Iran or Israel: The Democrat Party Has Chosen


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
No thinking American can vote Democrat......especially Jewish Americans

"Iran Mullahs Escalate Threats Against Jews, Biden Administration Appeases Mullahs Even More

  • These US rewards to Iran for terrorism, destabilizing the region, treating its own people with brutality and cheating on 2015 nuclear deal would significantly increase Iran's revenues; these, in turn, will doubtless be funneled into the pockets of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), the Quds Force and their militia and terror groups including Hamas, the Houthis and Hezbollah for still more expansionism and terror.
  • Additionally, Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi openly called for the destruction of Israel as he addressed anti-Israeli rallies: "This great movement that we are witnessing today in the form of protests is a symbol of the solidarity of the Muslim people that will lead to the destruction of the Zionist regime."
  • Since the Biden administration assumed office, it has pursued the maximum appeasement policy with the ruling mullahs of Iran.
  • Instead of standing with its staunch allies in the Middle East, the Biden administration appears determined to stand with the Iranian regime. The ruling mullahs nonetheless appear intent on taking over their oil-rich neighbors, and eliminating Israel and the United States -- all as America seems to imagine, falsely, that it can bribe its way into being spared."

  • 1651926222700.png
  • Iran Mullahs Escalate Threats Against Jews, Biden Administration Appeases Mullahs Even More

Any Democrat want to answer this?
. What benefit did America, or the world, accrue by Obama's guaranteeing nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism?

You just posted this spam of lies on another page..​

Analysis: Iran nuclear deal near death, but West not ready to ...​ › world › iran-nuclear-deal-near-...

5 days ago — Despite talk of a U.S. "Plan B" to address Iran's nuclear program if the deal cannot be revived, there are few good options. read more.

Is the Iran nuclear deal dead and buried? - BBC News​ › world-middle-east-51008661

Jan 6, 2020 — The landmark deal hangs in the balance after the US killed Iran's most powerful general.

Is the Iran Nuclear Deal Dead Without a US Guarantee? - The ...​ › feature › iran-nuclear-deal-...

Nov 12, 2021 — Despite Iran's demand for a guarantee that the next U.S. administration will abide by the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, President Joe ...

The Iran Nuclear Deal Is in Limbo - Inkstick Media​ › the-iran-nuclear-deal-is-in-l...

Apr 28, 2022 — The landmark nuclear agreement reached between Iran and world powers ... insisted that the deal is not dead and that the United States still ...
No thinking American can vote Democrat......especially Jewish Americans

"Iran Mullahs Escalate Threats Against Jews, Biden Administration Appeases Mullahs Even More

  • These US rewards to Iran for terrorism, destabilizing the region, treating its own people with brutality and cheating on 2015 nuclear deal would significantly increase Iran's revenues; these, in turn, will doubtless be funneled into the pockets of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), the Quds Force and their militia and terror groups including Hamas, the Houthis and Hezbollah for still more expansionism and terror.
  • Additionally, Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi openly called for the destruction of Israel as he addressed anti-Israeli rallies: "This great movement that we are witnessing today in the form of protests is a symbol of the solidarity of the Muslim people that will lead to the destruction of the Zionist regime."
  • Since the Biden administration assumed office, it has pursued the maximum appeasement policy with the ruling mullahs of Iran.
  • Instead of standing with its staunch allies in the Middle East, the Biden administration appears determined to stand with the Iranian regime. The ruling mullahs nonetheless appear intent on taking over their oil-rich neighbors, and eliminating Israel and the United States -- all as America seems to imagine, falsely, that it can bribe its way into being spared."

  • View attachment 641595
  • Iran Mullahs Escalate Threats Against Jews, Biden Administration Appeases Mullahs Even More

Any Democrat want to answer this?
. What benefit did America, or the world, accrue by Obama's guaranteeing nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism?
Israel wants the US to attack Iran.
Israel wants the US to attack Iran.

Normal folks can answer the question:
Any Democrat want to answer this?
. What benefit did America, or the world, accrue by Obama's guaranteeing nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism?
Normal folks can answer the question:
Any Democrat want to answer this?
. What benefit did America, or the world, accrue by Obama's guaranteeing nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism?
Think. You claim you have a brain.
Normal folks can answer the question:
Any Democrat want to answer this?
. What benefit did America, or the world, accrue by Obama's guaranteeing nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism?
Where are these "nuclear weapons" Oblama gave Iran?
"When it to comes to the Iranian regime, all the Biden administration seems to care about is appeasing the ruling mullahs, reaching a weak nuclear deal with the Islamic Republic, and enhancing the global legitimacy of a country that the US itself called "the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism."
"When it to comes to the Iranian regime, all the Biden administration seems to care about is appeasing the ruling mullahs, reaching a weak nuclear deal with the Islamic Republic, and enhancing the global legitimacy of a country that the US itself called "the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism."
The nuclear agreement is dead since the US withdrew from the agreement.
Third chance:

What benefit did America, or the world, accrue by Obama's guaranteeing nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism?
Time. The objective is to allow Iran to rejoin the international community as a good citizen. Trump acted impulsively to spite Obama.
Time. The objective is to allow Iran to rejoin the international community as a good citizen. Trump acted impulsively to spite Obama.

Time for what, you windbag?????

Time for the 12th Imam to scrample out of the well, and lead Iran to attack everyone else and gain the world wide conflagration they seek?????????????

"Iran: Their foreign policy is aimed at world domination under the leadership of the 12th Imam.

The Hidden Imam, as he is also known by his followers, will only return after a period of cosmic chaos, war and bloodshed – what Christians call the Apocalypse –

“ The hidden Imam who is expected to return....
....beware of doubting, for to doubt the order of God, the Mighty, the Sublime, is apostasy (Kufr). Ibn Khaldun also states that “ When imprisoned with his mother in the house, he entered a sort of well or pit in the house that his family occupies at Samarrah, Iraq, and there he disappeared, but he is to come forth at the end of the age to fill the earth with justice”.
The Twelfth Imam, Muhammad ibn al-Hasan (Al-Mahdi-Sahibuz Zaman) (The hidden Imam who is expected to return)
12th Imam
12th Imam

October 07, 2019
Iranian Cleric Ebad Mohammadtabar: When the Hidden Imam Arrives, The Whole World Will Convert to Islam or Die; We Will Confront, Defeat the Jews, Zionism

The maniacs look forward to a world conflagration.

These are the people that Hussein Obama insisted need be guaranteed a nuclear bomb.

The rulers of Iran want a world-wide nuclear holocaust.....and Democrats insist on giving them nuclear weapons.
"These US rewards to Iran for terrorism, destabilizing the region, treating its own people with brutality and cheating on 2015 nuclear deal would significantly increase Iran's revenues; these, in turn, will doubtless be funneled into the pockets of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), the Quds Force and their militia and terror groups including Hamas, the Houthis and Hezbollah for still more expansionism and terror.

Since the Biden administration assumed office, it has pursued the maximum appeasement policy with the ruling mullahs of Iran. These acts have included removing one of Tehran's terrorist proxy groups, the Houthis, from the List of Foreign Terrorist Organizations, as well as lifting sanctions on Iranian entities involved in missile production, the Mammut Industrial Group and its subsidiary Mammut Diesel, which had been sanctioned by the Trump administration. Appeasement also included turning a blind eye to the theocratic establishment's military adventurism in the region, such as launching barrages of missiles in Iraq where US troops were stationed; sending precision guided missiles to Syria, and smuggling weapons to the Houthis in Yemen."

What benefit did America, or the world, accrue by Obama's guaranteeing nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism?

"Here’s What Biden Doesn’t Want You to Know About His New Press Secretary

...she is also a long-time anti-Israel activist.

Her history includes a past role as a senior adviser and national spokeswoman for, a far-left organization that has established itself as anti-Israel, in part by advocating for boycotts of the country that are widely considered anti-Semitic.
“Joe Biden’s promotion of Jean-Pierre signals to all would-be Israel haters that their efforts will be rewarded with White House appointments and promotions,” said Ellie Cohanim, a former Trump administration official who served as the State Department’s deputy special envoy to monitor and combat anti-Semitism. “At a time of rising anti-Semitism in America, Biden’s promotion of Jean-Pierre is exactly the wrong signal to send.”

“As a child of Holocaust survivors and as an American Jew, I am both appalled and frightened that Biden has chosen as his principal deputy press secretary, Ms. Jean-Pierre, who has shown essentially antisemitic hostility toward Israel and is willing to lie about and vilify Israel and Jews to promote her ugly Israelophobic agenda,” Mort Klein, CEO of the Zionist Organization on America, said in a statement."
The Democrat party is just looking to the future, here.

With the Islamic population of the United States set to surpass that of the Jewish within a couple of decades and with the Jewish population already voting Democrat as reflexively as they do, they have simply calculated that they have much to gain and little to lose by pandering to Islamists.

Remember, the party does not have ideals or principles -- just strategies for getting elected based upon identity.
Iran should get access to international market of crude oil and natural gas. Under some conditions. And replace Russian energy supplies with their production.
Iran should get access to international market of crude oil and natural gas. Under some conditions. And replace Russian energy supplies with their production.

Ideally, wouldn't regional cooperation be more preferable -
with Iran and Russia divided between independent nation states?

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