Indiana Anti-Gay Activist: We Are Victims Of 'Spiritual Warfare'


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
Yesterday, Micah Clark of the American Family Association’s Indiana chapter, who helped craft Indiana’s new “Religious Freedom Restoration Act” and even stood right behind Gov. Mike Pence during the signing ceremony, said that any effort to clarify that the act will not sanction discrimination would “totally destroy” the law.

Clark repeated that message today on “Sandy Rios in the Morning,” where he told guest host Fred Jackson that his state is right now bogged down in “spiritual warfare” over the fate of the law, which Clark falsely claimed was the exact same law as RFRA statutes enacted on the federal level and in other states.:uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3:

Indiana Anti-Gay Activist We Are Victims Of Spiritual Warfare Right Wing Watch
Yesterday, Micah Clark of the American Family Association’s Indiana chapter, who helped craft Indiana’s new “Religious Freedom Restoration Act” and even stood right behind Gov. Mike Pence during the signing ceremony, said that any effort to clarify that the act will not sanction discrimination would “totally destroy” the law.

Clark repeated that message today on “Sandy Rios in the Morning,” where he told guest host Fred Jackson that his state is right now bogged down in “spiritual warfare” over the fate of the law, which Clark falsely claimed was the exact same law as RFRA statutes enacted on the federal level and in other states.:uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3:

Indiana Anti-Gay Activist We Are Victims Of Spiritual Warfare Right Wing Watch

The first thing you have to do is pray, because this is a spiritual war,” Clark told listeners - See more at: Indiana Anti-Gay Activist We Are Victims Of Spiritual Warfare Right Wing Watch
wow, they get more insane and ridiculous every damn day.

what a frikken sad life. He should off himself he feels that because in my book. they have some deep seated problems nobody can help with...

who want's to hear this stupid stuff day in and day out

and notice they are ANTI-homosexual. omg omg omg
^ stephanie says :blahblah: Thanks for sharing. :doubt:

Pence and his Rightist legislature are the ones who kicked it off w/ their Randian law
Two ideologies are competing for dominance. It is a pro 1st Amendment law, not an "anti-gay" law. Christianity is an established religion. A cult is trying to dictate to them what they can believe when it comes to abstaining from promoting a gay culture by the church of LGBT trying to hijack and redact the fundamental definition of "marriage"..

I'd say that any request of gays of business owners that says 'this is for our wedding' can be refused. If they are buying groceries for dinner, they cannot be refuse. If they want to eat at a restaurant, they cannot be refused. If they want their dog washed at a groomer, they cannot be refuse. None of the latter activities are asking Christians to defile their faith.

A Christian is suppose to interact with individual gays "having compassion" "making a difference". But they are forbidden from enabling a cultural takeover by the gay culture as a whole. That is the difference. That is how laws should be written for the perfect compromise.

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