Independence day. (redux)


Diamond Member
Nov 8, 2011
Today is the anniversary of the birth of our nation and tomorrow many of us will get together with friends and family to celebrate whatever the day happens to mean to us. To me the last few years it has been a day that I make myself scarce from such dark places as this, leaving my partisan axes behind, I invite everyone here to do the same thing. Spend tomorrow among the largest crowd you can find just soaking in the awesomeness that is the fourth of July, eat like hogs, drink like fools, be Jolly and happy and patriotically sappy as you possibly can. Don't gripe about republicans or democrats or whatever, better yet just don't gripe. Make your relatives glad they invited you for once.

We live in a remarkable country where people such as ourselves can spend sinful amounts of productive time griping about the government, what an unbelievable luxury that is, for one day we should celebrate with each other the American that is in all of us. Tomorrow I will respond to only positive non partisan threads and if you people cannot manage even a little of that then enjoy my absence. I love my country and tomorrow is too special, too solemn, too light-hearted to soil with a bunch of the negativity we willingly surround ourselves with every other day.

Happy 4th everyone, I will not presume to tell any of you what to love about this country, just to forget for a few short hours what pisses you off about it. Tomorrow I love you all, the next day I am making no promises.
Today is the anniversary of the birth of our nation and tomorrow many of us will get together with friends and family to celebrate whatever the day happens to mean to us. To me the last few years it has been a day that I make myself scarce from such dark places as this, leaving my partisan axes behind, I invite everyone here to do the same thing. Spend tomorrow among the largest crowd you can find just soaking in the awesomeness that is the fourth of July, eat like hogs, drink like fools, be Jolly and happy and patriotically sappy as you possibly can. Don't gripe about republicans or democrats or whatever, better yet just don't gripe. Make your relatives glad they invited you for once.

We live in a remarkable country where people such as ourselves can spend sinful amounts of productive time griping about the government, what an unbelievable luxury that is, for one day we should celebrate with each other the American that is in all of us. Tomorrow I will respond to only positive non partisan threads and if you people cannot manage even a little of that then enjoy my absence. I love my country and tomorrow is too special, too solemn, too light-hearted to soil with a bunch of the negativity we willingly surround ourselves with every other day.

Happy 4th everyone, I will not presume to tell any of you what to love about this country, just to forget for a few short hours what pisses you off about it. Tomorrow I love you all, the next day I am making no promises.

we know u hate this country but wont move to another country that u are striving for us to become.
Today is the anniversary of the birth of our nation and tomorrow many of us will get together with friends and family to celebrate whatever the day happens to mean to us. To me the last few years it has been a day that I make myself scarce from such dark places as this, leaving my partisan axes behind, I invite everyone here to do the same thing. Spend tomorrow among the largest crowd you can find just soaking in the awesomeness that is the fourth of July, eat like hogs, drink like fools, be Jolly and happy and patriotically sappy as you possibly can. Don't gripe about republicans or democrats or whatever, better yet just don't gripe. Make your relatives glad they invited you for once.

We live in a remarkable country where people such as ourselves can spend sinful amounts of productive time griping about the government, what an unbelievable luxury that is, for one day we should celebrate with each other the American that is in all of us. Tomorrow I will respond to only positive non partisan threads and if you people cannot manage even a little of that then enjoy my absence. I love my country and tomorrow is too special, too solemn, too light-hearted to soil with a bunch of the negativity we willingly surround ourselves with every other day.

Happy 4th everyone, I will not presume to tell any of you what to love about this country, just to forget for a few short hours what pisses you off about it. Tomorrow I love you all, the next day I am making no promises.

The fact that Franco thanked you for this posting, tells me everything I need to know about you. :eusa_hand:

Based on your discription of your plans for July 4th, GLUTTONY is the first thing that comes to mind, and I believe that GLUTTONY is one of those "really bad" sins. :eek:
Happy Birthday America




A day to remember the Document that started it all.

The Declaration of Independence

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government,

If You Believe like I do that This Current Government is Destructive to our Ends, we have a chance to alter our Destructive Government coming up in Nov.

If you believe our Best Course is with Obama and the Dems, You have your chance as well.

And when it's all over will all still be Americans no matter what the Outcome.

Today is the anniversary of the birth of our nation

Our nation was born July 2nd, 1776. Not July 4th.

Details lol

Let me google that for you

The Continental Congress resolved we were an independent nation July 2nd.

July 4th is the birthday of the Declaration of Independence, not the United States.

BTW - What the fuck are they teaching in our schools these days that people don't know this?
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Isn't it appropriate that Barack Hussein Obama spends America's birthday (July 4th) with the likes of Francois Hollande -in France, all the while Mr. Hollande mimics Obama's Socialist ideology and requests Europe renegotiate the EU fiscal treaty while the rest of Europe sits back and says "Sorry it isn't going to happen". Sorry, you Socialist twits... Sometimes YOU have to pay for the outrageous welfare programs you seek... And guess what, the middle class can no longer afford it.
Details lol

Let me google that for you

The Continental Congress resolved we were an independent nation July 2nd.

July 4th is the birthday of the Declaration of Independence, not the United States.

BTW - What the fuck are they teaching in our schools these days that people don't know this?

I was fully aware of the Fact, I was making a joke about you arguing over details. July 4th is a Federal Holiday set up to celebrate our Nations Birth. If you want to argue it was Born 2 days earlier when the Congress resolved to do it, and not when the Actual Document the Stated our intentions to the world was signed. Good for you, But it's a silly detail to argue over. And the Vast Majority of Historians would not agree with you. They would argue that we were not a nation until it was on Paper on July 4th 1776. Hell if you really want to get into Details we were not the United States of America for 20 more years after that, When the Constitution was Ratified and we went from the articles of Confederation to the United States of America.
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Details lol

Let me google that for you

The Continental Congress resolved we were an independent nation July 2nd.

July 4th is the birthday of the Declaration of Independence, not the United States.

BTW - What the fuck are they teaching in our schools these days that people don't know this?

I was fully aware of the Fact, I was making a joke about you arguing over details. July 4th is a Federal Holiday set up to celebrate our Nations Birth. If you want to argue it was Born 2 days later when the Congress resolved to do it, and not when the Actual Document the Stated our intentions to the world was signed. Good for you, But it's a silly detail to argue over.

The nation was born on July 2nd. when the Continental Congress resolved that the United Colonies were a separate political entity from Britain.
Thank goodness my cousin invited us over to his house tonight to set off fireworks. Now I'm off the hook. Tomorrow, I'm going to buy some sparklers and head to the waterfront and sit in front of another cousin's shop and watch the show.
Isn't it appropriate that Barack Hussein Obama spends America's birthday (July 4th) with the likes of Francois Hollande -in France,

Very appropriate considering that without help from France, we very well may have lost our War of Independence.

Have some balls and quote exactly what it was that I said without cherry-picking what is convenient for you... Tell me why a SOCIALIST in France mimics the very policies Obama is implementing in the U.S.? You Leftists are so quick to hand away your Constitutional Rights, simply because you parrot exactly what your handlers tell you to do. One day you are going to wake up, and America is going to be nothing more than a Third World Country... When that day comes do not cry on may shoulder, I simply will not be there for you.
Oops is a puke. He's an anti-American piece of shit who comes out of the woodwork to spread anti-American filth and lies around, whenever anyone has anything positive to say about this country.

It's what he does. He's a troll.
Isn't it appropriate that Barack Hussein Obama spends America's birthday (July 4th) with the likes of Francois Hollande -in France,

Very appropriate considering that without help from France, we very well may have lost our War of Independence.

Have some balls and quote exactly what it was that I said without cherry-picking what is convenient for you... Tell me why a SOCIALIST in France mimics the very policies Obama is implementing in the U.S.? You Leftists are so quick to hand away your Constitutional Rights, simply because you parrot exactly what your handlers tell you to do. One day you are going to wake up, and America is going to be nothing more than a Third World Country... When that day comes do not cry on may shoulder, I simply will not be there for you.

Can you calm down?

When you do, please list the Constitutional Rights I've handed away, and tell me what Obama Socialist policies are being mimicked in France.


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