International Day Of Pink = Garbage Low Life Scum Bag Filth!!!

David Jeffrey Spetch

Senior Member
Nov 17, 2014
International Day Of Pink = Garbage Low Life Scum Bag Filth!!!

Here we go again with a planet chalked full of easily brainwashed imbeciles encouraging bullying while claiming they are against bullying.

Anyone who supports pink day is a two faced discriminating liar so it's time for you to see how these activist have deceived you for your support as you wake up while I share with you the facts that prove it!

They lie by referring to anti bullying as awareness to stop homophobia, transphobia, transmisogyny,

Those are homosexuals (Tranny's, trans gender) who are out to deprive heterosexuals of the right to be heterosexual while bullying heterosexuals into having to accept being robbed of the right to be heterosexual by these homosexuals and their filthy disgusting low life two faced deceptions!

Anyone who supports pink day supports homosexuals treating heterosexuals like second rate guinea pig citizens who do not deserve to be heterosexuals only because homosexuals have a hard time accepting themselves for what they are! This is insane

Being heterosexual does not include having sex with those born with the same sex genital that the heterosexual is born with! Heterosexual describes a person that exclusively has sex with those born with the opposite sex genital that the heterosexual them self is born with!

Being homosexual includes having sex with those born with the same sex genital that the homosexual them self is born with!

These are homosexuals getting their genital surgically mutilated so they can discriminate heterosexuals with their filthy homosexuals by depriving heterosexuals of the right to be heterosexual! Now they are trying to call it not only homophobe but they are now attempting to call you transaphobe. A so called trans gender is everything that leads to depriving heterosexuals of the right of being heterosexual with this homosexual deception aiding them in deceiving the heterosexual thus robbing the heterosexual of the right to be heterosexual yet if you stand up for your right to be heterosexual now they defecate upon you by making up the lie and attempting to label you with the lie transaphobe.

Homosexuals quite obviously do not deserve to be respected in lieu of the fact that they disrespect what it means to be heterosexual as they have for generations with every lie and deception that they can possibly fathom and every chance they get without so much as a shred of consideration towards what it means to be heterosexual.

This is disgusting and unacceptable that I live on a planet that welcomes a manifestation of homosexual activist filthy disgusting low life lies, while homosexuals continue to get away with discriminating heterosexuals by depriving us of the right of being heterosexuals with these filthy disgusting low life homosexual deceptions while treating the public like a bunch of idiots with every lie and deception that these homosexual activist can possibly fathom!

Discrimination against heterosexuality needs to be criminalized and all surgeries to make someone appear to be the opposite sex that they are born needs to be made illegal global for the preservation of heterosexuality, to prevent heterosexuals from suffering such degrading, humiliating, trauma, and to prevent children's minds from further being subjected to the insane mentality of the homosexual activist and their filthy disgusting lie that they base the foundation of their every issue to do with their bias filthy disgusting low life two faced agenda.

They act like scum by treating heterosexuals like scum and expect to not only continue to get away with robbing heterosexuals of the right to be heterosexual with these filthy homosexual deceptions but they also expect heterosexuals to be punished for getting angry with these low life filthy disgusting lying deceiving two faced homosexuals who quite obviously are the ones who have a hard time accepting themselves for what they are in the fist place.

A tranny gets away with deceiving a heterosexual then cries hate crime while labelling the heterosexual with the lie homophobe for the heterosexual getting angry with being robbed of the right to be heterosexual. You are just suppose to be discriminated against, degraded, traumatized, humiliated while being robbed of the right of robbing heterosexual according to these low life homosexual activist and their bias agenda of which no where in their equation is there even a shred of respect for heterosexuality quite obviously. There is a fine example of bullying of heterosexuals while they dupe you into being played for a fool for thinking you are doing something good by supporting International Day Of Pink! How dare these low life's degrade the colour pink to such disgusting filth! Is this what you wish upon your heterosexual children and grandchildren? All those who support international pink day support their on going quest to perfect their deceptions i n aiding homosexuals in getting away with robbing heterosexuals of having the right to be heterosexual.

Only filthy low life homosexual activist scum will attempt to dictate to you that being heterosexual includes having sex with homosexual and I know that they are doing this to the easily brainwashed general public via main stream media!

It's time for this homosexual activist low life scum bag filthy two faced agenda to be put to rest permanently! What a bunch of mentally lazy imbeciles I share a planet with to have let such rhetoric as the homosexual activist bias agenda manifest in the first place!

Oh and I am not fighting to make homosexuals wanting to have sex with other homosexuals illegal so don't even try and make that the issue (If a homosexual is not pretending to be the opposite sex and seeks to be with bi sexuals or homosexuals have at it but I really don't want to hear about it because I am heterosexual and being heterosexual doesn't include having interest in those born with the same sex genital as you having sex with one another which appears to be something that homosexual activists deliberately do not want to acknowledge because they obsessively and compulsively attempt to make each other look like heroes with every lie and deception that they for now get away with at the public's expense) while lying about me by attempting to refer to me as a homophobe for it (something that doesn't even exist in the first place) The issue is quite clearly putting a stop too legally encouraging homosexuals who have a hard time accepting themselves for what they are getting away with deceiving heterosexuals with these sick filthy disgusting homosexual low life deceptions! Putting a stop to homosexuals robbing heterosexuals of the right of being heterosexual all the while for decades they have been whining about their right to be homosexual being respected!

A good honest person I wouldn't refer to as filthy low life scum, but lying deceitful two faces low life's who openly support discrimination against heterosexuality while lying to and deceiving the public into supporting them absolutely deserve the designation!

If you are one of the liars who claims to believe that someone's sex is determined by how one feels then you have no ground to stand upon in encouraging homosexuals to get the genital mutilation surgery for the purpose of homosexuals being the opposite sex that they themselves are born. After all according to your logic it is how you feel that determines ones sex so there is quite obviously no need for the surgical genital mutilation operation. Those who get the genital surgical mutilation are proof that they themselves are aware that how you feel doesn't determines ones sex but it is the sex genital that you are born with that determines ones sex which is exactly why they get the surgical genital mutilation surgery, to pretend to be the opposite sex which leads to heterosexuals being robbed of the right of being heterosexual while calling heterosexuals who have a problem with homosexuals filthy disgusting low life deceptions as a homophobe or transaphobe for it.

It's time homosexuals start accepting themselves for what they are instead of expecting heterosexuals being robbed of the right to be heterosexual because homosexuals have a hard time accepting themselves for what they themselves are!

Homosexual activist are insane and the world they seek to make as insane as they or they claim you discriminate them and again they do it with every lie and deceptions that they can possibly fathom. They are a bunch of disgusting low life two faced liars and discriminators using you like the dummy you let them treat you as a society as you bunch of imbeciles! Wake up already you bunch of dummies.

It has been factually proven thoroughly that homosexual activists base their foundation of their every issue to do with their bias agenda with lies and deceptions. How is this acceptable, when is this filthy disgusting trash going to come to an end?!! This is ridiculous and makes a complete mockery of our modern day societies of which thanks to heterosexuality we even exist and yet if it were up to homosexuals to sustain the human race, we would have died off thousands of years ago for weakly being a race of sexually defective imbeciles.

You not wanting to be sexually defective because you are heterosexual does not make you a discriminator to those who are sexually defective for now wanting to have sex with them or want to be deceived by a homosexual while robbed of being heterosexual and this is exactly what is going on!

International Day Of Pink quite clearly is encouraging one of the lowest forms of discrimination and bullying on the planet while those who initiated this filth lie and deceive you into supporting them to openly continue to get away with discriminating you!

Where do the people on this planet scrape up their brains? A mouldy swamp? This is insane that it has escalated so far that I should have to take the time to address it for the hundredth or even thousandth time. Why are the worlds elected officials who support international pink day living with their heads up their back sides. It is appealing and infuriating!

According to International Day Of Pink, You Have No Right To Be Heterosexual and how is that not bullying?!! Wake up!.


Primary Factual Fundamentalist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. be good, be strong!
I've never understood why they chose pink, brown would be much more fitting for rump rangers
MOVED to General Discussion.
Nope, it is not, and the retard you are talking to is the guy in the mirror.
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