"Intell Community"??? Here's Why.....


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
....many believe Trump.

1. "Donald Trump Casts Doubt on Intelligence Community Over 'So-Called' Russian Hacking"
Trump Again Casts Doubt on Russian Hacking

2. "FBI: We Have Not Found Jihadi Content on Ft. Lauderdale Shooter’s Social Media"
FBI: We Have Not Found Jihadi Content on Ft. Lauderdale Shooter's Social Media

3. "BREAKING: #FortLauderdale Terrorist #EstebanSantiago Joined MySpace As “Aashiq Hammad”, Recorded Islamic Music"
BREAKING: #FortLauderdale Terrorist #EstebanSantiago Joined MySpace As "Aashiq Hammad", Recorded Islamic Music - GotNews

Of course, understanding what is revealed in this post will be beyond the ken of the usual 'reliable Democrat voters.'
"4Chan Claims To Have Fabricated Anti-Trump Report As A Hoax
In a story that is getting more surreal by the minute, a post on 4Chan now claims that the infamous "golden showers" scene in the unverified 35-page dossier, allegedly compiled by a British intelligence officer, was a hoax and fabricated by a member of the chatboard as "fanfiction", then sent to Rick Wilson, who proceeded to send it to the CIA, which then put it in their official classified intelligence report on the election."
4Chan Claims To Have Fabricated Anti-Trump Report As A Hoax | Zero Hedge

They've got the salivating reflex down when the bell sounds. Now if we could just teach them to pull the lever after making it through the maze.



They've got the salivating reflex down when the bell sounds. Now if we could just teach them to pull the lever after making it through the maze.



It seems, as you suggest, once they are wedded to the Democrat Party, they put aside all insight and experience, and ignore all proof of fabrication and inconsistency.

They treat 'proof' the way Alfonso Bedoya explains away 'badges' in
The Treasure of the Sierra Madre

When you as a president, PURGE your intelligence community of INTELLIGENCE, and replace them with Idiot political sycophants, you get FAKE Golden Shower Extortion Stories passed off as Intelligence Reports.

It would seem that most of the media in the United States is becoming nothing more than cheap tabloids and reality TV. I'm tempted to start a few Trump rumors just to see if they make it as front page news and breaking stories with our highly resourceful US news networks.



I wonder if I could get paid?.....

......How much is a subscription to Pravda so I can get some real news?
When you as a president, PURGE your intelligence community of INTELLIGENCE, and replace them with Idiot political sycophants, you get FAKE Golden Shower Extortion Stories passed off as Intelligence Reports.

I assume you're indicting Obama....but, research will show that the Democrats did this long ago, making the intell community no more than political lap dogs.

a. "In the wake of the September 11th terror attack, some legislators are now proclaiming their commitment to unleashing the CIA and rebuilding its human “assets.” Just a short while ago these same legislators were leading the charge to curtail the agency. One such convert is the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Joseph Biden.

The Delaware Democrat was one of seventeen Senators who voted in 1974 to ban all covert operations, and proudly noted during his 1988 campaign for president that he had threatened to “go public” with covert action plans by the Reagan administration, causing them to cancel the operations.

Hopefully Senator Biden, and other congressional converts, are undergoing a genuine epiphany. Perhaps they now realize, as Henry Kissinger once observed about the Church Committee, that it is an illusion that “tranquility can be achieved by an abstract purity of motive for which history offers no example.” It is precisely this illusion which has prevailed in congressional circles since the heyday of [Democrats] Frank Church and Otis Pike. As Church himself once argued, the United States should not “fight fire with fire . . . evil with evil.”

b. "The real aberration occurred in the mid-1970s when the United States granted its legislative branch the greatest control over intelligence matters of any Western nation, and overturned the system which had prevailed in the United States since the Founding.

The damage done to the CIA by this congressional oversight regime (Democrat-controlled Pike and Church Committees) is quite extensive. The committees increased the number of CIA officials subject to Senate confirmation, condemned the agency for its contacts with unscrupulous characters, prohibited any further contact with these bad characters, insisted that the United States not engage or assist in any coup which may harm a foreign leader, and overwhelmed the agency with interminable requests for briefings (some 600 alone in 1996)." http://hnn.us/articles/380.html

The strangle-hold by the Democrats/Liberals changed the intelligence apparatus into a political lap-dog, doing the bidding of the administration.

And that is exactly what is going on today.
Joe Biden, John Kerry, Hillary Clinton and Obama Bin Lying are verified traitors to the very nation they claim is their home.
Anyone researching the political and personal history of these thugs will soon come to realize that these people do not have America's best interest in mind, EVER.

The Dems have conspired to turn our CIA in to THE KGB and the FBI and DOJ in to The Gestapo.
And have turned our Media in to The Propaganda Wing of The DNC.

They even infiltrated and corrupted the IRS and weaponized it.
I wonder how they know who did the hacking when they won't let the FBI examine their hacked computers??
....many believe Trump.

1. "Donald Trump Casts Doubt on Intelligence Community Over 'So-Called' Russian Hacking"
Trump Again Casts Doubt on Russian Hacking

2. "FBI: We Have Not Found Jihadi Content on Ft. Lauderdale Shooter’s Social Media"
FBI: We Have Not Found Jihadi Content on Ft. Lauderdale Shooter's Social Media

3. "BREAKING: #FortLauderdale Terrorist #EstebanSantiago Joined MySpace As “Aashiq Hammad”, Recorded Islamic Music"
BREAKING: #FortLauderdale Terrorist #EstebanSantiago Joined MySpace As "Aashiq Hammad", Recorded Islamic Music - GotNews

Of course, understanding what is revealed in this post will be beyond the ken of the usual 'reliable Democrat voters.'
So? You do realize that ISIS hates all music, including Islamic music, right?
ISIS bans music, smoking in Syrian town

The ISIS school curriculum bans music, sports, and teaching evolution

ISIS bans music, imposes veil in Raqqa
....many believe Trump.

1. "Donald Trump Casts Doubt on Intelligence Community Over 'So-Called' Russian Hacking"
Trump Again Casts Doubt on Russian Hacking

2. "FBI: We Have Not Found Jihadi Content on Ft. Lauderdale Shooter’s Social Media"
FBI: We Have Not Found Jihadi Content on Ft. Lauderdale Shooter's Social Media

3. "BREAKING: #FortLauderdale Terrorist #EstebanSantiago Joined MySpace As “Aashiq Hammad”, Recorded Islamic Music"
BREAKING: #FortLauderdale Terrorist #EstebanSantiago Joined MySpace As "Aashiq Hammad", Recorded Islamic Music - GotNews

Of course, understanding what is revealed in this post will be beyond the ken of the usual 'reliable Democrat voters.'
So? You do realize that ISIS hates all music, including Islamic music, right?
ISIS bans music, smoking in Syrian town

The ISIS school curriculum bans music, sports, and teaching evolution

ISIS bans music, imposes veil in Raqqa

If your object, with this post, was to prove that you have a terminal case of A.D.D., you may raise the 'Mission Accomplished' banner.

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