Interesting what those who are tech savvy can do


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
Interesting what those who are tech savvy can do.

Israeli Hackers Expose 'Amateurs' Behind Anti-Israel Attack

'Israel Elite Force' takes the fight to anti-Israel hackers behind #OpIsrael attack - using their own webcams to expose them.
By Ari Soffer
First Publish: 4/13/2014, 12:08 PM

Israeli hackers have gone on the offensive against their anti-Israel opponents in revenge for the #OpIsrael hacking attack against Israeli sites and servers.

After the failed "operation" by members of the "Anonymous" hacker network, Israeli hackers from Israel Elite Force took the fight to them - robbing them of their anonymity by posting details and even photos of some of the hackers on their website.

Continue reading at:

Israeli Hackers Expose 'Amateur' Anonymous Hackers - Technology, Science, Health - News - Israel National News
Interesting what those who are tech savvy can do.

Israeli Hackers Expose 'Amateurs' Behind Anti-Israel Attack

'Israel Elite Force' takes the fight to anti-Israel hackers behind #OpIsrael attack - using their own webcams to expose them.
By Ari Soffer
First Publish: 4/13/2014, 12:08 PM

Israeli hackers have gone on the offensive against their anti-Israel opponents in revenge for the #OpIsrael hacking attack against Israeli sites and servers.

After the failed "operation" by members of the "Anonymous" hacker network, Israeli hackers from Israel Elite Force took the fight to them - robbing them of their anonymity by posting details and even photos of some of the hackers on their website.

Continue reading at:

Israeli Hackers Expose 'Amateur' Anonymous Hackers - Technology, Science, Health - News - Israel National News

Now that is JUSTICE and will make those clowns think twice about going after others. There should be a wall were proven hackers details can be posted so everyone can laugh at them.
No, it really is excellent news. :badgrin:

Excellent, and how are you going to pay them back?

Oh not me. I am not in Israel. I am sure that those who mess with Israel get payback in one way or the other. Don't worry your poor little head about it. Concern yourself with more important issues.

Oh so when you squeal "now time for payback" you mean nothing other than you're happy that some of the citizens of your own nation might be on the recieving end of action from another nation. There is a word for that sort of person you know.
Excellent, and how are you going to pay them back?

Oh not me. I am not in Israel. I am sure that those who mess with Israel get payback in one way or the other. Don't worry your poor little head about it. Concern yourself with more important issues.

Oh so when you squeal "now time for payback" you mean nothing other than you're happy that some of the citizens of your own nation might be on the recieving end of action from another nation. There is a word for that sort of person you know.

Time for payback for those who harm Israel. Simple. :D
Oh not me. I am not in Israel. I am sure that those who mess with Israel get payback in one way or the other. Don't worry your poor little head about it. Concern yourself with more important issues.

Oh so when you squeal "now time for payback" you mean nothing other than you're happy that some of the citizens of your own nation might be on the recieving end of action from another nation. There is a word for that sort of person you know.

Time for payback for those who harm Israel. Simple. :D

It's a traitor, those who would sell their fellow countrymen down the river for a foreign power, especially one that has a history of spying on your home nation. A traitor.

Still you've not got the balls to take any action yourself, unlike those hackers who took a stand, rightly or wrongly, for what they believed so it doesn't matter.
Oh so when you squeal "now time for payback" you mean nothing other than you're happy that some of the citizens of your own nation might be on the recieving end of action from another nation. There is a word for that sort of person you know.

Time for payback for those who harm Israel. Simple. :D

It's a traitor, those who would sell their fellow countrymen down the river for a foreign power, especially one that has a history of spying on your home nation. A traitor.

Still you've not got the balls to take any action yourself, unlike those hackers who took a stand, rightly or wrongly, for what they believed so it doesn't matter.

What are you getting your thong in a twist for? Hackers into Israel get payback now or eventually. Don't like it? Tough. Pop over to Gaza and see how long you would last.
Oh so when you squeal "now time for payback" you mean nothing other than you're happy that some of the citizens of your own nation might be on the recieving end of action from another nation. There is a word for that sort of person you know.

Time for payback for those who harm Israel. Simple. :D

It's a traitor, those who would sell their fellow countrymen down the river for a foreign power, especially one that has a history of spying on your home nation. A traitor.

Still you've not got the balls to take any action yourself, unlike those hackers who took a stand, rightly or wrongly, for what they believed so it doesn't matter.

What does any of this drivel have to do with what Caroline is talking about?
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Time for payback for those who harm Israel. Simple. :D

It's a traitor, those who would sell their fellow countrymen down the river for a foreign power, especially one that has a history of spying on your home nation. A traitor.

Still you've not got the balls to take any action yourself, unlike those hackers who took a stand, rightly or wrongly, for what they believed so it doesn't matter.

What does any of this drivel have to do with the op??

Manchester is trying to make something of nothing. Must be a slow day for her.
Oh so when you squeal "now time for payback" you mean nothing other than you're happy that some of the citizens of your own nation might be on the recieving end of action from another nation. There is a word for that sort of person you know.

Time for payback for those who harm Israel. Simple. :D

It's a traitor, those who would sell their fellow countrymen down the river for a foreign power, especially one that has a history of spying on your home nation. A traitor.

Still you've not got the balls to take any action yourself, unlike those hackers who took a stand, rightly or wrongly, for what they believed so it doesn't matter.

Camel crap. Hacking is illegal and may have consequences for the perps.
How do you know they were Americans, Abdul?
"Oh look, a zionist macho posturing. How unusal that is"

said nobody ever.

No, it really is excellent news. :badgrin:

Excellent, and how are you going to pay them back?

Well we could release the details of their leaders bank accounts so the poor people of Palestine can see how much they have creamed of the top. Or show the leaders with their rent boys via their webcams to the religious in Palestine.

Just two of the ways of exacting payback and getting the P.A. to the table.
Oh so when you squeal "now time for payback" you mean nothing other than you're happy that some of the citizens of your own nation might be on the recieving end of action from another nation. There is a word for that sort of person you know.

Time for payback for those who harm Israel. Simple. :D

It's a traitor, those who would sell their fellow countrymen down the river for a foreign power, especially one that has a history of spying on your home nation. A traitor.

Still you've not got the balls to take any action yourself, unlike those hackers who took a stand, rightly or wrongly, for what they believed so it doesn't matter.

You mean just like you do when you defend and support Islamic excesses
Time for payback for those who harm Israel. Simple. :D

It's a traitor, those who would sell their fellow countrymen down the river for a foreign power, especially one that has a history of spying on your home nation. A traitor.

Still you've not got the balls to take any action yourself, unlike those hackers who took a stand, rightly or wrongly, for what they believed so it doesn't matter.

What does any of this drivel have to do with what Caroline is talking about?

Nothing at all he is just deflecting away from the subject matter because it is harming islam

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