Indoctrination on Campus

Of course, were these people so strenously objecting to people with differant viewpoints than they have really serious, they would get an education, then teach their viewpoint. As I see it, their real problem is that they are far to lazy even to consider such a course.

They couldn't possibly get tenure if they don't endorse the left-wing orthodoxy, so your claim is obvious horseshit.

Ah well, any excuse for being so Goddamned ignorant is a good one, I guess.:razz:
Of course, were these people so strenously objecting to people with differant viewpoints than they have really serious, they would get an education, then teach their viewpoint. As I see it, their real problem is that they are far to lazy even to consider such a course.

They couldn't possibly get tenure if they don't endorse the left-wing orthodoxy, so your claim is obvious horseshit.

Ah well, any excuse for being so Goddamned ignorant is a good one, I guess.:razz:

It's fact, numskull.
Opinion > Letters to the Editor Headlines

LETTER: Stop the indoctrination by colleges

May 15, 2013
Mark Prather

It’s appropriate that the opinion piece by John Cook, UC Riverside’s director of sustainability, was printed on the notorious May Day (“Colleges have duty to instill key values,” Opinion, May 1). Even his job title sounds like something straight out of the old Soviet Union.

Cook laments that Americans aren’t embracing what he considers to be the correct positions on a number of issues, and calls for students to be indoctrinated with a smorgasbord of leftist ideologies. In Orwellian fashion, he tries to pass off this intended brainwashing as “instilling key values.”

You published the antidote the next day in Thomas Sowell’s column, in which he calls out the rigid intolerance of leftist thought at most universities today (“Schools push leftist views, quash airing of contrary ideas,” Opinion, May 2).


LETTER: Stop the indoctrination by colleges | Opinion | - Press-Enterprise
Socialist Chicago Teachers Parade Their Indoctrinated Students

May 22, 2013 By Michael Volpe


A grade schooler took the stage and addressed a crowd of more than one thousand Chicago teachers, local politicians, and an assortment of communist, socialists, and other radicals protesting the upcoming closure of more than 50 Chicago schools. The child, a student at one of the schools scheduled to be closed, blasted Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel in a speech that lasted several minutes and largely parroted the positions held by the Chicago Teachers Union.

All of this occurred at a rally sponsored by the Chicago Teachers Union at Richard J. Daley Plaza in Chicago May 20, 2013. The rally was the most recent in a series of rallies sponsored by the CTU to protest the closure of these schools. Each of these rallies, as Front Page Magazine has previously documented, is attended not only by Chicago power elite, but also by a large number of radicals. This one was no exception.


In a sign of radical protests to come, a junior in the Philadelphia public school system addressed the crowd. This particular student was a lead organizer in a new phenomenon for left-wing radicals: student unions. She mentions toward the end of the video that several thousand students purposely missed school for a day in protest of several school closures in Philadelphia.


The use of children as props was especially disturbing. Most of the children at this rally weren’t old enough to understand the many competing and complicated issues that are behind the closure of these schools. Yet all of them had signs or made speeches that mirrored the positions of the members of the CTU, and thus, presumably, their own teachers.

Socialist Chicago Teachers Parade Their Indoctrinated Students | FrontPage Magazine


Two members of Occupy Chicago in trademark masks.
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Protesting school closings is, unhappily, a definitive manifestation of either stupidity or subversiveness.

On what rational basis can anyone support the operation of more schools than are necessary for the carrying out of the School District's mission? The only cogent arguments, boiled down to their essence are (a) the convenience of a few parents, (b) the preferences of some children, and (c) the desire by government employees to maintain excessive headcount.

And yet I live in a largely-college educated suburb of Pittsburgh (North Allegheny School District), and I read this morning that the electorate has voted in a group of School Directors (running on both tickets) who promise to keep open a school that has long past any economic viability. It is totally unnecessary.

We have met the enemy, know the rest.
On what rational basis can anyone support the operation of more schools than are necessary for the carrying out of the School District's mission? The only cogent arguments, boiled down to their essence are (a) the convenience of a few parents, (b) the preferences of some children, and (c) the desire by government employees to maintain excessive headcount.

I think a lot has to to do with maintaining the liberal status quo, even though the liberal status quo in this case turns out about the dumbest kids in the civilized world.

They fear shutting down one failed school might be a precursor to doing the right thing, i.e, shutting down all the failed liberal schools

Campus Roundup: George Mason University to Offer Course on Trayvon Martin

July 22, 2013 By Sara Dogan

■Even before the Trayvon Martin verdict was announced on July 13, George Mason University, located in Fairfax, VA, announced that it planned to offer an academic course on Martin’s life and death in the context of racial politics. The course, titled “Race and Politics, Trayvon Martin,” will be taught by Prof. Rutledge M. Dennis, who teaches in the African-American Studies, Sociology and Anthropology departments. According to the course description, the class “will examine how racial and cultural politics were driving forces in the public debates and controversies surrounding such cases as the Scottsboro Boys in Alabama, Robert Williams in North Carolina, Emmett Till in Mississippi, Medgar Evers in Mississippi, Martin Luther King in Georgia, Angela Davis in California, O.J. Simpson in California, Rodney King in California, and currently, Trayvon Martin in Florida.”

■Audrey Jarvis, a student at Sonoma State University in California, was working at freshman orientation on June 27th when an employee of the University’s Associated Students Productions asked her to remove her crucifix necklace claiming that it might offend or intimidate the freshmen they were recruiting. The employee, Erik Dickson, told Jarvis that he had received a letter from the chancellor of California State University stating a policy against wearing religious items. Five days after Jarvis was asked to remove her cross, SSU President Ruben Armiñana denied the existence of such a policy and issued an apology stating “Somebody made a mistake…you are free to display whatever religious instrument you wish.”

■Asked by a reporter whether he supported the Republican plan to lower interest rates on student loans, a Georgetown student responded “I don’t think I support anything the Republicans do. I think all of them should probably be put to death.” The response was caught on video.


Campus Roundup: George Mason University to Offer Course on Trayvon Martin | FrontPage Magazine
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Back to School: Student Indoctrination Begins

September 18, 2013 By Walter Williams

The new college academic year has begun, and unfortunately, so has student indoctrination. Let’s look at some of it.

William Penn, Michigan State University professor of creative writing, greeted his first day of class with an anti-Republican rant. Campus Reform, a project of the Arlington, Va.-based Leadership Institute, has a video featuring the professor telling his students that Republicans want to prevent “black people” from voting. He added that “this country still is full of closet racists” and described Republicans as “a bunch of dead white people — or dying white people” (Old 'cheap' Republicans 'raped' America: Video captures award-winning professor's anti-Republican rant). To a student who had apparently displayed displeasure with those comments, Professor Penn barked, “You can frown if you want.” He gesticulated toward the student and added, “You look like you’re frowning. Are you frowning?” When the professor’s conduct was brought to the attention of campus authorities, MSU spokesman Kent Cassella said, “At MSU it is important the classroom environment is conducive to a free exchange of ideas and is respectful of the opinions of others.”


The New York Post (8/25/11) carried a story about a student in training to become dorm supervisor at DePauw University in Indiana. She said: “We were told that ‘human’ was not a suitable identity, but that instead we were first ‘black,’ ‘white,’ or ‘Asian’; ‘male’ or ‘female’; … ‘heterosexual’ or ‘queer.’ We were forced to act like bigots and spout off stereotypes while being told that that was what we were really thinking deep down.” At many universities, part of the freshman orientation includes what’s called the “tunnel of oppression.” They are taught the evils of “white privilege” and how they are part of a “rape culture.” Sometimes they are forced to discuss their sexual identities with complete strangers. The New York Post story said: “DePauw is no rare case. At least 96 colleges across the country have run similar ‘tunnel of oppression’ programs in the last few years.”


Vladimir Lenin said, “Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.” That’s the goal of the leftist teaching agenda.

Back to School: Student Indoctrination Begins | FrontPage Magazine

Is the difference in conservative and liberal schools, the fact that one teaches old materials the other teaches new materials, and if a student learns either the new or past materials it is indoctrination? If a student goes to school for some years and leaves as he or she entered what was the value? Education and schools sure seem to frighten some people.
Is the difference in conservative and liberal schools, the fact that one teaches old materials the other teaches new materials.

No, the difference is between being taught academic material vs being forced to sit and listen to some self-obsessed old hippy rant about his partisan political views. It is the difference between being exposed to a variety of viewpoints and taught how to engage the material to reach logical conclusions or even one's own subjective opinions on a matter vs being expected to ape the political leanings of some asshole who has never functioned outside the ivory tower and to regurgitate the 'approved' conclusions and opinions no matter what or face significant consequences. It is the difference between being taught how to think well vs being TOLD what to think without question.
Is the difference in conservative and liberal schools, the fact that one teaches old materials the other teaches new materials.

No, the difference is between being taught academic material vs being forced to sit and listen to some self-obsessed old hippy rant about his partisan political views. It is the difference between being exposed to a variety of viewpoints and taught how to engage the material to reach logical conclusions or even one's own subjective opinions on a matter vs being expected to ape the political leanings of some asshole who has never functioned outside the ivory tower and to regurgitate the 'approved' conclusions and opinions no matter what or face significant consequences. It is the difference between being taught how to think well vs being TOLD what to think without question.

It sounds pretty easy, if the student believes the material is not taught by an old hippy that has never functioned outside a classroom and it matches the student's own subjective opinions then all well and good, right? If an instructor teaches students how to think is that not a form of indoctrination?
Can a student be taught how to think without being taught what to think?

Yes. I understand that's a difficult concept for a liberal to grasp, but yes.

So can you give an example of teaching how to think without trespassing on what to think?

Sure. Teach students the fundamentals of basic logic and have them apply it to a number of sources and examples, encouraging them to identify when something is a logical conclusion vs when something is an opinion.
Yes. I understand that's a difficult concept for a liberal to grasp, but yes.

So can you give an example of teaching how to think without trespassing on what to think?

Sure. Teach students the fundamentals of basic logic and have them apply it to a number of sources and examples, encouraging them to identify when something is a logical conclusion vs when something is an opinion.

That's an opinion.
To teach logic requires a what to think approach and to learn logic is no different than any other indoctrinated learning. For some logic also seems to use the same judgement call as other ideas, logic is good. The proper use of logic may help some people, but the learning is the same old indoctrinated learning, if learned.

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