predictable and ridiculous.
Is Benghazi Becoming a Watergate, or Iran-Contra, or Both? | National Review Online

By Victor Davis Hanson

Benghazi cannot be dismissed with “long ago” or “what difference does it make” exasperation, given it may have the cover-up and civil-liberties aspects of Watergate and the weapon-transfers and foreign-policy implications of Iran-Contra.

Mr. Hanson makes 4 logical points that require the reader to reconsider what Mr. Obama is up to.
Beside the loss of four killed and at least 6 wounded and maimed, the most insulting thing about the Benghazi fiasco is that this narcissistic president could really believe that he could fool Americans about the incompetent handling and loss of life at that isolated post.

For months Republicans have been trying so hard to turn the Benghazi incident into a scandal they can pin on Obama, and they keep coming up empty. They just can't stand the fact that Obama has escaped 4 years without a scandal and it's driving them crazy.

As 2016 approaches, and they realize how much higher Hillary is in the polls than any other Democratic contender, and Republican contender they are frothing at the mouth to try rev Benghazi up one more time and see if any of the crap they sling at the wall ends up sticking.

Give it up, there's nothing there.
Benghazi is one more feeble effort of the Left to dismiss its shortcomings and delude the American People into believing non-truth.

Obama can not stand. On his own. Nor on his own watch.

He has fallen asleep at the wheel.

Thanks so much for sharing your opinion, it is always so ... predictable and ridiculous.

This entire forum, all of its posters, and politics in general are predictable and ridiculous :cool:
The right calling the kettle black. Unbelievable ridiculous considering the 8 years of Bush screw ups that cost trillions and millions of lives. And Congress on extended vacation. Benghazi is no comparison to Iran-Contra and Watergate. Mind boggling right wing hatred for Obama because he is not failing. :confused:
How many lives were saved doing the Benghazi attack? The right will keep digging until they dig their cesspool. Putting it lightly.
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Right-Wing Media Dishonestly Link Routine Investigation To Benghazi "Whistleblowers"

Right-wing media are falsely claiming that a State Department Inspector General review is linked to dubious allegations that State ignored "whistleblowers" during an independent review of attacks on a diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya. In fact, the routine investigation was planned before the State Department's Accountability Review Board released its findings, has nothing to do with "whistleblower" allegations, and will investigate decades of State actions.
Right-Wing Media Dishonestly Link Routine Investigation To Benghazi "Whistleblowers" | Research | Media Matters for America

Right Wing Rag.
[B]Weekly Standard Accidentally Disproves Central Right-Wing Benghazi Claim

We believe based on currently available information that the attacks in Benghazi were spontaneously inspired by the protests at the U.S. Embassy in Cairo and evolved into a direct assault against the U.S. Consulate and subsequently its annex.
These talking points were used by Ambassador Rice for a series of September 16 television interviews. The right-wing media subsequently engaged in a witch hunt to portray her as untruthful and misleading for connecting the attack to the video. But as the Weekly Standard has now shown, it was the CIA's Office of Terrorism Analysis and not political appointees that introduced that link into the talking points.
Weekly Standard Accidentally Disproves Central Right-Wing Benghazi Claim | Blog | Media Matters for America
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Right-Wing Media Dishonestly Link Routine Investigation To Benghazi "Whistleblowers"

Right-wing media are falsely claiming that a State Department Inspector General review is linked to dubious allegations that State ignored "whistleblowers" during an independent review of attacks on a diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya. In fact, the routine investigation was planned before the State Department's Accountability Review Board released its findings, has nothing to do with "whistleblower" allegations, and will investigate decades of State actions.
Right-Wing Media Dishonestly Link Routine Investigation To Benghazi "Whistleblowers" | Research | Media Matters for America

Right Wing Rag.
[B]Weekly Standard Accidentally Disproves Central Right-Wing Benghazi Claim

We believe based on currently available information that the attacks in Benghazi were spontaneously inspired by the protests at the U.S. Embassy in Cairo and evolved into a direct assault against the U.S. Consulate and subsequently its annex.
These talking points were used by Ambassador Rice for a series of September 16 television interviews. The right-wing media subsequently engaged in a witch hunt to portray her as untruthful and misleading for connecting the attack to the video. But as the Weekly Standard has now shown, it was the CIA's Office of Terrorism Analysis and not political appointees that introduced that link into the talking points.
Weekly Standard Accidentally Disproves Central Right-Wing Benghazi Claim | Blog | Media Matters for America

The right-wing Desperados are desperately trying to get something, anything to stick on Benghazi, and it's downright pathetic, each time they bring it up they are proven wrong, but they bring it up again hoping the next piece of "information" is going to result in a hit, and they end up with a miss. So pathetic.
Is Benghazi Becoming a Watergate, or Iran-Contra, or Both? | National Review Online

By Victor Davis Hanson

Benghazi cannot be dismissed with “long ago” or “what difference does it make” exasperation, given it may have the cover-up and civil-liberties aspects of Watergate and the weapon-transfers and foreign-policy implications of Iran-Contra.

Mr. Hanson makes 4 logical points that require the reader to reconsider what Mr. Obama is up to.
Beside the loss of four killed and at least 6 wounded and maimed, the most insulting thing about the Benghazi fiasco is that this narcissistic president could really believe that he could fool Americans about the incompetent handling and loss of life at that isolated post.

You fellows have milked this one dry. Move on to the next talking point, no matter how insane.
The left can't even conceive of the possibility that Obama, Lord, Savior, Daddy, might have fucked this up

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
Is Benghazi Becoming a Watergate, or Iran-Contra, or Both? | National Review Online

By Victor Davis Hanson

Benghazi cannot be dismissed with “long ago” or “what difference does it make” exasperation, given it may have the cover-up and civil-liberties aspects of Watergate and the weapon-transfers and foreign-policy implications of Iran-Contra.

Mr. Hanson makes 4 logical points that require the reader to reconsider what Mr. Obama is up to.
Beside the loss of four killed and at least 6 wounded and maimed, the most insulting thing about the Benghazi fiasco is that this narcissistic president could really believe that he could fool Americans about the incompetent handling and loss of life at that isolated post.

It is becoming neither, except in the minds of some desperate people on the right.
Benghazi is one more feeble effort of the Left to dismiss its shortcomings and delude the American People into believing non-truth.

Obama can not stand. On his own. Nor on his own watch.

He has fallen asleep at the wheel.

Thanks so much for sharing your opinion, it is always so ... predictable and ridiculous.

That's MISTER predictable and ridiculous to you, bub. :tongue:
People on the left have no conscience.......they'd let the terror bad guys mutilate their own family members if the family members werent towing the established hyperpartisan line.

I spit on all of them......fucking limpwristed fairies.:coffee:

These people are fucking zombies.

I supported George Bush, quite voiciferously at one time, but now look back and recognize he was no different than meatheads like John McCain, Romney et. al. In bed with the special interests like the rest......

Lefties defend their meatheads to the death no matter what......purely black and white. Special interests are everything to those on the long as its their special interests.
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Is Benghazi Becoming a Watergate, or Iran-Contra, or Both? | National Review Online

By Victor Davis Hanson

Benghazi cannot be dismissed with “long ago” or “what difference does it make” exasperation, given it may have the cover-up and civil-liberties aspects of Watergate and the weapon-transfers and foreign-policy implications of Iran-Contra.

Mr. Hanson makes 4 logical points that require the reader to reconsider what Mr. Obama is up to.
Beside the loss of four killed and at least 6 wounded and maimed, the most insulting thing about the Benghazi fiasco is that this narcissistic president could really believe that he could fool Americans about the incompetent handling and loss of life at that isolated post.

You fellows have milked this one dry. Move on to the next talking point, no matter how insane.

Let's just ignore the last 5 years, and pay no attention to the next 3.
I supported George Bush, quite voiciferously at one time, but now look back and recognize he was no different than meatheads like John McCain, Romney et. al. In bed with the special interests like the rest......

W and his cronies were much, much worse than the American public imagines. Not only did they lie to the American people to justify the invasion of Iraq, but Cheney and Rumsfeld personally made millions of dollars off this war through their ownership of shares in Haliburton and other government contracted corporations who supplied the troops on deployment.

The whole pack of them should be put on trial and forced to return that money to the American people.
For months Republicans have been trying so hard to turn the Benghazi incident into a scandal they can pin on Obama, and they keep coming up empty. They just can't stand the fact that Obama has escaped 4 years without a scandal and it's driving them crazy.

As 2016 approaches, and they realize how much higher Hillary is in the polls than any other Democratic contender, and Republican contender they are frothing at the mouth to try rev Benghazi up one more time and see if any of the crap they sling at the wall ends up sticking.

Give it up, there's nothing there.

Three career State Department officials – who describe themselves as Benghazi "whistleblowers" — will testify at Wednesday's widely anticipated congressional hearing, Fox News reported, releasing the names that have been kept a well-guarded secret.

The three men who will testify about the Sept. 11, 2012 attacks, in which U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans were killed, are:

Gregory N. Hicks, a foreign service officer and former Deputy Chief of Mission/Chargé d’Affairs in Libya

Former Marine Mark I. Thompson, acting Deputy Assistant Secretary for Counterterrorism for the State Department.

Diplomatic security officer Eric Nordstrom, former Regional Security Officer in Libya. He was the top security officer in the country in the months leading up to the attacks.

They will appear before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, chaired by California Republican Darrell Issa.

Read Latest Breaking News from 3 State Dept. 'Whistleblowers' To Testify at Benghazi Hearing

how is this for a "nothing there, give it up" ??

well, at least the liarberals are faithful to their illegal alien muslime mulatto dictator !!

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