Invention of the Jewish people

Most european jews are desendents of the Khazars.

They were a large tribe in southern europe who converted to judiasm and have NO connection to ancient Israel.

They are now known as ashkenazi jews.

Modern Israel ismade up of about 90% ashkenazi jews.

Thus to say the jews of Israel have a connection to the land is a fraud and a lie.
Doesn't matter.

They won.

You lost.

LOL, Shlomo Sand's book has been destroyed.

Financial Times...
From its splashy title on, Shlomo Sand means his book to be provocative, which it certainly is, though possibly not in the way he intends. Its real challenge to the reader is separating the presentation of truisms as though they were revolutionary illuminations and the relentless beating on doors that have long been open, from passages of intellectual sharpness and learning.

Sand’s self-dramatising attack in The Invention of the Jewish People is directed against those who assume, uncritically, that all Jews are descended lineally from the single racial stock of ancient Hebrews – a position no one who has thought for a minute about the history of the Jews would dream of taking.
edited, copyright infringement.-care / Books / Non-Fiction - The Invention of the Jewish People

I notice Sharma doesn't take on the idea that many of the descendants of the original Jewish Palestinians are the current Palestinians who are daily being dispossessed by the Israeli apartheid statelet???
Fun, ain't it?
Most european jews are desendents of the Khazars.

They were a large tribe in southern europe who converted to judiasm and have NO connection to ancient Israel.

They are now known as ashkenazi jews.

Modern Israel ismade up of about 90% ashkenazi jews.

Thus to say the jews of Israel have a connection to the land is a fraud and a lie.

Point of fact ...

The "Khazar Story" has no basis in history and is pure speculation. There isn't a single primary source giving it credence. The theory was first hypothesized in the 18th century as possible origin of Ashkenazim in Europe. DNA testing in Ashkenazi Males shows unequivocal links between Ashkenazim and the peoples of the traditional land of Israel.

The demographic breakdown of citizens of Israel includes 21% Arab population, another 4% Other non-Jews, and 75% Jews (making Israel less demographically Jewish than Cuyahoga County, Ohio). Of that 75%, a full 25% are Sephardic Jews -- from the North African and Spanish Diaspora as well as another 12.5% Mizrachi Jews whose descendants never left ancient Israel and the Middle East. Making the total population of Israel only 44% Ashkenazim.

Add to that ... fully 75% of Israelis current Jewish and non-Jewish population were born in Israel, making them natives of the Jewish State.

So, while we're discussing legitimisation based on genetic heritage, tell me how many Americans have an indigenous, genetic link to North America.
1. The Khazar story is a myth.

2. European (Ashkenazi) Jews are predominately European genetically.

"The team found that four founders were responsible for 40 percent of Ashkenazi mitochondrial DNA, and that all of these founders originated in Europe. The majority of the remaining people could be traced to other European lineages.

All told, more than 80 percent of the maternal lineages of Ashkenazi Jews could be traced to Europe, with only a few lineages originating in the Near East."

Surprise: Ashkenazi Jews Are Genetically European

3. Only Native Americans are indigenous to the Americas.

4. Palestinian Muslims and Christians are genetically indigenous to Palestine, people whose ancestors, including Jews, converted to Christianity when Christianity became the state religion of Rome/Byzantium and then many to Islam.
You're proving my point. You assert that genetics doesn't legitimise a state, else the US, Canada, and every other state in North and South America become illegitimate.

You also assert that while Ashkenazim are predominantly European (as are most Americans) you concede there exists a genetic link with ancient Israel.

As for Arabs being indigenous to Palestine, that's completely false. Prior to the 19th Century, the non-nomadic Arab population of Palestine was around 100,000 persons - fewer than the Jews in Palestine at that time.

The earliest Muslim migrations of any size didn't occur into Palestine until the late 7th Century. Jewish settlement into Palestine predates Arab/Muslim migration by nearly four millennia.
The Arabian Muslims did not migrate to Palestine in any great number (there were not many Arabians in the world being a desert people). The Muslims were officers leading converted Christians as foot soldiers. The people of Palestine were Christian when the Muslims and their converted foot soldiers invaded. There were hardly any Jews in Palestine at the time. Non-Christians were not allowed to be in Palestine before the Muslim invasion. Emperor Herclius banned non-Christians, including Jews from living in the province of Palaestina.
LOL, Shlomo Sand's book has been destroyed.

Financial Times...
From its splashy title on, Shlomo Sand means his book to be provocative, which it certainly is, though possibly not in the way he intends. Its real challenge to the reader is separating the presentation of truisms as though they were revolutionary illuminations and the relentless beating on doors that have long been open, from passages of intellectual sharpness and learning.

Sand’s self-dramatising attack in The Invention of the Jewish People is directed against those who assume, uncritically, that all Jews are descended lineally from the single racial stock of ancient Hebrews – a position no one who has thought for a minute about the history of the Jews would dream of taking.Shortened, please use copyright policy of FT...Care.
In fact the Israelites out of Babylon were a mixture of Jews and need to read up on Jewish and Arabic history,later Canaanite,Moabite etc women and chidren were absorbed into the twelve tribes of Israel...later the Philistine women and children too...NO MEN THEY WERE ALL EXECUTED
I wonder how much money Israeli zionists pay these traitors to lie about their own people??

Sucker, there is no Palestinian people: They are Arabs

There is no Palestinian language: They speak Arabic

There is no Palestinian religion: They are Muslim and Christian

There has never in history been a Palestinian country.

There is no Palestinian culture

There are no great Palestinian writers

There are no Palestiniain Kings

There are no legitimate books of history on the Palestiniain people.

The Palestinains were Egyptians and Jordanians until the '67 War and became Palestinians overnight.

The Pallies even stole the Jordanian flag, dropped the star and made it their own flag. LOL

Palestinians are a hoax!
Sand argues that it is likely that the ancestry of most contemporary Jews stems mainly from outside the Land of Israel and that a "nation-race" of Jews with a common origin never existed, and that just as most Christians and Muslims are the progeny of converted people, not of the first Christians and Muslims, Jews are also descended from converts. According to Sand, Judaism was originally, like its two cousins, a proselytising religion, and mass conversions to Judaism occurred among the Khazars in the Caucasus, Berber tribes in North Africa, and in the Himyarite Kingdom of the Arabian Peninsula.

According to Sand, the original Jews living in Israel, contrary to popular belief, were not exiled by the Romans following the Bar Kokhba revolt.[22] The Romans permitted most Jews to remain in the country. Rather, the story of the exile was a myth promoted by early Christians to recruit Jews to the new faith. They portrayed that event as a divine punishment imposed on the Jews for having rejected the Christian gospel. Sand writes that "Christians wanted later generations of Jews to believe that their ancestors had been exiled as a punishment from God."[23] Following the Arab conquest of Palestine in the 7th century, many local Jews converted to Islam and were assimilated among the Arab conquerors. Sand concludes that these converts are the ancestors of the contemporary Palestinians
The Invention of the Jewish People - Wikipedia

So according to one islamonazi propagandist the Jews never existed in palestine. What is his next fantasy that muslims wrote the Torah and were the only people alive 4,500 years ago when the Jews arrived in their promised land.

Is all you have just trashing the Jews and spreading lies and blood libels

By the way this was produced by a group of islamionazi's if you check

User:Historicist - Wikipedia
"The majority of Ashkenazi Jews are descended from prehistoric European women, according to study published today....................The new findings contradict previous assertions that Ashkenazi mitochondrial lineages originated in the Near East, or from mass conversions to Judaism in the Khazar kingdom, an empire in the north Caucasus region between Europe and Asia lasting from the 7th century to the 11th century whose leaders adopted Judaism. “We found that most of the maternal lineages don’t trace to the north Caucasus, which would be a proxy for the Khazarians, or to the Near East, but most of them emanate from Europe,” said coauthor Martin Richards, an archaeogeneticist at the University of Huddersfield in the U.K."

Debunked blood libel started by islamocatholic propagandists. Still waiting for a historical work that mentions Khazars before the middles of the 20C
Gee thanks, fanger, for dragging up a six year old thread in order to confirm that the Jewish people were the pre-conquest indigenous peoples and that the Arabs are foreign invaders, even if you have to dress it in this thoroughly debunked Khazar bullshit.

I've come to the conclusion that anti-Semitism is a mental illness.

It is in fangers case, and it is called islam
LOL, Shlomo Sand's book has been destroyed.

Financial Times...
From its splashy title on, Shlomo Sand means his book to be provocative, which it certainly is, though possibly not in the way he intends. Its real challenge to the reader is separating the presentation of truisms as though they were revolutionary illuminations and the relentless beating on doors that have long been open, from passages of intellectual sharpness and learning.

Sand’s self-dramatising attack in The Invention of the Jewish People is directed against those who assume, uncritically, that all Jews are descended lineally from the single racial stock of ancient Hebrews – a position no one who has thought for a minute about the history of the Jews would dream of taking.Shortened, please use copyright policy of FT...Care.
In fact the Israelites out of Babylon were a mixture of Jews and need to read up on Jewish and Arabic history,later Canaanite,Moabite etc women and chidren were absorbed into the twelve tribes of Israel...later the Philistine women and children too...NO MEN THEY WERE ALL EXECUTED

You need to read up as the arab's were so backwards they did not even have small hamlets to live in, they lived in tents
I wonder how much money Israeli zionists pay these traitors to lie about their own people??

Sucker, there is no Palestinian people: They are Arabs

There is no Palestinian language: They speak Arabic

There is no Palestinian religion: They are Muslim and Christian

There has never in history been a Palestinian country.

There is no Palestinian culture

There are no great Palestinian writers

There are no Palestiniain Kings

There are no legitimate books of history on the Palestiniain people.

The Palestinains were Egyptians and Jordanians until the '67 War and became Palestinians overnight.

The Pallies even stole the Jordanian flag, dropped the star and made it their own flag. LOL

Palestinians are a hoax!

Then prove your case by producing the links that show each of these points are a lie. And in the process show the truth
LOL, Shlomo Sand's book has been destroyed.

Financial Times...
From its splashy title on, Shlomo Sand means his book to be provocative, which it certainly is, though possibly not in the way he intends. Its real challenge to the reader is separating the presentation of truisms as though they were revolutionary illuminations and the relentless beating on doors that have long been open, from passages of intellectual sharpness and learning.

Sand’s self-dramatising attack in The Invention of the Jewish People is directed against those who assume, uncritically, that all Jews are descended lineally from the single racial stock of ancient Hebrews – a position no one who has thought for a minute about the history of the Jews would dream of taking.
edited, copyright infringement.-care / Books / Non-Fiction - The Invention of the Jewish People

I notice Sharma doesn't take on the idea that many of the descendants of the original Jewish Palestinians are the current Palestinians who are daily being dispossessed by the Israeli apartheid statelet???
Fun, ain't it?

YUP and they just keep digging deeper and deeper
1. The Khazar story is a myth.

2. European (Ashkenazi) Jews are predominately European genetically.

"The team found that four founders were responsible for 40 percent of Ashkenazi mitochondrial DNA, and that all of these founders originated in Europe. The majority of the remaining people could be traced to other European lineages.

All told, more than 80 percent of the maternal lineages of Ashkenazi Jews could be traced to Europe, with only a few lineages originating in the Near East."

Surprise: Ashkenazi Jews Are Genetically European

3. Only Native Americans are indigenous to the Americas.

4. Palestinian Muslims and Christians are genetically indigenous to Palestine, people whose ancestors, including Jews, converted to Christianity when Christianity became the state religion of Rome/Byzantium and then many to Islam.

Read how stupid your reply sounds ......................over 200 billion people have lived and died with the same 4 mother figures. That is like saying all Catholics descended from the same 5 women. Then further on the authors admit that this is just a hypothesis and is not based on any concrete evidence
The Arabian Muslims did not migrate to Palestine in any great number (there were not many Arabians in the world being a desert people). The Muslims were officers leading converted Christians as foot soldiers. The people of Palestine were Christian when the Muslims and their converted foot soldiers invaded. There were hardly any Jews in Palestine at the time. Non-Christians were not allowed to be in Palestine before the Muslim invasion. Emperor Herclius banned non-Christians, including Jews from living in the province of Palaestina.

And when are you going to prove this "fact" as the muslim scholars say they attacked and beat the inhabitants one village at a time, then turned that islamic or dead. The majority of the men died in the process leaving just women and children to carry on. The Jews have always existed in palestine else we would not have ancient Jewish remains like the fort at Massada or the caves at Qumran that were extant all through the roman conquest era
LOL, Shlomo Sand's book has been destroyed.

Financial Times...
From its splashy title on, Shlomo Sand means his book to be provocative, which it certainly is, though possibly not in the way he intends. Its real challenge to the reader is separating the presentation of truisms as though they were revolutionary illuminations and the relentless beating on doors that have long been open, from passages of intellectual sharpness and learning.

Sand’s self-dramatising attack in The Invention of the Jewish People is directed against those who assume, uncritically, that all Jews are descended lineally from the single racial stock of ancient Hebrews – a position no one who has thought for a minute about the history of the Jews would dream of taking.Shortened, please use copyright policy of FT...Care.
In fact the Israelites out of Babylon were a mixture of Jews and need to read up on Jewish and Arabic history,later Canaanite,Moabite etc women and chidren were absorbed into the twelve tribes of Israel...later the Philistine women and children too...NO MEN THEY WERE ALL EXECUTED

You need to read up as the arab's were so backwards they did not even have small hamlets to live in, they lived in tents
That is so silly Pheo,get Real....anyhow we are coming to a very important time of the year,a time of reflection....Pheo Wishing You and your Family a very Happy and Safe Christmas and New Year,regards steven
I wonder how much money Israeli zionists pay these traitors to lie about their own people??

Sucker, there is no Palestinian people: They are Arabs

There is no Palestinian language: They speak Arabic

There is no Palestinian religion: They are Muslim and Christian

There has never in history been a Palestinian country.

There is no Palestinian culture

There are no great Palestinian writers

There are no Palestiniain Kings

There are no legitimate books of history on the Palestiniain people.

The Palestinains were Egyptians and Jordanians until the '67 War and became Palestinians overnight.

The Pallies even stole the Jordanian flag, dropped the star and made it their own flag. LOL

Palestinians are a hoax!

Then prove your case by producing the links that show each of these points are a lie. And in the process show the truth
Pheo I never make an utterance unless I know I am right and have the truth and facts,Listen your Jewish history is basically Zionist History 120 odd years...mine goes back Thousands of years to the Seminal Beginnings of the Jewish
theliq, et al,

Whether you go back a century, ten centuries, or to the millennium BCE, how does that impact the the change in Title and Rights of the Region? How does that change the history of the Jewish People from the time of Admiral Piri Reis. How does that have the slights impact on the ground truth?

Pheo I never make an utterance unless I know I am right and have the truth and facts,Listen your Jewish history is basically Zionist History 120 odd years...mine goes back Thousands of years to the Seminal Beginnings of the Jewish

If you are so wise on the issues at hand, what solution do you bring to the table that fulfills the decision of the Allied Powers for a Jewish National Home?
How does you solution protect and preserve the culture and the people of the Jewish community?
How does it prevent conflict and maintain the peace?

I do not believe that there is a solution that will do all those things. The Arab Palestinians in all the various for it presents i the various factions, represent an unacceptable risk locally, regionally theater-wide and globally.

Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade (AAMB)
Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS)
Palestine Liberation Front (PLF)
Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ)
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLF)
PFLP-General Command (PFLP-GC)

If the question has not reached the unsolvable state, it will be there soon. The Arab Palestinians have pushed beyond nearly all expectations for the internal defense and development - fostering the maintenance of peace and security. And there is no greater leadership that can bring the parties back from the bring of conflict.

The Jewish people are not just going to hand their defense over to a culture that has no conception of peace and are just as likely to act in a dangerously unstable manner --- in a pattern consistent with their culture in the last century.

Most Respectfully,
The Jews decided to create a Jewish state where many more people were non-Jews than Jews. Does that make a lot of sense? Do you think that any native people would just passively allow people from another continent to enter the land they and their ancestors had lived on for a thousand years or more become the rulers? Why would the native people of Palestine behave any differently?

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