Insider drops bomb on AG Jeff Sessions - he refuses to prosecute Obama and Clinton crimes


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Bombshell: Insider Drops Bomb on AG Jeff Sessions – He Refuses to Prosecute Obama and Clinton Crimes (Video)
Jason Chaffetz, former House of Representatives member and Chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform was on Justice with Judge Janine Pirro Saturday night and he dropped a BOMBSHELL about Attorney General Jeff Sessions:

Jeff. S is an old fashioned bastard. He might as well be a leftist Democratic prick. Those two must have dirt on him. Which means he's done some seriously crooked bs in the past if not recently. I hope the pos gets busted on whatever it is.
The biggest crime of Obozo were his two amnesties. That's obstruction of justice on a million count scale.

Bombshell: Insider Drops Bomb on AG Jeff Sessions – He Refuses to Prosecute Obama and Clinton Crimes (Video)

oct 1 2017 Judge Janine:
Barack Obama and his administration did things that if we did we’d all be in jail right now. Now the Republicans are in power and I am not suggesting that the Party has anything to do with it, but when we see blatant obstruction of justice like we have seen in the Obama Administration – example, when you’ve got Eric Holder committing perjury and being held in contemp. You were Head of Government Oversight and Reform, correct? You guys held him in contempt, yes or no?

Chaffetz: Yes, Yes

Judge Janine: Ok, why is he not being charged with a crime?

Chaffetz: I can tell you that while I was in Congress and the Chairman of the Oversight Committee, I did go over and visit with Attorney General Sessions and it was one of the most frustrating discussions I had because whether it was the IRS, Fast and Furious, the email scandal that we went through, I did not see the Attorney General willing to just let Lady Justice administer justice and then follow through. I understood maybe the last six months of the Obama Administration…

Judge Janine: Wait a minute I don’t have that much time. You spoke with Sessions on IRS, Fast and Furious. Did he give you a reason? Did he say he was presenting anything to a grand jury? Yes or no?

Chaffetz: No, he basically let me know he wasn’t going to pursue anything on the major cases.

Judge Janine: So IRS, on the major cases? Are we talking about Hillary Clinton, because I haven’t even gotten to her yet.

Chaffetz: Yes, the email scandal of Hillary Clinton. We had Bryan Pagliano. I issued a subpoena for him to appear before the Committee and he said “No”. He didn’t even show up. We issued another subpoena. The US Marshals served it. And you know in my world, if you’re in court, I guarantee you that a subpoena is not an optional activity. We wanted the Attorney General to prosecute him and he said “No”.
he refuses to prosecute Obama and Clinton crimes

because there are no crimes.
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he refuses to prosecute Obama and Clinton crimes

because there are no crimes.
LMFAO keep telling yourself that fairy tale, their crimes are easily proven, people are just to dumbed down to see what's right in front of them.

Gawd damn even an idiot can look up what he's done they put it right out there. But hey they love suckers that's why they know weak minds are so, so easy to manipulate they can tell their cult followers anything and the dumbasses believe it.
When a man like Sessions - as hard core conservative and alt-right as they come can't find evidence to support actual criminal charges, and he gets thrown under the bus - then you know the haters are getting desperate :lol:
When a man like Sessions - as hard core conservative and alt-right as they come can't find evidence to support actual criminal charges, and he gets thrown under the bus - then you know the haters are getting desperate :lol:

These days, no one in politics is as they seem to be.
When a man like Sessions - as hard core conservative and alt-right as they come can't find evidence to support actual criminal charges, and he gets thrown under the bus - then you know the haters are getting desperate :lol:

These days, no one in politics is as they seem to be.

Or more likely, people are so nuts they can't accept it when there is no evidence to support their pet hates. It's gotten to the point of insanity - and I can't stand Sessions.
Their pet hates, like Russians running the trump campaign of which there is no evidence after a lot more investigation than ever went into obama transgresssions.

No evidence to support "Obama transgressions".

No one investigating is claiming "Russians ran the Trump campaign".

They are looking at Russian interference and potential exclusion.

Be patient - afterall we spent a lot more time and money on Benghazi and Emails.
Bombshell: Insider Drops Bomb on AG Jeff Sessions – He Refuses to Prosecute Obama and Clinton Crimes (Video)
Jason Chaffetz, former House of Representatives member and Chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform was on Justice with Judge Janine Pirro Saturday night and he dropped a BOMBSHELL about Attorney General Jeff Sessions:

Jeff. S is an old fashioned bastard. He might as well be a leftist Democratic prick. Those two must have dirt on him. Which means he's done some seriously crooked bs in the past if not recently. I hope the pos gets busted on whatever it is.
Jason Chaffetz is a politician....... Yet you choose to believe him........ :rofl: :rofl:

Dayamn, since you're so gullible I have some ocean front property in Arizona for sale. :thup:
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Oh please, there was no special prosecutor with unlimited powers to investigate as there should have been. And the IRS scandal was considered more dangerous to our constitution than watergate by many objective observers. it is impossible to know just how corrupt the obama administration was when the department of justice was tasked with protecting the obama administration at any cost and the news media was nothing but the sycophant brigade. Obama wouldn't have lasted long under the same brutal thermonuclear attack the world has waged on trump. If the facts come out about the unmasking, the obama administration will become the most corrupt administration in our lifetime.
Bombshell: Insider Drops Bomb on AG Jeff Sessions – He Refuses to Prosecute Obama and Clinton Crimes (Video)
Jason Chaffetz, former House of Representatives member and Chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform was on Justice with Judge Janine Pirro Saturday night and he dropped a BOMBSHELL about Attorney General Jeff Sessions:

Jeff. S is an old fashioned bastard. He might as well be a leftist Democratic prick. Those two must have dirt on him. Which means he's done some seriously crooked bs in the past if not recently. I hope the pos gets busted on whatever it is.
That is a bit disturbing. Face it. Politicos will never jail their own kind.
When a man like Sessions - as hard core conservative and alt-right as they come can't find evidence to support actual criminal charges, and he gets thrown under the bus - then you know the haters are getting desperate :lol:

These days, no one in politics is as they seem to be.

Or more likely, people are so nuts they can't accept it when there is no evidence to support their pet hates. It's gotten to the point of insanity - and I can't stand Sessions.

Well imagine that we actually agree on someone we both can't stand. I can't stand that sob either.
Oh please, there was no special prosecutor with unlimited powers to investigate as there should have been. And the IRS scandal was considered more dangerous to our constitution than watergate by many objective observers. it is impossible to know just how corrupt the obama administration was when the department of justice was tasked with protecting the obama administration at any cost and the news media was nothing but the sycophant brigade. Obama wouldn't have lasted long under the same brutal thermonuclear attack the world has waged on trump. If the facts come out about the unmasking, the obama administration will become the most corrupt administration in our lifetime.

Most don't have the brains to understand that one special little words that goes on within the Government, so blind and dumbed down to actually believe the Government NEVER " COVERS" up information . Give me a break if people can't believe the Government doesn't cover up their bs then they've got themselves a real reality problem.
Bombshell: Insider Drops Bomb on AG Jeff Sessions – He Refuses to Prosecute Obama and Clinton Crimes (Video)
Jason Chaffetz, former House of Representatives member and Chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform was on Justice with Judge Janine Pirro Saturday night and he dropped a BOMBSHELL about Attorney General Jeff Sessions:

Jeff. S is an old fashioned bastard. He might as well be a leftist Democratic prick. Those two must have dirt on him. Which means he's done some seriously crooked bs in the past if not recently. I hope the pos gets busted on whatever it is.
Jason Chaffetz is a politician....... Yet you choose to believe him........ :rofl: :rofl:

Dayamn, since you're so gullible I have some ocean front property in Arizona for sale. :thup:

Typical coming from a zombie.
And this is exactly why we have zombies so in love with Obama and the Clintons your all " brainwashed" and don't even know it LMFAO!!

The subject of mind control has been keenly contested for some time now. Mind or thought control is broadly defined as human subjects being indoctrinated in a way that causes an impairment of autonomy – the inability to think independently, and a disruption of beliefs and affiliations.

Mind Control is Real: United States Patent 6506148 B2 Confirms Human Nervous System Can be Manipulated Through Electromagnetic Fields from Monitors
Ya gotta feel sorry for that incompetent worm. Chaffetz, I mean. Sessions is a worm for sure but way back, Chaffetz and Gowdy were among the Rs who voted to cut security at Benghazi and then the liars started their endless "investigations" of Secty Hillary.

Knowing Hillary would win the election, Chaffetz and Gowdy had their entire careers carved out for them. They were going to just keep sucking on the tax payer's tit, and cripple Hillary's administration, much like the Rs did Obama's.

But, poor guys. Since trump won, they couldn't go after him without forfeiting every cent they would ever have. Chaffertz very quickly retired and has found a new, safer way to keep grifting on us. And, if you remember, that slimy little crook Gowdy walked through a hearing room and found that was enough for him to intone that there was nothing about trump to investigate.

Hopefully, Sessions will get his for his part in the Russia mess. Or are the Repubs really gonna believe he forgot?
And this is exactly why we have zombies so in love with Obama and the Clintons your all " brainwashed" and don't even know it LMFAO!!

The subject of mind control has been keenly contested for some time now. Mind or thought control is broadly defined as human subjects being indoctrinated in a way that causes an impairment of autonomy – the inability to think independently, and a disruption of beliefs and affiliations.

Mind Control is Real: United States Patent 6506148 B2 Confirms Human Nervous System Can be Manipulated Through Electromagnetic Fields from Monitors

This from a guy who actually reads, believes and posts Alex Jones.

Proof that mind control is real.
Bombshell: Insider Drops Bomb on AG Jeff Sessions – He Refuses to Prosecute Obama and Clinton Crimes (Video)
Jason Chaffetz, former House of Representatives member and Chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform was on Justice with Judge Janine Pirro Saturday night and he dropped a BOMBSHELL about Attorney General Jeff Sessions:

Jeff. S is an old fashioned bastard. He might as well be a leftist Democratic prick. Those two must have dirt on him. Which means he's done some seriously crooked bs in the past if not recently. I hope the pos gets busted on whatever it is.
Jason Chaffetz is a politician....... Yet you choose to believe him........ :rofl: :rofl:

Dayamn, since you're so gullible I have some ocean front property in Arizona for sale. :thup:

Typical coming from a zombie.
You must be off your anti-psychotics again. Oh well.

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