Income Inequailty Rhetoric is Class Warfare

Bro don't talk about what people learned in College with your horrendous grammar skizznils.
Bro don't talk about what people learned in College with your horrendous grammar skizznils.

cant argue the message so you resort to spell and grammar checking

here I left off a period or two and capitalizations that should give your pathetic existence something to do

PS I aint your Bro
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Bro don't talk about what people learned in College with your horrendous grammar skizznils.

cant argue the message so you resort to spell and grammar checking

here I left off a period or two and capitalizations that should give your pathetic existence something to do

PS I aint your Bro


You were just mocking someone's education.

That's not arguing the message, that's resorting to childish bullshit ya fuckchop
Bro don't talk about what people learned in College with your horrendous grammar skizznils.

cant argue the message so you resort to spell and grammar checking

here I left off a period or two and capitalizations that should give your pathetic existence something to do

PS I aint your Bro


You were just mocking someone's education.

That's not arguing the message, that's resorting to childish bullshit ya fuckchop

I didn't know this was a graded assignment. Its just a freaking post on some forum. be for real. is that all you got? is your existence that miserable you go around spell and grammar checking forum post? are you that inadequate in other aspects of your life you make up for it by correcting grammar?
Youre a cornball, bro. A dumb one at that.

It is you're not youre. So who is the dumb one again ?
And don't call me bro I'm not your brother
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How about they earn it instead of text on there phone and ask do you want Fries with that?

Such a high opinion of the American worker

Oh stop the pity party.
Funny how the typical conservative continually attacks the american worker as unproductive. So, let me educate those who think american workers are not productive. They are the fourth most productive workers among the worlds advanced nations. Just a bit behind three socialist nations, for your reading pleasure. Out of 39 of the worlds most advanced nations, the United States is number 4. And yup, number one is norway.

Well ahead of countries thought to be very productive, including Germany, Switzerland, and Japan.

Now, I know you love management much more than workers. But get a grip. Though management is necessary, it PRODUCES NOTHING. Get a grip, folks. If you just hate workers, fine. Just say so. But at least try a little honesty.
Such a high opinion of the American worker

Oh stop the pity party.
Funny how the typical conservative continually attacks the american worker as unproductive. So, let me educate those who think american workers are not productive. They are the fourth most productive workers among the worlds advanced nations. Just a bit behind three socialist nations, for your reading pleasure. Out of 39 of the worlds most advanced nations, the United States is number 4. And yup, number one is norway.

Well ahead of countries thought to be very productive, including Germany, Switzerland, and Japan.
Labour productivity levels in the total economy

Now, I know you love management much more than workers. But get a grip. Though management is necessary, it PRODUCES NOTHING. Get a grip, folks. If you just hate workers, fine. Just say so. But at least try a little honesty.
Exact;y the opposite. BLS stats and a whole host of other analyses have indicated that American workers are more productive than ever.
Is that because they work harder? No. it is because of technology. In manufacturing US Companies have joined the world and produce far more product with far fewer people.
When a pro labor person uses the term "management" they are exposing their 'us vs them' agenda. That no longer applies.
If you truly believe management produces nothing, you are not at all educated in the world of business.

You see why Income inequality/income gap is a hollow rhetoric a useless statistic that does nothing but create class envy and warfare
The word equality has somehow migrated from discussions of social considerations into discussions of wealth distribution where it tends to convey an erroneous impression. Equality means equal, everyone having the same -- as in communism. And this is by no means what Progressives (i.e., "Liberals") have in mind.

The word equality was easily inserted into this topic by Conservatives because it looks and sounds very much like the proper word, which is equitability, which means fairness. Not sameness. Progressives are not interested in income equality but rather a more equitable distribution of this Nation's wealth, such as existed from the 1940s to the 1980s, when Reaganomics was imposed and led to the 1% vs 99% situation we're seeing today. A situation in which a tiny percentage of the population has managed via various schemes, scams, political maneuverings and bribery, to acquire unimaginable wealth while the holdings of the workers, the actual producers of the wealth, have increasingly stagnated and their class is falling into poverty.

We are witnessing a re-birth of the Gilded Age, in which there were two classes of Americans, the rich and the poor. The middle class is being decimated and, ironically, its destruction is being cheered on by millions of its beneficiaries, so-called Conservatives, who seem to believe there always has been a 40-hour work week, paid vacations, living wages, and all that goes with the working class dignity they, their parents and grandparents, have been enjoying since FDR's New Deal and the Union Movement gave rise to income equitability.
Tax rates, capital gains exemptions, subsidies, labor restirctions, deregulation

All of which have helped grow the private sector.
BTW, I find it amusing when you lib's hair begins to fall out whenever you hear the term "capital gains"....Right away your argument starts.."It's not fair they get to keep all that money."...."It should be taxed as income!"....
Keep in mind that any type of income derived from an intangible is considered a capital gain.
So before you answer the above question do some careful consideration.

Capital Gains gained from investing in a non-US entity should be taxed at the normal or higher rate since it does NOTHING for the US economy.
Bullshit. Have you any idea how many foreign based companies have facilities here that employ hundreds of thousands if not millions of American workers.
Spare me your xenophobic flag waving bullshit.
True, our government has made some very bad trade deals.
The time for recriminations is past.
That is exactly the issue. The playing field is tilted so heavily towards the wealthy that any attempt to equalize opportunity is decried as "Socialism"

Equal opportunity...Ok...In your own words, define that.
Then explain how this concept correlates to the ongoing class envy agenda perpetuated by liberals.

Where do you get this "class envy" bullshit? Been listening to Rush and Hannity? Working Americans do not want a wealthy lifestyle handed to them.....they want a fair shake

They want decent jobs at decent wages.......that is not class envy

Yer kidding. There is plenty of class envy/warfare going down right here.
Define "fair shake"..
Define "decent jobs at decent wages"...
The answer who should be the ultimate decider on these things?
Tax rates, capital gains exemptions, subsidies, labor restirctions, deregulation

All of which have helped grow the private sector.
BTW, I find it amusing when you lib's hair begins to fall out whenever you hear the term "capital gains"....Right away your argument starts.."It's not fair they get to keep all that money."...."It should be taxed as income!"....
Keep in mind that any type of income derived from an intangible is considered a capital gain.
So before you answer the above question do some careful consideration.

That.s not quite correct now is it? Used to be that for a person to realize "capital gains" that person had to have some of their own capital at risk. There was a short term gain rate and a long term (held more than a year) rate.

That changed to just one time period for tax purposes. Under Clinton I believe.

Now you have it where traders on Wall street are able to be taxes on billions of what should be W2 earning as capital gains. Derivative traders and credit default swap traders have been able to bribe Congress to change the tax law so that they only pay 15% on billions of earnings. Ask Mittens about that provision.

These traders don't have their capital at risk. They are smarter than that. They have OUR capital at risk.

So why should that be able to avoid taxes? Other than the fact they have enough money to bribe Congresscritters?
What the fuck do you think mutual funds, 401k's, IRA's and pensions are? The money is invested in companies in the form of securities which are safe income funds. Slow but steady growth type funds. However, there is some inherent risk.
"Now you have it where traders on Wall street are able to be taxes on billions"..
WHAT?..Please translate that into English. Thank you.
15% of billions is quite a bit of money...In 1990 the average number of shares traded daily on the stock exchanges was in the millions. Now it's in the billions. Wanna know why? Because the taxation is no longer confiscatory. And for that, over 1,000 times more business is being done Monday thru Friday from 9.30 AM thru 4 PM Eastern....That's a whole lotta revenue for the federal government to play with.
Hey dummy...The traders are professionals. They get to analyze things that are far beyond the comprehension of the common person....So what/
Your premise suggests that traders of financial vehicles are somehow 'getting away with something'.
Income inequality lead us to the Great Depression.

Income inequality caused the French Revolution.

Income inequality is what we fought against in the American Revolution.

Income inequality goes against the teachings of Christ.

Income inequality will destroy this country if we ignore it.

So? Instead of bitching, deliver to us a solution...
This ought to be good.
Income inequality lead us to the Great Depression.

Income inequality caused the French Revolution.

Income inequality is what we fought against in the American Revolution.

Income inequality goes against the teachings of Christ.

Income inequality will destroy this country if we ignore it.

an example of the ignorant bullshit in it's perfec display.

And you are a fine example of one of those millionaires without funds that seems to populate this site.

But you should have refuted those points that were made. Instead you gave more of the same; bullshit without reason or common sense. Typical for what passes as "logic" and "reason" by todays right wing whackos. Like you.

It is not necessary to refute that which is not true.
Where do you get this "class envy" bullshit? Been listening to Rush and Hannity? Working Americans do not want a wealthy lifestyle handed to them.....they want a fair shake

They want decent jobs at decent wages.......that is not class envy

From yours and all other leftards words. You all are full of this class envy bullshit which is the latest talking point of your masters in their brainwashing agenda.

Class warfare doesn't work. Oh, yes, it might provoke the hateul spikes of violence, but in the very end, the stupid ones, who are incited to "take what is theirs from the opressors" end up opressed like they have never been before.

Too bad the history doesn't teach the parroting mouthpieces anything.

Yes, there is class envy

Workers envy what used to be the middle class. Good jobs at a salary you can support your family on. Healthcare, affordable education....even being able to retire at a reasonable age

That is what workers envy

You bring up "warfare"?
That warfare is being waged against working Americans. Stagnant wages, decreasing benefits, constant demands to do more for less

That is the warfare Republicans favor

Been at one of those 'hammer and sickle' meetings lately?
Cut the bullshit. Our nation has never been more affluent.
50 years ago, right in the middle of what you libs consider the good old days when a third of all US workers were members of labor collectives. When the middle class was in its first growth spurt, most Americans lived in rental housing. Wealth was concentrated in a much smaller proportion of the population. Most American households had one vehicle. Had no tv in their home. Only the most affluent could afford things like a vacation. An air conditioner. A refrigerator/freezer. A cooking range.
50 years ago the American middle class was a much smaller percentage of the population.
The problem is not "income inequality", the problem is EXCESSIVE "income inequality".

The solution is not "wealth redistribution", the solution is "fair wealth distribution".

Everyone in our society grabs all the money they can - there is no relationship between productivity and wealth. Those that can grab it all do - leaving crumbs for the rest (and bitch about giving up those crumbs) Some people work very hard at grabbing all the money they can - without doing anything productive.

Creating wealth means, to many people, the hording of capital assets. But wealth is actually created by the production of physical items of value. These are produced mostly by labor. Capital controls the resources - often disallowing the creation of wealth. (Right now the U.S. is operating at only 75% of it's economic capacity because investors refuse to capitalize production).

Here's an example of unfair wealth distribution:

I have a friend who dropped out of college, he is making in excess of $160k/yr. as a commercial real estate agent in NYC. He is not a highly educated person, as a matter of fact most people consider him an idiot.

On the other hand, I know many research chemists, quite a few of who have doctorates. Few of these have ever made close to $160k/yr. They are subject to arbitrary layoffs. Many go for long periods of unemployment. Many have to relocate every few years when they do find a job.

Yet, it's the research chemists that make a considerable contribution to the creation of real wealth in our society - they've created products that each and everyone of you use and benefit from every day.

This is essentially the problem -we've created so many ways for non-productive people to horde capital assets while devaluing the productive people.

And OF COURSE all the non-productive wealth horders are goin' fight tooth and nail to keep it that way.

But I guess that's why we're having this debate!

Your post presupposes there is truth to the Keynesian theory of the zero sum game. your
research people whwn working do great things. however there is no reason thwy cannot
market themselves as consultants during the down times.
Unfair? Define "unfair".
Unfair is a very simple concept. If you do not understand the concept, then do not ask someone to educate you. You have proven, by asking the question, that you are incapable of being educated.

There are many meanings and contexts in which "unfair" can be used. I want the OP to define HIS meaning when he uses the term "unfair"?
Define it. If you people are going to fling around these words, you'll be called on to define them and your meaning as their use.
Equal opportunity...Ok...In your own words, define that.
Then explain how this concept correlates to the ongoing class envy agenda perpetuated by liberals.

Where do you get this "class envy" bullshit? Been listening to Rush and Hannity? Working Americans do not want a wealthy lifestyle handed to them.....they want a fair shake

They want decent jobs at decent wages.......that is not class envy

Yer kidding. There is plenty of class envy/warfare going down right here.
Define "fair shake"..
Define "decent jobs at decent wages"...
The answer who should be the ultimate decider on these things?
Why define anything to you, me boy. You are a congenital idiot. Simply parroting the bs from the bat shit crazy con web sites.
Income inequality lead us to the Great Depression.

Income inequality caused the French Revolution.

Income inequality is what we fought against in the American Revolution.

Income inequality goes against the teachings of Christ.

Income inequality will destroy this country if we ignore it.

So? Instead of bitching, deliver to us a solution...
This ought to be good.
Simple. Plug the tax loopholes for the wealthy. Let them pay 35% taxes on profits.
From yours and all other leftards words. You all are full of this class envy bullshit which is the latest talking point of your masters in their brainwashing agenda.

Class warfare doesn't work. Oh, yes, it might provoke the hateul spikes of violence, but in the very end, the stupid ones, who are incited to "take what is theirs from the opressors" end up opressed like they have never been before.

Too bad the history doesn't teach the parroting mouthpieces anything.

Yes, there is class envy

Workers envy what used to be the middle class. Good jobs at a salary you can support your family on. Healthcare, affordable education....even being able to retire at a reasonable age

That is what workers envy

You bring up "warfare"?
That warfare is being waged against working Americans. Stagnant wages, decreasing benefits, constant demands to do more for less

That is the warfare Republicans favor

Been at one of those 'hammer and sickle' meetings lately?
Cut the bullshit. Our nation has never been more affluent.
50 years ago, right in the middle of what you libs consider the good old days when a third of all US workers were members of labor collectives. When the middle class was in its first growth spurt, most Americans lived in rental housing. Wealth was concentrated in a much smaller proportion of the population. Most American households had one vehicle. Had no tv in their home. Only the most affluent could afford things like a vacation. An air conditioner. A refrigerator/freezer. A cooking range.
50 years ago the American middle class was a much smaller percentage of the population.
You are 100% wrong. Here are a few articles based on studies of the subject, as opposed to what you post. Which is opinion. From bat shit crazy con web sites. No back up to your opinion at all. Try spending a half hour reading what is out there to those who actually want truth, as opposed to drivel based on agenda:
Top 1% Got 93% of Income Growth as Rich-Poor Gap Widened - Bloomberg

In the U.S., the Rich Are Getting Richer While the Poor Get Poorer -- Fusion.

The Rich Are Getting Richer And Everyone Else Is Getting Hosed - Business Insider

State of Working America preview: The rich get richer | Economic Policy Institute

Haves and have nots: America's rich get richer

A Look at the Numbers: How the Rich Get Richer | Mother Jones

In This Recovery, the Rich Get Richer | Smart Charts, What Matters Today |

Why the Rich Are Getting Richer | Foreign Affairs

There are hundreds of studies on the subject, and thousands of articles out there saying the same things. Which is, of course, the truth known by those who care to know the truth.

The only place where you can find support for your drivel is in those bat shit crazy con web sites. Which is why you never have a source backing up your arguments, which are totally vacuous.
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