Iran’s al-Quds Force Chief Killed; U.S. Foreign Policy Establishment Hardest Hit


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Iran’s al-Quds Force Chief Killed;
U.S. Foreign Policy Establishment Hardest Hit

U.S. Foreign Policy Establishment Most Hit in Soleimani's Death
01/02/2020 ~ By Robert Spencer
Demonstrating that it learned nothing from the backlash after it called ISIS top dog Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi an “austere religious scholar,” the Washington Post called Qasem Soleimani, who was killed today in a U.S. airstrike in Baghdad, Iran’s “most revered military leader.” If Soleimani, who as head of the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps' Quds Force was responsible for aiding numerous jihad terror activities worldwide, was revered at all, it was more by the Obama foreign policy team that saw him and his government as a valid partner for negotiations than by anyone in Iran. And tonight, the Obama team and the entire U.S. foreign policy establishment sees all of its core claims and principles proven false, and its recommendations rightly disregarded. Not that they’ve noticed. They’re still asserting those principles as valid, and as a rebuke to Trump’s action in ordering this strike. Obama’s foreign policy adviser Ben Rhodes, who boasted about how the Obama administration lied to sell the disastrous Iran nuclear deal, was full of consternation and indignation after the news broke of Soleimani’s death. He tweeted that “this is a really frightening moment. Iran will respond and likely in various places.”
The mullahs have now been put on notice. If their bloodthirsty regime for which Qasem Soleimani ruined the lives of so many people finally falls as an end result of Trump’s strong response, the Iranian people will be able to be grateful that the multiple discredited U.S. foreign policy establishment did not prevail.

The US foreign policy establishment has to get Qatar's natural gas pipeline through Iraq and Syria to the Mediterranean built or Qatar is going to demand their under-the-table contributions back. Trump is systematically removing every reason for the US to keep a long-term presence in Syria and Iraq, and he hasn't done a thing to remove the biggest pipeline obstacle Assad. Had Hillary won in 2016 pipeline construction would be well underway, with huge payoffs to all participants. Now the Russians are going to get theirs done first, and grab all of the profits.
Iran has been officially at war with us since 1979. Our politicians especially the PMS/DSA Democrats would rather not admit that. Iran was responsible for much of the death and maiming of our soldiers from Lebanon, Afghanistan, to Iraq and the rest of the Middle East. Islam has been at war with everyone else since the 7th century, and the US since it's founding. Reagan had a partial temporary solution to the problem by providing ammo to Iraq and Iran in their war against each other. 1400 year war with a dogmatic civil war inside the antagonists.
Iran’s al-Quds Force Chief Killed;
U.S. Foreign Policy Establishment Hardest Hit

U.S. Foreign Policy Establishment Most Hit in Soleimani's Death
01/02/2020 ~ By Robert Spencer
Demonstrating that it learned nothing from the backlash after it called ISIS top dog Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi an “austere religious scholar,” the Washington Post called Qasem Soleimani, who was killed today in a U.S. airstrike in Baghdad, Iran’s “most revered military leader.” If Soleimani, who as head of the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps' Quds Force was responsible for aiding numerous jihad terror activities worldwide, was revered at all, it was more by the Obama foreign policy team that saw him and his government as a valid partner for negotiations than by anyone in Iran. And tonight, the Obama team and the entire U.S. foreign policy establishment sees all of its core claims and principles proven false, and its recommendations rightly disregarded. Not that they’ve noticed. They’re still asserting those principles as valid, and as a rebuke to Trump’s action in ordering this strike. Obama’s foreign policy adviser Ben Rhodes, who boasted about how the Obama administration lied to sell the disastrous Iran nuclear deal, was full of consternation and indignation after the news broke of Soleimani’s death. He tweeted that “this is a really frightening moment. Iran will respond and likely in various places.”
The mullahs have now been put on notice. If their bloodthirsty regime for which Qasem Soleimani ruined the lives of so many people finally falls as an end result of Trump’s strong response, the Iranian people will be able to be grateful that the multiple discredited U.S. foreign policy establishment did not prevail.

The US foreign policy establishment has to get Qatar's natural gas pipeline through Iraq and Syria to the Mediterranean built or Qatar is going to demand their under-the-table contributions back. Trump is systematically removing every reason for the US to keep a long-term presence in Syria and Iraq, and he hasn't done a thing to remove the biggest pipeline obstacle Assad. Had Hillary won in 2016 pipeline construction would be well underway, with huge payoffs to all participants. Now the Russians are going to get theirs done first, and grab all of the profits.
Iran has been officially at war with us since 1979. Our politicians especially the PMS/DSA Democrats would rather not admit that. Iran was responsible for much of the death and maiming of our soldiers from Lebanon, Afghanistan, to Iraq and the rest of the Middle East. Islam has been at war with everyone else since the 7th century, and the US since it's founding. Reagan had a partial temporary solution to the problem by providing ammo to Iraq and Iran in their war against each other. 1400 year war with a dogmatic civil war inside the antagonists.
The DC Political and foreign policy establishment is full of losers, rote academics, and grifters intent on maintaining their position by not solving problems thus working themselves out of their jobs.
PJ media "Robert Spencer"? Who the hell is he? America's foreign policy establishment was hardest hit when Barry Hussein called out for pizza when Benghazi defenders were running out of ammunition. Hussein doubled down and shipped freaking boxcar loads of cash (and gold?) and euros to Iraq for no good reason other than agreeing to extortion demands from a rogue terrorist regime. Today we have a President with a set of balls and leave it to the left to find some freaking idiot to criticize foreign policy when the President saved American lives.

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