Ireland opens it's borders, now has a homeless problem


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2019
The picture of the tent city says it all. This is what happens when you open your borders.

---The Department of Children said there was overcrowding at the Citywest Transit Hub in Dublin. Anyone arriving in Ireland on Wednesday night will have to stay in Dublin Airport if they do not have alternative accommodation arranged.---

I don't feel sorry for Ireland, countries have to pay dearly for their mistakes.

The same goes for the rest of the UK......and the rest of the world of course.
About 40k is substantial as a total admissions policy but the U.S. deals with the same amount per freaking month. Maybe Ireland wants to entertain a Spanish influence along with the Ukies. Send a couple of thousand of American illegals to the auld sod and see what happens.
Open borders sure can get expensive.

---Refugees are provided asylum, as well as access to housing, education and medical treatment under the European Union's special protection directive for the first time since it was enacted in 2001.---

The picture of the tent city says it all. This is what happens when you open your borders.

---The Department of Children said there was overcrowding at the Citywest Transit Hub in Dublin. Anyone arriving in Ireland on Wednesday night will have to stay in Dublin Airport if they do not have alternative accommodation arranged.---

Who'd ever thunk that would happen?

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