Insidious Censorship

. . . . and the Guardian is NOT ultra-liberal, it is Neo-Liberal, completely infested with British intelligence as an agent of propaganda and the corporate power structure for the CITY.

How many times must I smash a custard pie in your kisser, you dope?

"The paper's readership is generally on the mainstream left of British political opinion,[8][9] and its reputation as a platform for liberal and left-wing editorial has led to the use of the "Guardian reader" and "Guardianista" as often-pejorative epithets for those of left-leaning or "politically correct" tendencies.[10][11][12] "
The Guardian - Wikipedia

Jot this down, and have it laminated for your wallet:

a. You know less than nothing.

b. I am never wrong.

Now you use Wikipedia?

Do yourself a favor and get in Joe Biden's corner for the next election. It suits your critical thinking skills. They are about as dull as Franco's these days.


Best start calling me a hater dupe too, eh?
. . . . and the Guardian is NOT ultra-liberal, it is Neo-Liberal, completely infested with British intelligence as an agent of propaganda and the corporate power structure for the CITY.

How many times must I smash a custard pie in your kisser, you dope?

"The paper's readership is generally on the mainstream left of British political opinion,[8][9] and its reputation as a platform for liberal and left-wing editorial has led to the use of the "Guardian reader" and "Guardianista" as often-pejorative epithets for those of left-leaning or "politically correct" tendencies.[10][11][12] "
The Guardian - Wikipedia

Jot this down, and have it laminated for your wallet:

a. You know less than nothing.

b. I am never wrong.

Now you use Wikipedia?

Do yourself a favor and get in Joe Biden's corner for the next election. It suits your critical thinking skills. They are about as dull as Franco's these days.


Best start calling me a hater dupe too, eh?

This is the best you can do after i have destroyed you with documented posts???

Don't wipe the egg off your face....It's an improvement.

7. As obvious as it is that the publishers would rather lose money with Liberal works, than make money by offering conservative works to the public……they deny same.

“ Though publishers incessantly complain that big advances are often not repaid in book sales, they refuse to acknowledge a half-century of marketing research demonstrating that conservative books tend to sell quite well while liberal books require major blockbuster promotion merely to avoid publishing disasters.

Liberals compete for advances in the millions of dollars. Conservatives are happy to be published at all. In addition to lucrative advances for books that don’t sell, liberal writers can always be assured of a position on the op-ed page of any of various major newspapers, where a writer need be popular only with his editors. Liberals succeed by impressing an oligopoly of fellow liberals rather than winning in the marketplace of ideas.

It would be interesting to compare liberals and conservatives on a grid— one axis for “number of words published in elite newspapers” and the other axis for “weeks on a best-seller list.” Coulter, Op.Cit.

8. Guess what changed things, and opened up the field for conservative authors.

Only a disregard for both market forces and the truth can explain why publishing houses keep rushing liberal hoax books to print, while doggedly refusing to publish “surprise best-sellers.” Unable to compete and running out of book-advance money to provide liberals with lifetime sinecures, the left is increasingly desperate to censor conservatives outright.

It was easy enough before the Internet. Newspaper editors, TV executives, and publishers could simply refuse to hire or publish conservatives. They could jam liberalism down our throats on every television broadcast, morning show, late-night comedy program, and large-circulation newspaper and magazine in the country.

But the Internet has undermined the major media’s capacity to enforce a strict party line.” Ibid.
meh. . . my guess is she just got done reading Coulter's book Slander, and didn't want to hear anything that would derail her rant. . .


OTH, if she had just looked at the evidence I had posted, agreed, and said, yes, that particular person doesn't fit the mold, however, the point is still valid, we probably would not have had anything to disagree about.

The establishment is corrupt, and DOES push ideas onto the public.

A cursory view of the TOP PUBLISHED and PROMOTED books of last year, reveal a bias. Even if you look at the books where there ARE NO WIKIPEDIA links too? Those are probably the books you most need to read.

The New York Times Non-Fiction Best Sellers of 2018 - Wikipedia

meh. . . my guess is she just got done reading Coulter's book Slander, and didn't want to hear anything that would derail her rant. . .


OTH, if she had just looked at the evidence I had posted, agreed, and said, yes, that particular person doesn't fit the mold, however, the point is still valid, we probably would not have had anything to disagree about.

The establishment is corrupt, and DOES push ideas onto the public.

A cursory view of the TOP PUBLISHED and PROMOTED books of last year, reveal a bias. Even if you look at the books where there ARE NO WIKIPEDIA links too? Those are probably the books you most need to read.

The New York Times Non-Fiction Best Sellers of 2018 - Wikipedia


Now, see....I'm gonna have to spank you again.

You should learn to read more carefully.

Prominent and early in the OP is this line:

The good news is that conservatives…readers- unlike Liberals-…have forced an industry-wide retreat in the book publishing industry.

And I provided this time-line, you dunce:

. Two decades back, when Liberal strangle-hold made the publication of conservative tomes a no-no, Coulter made the situation clear: profit was less a concern than advancing the ideology. The publishing companies simply rewarded would-be authors, for being Liberal

And you, speaking of the situation in 2018.

Bet you feel really stoooooopid about now.
meh. . . my guess is she just got done reading Coulter's book Slander, and didn't want to hear anything that would derail her rant. . .


OTH, if she had just looked at the evidence I had posted, agreed, and said, yes, that particular person doesn't fit the mold, however, the point is still valid, we probably would not have had anything to disagree about.

The establishment is corrupt, and DOES push ideas onto the public.

A cursory view of the TOP PUBLISHED and PROMOTED books of last year, reveal a bias. Even if you look at the books where there ARE NO WIKIPEDIA links too? Those are probably the books you most need to read.

The New York Times Non-Fiction Best Sellers of 2018 - Wikipedia


BTW.....I've read every one of Coulter's books.....nobody reads more books than I.
9. With the internet, conservative authors were suddenly accessible. And the public took the opportunity.

“Meanwhile, the entire information industry works overtime to suppress conservative books. The left’s control of the monopoly media has its greatest crossover effect on books. While the radio and Internet can bring conservatives to people’s homes “with the flick of a dial or modem, conservative books have to clear three sets of liberal censors before making their way to readers.

First the books have to be published. Then the public has to know the book exists. Finally, potential readers have to find a bookstore where they can buy it. All this is complicated by the fact that publishers don’t like conservative books, the major media ignore them, and bookstores refuse to stock them. But, frustratingly, liberals can’t stop Americans from buying conservative books.

Once a book has been published, even monopoly control of the establishment media can’t repeal the free market. Inasmuch as mainstream publishing houses would prefer to ignore the free market entirely and publish only books with the hectoring anger of a New York Times editorial,”….the internet let the cat out of the bag

It is not a coincidence that conservative books, always strong sellers, have experienced a boom since books became available on the Internet. Even the left’s precious “campaign finance reform” can only stop conservatives from buying space in the mainstream media outlets. On the Internet, speech is free—and liberalism can’t survive the competition. The same relentless competition of the Web that annihilated the commercial dot. coms has produced near-dominance of the Internet by conservatives.”
Coulter, “Slander.”
10. As the witticism goes, “Time wounds all heels.”

And so it is with the Liberal tyrants who lead the publishing industry. When they could no longer hide conservative authors, many threw in the towel.

“In 2003, something unthinkable happened in the tradition-bound—and unapologetically liberal—world of book publishing: two of the largest and best-known conglomerates, Penguin and Random House, set up imprints, Sentinel and Crown Forum, dedicated to producing conservative books. Two years later, Simon and Schuster added its own right-leaning imprint, Threshold.

… since the mid-nineties, conservative titles had been showing up in profusion on the nation’s bestseller lists. … and many dealt with a single (if seemingly inexhaustible) subject: the public and private transgressions of the White House’s occupants, Bill and Hillary Clinton. Surely the bizarre trend would play itself out soon.

But even after the Clintons departed Pennsylvania Avenue, Regnery’s conservative hits kept coming: insider accounts like former CBS correspondent Bernard Goldberg’s Bias, historically grounded critiques of liberalism like Mona Charen’s Useful Idiots, and the scorched-earth polemics of Ann Coulter. With such books generating tens of millions of dollars in sales, mainstream publishing finally could no longer ignore the math, and plunged into the conservative market.”
The Future of Conservative Books

No wonder Liberals hate capitalism.
11. There is an obvious reason for Liberals trying to hide conservative authors.

“It is a source of never-ending irritation to liberals that Americans like to hear conservatives.

Liberals don’t try to win arguments, they seek to destroy their opponents and silence dissident opinions. The monopoly media of television, newspapers, and magazines can inflict liberals on the public without paying a price. Noticeably, however, liberals fail in any media realm where there is competition. In the three media where success is determined on the free market—radio, books, and the Internet—conservatives rule. A competitive marketplace in speech has the ominous effect of producing Rush Limbaugh. Only a monopoly could produce Dan Rather.” Coulter

12. Imagine the chagrin:

“One by one, the media bastions were falling: first talk radio, thanks largely to Rush Limbaugh; then TV, with FOX’s dominance of cable; and, of course, the rise of the conservative blogosphere. Now mainstream publishers had at last realized, however grudgingly, that there were millions of conservative readers out there.”
The Future of Conservative Books

13.As Lord Axton noted, and applied to the Liberals who run the publishing industry, “Power corrupts, and absolute power, corrupts absolutely.”

On this issue, the war is not over.

“Noting that a number of Regnery’s most successful authors were turned away by major houses, Ross said: “Lack of support for conservative authors and books by the big New York publishers is nothing new. Certainly you can find a handful of conservative authors on the roster of most New York houses, but those authors are often treated with disdain and contempt.

One source described the existence of these imprints as something that “balkanizes” conservative authors. He said, “I’ve had editors tell me they wouldn’t possibly consider a book by a conservative, and I never would hear that if the politics were flipped.”

Another agent, who handles a number of conservative authors, said the industry’s longstanding “double standard” for right-wing authors is evidenced by the fact that “there are no quote-unquote liberal imprints in publishing.” In other words, books espousing liberal ideas often land at general-interest imprints. This, more than anything else, means there are fewer places to shop conservative books and authors. “A liberal senator has dozens of options [when it comes to imprints and editors that will publish his book],” he said. “Conservatives have a much smaller pool.” Is Book Publishing Too Liberal?

The real understanding here is that Liberals recognize that their ideas can’t hold a candle to conservative ideas. Silencing the Right is their only answer.

Can book burning be far behind?

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