Internet sources claim anti-gay Senator to be outed

If tort reform is a liberal idea, why are so many Dems against it? Because they are lawyers perhaps?

"Direct tort costs account for almost 2 percent of GDP in the United States—that's the highest in the world," said McQuillan. "These high costs impact American businesses when firms have to divert revenue to fight lawsuits. But all of us ultimately shoulder the burden through higher prices and insurance premiums, lower wages, restricted access to health care, less innovation, and higher taxes to pay for court costs."

"If lawmakers want to put people back to work, without costing taxpayers another penny for so-called 'stimulus', they should enact needed lawsuit reform," added Abramyan. "Job growth was 57 percent greater in the 10 states with the best tort climates than in the 10 states with the worst tort climates."

Read more: And the Best, Worst States for Tort Liability Costs Are...

Yeah, all lawyers are liberals.
I have worked for lawyers for 30 years and most of them in Georgia are Republicans.
You may want insurance companies running the courts in your state but we have that here and it doesn't work.
I prefer a jury.
You may want only 250K in damages capped if a loved one is killed by a doctor in your state if they have no economic damages but I value the life of others a little higher than 250K.
Republicans support insurance companies as well as Democrats.
Conservatives support the jury system and fear the power of government when they take away the rights of citizens.
Something about the US Constitution, a document founded on LIMITING THE POWER of government and DEFENDING the rights of individual citizens.
Sad that most Americans have no knowledge of their own founding laws.
You have confused conservatives with Republicans.
Scary shit that Republicans favor stripping the rights of citizens because someone claims it will save doctors insurancepremiums and those savings will be passed along to consumers.
Give up Constitutional rights to save $$.
How very conservative.
And looney tune "conservatives" believe that shit.
Scary shit there sports fans. The Founders are rolling in their graves.
Top it off the Republican Supreme Court here just OVERTURNED the tort reform law.
Guess why.
I wish I only had to have a 250K liability wrongful death cap on my business insurance.
I carry 2 mil.
Must be nice to be a special interest group that has over 1 billion in reserve insurance fund $$ in Georgia alone and has millions for campaign contributions annually.
Maybe I would favor tort reform then but probably not.
I trust the jury system and the Constitution.
I certainly believe a life is worth more than 250K but reform isn't just about caps. We lost days of pay over a frivolous lawsuit initiated against us. The case was eventually dropped without penalty to the bogus accuser. That is NOT justice.
Scary shit that Republicans favor stripping the rights of citizens because someone claims it will save doctors insurancepremiums and those savings will be passed along to consumers.
Give up Constitutional rights to save $$.
How very conservative.
And looney tune "conservatives" believe that shit.
Scary shit there sports fans. The Founders are rolling in their graves.
Top it off the Republican Supreme Court here just OVERTURNED the tort reform law.
Guess why.

Not saying strip the rights of the citizens at all.
Simply saying dont allow the citizens to game the system and compromise it's integrity.

I was in the jury pool for a woman suing for a scar on her toe. She had elective surgery to remove a bening growth form her toe. She signed a release agreeing that she was aware there would be some scarring. She was suing for 7 figures (they would not reveal the exact amount as it was the pool, not the selected jury) as hse did not feel she was told how horrendous the scar may be. Did not see the scar as again, I was not part of the selected jury. However, her claim was she will never be able to wear sandals or go to the beach again out of embarrassment. The had been no loss of the use of the foot nor had there been any physical damage to the foot. There was a scar that was anticipated..and it was elective surgery.
I raised my hand and was released when I said "its a toe. Loss of a toes is not worth 7 figures..."...seeing as I had friends that lost entire limbs while in action.
My point is, that was surely a case that was going to be settled...and the companitant walks away with cash, the attorney with cash, the podiatrist with a mark on his record...and it was nothing more (in my eyes) than someone gaming the game.

I had a hernia operation...I have a scar. Who the heck cares. I had an incision made with a scapel. A scar was expected......I mean...really?
Wow, let the "witch hunts" began for ANYONE who is.....Anti-homosexual, whatever the hell that means.

I wonder if they will hold a Public hanging also...what fun that would be.:clap2:
Tort reform is a liberal idea. No true conservative would ever vote to give a special interest group more benefits and protections from the government and take away rights of the citizens.
That is a no brainer and anyone that claims to be a conservative and supports tort reform has no clue what conservatism is.
Very disturbing, scary.

It depends on how you look at it and how you apply it.

My idea of tort reform is to ensure one has fear of fianncial repercissions if their lawsuit is deemed by a judge to be frivilous.

That's the problem: rightwingers are schizophrenic when it comes to judges. When they rule your way, it's all good, but when they don't, they are 'activist judges' who are 'legislating from the bench'.

This is what happens when you politicize the judiciary.
I certainly believe a life is worth more than 250K but reform isn't just about caps. We lost days of pay over a frivolous lawsuit initiated against us. The case was eventually dropped without penalty to the bogus accuser. That is NOT justice.

I agree but that is a seperate matter altogether. That is not tort reform, that is judicial reform.
But imagine a system where only the wealthy can afford to sue someone against a deep pocket billion dollar conglomerate.
How would that work if you were the one suing?
So the sissie looking little fuck RINO with the girlie name, "Lindsey," likes to suck cock.

Fine lefties, destroy him. Open that seat up for a real conservative to take.
Wow, let the "witch hunts" began for ANYONE who is.....Anti-homosexual, whatever the hell that means.
"Graham is a Republican Senator from South Carolina. Back in 1996, he voted in favor of the Defense of Marriage Act making it so that the Federal government cannot legally recognize same-sex marriages."

Is that clear-enough, for you????? :rolleyes:

(You Bubbleheads really should try reading some current-events, from-time-to-time.)​
Are the Dems gonna get rid of Graham? Cool. Finally something we can agree on. It would be nice to see a real Conservative take his seat. If the Dems want to destroy him,i say go for it. :)
Wow, let the "witch hunts" began for ANYONE who is.....Anti-homosexual, whatever the hell that means.
"Graham is a Republican Senator from South Carolina. Back in 1996, he voted in favor of the Defense of Marriage Act making it so that the Federal government cannot legally recognize same-sex marriages."

well hell ya, that is a good enough reason to hang him in a public square.
I say let's get on with it..bring a picinic lunch, drinks, hell lets make a party of it.
Tort reform is a liberal idea. No true conservative would ever vote to give a special interest group more benefits and protections from the government and take away rights of the citizens.
That is a no brainer and anyone that claims to be a conservative and supports tort reform has no clue what conservatism is.
Very disturbing, scary.

It's the urge to use federal legislation to achieve outcomes that current state laws (allegedly) do not that I find curious.
Public employees and Public servants do not have the same rights to privacy as the public does. When you enter public office, when you receive your paycheck from the taxpayer, they owe us, part of this is being honest about who they are.

Out everyone who hides in the closet, people who cannot be honest about who they are do not belong in government.
Hey Democrats,quit all the talk and just hurry up and destroy him. A true Conservative would then replace him. That's what i've wanted for a very long time. Graham should go. So hurry up and get on that Dems.
Lindsey Graham is a gift to the left. A useful idiot. When he backs cap and tax, amnesty, or whack job lefty judicial nominees, lefties fall all over him.

Shame you're throwing that all away for a single issue.

He's one of the few remaining Republican Senators who doesn't vote based on right-wing ideology, but on reality. Tough.
Lindsey Graham is a gift to the left. A useful idiot. When he backs cap and tax, amnesty, or whack job lefty judicial nominees, lefties fall all over him.

Shame you're throwing that all away for a single issue.

You sir, are a fucking idiot.

Revere is one of those dogmatic righties who actually thinks his one-liners will hold sway. I'll bet he has T-shirts emblazzoned with anti-liberal/anti-Obama junk that he wears to WalMart when he's not here posting Coulteresque headline grabbers.
Lindsay Graham and Charlie Crist gay rumors have been circulating for years. As long as he (Graham) votes Conservative he can suck all the dicks he wants to.

What is Graham conservative on? Cap and tax? Amnesty? Lefty SCOTUS and Federal judge nominees?

You speak as though there's only ONE side to those issues. Yours. Sorry to burst your balloon, but there are usually two sides to everything, and much in between.

As far as voting for Kagan, tough shit that she was an Obama appointee. That doesn't automatically mean she will vote without having considered BOTH SIDES of a case. Four of the five most conservative justices to serve on the Supreme Court since FDR's administration, including Roberts and Alito, are still sitting on the bench today. What the hell do you want?

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