In the Wake Of Belgium Terrorist Attack, Obama Declares Slipping in Tub More Dangerous Than ISIS

so murdering fellow muslims upsets you but murdering Europeans and americans doesn't?
There is no difference Americans are no more important than europeans.
They are to most Americans. But you lefties can polish yet another obama turd all you want, it will still be a turd.
Turd polishing is what you clowns do best
IE. Ted cruz & Trump.
I hope you didn't get ice cream on your keyboard.
I'll take that as a confirmation of my statement.
Of course you would. You're a MORON.
G, the next time there is an international or domestic horrific bathtub tragedy that causes Americans to die, be maimed, hospitalized, and missing I encourage Obama to speak until his heart is content on the dangers of bathroom tubslippage....

...but in the aftermath of another terrorist attack that has claimed American lives, has Americans in the hospital, and while an American wife/mother is still missing, to callously dismiss / minimize the event, appear not to give a damn while grieving / mourning / concerned Americans are watching / listening to him is a heinous, callous D!CK move!
In the wake of the Belgium terrorist attack, with the news that 400 trained terrorists have been unleashed on Europe, with several Americans in a hospital and another still missing, Obama declared people have a tendency to overblow these events and that more Americans die due to slipping in tubs than terrorist attacks.


Where is the man's fire? Where is his compassion, his concern, his tact, his diplomacy...his frickin' COMMON SENSE?!

If you look at Obama's history, however, his attempt to minimize, apologize, excuse away, or ignore terrorist attacks has been a trend.

Despite Major Nidal Hassan calling himself a 'soldier of Allah' and yelling out Allah Akbar as he gunned down his fellow Army brethren Obama initially declared the terrorist attack to be a simple case of 'Workplace Violence'...until pressured to call it what it was.

After he and Hillary allowed 4 Americans to be murdered by terrorists, to include the 1st US Ambassador in over 30 years to be killed, Obama and Hillary spread a lie about a video...a month later he gave a speech before the U.N. While addressing the whole world, Obama did NOT voice his anger and resolve to hold those responsible accountable. Instead he pushed the lie about a video again and appeared to APOLOGIZE on America's behalf for the faux video, adding, "The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.'
-- After 9/11/01 Bush demonstrated his anger toward those who had perpetrated the attack and declared to those terrorists that he would ensure they had no safe haven in the world. After 9/11/01 Obama was more worried about the Islamic Extremists and Muslims being offended.

After praising his flawed background checks required before allowing 'refugees' and other into the US, Obama mocked Americans for voicing their concern over our national security and for the safety of American citizens - Obama claiming all they had to fear was 'orphans and widows'. Shortly after, the terrorist to whom he and his administration had given a visa and allowed her to come into the US murdered 12 Americans in California, making him look like a stupid ass while validating Americans' concerns over our National Security and for the safety of our citizens.
- In response to American outrage at his failure AND yet another successful terrorist attack in the US on his watch, Obama sent out his Attorney General to threaten Americans for choosing to exercise their 1st Amendment Right of Freedom of Speech if they talked too negatively about Muslims / Islamic Extremists. Again, Obama was more worried about protecting Muslims / Islamic Extremists than Americans.

NOW, with Americans injured and missing, Obama makes light of yet another terrorist attack and demonstrates a complete inappropriate level of disregard / un-concern, seemingly trying to claim it is an 'insignificant' act by the terrorist group he calls/called the 'JV Team', one that we should still not take that seriously.

After all, as Paris and Brussels demonstrates, Obama has ISIS completely 'contained'.

What a friggin' Islamic Sympathizing a-hole!
What a moronic thread premise.
Talking shit about Obama is all the Op does.
ODS sufferer.
FDR, history's biggest pants shitter. Declared war on a country over just 2,400 deaths, amiright, g?
There is no difference Americans are no more important than europeans.
They are to most Americans. But you lefties can polish yet another obama turd all you want, it will still be a turd.
Turd polishing is what you clowns do best
IE. Ted cruz & Trump.
I hope you didn't get ice cream on your keyboard.
I'll take that as a confirmation of my statement.
Of course you would. You're a MORON.
and your ice cream is a work of brilliance (extreme sarcasm)
A question to liberals the next time some dumbass shoots some people up. Obama should come out and say you are more likely to slip in the tub than to get shot by a gun? Right?
No, way more people die from guns than die from bathtubs.

You are more likely to die from a bathtub than from a terrorist, though.
I'm sorry I should've said being killed in a mass shooting.
Doesn't matter - it still fails as a false comparison fallacy, and it's still just as stupid.
A question to liberals the next time some dumbass shoots some people up. Obama should come out and say you are more likely to slip in the tub than to get shot by a gun? Right?
No, way more people die from guns than die from bathtubs.

You are more likely to die from a bathtub than from a terrorist, though.
I'm sorry I should've said being killed in a mass shooting.
Doesn't matter - it still fails as a false comparison fallacy, and it's still just as stupid.
Just like Obama's original statement.
The president of course is correct: there’s a much greater likelihood of dying in a car accident or a slip and fall in the home.

But conservatives can’t make political hay out of car accidents, slipping and falling in the home can’t be exploited for some perceived partisan gain like terrorist attacks – and that’s the goal of most on the right: to foment fear and uncertainty, to contrive and propagate the lie that the president isn’t taking seriously the threat of terrorism, when in fact noting could be further from the truth.
The president of course is correct: there’s a much greater likelihood of dying in a car accident or a slip and fall in the home.

But conservatives can’t make political hay out of car accidents, slipping and falling in the home can’t be exploited for some perceived partisan gain like terrorist attacks – and that’s the goal of most on the right: to foment fear and uncertainty, to contrive and propagate the lie that the president isn’t taking seriously the threat of terrorism, when in fact noting could be further from the truth.

There's a far greater chance of dying in a car wreck than getting shot. Does that mean you people are going to get off the anti-gun bandwagon?
so murdering fellow muslims upsets you but murdering Europeans and americans doesn't?
There is no difference Americans are no more important than europeans.

who said they were?
You did.

here's what I said, dipshit

so murdering fellow muslims upsets you but murdering Europeans and americans doesn't?

does that say americans are more important than Europeans? duh, no
It does. posting it twice doesn't change that fact.

you're crazy. did you fail 3rd grade?
OK. libs and Obamabots, Since more people die from other causes than from radical Islamic terrorism, we should just ignore the terrorists acts and pretend they never happened? Is that what you are saying?
The president of course is correct: there’s a much greater likelihood of dying in a car accident or a slip and fall in the home.

But conservatives can’t make political hay out of car accidents, slipping and falling in the home can’t be exploited for some perceived partisan gain like terrorist attacks – and that’s the goal of most on the right: to foment fear and uncertainty, to contrive and propagate the lie that the president isn’t taking seriously the threat of terrorism, when in fact noting could be further from the truth.

Getting tired of this straw man... Islam has much more problems than the terrorist incidents. France... 60 % of prison population... guess the religion. Average IQ/welfare usage of a muslim, do you want to guess?

Besides that, isn't the liberal response to ban everything anyway?
There is no difference Americans are no more important than europeans.

who said they were?
You did.

here's what I said, dipshit

so murdering fellow muslims upsets you but murdering Europeans and americans doesn't?

does that say americans are more important than Europeans? duh, no
It does. posting it twice doesn't change that fact.

you're crazy. did you fail 3rd grade?
Not either one.
But you are ignorant.
OK. libs and Obamabots, Since more people die from other causes than from radical Islamic terrorism, we should just ignore the terrorists acts and pretend they never happened? Is that what you are saying?
Golly beaver!
What "we" are saying is not to go batshit as it is exactly what the terrorist want.
The president of course is correct: there’s a much greater likelihood of dying in a car accident or a slip and fall in the home.

But conservatives can’t make political hay out of car accidents, slipping and falling in the home can’t be exploited for some perceived partisan gain like terrorist attacks – and that’s the goal of most on the right: to foment fear and uncertainty, to contrive and propagate the lie that the president isn’t taking seriously the threat of terrorism, when in fact noting could be further from the truth.

Getting tired of this straw man... Islam has much more problems than the terrorist incidents. France... 60 % of prison population... guess the religion. Average IQ/welfare usage of a muslim, do you want to guess?

Besides that, isn't the liberal response to ban everything anyway?
No, banning has a long and proud history in conservative land.
In the wake of the Belgium terrorist attack, with the news that 400 trained terrorists have been unleashed on Europe, with several Americans in a hospital and another still missing, Obama declared people have a tendency to overblow these events and that more Americans die due to slipping in tubs than terrorist attacks.


Where is the man's fire? Where is his compassion, his concern, his tact, his diplomacy...his frickin' COMMON SENSE?!

If you look at Obama's history, however, his attempt to minimize, apologize, excuse away, or ignore terrorist attacks has been a trend.

Despite Major Nidal Hassan calling himself a 'soldier of Allah' and yelling out Allah Akbar as he gunned down his fellow Army brethren Obama initially declared the terrorist attack to be a simple case of 'Workplace Violence'...until pressured to call it what it was.

After he and Hillary allowed 4 Americans to be murdered by terrorists, to include the 1st US Ambassador in over 30 years to be killed, Obama and Hillary spread a lie about a video...a month later he gave a speech before the U.N. While addressing the whole world, Obama did NOT voice his anger and resolve to hold those responsible accountable. Instead he pushed the lie about a video again and appeared to APOLOGIZE on America's behalf for the faux video, adding, "The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.'
-- After 9/11/01 Bush demonstrated his anger toward those who had perpetrated the attack and declared to those terrorists that he would ensure they had no safe haven in the world. After 9/11/01 Obama was more worried about the Islamic Extremists and Muslims being offended.

After praising his flawed background checks required before allowing 'refugees' and other into the US, Obama mocked Americans for voicing their concern over our national security and for the safety of American citizens - Obama claiming all they had to fear was 'orphans and widows'. Shortly after, the terrorist to whom he and his administration had given a visa and allowed her to come into the US murdered 12 Americans in California, making him look like a stupid ass while validating Americans' concerns over our National Security and for the safety of our citizens.
- In response to American outrage at his failure AND yet another successful terrorist attack in the US on his watch, Obama sent out his Attorney General to threaten Americans for choosing to exercise their 1st Amendment Right of Freedom of Speech if they talked too negatively about Muslims / Islamic Extremists. Again, Obama was more worried about protecting Muslims / Islamic Extremists than Americans.

NOW, with Americans injured and missing, Obama makes light of yet another terrorist attack and demonstrates a complete inappropriate level of disregard / un-concern, seemingly trying to claim it is an 'insignificant' act by the terrorist group he calls/called the 'JV Team', one that we should still not take that seriously.

After all, as Paris and Brussels demonstrates, Obama has ISIS completely 'contained'.

What a friggin' Islamic Sympathizing a-hole!
Expect him to try to outlaw bathtubs in an Executive Order.
So far this year, 3,833 Americans have been murdered by their fellow Americans, many of whom were friends or relatives of the victim.

You have more to fear from your crazy uncle than you do ISIS, pants shitters.

Hell, 19 people have been killed by lightning so far this year. You better avoid going outside.

You cowards down on the floor in the fetal position sucking your thumbs are right where ISIS wants you.

Man up.
Tell you what. Next thunderstorm you go outside with your umbrella and stand there until it passes.

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