Iran Vows to Violate UN Restrictions on Ballistic Missiles


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
Let's review. The PM has said they will still fund terrorism, that they will build up their military, and now we know that they at least think they have more flexibility with their ballistic missile program. Quite the deal. What in the hell does Iran need ballistic missiles? If the liberal left tells me I don't need an AK47 then why not tell Iran they don't really need ballistic missiles. Unless of course Israel really doesn't matter.

Iran Vows to Violate UN Restrictions on Ballistic Missiles

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani vowed that the Islamic Republic would violate outstanding United Nations restrictions governing the country’s ballistic missile program and that the behavior would not violate the recent nuclear accord, according to a translation of the leader’s remarks performed by the CIA’s Open Source Center.
Let's review. The PM has said they will still fund terrorism, that they will build up their military, and now we know that they at least think they have more flexibility with their ballistic missile program. Quite the deal. What in the hell does Iran need ballistic missiles? If the liberal left tells me I don't need an AK47 then why not tell Iran they don't really need ballistic missiles. Unless of course Israel really doesn't matter. Iran Vows to Violate UN Restrictions on Ballistic Missiles Iranian President Hassan Rouhani vowed that the Islamic Republic would violate outstanding United Nations restrictions governing the country’s ballistic missile program and that the behavior would not violate the recent nuclear accord, according to a translation of the leader’s remarks performed by the CIA’s Open Source Center.
Then sanctions get re-imposed. That's the way treaties work. If one side violates the terms, the treaty is void. It doesn't matter what someone says now; it matters what they do when the treaty is in effect. Hopefully they'll realize that course of action isn't in their interest. There are no guarantees. Expecting them is unrealistic.
You have your head in middle eastern sand K. It,is,universally agreed that the sanctions will never be reinstated because Russia and China will not agree to,them. You do not live in realville. They will not abide by any of the treaty and will have a bomb in less than five years.
Let's review. The PM has said they will still fund terrorism, that they will build up their military, and now we know that they at least think they have more flexibility with their ballistic missile program. Quite the deal. What in the hell does Iran need ballistic missiles? If the liberal left tells me I don't need an AK47 then why not tell Iran they don't really need ballistic missiles. Unless of course Israel really doesn't matter. Iran Vows to Violate UN Restrictions on Ballistic Missiles Iranian President Hassan Rouhani vowed that the Islamic Republic would violate outstanding United Nations restrictions governing the country’s ballistic missile program and that the behavior would not violate the recent nuclear accord, according to a translation of the leader’s remarks performed by the CIA’s Open Source Center.
Then sanctions get re-imposed. That's the way treaties work. If one side violates the terms, the treaty is void. It doesn't matter what someone says now; it matters what they do when the treaty is in effect. Hopefully they'll realize that course of action isn't in their interest. There are no guarantees. Expecting them is unrealistic.

That is how it is suppose to work. When I brought up the treaty Clinton historically signed with NK and then NK got a nuke. It was bleated out that when the CIA found out that NK was cheating Bush put a stop to fuel oil, thus it was all his fault.
You have your head in middle eastern sand K. It,is,universally agreed that the sanctions will never be reinstated because Russia and China will not agree to,them. You do not live in realville. They will not abide by any of the treaty and will have a bomb in less than five years.

But they will only have 5000 centrifuges by treaty.
Let's review. The PM has said they will still fund terrorism, that they will build up their military, and now we know that they at least think they have more flexibility with their ballistic missile program. Quite the deal. What in the hell does Iran need ballistic missiles? If the liberal left tells me I don't need an AK47 then why not tell Iran they don't really need ballistic missiles. Unless of course Israel really doesn't matter. Iran Vows to Violate UN Restrictions on Ballistic Missiles Iranian President Hassan Rouhani vowed that the Islamic Republic would violate outstanding United Nations restrictions governing the country’s ballistic missile program and that the behavior would not violate the recent nuclear accord, according to a translation of the leader’s remarks performed by the CIA’s Open Source Center.
Then sanctions get re-imposed. That's the way treaties work. If one side violates the terms, the treaty is void. It doesn't matter what someone says now; it matters what they do when the treaty is in effect. Hopefully they'll realize that course of action isn't in their interest. There are no guarantees. Expecting them is unrealistic.

And if Iran does violate the accord, the treaty will help facilitate military action against Iran.

Again, as we've seen in all these similar threads, opposition to the accord is solely partisan, a product of the right's unwarranted animosity toward the president, having little to do with the merits of the accord.
Let's review. The PM has said they will still fund terrorism, that they will build up their military, and now we know that they at least think they have more flexibility with their ballistic missile program. Quite the deal. What in the hell does Iran need ballistic missiles? If the liberal left tells me I don't need an AK47 then why not tell Iran they don't really need ballistic missiles. Unless of course Israel really doesn't matter. Iran Vows to Violate UN Restrictions on Ballistic Missiles Iranian President Hassan Rouhani vowed that the Islamic Republic would violate outstanding United Nations restrictions governing the country’s ballistic missile program and that the behavior would not violate the recent nuclear accord, according to a translation of the leader’s remarks performed by the CIA’s Open Source Center.
Then sanctions get re-imposed. That's the way treaties work. If one side violates the terms, the treaty is void. It doesn't matter what someone says now; it matters what they do when the treaty is in effect. Hopefully they'll realize that course of action isn't in their interest. There are no guarantees. Expecting them is unrealistic.

Everyone one knows the so called snap back sanctions in the deal are bs.
Shrimpbox 12206526
It,is,universally agreed that the sanctions will never be reinstated because Russia and China will not agree to,them.

Since that is true, why would anyone oppose the deal then? What is still available however is the very same military options that were available prior to the close of the deal. With the current deal in effect and in the event that Iran clearly violates and moves towards producing a nuclear weapon or ballistic missiles, the military action would be much more legitimate and have broader support. Not so if Republicans in Congress could actually kill this deal.

Obama needs one of 11 undecided Senate Dems to keep the deal intact. One or more of those Senators will step forward any moment. The deal will live. Neocon-ism will die. That is the good news.
Let's review. The PM has said they will still fund terrorism, that they will build up their military, and now we know that they at least think they have more flexibility with their ballistic missile program. Quite the deal. What in the hell does Iran need ballistic missiles? If the liberal left tells me I don't need an AK47 then why not tell Iran they don't really need ballistic missiles. Unless of course Israel really doesn't matter. Iran Vows to Violate UN Restrictions on Ballistic Missiles Iranian President Hassan Rouhani vowed that the Islamic Republic would violate outstanding United Nations restrictions governing the country’s ballistic missile program and that the behavior would not violate the recent nuclear accord, according to a translation of the leader’s remarks performed by the CIA’s Open Source Center.
Then sanctions get re-imposed. That's the way treaties work. If one side violates the terms, the treaty is void. It doesn't matter what someone says now; it matters what they do when the treaty is in effect. Hopefully they'll realize that course of action isn't in their interest. There are no guarantees. Expecting them is unrealistic.
That is how it is suppose to work. When I brought up the treaty Clinton historically signed with NK and then NK got a nuke. It was bleated out that when the CIA found out that NK was cheating Bush put a stop to fuel oil, thus it was all his fault.
What was Bush's fault? All I can remember is the right blaming Carter, even though he wasn't a part of the government. So, you can see why the right's analysis of the treaty has to be taken with a rather large grain of salt. It isn't about facts, just trashing the other side. Makes you wonder whether they really care about America at all!
First of all, support for the treaty is strictly partisan. Secondly, let's see, if the treaty fails we can go to war. That's really bright and you would absolutely be against going to war if,the treaty failed. And when the treaty fails it will be the former neocons that will save your bacon, after millions of Israelis have been wiped off the face of the earth or more likely rocketed off the face of the earth drawing the U.S. Into a war. You have no precedence for the treaty succeeding and we have all the precedence for the treaty failing. Unfortunately the facts are not on your side but the unicorns are.
Everyone one knows the so called snap back sanctions in the deal are bs.
Everyone knows the opponents of the treaty are trading on fear and don't actually know what the fuck they're talking about.

Being how proponents of the treaty are claiming that the only alternative to this deal is war, I would say it's you guys that are stoking fear.
Everyone knows the opponents of the treaty are trading on fear and don't actually know what the fuck they're talking about.
Being how proponents of the treaty are claiming that the only alternative to this deal is war, I would say it's you guys that are stoking fear.
Obiwan is posting all sorts of stuff about bombing Iran, so it seems war is what the right wants. That's not trading in fear; that's trading in truth.
And forget what I say, two thirds of Americans in polls are against the treaty. Just like obamacare, the majority of,the country is against the deal but elitist democratic politicians are so much smarter than the rest of,U.S. That they know what is best. Yeah our system is broke. One third of,the senate wants the deal so it will happen. No wonder Americans are fed up with politicians.

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