Irony of US-Venezuela sanctions


Diamond Member
Mar 7, 2014
US sanctions on Venezuela 'to stay'

"Mr Pence wrote in a tweet. "Sanctions continue until democracy returns to Venezuela.""

Yes, Pence, a guy who is VP because Trump got 2.5 million votes LESS than his opponents, in a country with a Congress where gerrymandering seems to go on all the time, and Supreme Court which is basically the way it is because of dirty tricks, and they're telling Venezuela, which just had an election, that they should be democratic.


"The couple were detained in 2016 at her family's house in the capital Caracas while waiting for US visas, and accused of hiding weapons. Both were jailed for two years."

So the US welcomes back people who hide weapons, ie, people who broke the law. Trump has been arguing AGAINST hispanics going to the US complaining that they're all criminals, and he then LETS IN A CRIMINAL VENEZUELAN (they're banned from the US right now).

US sanctions on Venezuela 'to stay'

"Mr Pence wrote in a tweet. "Sanctions continue until democracy returns to Venezuela.""

Yes, Pence, a guy who is VP because Trump got 2.5 million votes LESS than his opponents, in a country with a Congress where gerrymandering seems to go on all the time, and Supreme Court which is basically the way it is because of dirty tricks, and they're telling Venezuela, which just had an election, that they should be democratic.


"The couple were detained in 2016 at her family's house in the capital Caracas while waiting for US visas, and accused of hiding weapons. Both were jailed for two years."

So the US welcomes back people who hide weapons, ie, people who broke the law. Trump has been arguing AGAINST hispanics going to the US complaining that they're all criminals, and he then LETS IN A CRIMINAL VENEZUELAN (they're banned from the US right now).


If Venezuela is so much more democratic and has utopian socialism, why aren't you already on your way? Us tax payers and those who have contributed to making the greatest civilization on the planet a reality would certainly thank you.
US sanctions on Venezuela 'to stay'

"Mr Pence wrote in a tweet. "Sanctions continue until democracy returns to Venezuela.""

Yes, Pence, a guy who is VP because Trump got 2.5 million votes LESS than his opponents, in a country with a Congress where gerrymandering seems to go on all the time, and Supreme Court which is basically the way it is because of dirty tricks, and they're telling Venezuela, which just had an election, that they should be democratic.


"The couple were detained in 2016 at her family's house in the capital Caracas while waiting for US visas, and accused of hiding weapons. Both were jailed for two years."

So the US welcomes back people who hide weapons, ie, people who broke the law. Trump has been arguing AGAINST hispanics going to the US complaining that they're all criminals, and he then LETS IN A CRIMINAL VENEZUELAN (they're banned from the US right now).


If Venezuela is so much more democratic and has utopian socialism, why aren't you already on your way? Us tax payers and those who have contributed to making the greatest civilization on the planet a reality would certainly thank you.

Wait, where did you read that I said Venezuela was more democratic than the US?

I didn't.

You're deflecting massively.

Read what I wrote.

I said the US can't go around telling people about Democracy when Democracy is a joke in the US.

The greatest civilization on the planet huh? Right......
US sanctions on Venezuela 'to stay'

"Mr Pence wrote in a tweet. "Sanctions continue until democracy returns to Venezuela.""

Yes, Pence, a guy who is VP because Trump got 2.5 million votes LESS than his opponents, in a country with a Congress where gerrymandering seems to go on all the time, and Supreme Court which is basically the way it is because of dirty tricks, and they're telling Venezuela, which just had an election, that they should be democratic.


"The couple were detained in 2016 at her family's house in the capital Caracas while waiting for US visas, and accused of hiding weapons. Both were jailed for two years."

So the US welcomes back people who hide weapons, ie, people who broke the law. Trump has been arguing AGAINST hispanics going to the US complaining that they're all criminals, and he then LETS IN A CRIMINAL VENEZUELAN (they're banned from the US right now).


If Venezuela is so much more democratic and has utopian socialism, why aren't you already on your way? Us tax payers and those who have contributed to making the greatest civilization on the planet a reality would certainly thank you.

Wait, where did you read that I said Venezuela was more democratic than the US?

I didn't.

You're deflecting massively.

Read what I wrote.

I said the US can't go around telling people about Democracy when Democracy is a joke in the US.

The greatest civilization on the planet huh? Right......

So you agree that US is more democratic than Venezuela.

Good, then Pence has business in asking for some standards. The problem in Venezuela is of course that it's a third world hell hole populated by 3rd world idiot populace. Having democracy or even ending socialism won't solve their issues. That merely ensures that things will never get better.

This is what the left has in mind for America. Worse than socialism indeed... Far worse...
US sanctions on Venezuela 'to stay'

"Mr Pence wrote in a tweet. "Sanctions continue until democracy returns to Venezuela.""

Yes, Pence, a guy who is VP because Trump got 2.5 million votes LESS than his opponents, in a country with a Congress where gerrymandering seems to go on all the time, and Supreme Court which is basically the way it is because of dirty tricks, and they're telling Venezuela, which just had an election, that they should be democratic.


"The couple were detained in 2016 at her family's house in the capital Caracas while waiting for US visas, and accused of hiding weapons. Both were jailed for two years."

So the US welcomes back people who hide weapons, ie, people who broke the law. Trump has been arguing AGAINST hispanics going to the US complaining that they're all criminals, and he then LETS IN A CRIMINAL VENEZUELAN (they're banned from the US right now).


If Venezuela is so much more democratic and has utopian socialism, why aren't you already on your way? Us tax payers and those who have contributed to making the greatest civilization on the planet a reality would certainly thank you.

Wait, where did you read that I said Venezuela was more democratic than the US?

I didn't.

You're deflecting massively.

Read what I wrote.

I said the US can't go around telling people about Democracy when Democracy is a joke in the US.

The greatest civilization on the planet huh? Right......

So you agree that US is more democratic than Venezuela.

Good, then Pence has business in asking for some standards. The problem in Venezuela is of course that it's a third world hell hole populated by 3rd world idiot populace. Having democracy or even ending socialism won't solve their issues. That merely ensures that things will never get better.

This is what the left has in mind for America. Worse than socialism indeed... Far worse...

This isn't about being "more democratic" at all. That's not the point. The US isn't democratic. Nor is Venezuela.

It's like two straight women talking about which one is more male.

So, Pence is asking for standards that the US doesn't meet. Right.......

Yes, the problem with Venezuela is that it has an idiot for a leader who is destroying the country for his own benefit.

But then again I'd say Trump is also doing that, though at a lesser level, but that's more to do with him having less power, than less desire.

I'm not a socialist. However there are certain things that are better off being socialist. I'm sure you'll agree.

Like the military. The military is better off being socialist. Everyone pays for the defense of their country, and it's done in a socialist manner. Don't you agree?

I mean, having a system where people pay for private militaries to look after them, it's not really a great system, is it?
Venezuela is on the brink of a complete economic collapse

The key word there is "completely." Both are well into their death throes. Indeed, Venezuela's ruling party just lost congressional elections that gave the opposition a veto-proof majority, and it's hard to see that getting any better for them any time soon — or ever. Incumbents, after all, don't tend to do too well when, according to the International Monetary Fund, their economy shrinks 10 percent one year, an additional 6 percent the next, and inflation explodes to 720 percent. It's no wonder, then, that markets expect Venezuela to default on its debt in the very near future. The country is basically bankrupt.

That's not an easy thing to do when you have the largest oil reserves in the world, but Venezuela has managed it. How? Well, a combination of bad luck and worse policies. The first step was when Hugo Chávez's socialist government started spending more money on the poor, with everything from two-cent gasoline to free housing. Now, there's nothing wrong with that — in fact, it's a good idea in general — but only as long as you actually, well, have the money to spend. And by 2005 or so, Venezuela didn't.

Why not? The answer is that Chávez turned the state-owned oil company from being professionally run to being barely run. People who knew what they were doing were replaced with people who were loyal to the regime, and profits came out but new investment didn't go in. That last part was particularly bad, because Venezuela's extra-heavy crude needs to be blended or refined — neither of which is cheap — before it can be sold. So Venezuela just hasn't been able to churn out as much oil as it used to without upgraded or even maintained infrastructure. Specifically, oil production fell 25 percent between 1999 and 2013.

The rest is a familiar tale of fiscal woe. Even triple-digit oil prices, as Justin Fox points out, weren't enough to keep Venezuela out of the red when it was spending more on its people but producing less crude. So it did what all poorly run states do when the money runs out: It printed some more. And by "some," I mean a lot, a lot more. That, in turn, became more "a lots" than you can count once oil started collapsing in mid-2014. The result of all this money-printing, as you can see below, is that Venezuela's currency has, by black market rates, lost 93 percent of its value in the past two years.
Food Lines in Venezuela.

Food Lines in Venezuela.


They went full socialism..........Free Free Free...........ran out of money and printed more not worth the paper it was written on.............Hyper Inflation to over 700% and a currency that no one in the world wanted........Utter destruction from pure stupidity............Much worse than Greenland and Greece................

And they are getting very desperate............

In regards to Sanctions............can't seem to agree.........they are already toast.........and the people are starving.

Yes they need to change......need their leaders fired........and will need help from the world to prevent utter Chaos...........

The World will not come in while under current management..............the clock is ticking.
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Venezuela is on the brink of a complete economic collapse

The key word there is "completely." Both are well into their death throes. Indeed, Venezuela's ruling party just lost congressional elections that gave the opposition a veto-proof majority, and it's hard to see that getting any better for them any time soon — or ever. Incumbents, after all, don't tend to do too well when, according to the International Monetary Fund, their economy shrinks 10 percent one year, an additional 6 percent the next, and inflation explodes to 720 percent. It's no wonder, then, that markets expect Venezuela to default on its debt in the very near future. The country is basically bankrupt.

That's not an easy thing to do when you have the largest oil reserves in the world, but Venezuela has managed it. How? Well, a combination of bad luck and worse policies. The first step was when Hugo Chávez's socialist government started spending more money on the poor, with everything from two-cent gasoline to free housing. Now, there's nothing wrong with that — in fact, it's a good idea in general — but only as long as you actually, well, have the money to spend. And by 2005 or so, Venezuela didn't.

Why not? The answer is that Chávez turned the state-owned oil company from being professionally run to being barely run. People who knew what they were doing were replaced with people who were loyal to the regime, and profits came out but new investment didn't go in. That last part was particularly bad, because Venezuela's extra-heavy crude needs to be blended or refined — neither of which is cheap — before it can be sold. So Venezuela just hasn't been able to churn out as much oil as it used to without upgraded or even maintained infrastructure. Specifically, oil production fell 25 percent between 1999 and 2013.

The rest is a familiar tale of fiscal woe. Even triple-digit oil prices, as Justin Fox points out, weren't enough to keep Venezuela out of the red when it was spending more on its people but producing less crude. So it did what all poorly run states do when the money runs out: It printed some more. And by "some," I mean a lot, a lot more. That, in turn, became more "a lots" than you can count once oil started collapsing in mid-2014. The result of all this money-printing, as you can see below, is that Venezuela's currency has, by black market rates, lost 93 percent of its value in the past two years.

And what the fuck does this have to do with the topic?

Oh, right, you read "Venezuela" so you think this topic is about Venezuela.

Er.... fucking hell.
Venezuela went full socialist................Ran out of other people's money then printed more.

And imploded.............They did this to themselves..........The stole other countries and companies drilling equipment. Oil rigs......Replaced qualified workers with inexperienced ones.............New ones didn't know jack squat about it and production fell by 25% or more. They closed down Free Press in the country as it was breeding discontent...............

They destroyed themselves with the theory of SOCIALISM GOOD............and are in Chaos because of it.
US sanctions on Venezuela 'to stay'

"Mr Pence wrote in a tweet. "Sanctions continue until democracy returns to Venezuela.""

Yes, Pence, a guy who is VP because Trump got 2.5 million votes LESS than his opponents, in a country with a Congress where gerrymandering seems to go on all the time, and Supreme Court which is basically the way it is because of dirty tricks, and they're telling Venezuela, which just had an election, that they should be democratic.


"The couple were detained in 2016 at her family's house in the capital Caracas while waiting for US visas, and accused of hiding weapons. Both were jailed for two years."

So the US welcomes back people who hide weapons, ie, people who broke the law. Trump has been arguing AGAINST hispanics going to the US complaining that they're all criminals, and he then LETS IN A CRIMINAL VENEZUELAN (they're banned from the US right now).

Only someone who hates his country would trust the government of Venezuela over his own. Trump won the election according to the rules, unlike the current Junta in Venezuela that engaged in wholesale cheating.
Honeymoon in hell: U.S. newlywed jailed in Venezuela as possible spy

2 years a Mormon missionary...............His only crime was being a Gringo...........Framed..........thrown in Jail without a trial......................................

He was only there to get married and was waiting for Visa's for his new family.............Wrongfully more Americans jailed there by Venezuela...................

No Rule of Law in Venezuela

For those who remain unaware of the history of this shameful case, briefly it is as follows. In 2007, Eligio Cedeno, a young Venezuelan banker, was imprisoned on trumped-up currency charges because he supported a political prisoner Carlos Ortega, the leader of Venezuela’s largest trade union. Mr Cedeno provided support, including financial support, for the imprisoned trade union leader. As a result, Mr Cedeno was himself imprisoned. He was held for more than three years without trial.

In accordance with Venezuelan law, Judge Maria Lourdes Afiuni ordered that Mr Cedeno be released on parole; the law provided that the maximum time for which a prisoner could be held without trial was two years. Mr Cedeno fled the country.

Then the Judge was arrested (December, 2009) and held in prison with prisoners whom she had sentenced. After treatment for cancer in February, 2011 she was released from prison but continued to be held under house arrest. She was prohibited from speaking to the media.

President Hugo Chavez described her as a bandit, said she should be imprisoned for thirty years, and that under Bolivar she would have been shot.
A 'caravan of misery' as desperate Venezeulans flee their country to survive

Venezuela was a socialist paradise until it became a nightmare. Now no one on the left wants to talk about it. All the more reason to talk about it and to study closely the complete collapse of a society that elected a socialist goon promising to wipe out inequality. He did that in a sense. Money is so worthless in today’s Venezuela that almost anyone can be a millionaire and almost everyone is equally starving and miserable. The only solution for many people is to flee the country. Venezuelan socialism has led to one of the largest mass migrations in South American history, with up to 1.5 million Venezuelans fleeing the country in the past two years.
The praised a Social Paradise.................Free Gas.......Free housing..........Free Free Free ..........seized foreign assets in the oil business .............Ran out of other people's money........printed more and destroyed themselves.............

They banned Free Press.............rigged elections..............and are now under the rule of another Dictator.............because they drank the Kool Aide.........................

While this dictator is in power the rest of the World will not bail them out.......And while this goes on Millions flee the country facing starvation.............................

Another failed Social Experiment.

Trump certainly likes his criminals.

Try Sabrina De Sousa. Not only did she help kidnap someone by falsifying documents, but that person was then tortured and locked up for four years without trial.

Not only this, but she actually says she did it and also said she didn't do it. Nice. Trump like.

Another one is Aya Hijazi and her husband Mohamed Hassanein. Yes, the right are cheering that Trump got two Muslims into the US. Wow.

Sandy Phan-Gillis - sentenced to three and a half years in prison, served three years and then released. Yep, she was released six months early. Well done Trump......

Otto Warmbier - oh, fuck, he looks like he's going to die, let's send him back to America so they can deal with this shit. Nice one Trump.

Joshua Boyle and family - went on fucking holiday in Taliban country. Pakistan rescued them. Nice one Trump for.... for... I don't know... for your own person Afghanistan?

So, most of this is just Trump hoping his minions don't actually read beyond the first paragraph.

Your Hate fest is noted..............You backed a freaking Dictator BS just earlier..........He was Mormon going their to marry........Missionary for 2 years only there to get Married...................Did you miss that.

Oh you quote a fucking Dictator position..........You support Americans thrown in prison there without a trial.

You should be about out of tears by now... shouldn't you?


That's so cute. You think I'm a Democrat.

No. I would have lost whoever had won that election. Why?

Because it's either Republicans or Democrats, and they always win.

The US's third party has ZERO US Congressmen and women, ZERO presidents, Zero Supreme Court justices. It has three state lower house seat out of 5,411, and one upper house seat out of 1,972

That's complete bullshit for a third party in a country. And I'm not even a Libertarian.
A third party needs to work its way from the ground up

Start in local governments and work up to state representatives
Going straight for the White House is not going to work
You should be about out of tears by now... shouldn't you?


That's so cute. You think I'm a Democrat.

No. I would have lost whoever had won that election. Why?

Because it's either Republicans or Democrats, and they always win.

The US's third party has ZERO US Congressmen and women, ZERO presidents, Zero Supreme Court justices. It has three state lower house seat out of 5,411, and one upper house seat out of 1,972

That's complete bullshit for a third party in a country. And I'm not even a Libertarian.
A third party needs to work its way from the ground up

Start in local governments and work up to state representatives
Going straight for the White House is not going to work

It's not going to work either way, because of the political system. It's that simple. We PR to come in, there'd be at least 6 parties at the next election. Won't happen because they like their monopoly.

Democracy? no. Hypocrisy? yes.

Trump certainly likes his criminals.

Try Sabrina De Sousa. Not only did she help kidnap someone by falsifying documents, but that person was then tortured and locked up for four years without trial.

Not only this, but she actually says she did it and also said she didn't do it. Nice. Trump like.

Another one is Aya Hijazi and her husband Mohamed Hassanein. Yes, the right are cheering that Trump got two Muslims into the US. Wow.

Sandy Phan-Gillis - sentenced to three and a half years in prison, served three years and then released. Yep, she was released six months early. Well done Trump......

Otto Warmbier - oh, fuck, he looks like he's going to die, let's send him back to America so they can deal with this shit. Nice one Trump.

Joshua Boyle and family - went on fucking holiday in Taliban country. Pakistan rescued them. Nice one Trump for.... for... I don't know... for your own person Afghanistan?

So, most of this is just Trump hoping his minions don't actually read beyond the first paragraph.

Your Hate fest is noted..............You backed a freaking Dictator BS just earlier..........He was Mormon going their to marry........Missionary for 2 years only there to get Married...................Did you miss that.

Oh you quote a fucking Dictator position..........You support Americans thrown in prison there without a trial.


Haha, MY PATHETIC? What? Fucking hell, did they not teach you English in the Army?

Entonces hablamos en Espanol?

As for everything else you said, I don't even know who the fuck you're talking about, or what you're talking about.

But your attack is noted. Or shout that be 'you're attack'?
You just pushed that a Mormon Missionary was arrested for owning Guns.


If you go to a country, and you break their rules, what do you expect will happen?

"But it ain't a rule in uhmerikuh, so I ain't gonna follow it"

Are you basically saying the guy was fucking stupid?

Also, Venezuelans are BANNED from entering the US, and his wife was Venezuelans, was allowed in the country. Oh.... shit.
You took only the propaganda of Venezuela about his arrest.

You say nothing about he was never given a Trial.

You disregard he is a Mormon and a Missionary.........Which is laughable.

And you talk about Gerrymandering as people in Venezuela Starve because of it's collapse.

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