InfoWars Ban: CNN, Democrats Successfully Lobby Big Tech To Censor Their Critics...

It’s private companies doing this, not the government. If anything it’s a capitalist takeover of the internet. You know, what you want for everything.

Yeah, they're not capitalists. :fu:

Social Marxist Authoritarians is much more accurate.
Interesting, this is exactly why InfoWars was created in the first place. There is an Information War on, for your mind. I try to tell folks, no Communist/Democrat will ever stand for the Constitution. In fact, they despise it. This is just one more example of that. Don't like what they're saying? Have them banned. Hopefully this won't be allowed to stand. Gotta keep on fighting the bastards.

Big tech’s coordinated purge of InfoWars — which was hit by bans from Apple, Facebook, Spotify and YouTube in rapid succession — did not occur in a vacuum. On this issue, Silicon Valley bowed to CNN journalists and Democrat politicians who ceaselessly lobbied for the site to be censored.

It’s a sign of how the concentration of power in America has shifted from big government to big tech that politicians are now lobbying tech companies rather than the other way round, but that’s exactly what happened over the course of the past few months, as Democrats applied relentless pressure on Facebook and other Silicon Valley giants to censor InfoWars.

Chief among them was Democratic Congressman Ted Deutch (D-FL), who demanded that a Facebook representative “explain” their decision not to ban InfoWars at a House Judiciary Committee hearing on social media censorship last month. Calling Jones as “well-known conspiracy theorist” whose “brand is bullying,” Deutch also demanded Google’s representative explain how many strikes it would take for a channel on Google-owned YouTube to be deleted...

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InfoWars Ban - LewRockwell
Here is Infowars terms of service:


But if Alex Jones has these rules allied to him, it’s censorship?
It’s private companies doing this, not the government. If anything it’s a capitalist takeover of the internet. You know, what you want for everything.

Yeah, they're not capitalists. :fu:

Social Marxist Authoritarians is much more accurate.

Facebooks ban doesn’t carry any weight of law. This is the distinction between an authoritarian and private business.
HAHAAHAH and these guys whined we needed Net Neutrality.......and then they are the ones who are banning people and sites....ironic and it reinforces the fact they are commies, fascists, and all the other leftwing bullshit.

Says the people who want football players fired because of a peacful kneeling protest against government abuses .

That’s a really good point.
Democrats don't have to lobby big tech. It's all one big happy family, the democrat socialists, the media democrat socialists and big tech which is part of the democrat/media socialist movement.

Facebook, a private socialist? I don’t think socialist means what you think it means.
I know Democrats are applauding this, but this is very bad for everyone. Democrats are also currently preparing legislation which will result in a complete Government-takeover of the Internet. If they do win Congress back, we're all doomed.
Rampant fake news conspiracy theories that the infowars guy admits are fake are very damaging. Worse than whatever it is that cnn is accused of. Big tech social media platforms were tasked with addressing fake news. This is one possible solution. Rather than write a bunch of new processes to navigate a swamp and still get criticized, just remove the worst offenders from the platform. It's not the government doing it and it solves the problem that the platforms are facing. Their brands have taken a hit because of this stuff. I'm sure you'll believe it's another globalist elite conspiracy but it's more likely a free market business decision. If you don't like it you can go start your own conspiracy facebook and invite all of your friends. The government doesnt own or operate those content providers. It wouldn't be that different from a newspaper curating its coverage to stay in business. Ofc, if the content passes some reasonable standards and is still blocked then a line has been passed that many journalists would not stand for and find a way around. Look at fox news. It's curated news tailored to Republicans. If they don't cover something to protect their business or agenda no one is surprised at this point. They are incredibly biased, but that's their business model.
Interesting, this is exactly why InfoWars was created in the first place. There is an Information War on, for your mind. I try to tell folks, no Communist/Democrat will ever stand for the Constitution. In fact, they despise it. This is just one more example of that. Don't like what they're saying? Have them banned. Hopefully this won't be allowed to stand. Gotta keep on fighting the bastards.

Big tech’s coordinated purge of InfoWars — which was hit by bans from Apple, Facebook, Spotify and YouTube in rapid succession — did not occur in a vacuum. On this issue, Silicon Valley bowed to CNN journalists and Democrat politicians who ceaselessly lobbied for the site to be censored.

It’s a sign of how the concentration of power in America has shifted from big government to big tech that politicians are now lobbying tech companies rather than the other way round, but that’s exactly what happened over the course of the past few months, as Democrats applied relentless pressure on Facebook and other Silicon Valley giants to censor InfoWars.

Chief among them was Democratic Congressman Ted Deutch (D-FL), who demanded that a Facebook representative “explain” their decision not to ban InfoWars at a House Judiciary Committee hearing on social media censorship last month. Calling Jones as “well-known conspiracy theorist” whose “brand is bullying,” Deutch also demanded Google’s representative explain how many strikes it would take for a channel on Google-owned YouTube to be deleted...

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InfoWars Ban - LewRockwell

How can you NaziCons defend slime like this?

Alex Jones’ Lawyer Seeks To Make Sandy Hook Parents’ Home Addresses Public
Interesting, this is exactly why InfoWars was created in the first place. There is an Information War on, for your mind. I try to tell folks, no Communist/Democrat will ever stand for the Constitution. In fact, they despise it. This is just one more example of that. Don't like what they're saying? Have them banned. Hopefully this won't be allowed to stand. Gotta keep on fighting the bastards.

Big tech’s coordinated purge of InfoWars — which was hit by bans from Apple, Facebook, Spotify and YouTube in rapid succession — did not occur in a vacuum. On this issue, Silicon Valley bowed to CNN journalists and Democrat politicians who ceaselessly lobbied for the site to be censored.

It’s a sign of how the concentration of power in America has shifted from big government to big tech that politicians are now lobbying tech companies rather than the other way round, but that’s exactly what happened over the course of the past few months, as Democrats applied relentless pressure on Facebook and other Silicon Valley giants to censor InfoWars.

Chief among them was Democratic Congressman Ted Deutch (D-FL), who demanded that a Facebook representative “explain” their decision not to ban InfoWars at a House Judiciary Committee hearing on social media censorship last month. Calling Jones as “well-known conspiracy theorist” whose “brand is bullying,” Deutch also demanded Google’s representative explain how many strikes it would take for a channel on Google-owned YouTube to be deleted...

Read More:
InfoWars Ban - LewRockwell
Here is Infowars terms of service:

View attachment 209292

But if Alex Jones has these rules allied to him, it’s censorship?
No it's censorship if you selectively act on those rules. So show me the lefties getting banned. I mean the shit sara jeung posted should get you banned according to everyones ToS…..or the stuff said to Mia Love..... lots of shit is posted.

and why did he get banned? show us the post or video that caused the ban.
Interesting, this is exactly why InfoWars was created in the first place. There is an Information War on, for your mind. I try to tell folks, no Communist/Democrat will ever stand for the Constitution. In fact, they despise it. This is just one more example of that. Don't like what they're saying? Have them banned. Hopefully this won't be allowed to stand. Gotta keep on fighting the bastards.

Big tech’s coordinated purge of InfoWars — which was hit by bans from Apple, Facebook, Spotify and YouTube in rapid succession — did not occur in a vacuum. On this issue, Silicon Valley bowed to CNN journalists and Democrat politicians who ceaselessly lobbied for the site to be censored.

It’s a sign of how the concentration of power in America has shifted from big government to big tech that politicians are now lobbying tech companies rather than the other way round, but that’s exactly what happened over the course of the past few months, as Democrats applied relentless pressure on Facebook and other Silicon Valley giants to censor InfoWars.

Chief among them was Democratic Congressman Ted Deutch (D-FL), who demanded that a Facebook representative “explain” their decision not to ban InfoWars at a House Judiciary Committee hearing on social media censorship last month. Calling Jones as “well-known conspiracy theorist” whose “brand is bullying,” Deutch also demanded Google’s representative explain how many strikes it would take for a channel on Google-owned YouTube to be deleted...

Read More:
InfoWars Ban - LewRockwell
Here is Infowars terms of service:

View attachment 209292

But if Alex Jones has these rules allied to him, it’s censorship?


I've posted this a few times before, yet none of the Alex John Brinkley Jones wankers came to my defense....


Democrats don't have to lobby big tech. It's all one big happy family, the democrat socialists, the media democrat socialists and big tech which is part of the democrat/media socialist movement.

Ah yes, "WAAAH! They're all out to get me!!
" is always a convincing argument.
Interesting, this is exactly why InfoWars was created in the first place. There is an Information War on, for your mind. I try to tell folks, no Communist/Democrat will ever stand for the Constitution. In fact, they despise it. This is just one more example of that. Don't like what they're saying? Have them banned. Hopefully this won't be allowed to stand. Gotta keep on fighting the bastards.

Big tech’s coordinated purge of InfoWars — which was hit by bans from Apple, Facebook, Spotify and YouTube in rapid succession — did not occur in a vacuum. On this issue, Silicon Valley bowed to CNN journalists and Democrat politicians who ceaselessly lobbied for the site to be censored.

It’s a sign of how the concentration of power in America has shifted from big government to big tech that politicians are now lobbying tech companies rather than the other way round, but that’s exactly what happened over the course of the past few months, as Democrats applied relentless pressure on Facebook and other Silicon Valley giants to censor InfoWars.

Chief among them was Democratic Congressman Ted Deutch (D-FL), who demanded that a Facebook representative “explain” their decision not to ban InfoWars at a House Judiciary Committee hearing on social media censorship last month. Calling Jones as “well-known conspiracy theorist” whose “brand is bullying,” Deutch also demanded Google’s representative explain how many strikes it would take for a channel on Google-owned YouTube to be deleted...

Read More:
InfoWars Ban - LewRockwell
Well, at least you still have AM radio locked down. They throw out far right propaganda like a firehose 24/7, 365 a year.

Democrats are still working tirelessly to get them of the air too.
Interesting, this is exactly why InfoWars was created in the first place. There is an Information War on, for your mind. I try to tell folks, no Communist/Democrat will ever stand for the Constitution. In fact, they despise it. This is just one more example of that. Don't like what they're saying? Have them banned. Hopefully this won't be allowed to stand. Gotta keep on fighting the bastards.

Big tech’s coordinated purge of InfoWars — which was hit by bans from Apple, Facebook, Spotify and YouTube in rapid succession — did not occur in a vacuum. On this issue, Silicon Valley bowed to CNN journalists and Democrat politicians who ceaselessly lobbied for the site to be censored.

It’s a sign of how the concentration of power in America has shifted from big government to big tech that politicians are now lobbying tech companies rather than the other way round, but that’s exactly what happened over the course of the past few months, as Democrats applied relentless pressure on Facebook and other Silicon Valley giants to censor InfoWars.

Chief among them was Democratic Congressman Ted Deutch (D-FL), who demanded that a Facebook representative “explain” their decision not to ban InfoWars at a House Judiciary Committee hearing on social media censorship last month. Calling Jones as “well-known conspiracy theorist” whose “brand is bullying,” Deutch also demanded Google’s representative explain how many strikes it would take for a channel on Google-owned YouTube to be deleted...

Read More:
InfoWars Ban - LewRockwell
Well, at least you still have AM radio locked down. They throw out far right propaganda like a firehose 24/7, 365 a year.

Tell ya wut, I have no plans to vote for a Democrat ever again with this fuckery going on.

They can kiss the midterms goodbye.

I'm certain I'm not alone in seeing what's going on here.

Hopefully, most Americans understand what's at stake with these bans. Democrats don't support our Constitution. They despise it.
Interesting, this is exactly why InfoWars was created in the first place. There is an Information War on, for your mind. I try to tell folks, no Communist/Democrat will ever stand for the Constitution. In fact, they despise it. This is just one more example of that. Don't like what they're saying? Have them banned. Hopefully this won't be allowed to stand. Gotta keep on fighting the bastards.

Big tech’s coordinated purge of InfoWars — which was hit by bans from Apple, Facebook, Spotify and YouTube in rapid succession — did not occur in a vacuum. On this issue, Silicon Valley bowed to CNN journalists and Democrat politicians who ceaselessly lobbied for the site to be censored.

It’s a sign of how the concentration of power in America has shifted from big government to big tech that politicians are now lobbying tech companies rather than the other way round, but that’s exactly what happened over the course of the past few months, as Democrats applied relentless pressure on Facebook and other Silicon Valley giants to censor InfoWars.

Chief among them was Democratic Congressman Ted Deutch (D-FL), who demanded that a Facebook representative “explain” their decision not to ban InfoWars at a House Judiciary Committee hearing on social media censorship last month. Calling Jones as “well-known conspiracy theorist” whose “brand is bullying,” Deutch also demanded Google’s representative explain how many strikes it would take for a channel on Google-owned YouTube to be deleted...

Read More:
InfoWars Ban - LewRockwell

Free market.

/end thread
is it free if you can ban people who say things you don't like?



Companies are free to choose how they run their business -- what kind of content they allow on their platform.

Freedom to choose.

Consumers are free to spend their money on the products and services they choose--which internet platform they click on.

Less clicks will mean less money for these companies. They made a choice to take loss to clean up their brand.


Don't you love FREEDOM?

Forcing them to carry Alex Jones would be Government Regulations and Rules intruding on the Free Market. Get it?

It's all about Choice. Don't you love Choice?

I call your attention to Civics 101 - the first amendment protects you from GOVERNMENT censorship/bans (not a private businesses freely choosing their own brand and associations)

There is no first amendment issue here as Alex Cox has not been hindered by any Government authority/regulation.

They are attempting to link the decision to Democratic Reps -- very thin. Very weak. Pathetic. A few comments at a hearing. BFD.

If Alex Jones is banned, then why can I go on his site right now?

ah but they are not a publisher, and as such they have no legal right to do it. It is time to sue their ass for acting as a publisher against what they filed their business license under. oops!!!!

Interesting point. Democrats really have opened a very nasty can of worms. Censorship and banning, leads you down a very slippery-slope. It effects everyone.
I know Democrats are applauding this, but this is very bad for everyone. Democrats are also currently preparing legislation which will result in a complete Government-takeover of the Internet. If they do win Congress back, we're all doomed.

It's clear that the NRA and white supremicists and Jones can't find the capital to start their own social media platforms. (-:
They shouldn't need to, just like all the hate speech the left throws out there, the right should be afforded the same opportunities, no?

Also, public accomodation laws.....
Don’t worry. You still have AM radio, FAUX News, thousands of blogs and websites putting out right wing propaganda and hatred 24/7, 365 days a year like a fire hose. You can still go to Alex Jones on the web to get your fill of insanity.

CNN, NBC, NY Times, and numerous other Democrat media outlets, spew Fake News and hate on a daily basis. From constantly screeching about Trump being a 'Nazi' and 'Racist', to viciously attacking his family. It certainly isn't credible News. Yet no Democrat media is being censored or banned. It isn't right.
I know Democrats are applauding this, but this is very bad for everyone. Democrats are also currently preparing legislation which will result in a complete Government-takeover of the Internet. If they do win Congress back, we're all doomed.
Rampant fake news conspiracy theories that the infowars guy admits are fake are very damaging. Worse than whatever it is that cnn is accused of. Big tech social media platforms were tasked with addressing fake news. This is one possible solution. Rather than write a bunch of new processes to navigate a swamp and still get criticized, just remove the worst offenders from the platform. It's not the government doing it and it solves the problem that the platforms are facing. Their brands have taken a hit because of this stuff. I'm sure you'll believe it's another globalist elite conspiracy but it's more likely a free market business decision. If you don't like it you can go start your own conspiracy facebook and invite all of your friends. The government doesnt own or operate those content providers. It wouldn't be that different from a newspaper curating its coverage to stay in business. Ofc, if the content passes some reasonable standards and is still blocked then a line has been passed that many journalists would not stand for and find a way around. Look at fox news. It's curated news tailored to Republicans. If they don't cover something to protect their business or agenda no one is surprised at this point. They are incredibly biased, but that's their business model.

No Democrat media is currently being censored or banned. And they spew Fake News and hate 24/7. What they do, certainly can't be called credible News.
Last edited:
Interesting, this is exactly why InfoWars was created in the first place. There is an Information War on, for your mind. I try to tell folks, no Communist/Democrat will ever stand for the Constitution. In fact, they despise it. This is just one more example of that. Don't like what they're saying? Have them banned. Hopefully this won't be allowed to stand. Gotta keep on fighting the bastards.

Big tech’s coordinated purge of InfoWars — which was hit by bans from Apple, Facebook, Spotify and YouTube in rapid succession — did not occur in a vacuum. On this issue, Silicon Valley bowed to CNN journalists and Democrat politicians who ceaselessly lobbied for the site to be censored.

It’s a sign of how the concentration of power in America has shifted from big government to big tech that politicians are now lobbying tech companies rather than the other way round, but that’s exactly what happened over the course of the past few months, as Democrats applied relentless pressure on Facebook and other Silicon Valley giants to censor InfoWars.

Chief among them was Democratic Congressman Ted Deutch (D-FL), who demanded that a Facebook representative “explain” their decision not to ban InfoWars at a House Judiciary Committee hearing on social media censorship last month. Calling Jones as “well-known conspiracy theorist” whose “brand is bullying,” Deutch also demanded Google’s representative explain how many strikes it would take for a channel on Google-owned YouTube to be deleted...

Read More:
InfoWars Ban - LewRockwell
Here is Infowars terms of service:

View attachment 209292

But if Alex Jones has these rules allied to him, it’s censorship?
No it's censorship if you selectively act on those rules. So show me the lefties getting banned. I mean the shit sara jeung posted should get you banned according to everyones ToS…..or the stuff said to Mia Love..... lots of shit is posted.

and why did he get banned? show us the post or video that caused the ban.

Excellent observation. Could you imagine the NY Times hiring her if she was white and had spewed racist rants against Asians? Yet they hired her despite her long history of Anti-White bigotry. I mean forget about getting censored or banned by social media, she was actually rewarded with a lucrative job.

What these socials did in banning InfoWars, was just banning anything Democrats don't like. It's wrong. Hopefully most Americans see that, and vote Democrats out of office every chance they get.
I know Democrats are applauding this, but this is very bad for everyone. Democrats are also currently preparing legislation which will result in a complete Government-takeover of the Internet. If they do win Congress back, we're all doomed.

It's clear that the NRA and white supremicists and Jones can't find the capital to start their own social media platforms. (-:
They shouldn't need to, just like all the hate speech the left throws out there, the right should be afforded the same opportunities, no?

Also, public accomodation laws.....
Don’t worry. You still have AM radio, FAUX News, thousands of blogs and websites putting out right wing propaganda and hatred 24/7, 365 days a year like a fire hose. You can still go to Alex Jones on the web to get your fill of insanity.

CNN, NBC, NY Times, and numerous other Democrat media outlets, spew Fake News and hate on a daily basis. From constantly screeching about Trump being a 'Nazi' and 'Racist', to viciously attacking his family. It certainly isn't credible News. Yet no Democrat media is being censored or banned. It isn't right.

It also isn't reality. If it were you could cite examples.
Absent that it's just paranoid bullshit.

And it's not lost that you "forget" to mention Fox Noise, Brent Bozo, Dimbart, the Moonie Times, the Exuminer, the Islamophobe sites, Hateway Pundit and Alex John Brinkley Jones himself with the "poor me" song and dance.
It's clear that the NRA and white supremicists and Jones can't find the capital to start their own social media platforms. (-:
They shouldn't need to, just like all the hate speech the left throws out there, the right should be afforded the same opportunities, no?

Also, public accomodation laws.....
Don’t worry. You still have AM radio, FAUX News, thousands of blogs and websites putting out right wing propaganda and hatred 24/7, 365 days a year like a fire hose. You can still go to Alex Jones on the web to get your fill of insanity.

CNN, NBC, NY Times, and numerous other Democrat media outlets, spew Fake News and hate on a daily basis. From constantly screeching about Trump being a 'Nazi' and 'Racist', to viciously attacking his family. It certainly isn't credible News. Yet no Democrat media is being censored or banned. It isn't right.

It also isn't reality. If it were you could cite examples.
Absent that it's just paranoid bullshit.

Their nutjobs are constantly ranting & raving about Trump being a 'Nazi' and 'Racist'. It's that along with screeching about him being a 'Traitor' and viciously attacking the man's family. It isn't credible News. It's Fake News and hate. So when are the Socials gonna start censoring and banning Democrat Media?

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