Internment of Japanese-Americans During World War II

More racism!!!

1942 America was blatantly racist
Why should the Japs be any different?
You justify racism imposed by force by the criminal FDR, because you are an idiot.

FDR was no criminal...he kept us safe from the Japanese
We were at war
A war he instigated and made sure to keep going, resulting in the deaths of hundreds of thousands...but you think that admirable.
Japan started the war before FDR was even elected. They invaded China in 1931.

That was our view of Japan in 1942

Not the nice Japanese who build our cars and teach our kids "wax on/wax off" but the sneaky, vicious Japs who were raping millions in Nanking and bayonetting babies as they marched

Why wouldn't we lock them up?

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Dunno, weren't they all US citizens ?
Citizens or not, national security is the question. Some Muslim terrorists who attack us are US citizens, and even US military officers (ex. Major Nidal Hasan, US Army - the Fort Hood shooter)
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It is NEVER necessary to intern innocent American citizens.

Supporters make it sound so nice and respectable. Ignoring the fact that they lost everything - their savings, assets, jobs, property. That they were forced to live in substandard conditions. That despite the fact that their country turned on them, they did not turn on their country.

You don't do that to American citizens.
Major Nidal Hasan (who killed 13 US soldiers, and wounded 38, in Fort Hood TX in 2009) is an American citizen + he was a US Army officer of considerable rank) Do you think it is proper for Obama to have allowed him to carry on all his open jihadist rantings, for months prior to the massacre ?.. against the will of all the Army brass, who requested his dishonorable discharge (at the very least)

As for the World War II Japanese-Americans, As I said in the OP, you cannot determine if it was necessary to intern them because you can never know what would have occured if they had not been interned. We will simply never know (including you).
More racism!!!

1942 America was blatantly racist
Why should the Japs be any different?
You justify racism imposed by force by the criminal FDR, because you are an idiot.

FDR was no criminal...he kept us safe from the Japanese
We were at war
A war he instigated and made sure to keep going, resulting in the deaths of hundreds of thousands...but you think that admirable.
Japan started the war before FDR was even elected. They invaded China in 1931.
Dunno, weren't they all US citizens ?
Citizens or not, national security is the question. Some Muslim terrorists who attack us are US citizens, and even Us military officers (ex. Major Nidal Hasan, US Army - the Fort Hood shooter)

To me it seems like a battle of hearts and minds. Typically the the muslims who come here are good folks. They may agree with jihad and all that, but most don't be im looking bunking. You have to admit, radical muslims tend to kill other muslims more then or as much as anyone else. My grand Father knew an American Japanese soldier back during ww2. Good guy, but no one trusted him or the others at all. Not saying toss al muslims in the grinder to proved loyalty, but if giving a chance I'm thinking most typical Muslims would jump at the chance to "do their part" as Americans if given a chance.
The Japanese had been able to farm in California better than others. The internment provided the ability to confiscate that land. The Germans and Italians were also rounded up. And committees were created where people could use rumors or economic motives to destroy families and business. I'm sure you have encountered gossip mongers irl and these were the people deciding the fate of others. There were no clear lines based on evidence.

There was no legitimate national security function.
You have NO WAY of determining that. ZERO. Makes no difference who apologizes and who doesn't.
To me it seems like a battle of hearts and minds. Typically the the muslims who come here are good folks. They may agree with jihad and all that, but most don't be im looking bunking. You have to admit, radical muslims tend to kill other muslims more then or as much as anyone else. My grand Father knew an American Japanese soldier back during ww2. Good guy, but no one trusted him or the others at all. Not saying toss al muslims in the grinder to proved loyalty, but if giving a chance I'm thinking most typical Muslims would jump at the chance to "do their part" as Americans if given a chance.
No doubt "most" Muslims are OK. But the word "most" means more than half. And it only takes a hndful of Muslims who are jihadist to wreak catastrophe > 19 killed 3000 on 9/11, One killed 13 in Fort Hood. One killed 49 in the Pulse Club. The problem is the Koran which advocates (if not commands) Muslims to kill non-Muslims.

Reality check > This jihad has been going on for 1400 years. It's not going to stop unless we stop it.
1942 America was blatantly racist
Why should the Japs be any different?
You justify racism imposed by force by the criminal FDR, because you are an idiot.

FDR was no criminal...he kept us safe from the Japanese
We were at war
A war he instigated and made sure to keep going, resulting in the deaths of hundreds of thousands...but you think that admirable.
Japan started the war before FDR was even elected. They invaded China in 1931.
So, how did FDR instigate the war if it was already in progress before he became President?
By the way, Germany was responsible for sinking 17 US merchant ships before the war officially began.
It is NEVER necessary to intern innocent American citizens.

Supporters make it sound so nice and respectable. Ignoring the fact that they lost everything - their savings, assets, jobs, property. That they were forced to live in substandard conditions. That despite the fact that their country turned on them, they did not turn on their country.

You don't do that to American citizens.
Major Nidal Hasan (who killed 13 US soldiers, and wounded 38, in Fort Hood TX in 2009) is an American citizen + he was a US Army officer of considerable rank) Do you think it is proper for Obama to have allowed him to carry on all his open jihadist rantings, for months prior to the massacre ?.. against the will of all the Army brass, who requested his dishonorable discharge (at the very least)

How many people did Dylan Roof kill? Do you think we should intern crazy rightwing gun nuts? only some flavors you want to intern?

As for the World War II Japanese-Americans, As I said in the OP, you cannot determine if it was necessary to intern them because you can never know what would have occured if they had not been interned. We will simply never know (including you).

Bull. Interning didn't do a thing, by destroy the lives of INNOCENT AMERICAN citizens. If you think it's so great, please feel free to have all your assets confiscated, your property taken, and live in a horse-stall refurbished into an apartment for an undertermined number of years.

I'm waiting.

It is NEVER necessary to intern innocent American citizens.

Supporters make it sound so nice and respectable. Ignoring the fact that they lost everything - their savings, assets, jobs, property. That they were forced to live in substandard conditions. That despite the fact that their country turned on them, they did not turn on their country.

You don't do that to American citizens.

War is never respectable. Political correctness goes out the window when the bombs drop.

The country did not turn on them. That is an exaggeration. They rounded them up and put them in interment camps. They were treated well in the camps and some of them even served in the US Army. The government made some reparations after the war. That is a whole lot different than what the Japanese or the Germans did to anybody they felt was a threat.

It is easy for stupid politically correct brainwashed Americans nowadays to second guess the actions of the government during a time of a massive war. Like saying we should have dropped the atom bomb or fire bombed Dresden or whatever. Have you ever served in a war?

Roosevelt was a Liberal and a Democrat and he made the hard choices for the country. He would have felt that the Liberals nowadays are weak minded pussies.

If you want to bitch about treating Americans like shit during war then bitch about the Civil War. Among many other atrocities the filthy Union Army told all the Jews to get out of Tennessee.

Oh my goodness. All of a sudden the RIGHTS of INNOCENT AMERICAN CITIZENS becomes "Political Correctness".
1942 America was blatantly racist
Why should the Japs be any different?
You justify racism imposed by force by the criminal FDR, because you are an idiot.

FDR was no criminal...he kept us safe from the Japanese
We were at war
A war he instigated and made sure to keep going, resulting in the deaths of hundreds of thousands...but you think that admirable.
Japan started the war before FDR was even elected. They invaded China in 1931.

That was our view of Japan in 1942

Not the nice Japanese who build our cars and teach our kids "wax on/wax off" but the sneaky, vicious Japs who were raping millions in Nanking and bayonetting babies as they marched

Why wouldn't we lock them up?


Good job've certainly got the rhetoric accurate. :lol:
Liberals are batshit crazy I tell you. Rounding up American citizens who had done NOTHIING wrong is OK. Rounding up illegal aliens whose first act in our country was to break our laws..... immoral.
Liberals are batshit crazy I tell you. Rounding up American citizens who had done NOTHIING wrong is OK. Rounding up illegal aliens whose first act in our country was to break our laws..... immoral.

I think you're confusing liberals with conservatives here. Rounding up innocent American citizens is NOT ok. Unless you're a conservative like the OP and his batshit crazy buddies.

Oh my goodness. All of a sudden the RIGHTS of INNOCENT AMERICAN CITIZENS becomes "Political Correctness".

You mean like when the filthy ass Liberals take away my Constitutional right to keep and bear arms? How about stealing my hard earned money and give it away to the filthy welfare queens?

The fucking oppressive government can do anything it wants any time it wants. Nobody in the government has ever really cared about protecting the rights of innocent Americans, especially during a world war.
Liberals are batshit crazy I tell you. Rounding up American citizens who had done NOTHIING wrong is OK. Rounding up illegal aliens whose first act in our country was to break our laws..... immoral.

I think you're confusing liberals with conservatives here. Rounding up innocent American citizens is NOT ok. Unless you're a conservative like the OP and his batshit crazy buddies.

Fair enough....


"Liberals like RW are batshit crazy I tell you."

Oh my goodness. All of a sudden the RIGHTS of INNOCENT AMERICAN CITIZENS becomes "Political Correctness".

You mean like when the filthy ass Liberals take away my Constitutional right to keep and bear arms? How about stealing my hard earned money and give it away to the filthy welfare queens?

Do you have firearms? I do. I'm exercising my Constitutional right.

Why do you want to remove basic rights and freedoms from American citizens?

The fucking oppressive government can do anything it wants any time it wants. Nobody in the government has ever really cares about protecting the rights of innocent Americans, especially during a world war.

Really...are you free to walk around your neighborhood? Drive to another city? Apply for a job? Do you own a gun? Can you stand in front of your town courthouse and pray out loud? Can you hand out pamphlets? Can you demonstrate outside your local PP clinic protesting abortion?

You're so oppressed.

Let me know when you volunteer to have everything confiscated and be interned.
Liberals are batshit crazy I tell you. Rounding up American citizens who had done NOTHIING wrong is OK. Rounding up illegal aliens whose first act in our country was to break our laws..... immoral.

I think you're confusing liberals with conservatives here. Rounding up innocent American citizens is NOT ok. Unless you're a conservative like the OP and his batshit crazy buddies.

Fair enough....


"Liberals like RW are batshit crazy I tell you."


Oh my goodness. All of a sudden the RIGHTS of INNOCENT AMERICAN CITIZENS becomes "Political Correctness".

You mean like when the filthy ass Liberals take away my Constitutional right to keep and bear arms? How about stealing my hard earned money and give it away to the filthy welfare queens?

Do you have firearms? I do. I'm exercising my Constitutional right.

Why do you want to remove basic rights and freedoms from American citizens?

The fucking oppressive government can do anything it wants any time it wants. Nobody in the government has ever really cares about protecting the rights of innocent Americans, especially during a world war.

Really...are you free to walk around your neighborhood? Drive to another city? Apply for a job? Do you own a gun? Can you stand in front of your town courthouse and pray out loud? Can you hand out pamphlets? Can you demonstrate outside your local PP clinic protesting abortion?

You're so oppressed.

Let me know when you volunteer to have everything confiscated and be interned.

This is an oppressive country in many ways with this bloated out of control filthy ass government we have. Fortunately I live in a state that somewhat protects my Constitutional rights to keep and bear arms but there are several states where those rights are massively abused. Most of the Federal firearm regulations are abusive as hell.

During WWII your kind of Libtards that all voted for that asshole Roosevelt would have argued that since the American Japs were not sent to gas chambers then they really had nothing much to bitch about. You would have argued it was for security just like you idiots argue that restricting firearms is for our security.
Liberals are batshit crazy I tell you. Rounding up American citizens who had done NOTHIING wrong is OK. Rounding up illegal aliens whose first act in our country was to break our laws..... immoral.
Good point, but we all know LWNJs would hate FDR if he were an R.

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