Is America Headed for a Wave of Political Violence?


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

What a ridiculous question. It’s already happened in the Antifa and Leftist thugs who attack anyone and anything they feel opposed to.

The question they should ask is when will the right begin to fight back? Not a run-of-the-mill Trump supporter but some nutcase who thinks he’ll be a hero for showing the leftist scum what’s coming to them.

But is it true that we’re living in a “climate of agitation”? A recent New York Times piece also seems to confirm what gringo expat Fred Reed observed not long after Marshall’s disquieted conjecture: that America “seems angry — quietly so, not sure what to do about it, but looking for someone to hit.”

Then there’s the question of ontological moral status. The researchers found that “nearly one out of five Republicans and Democrats agree with the statement that their political adversaries ‘lack the traits to be considered fully human — they behave like animals.’”

It’s a neat little coincidence that three years to the day of Marshall’s warning, Rep. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota suggested President Trump is not human. (Her opinion on Jewish Americans is, we can assume, not altogether different.) And who says white papers never represent the real world?

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