In the Wake Of Belgium Terrorist Attack, Obama Declares Slipping in Tub More Dangerous Than ISIS

Most major cities in the U.S. are far more dangerous than Brussels. So it's important to keep things in perspective. The President's an infantile jerk, but there is some validity in what he was trying to say. Odds are, you're gonna die from everything but Islamic Terrorism. So let's not panic and demand our Government take more of our rights away.

You're right - Chicago DAILY adds to their record-setting pace of gun murders/violence; however, the INTENTIONAL timing of his comment is damn-near in-excusable.

His comments were infantile and insensitive. But we already knew he's a lightweight jerk who should have never been President. A 'Community Organizer' does not a President make. That being said, we really should be careful and not panic.

Major U.S. cities are full of violent thugs who'll kill you for $5. They're far more dangerous than Brussels. Americans have a much better chance of being harmed by them, than by Islamic Terrorists. The statistics bear that out. We just need to calm down and not demand Big Brother seize more control of our lives.

we can avoid the ghettos in our cities, we cannot avoid the entry points at airports and subways. I never go into the lower 9th ward in New Orleans, because I would be putting my life at risk, but I do pass through the doors at the airport check in area.

Islamic Terrorist attacks are incredibly rare. Americans are far more likely to be harmed by average murderer/rapist criminals. I do hear what you're sayin though. But according to the stats, you're gonna likely die from anything but an Islamic Terrorist attack.

Right. And unless you were unfortunate enough to be at Pearl Harbor Dec 7, 1941, the Japanese were never a threat either
I've never seen an anti-Muslim bigot start a topic about a terrorist bombing in the Middle East.


You never hear them decrying the murders of many tens of thousands of Muslims.


so murdering fellow muslims upsets you but murdering Europeans and americans doesn't?
There is no difference Americans are no more important than europeans.

who said they were?
You did.

here's what I said, dipshit

so murdering fellow muslims upsets you but murdering Europeans and americans doesn't?

does that say americans are more important than Europeans? duh, no
It does. posting it twice doesn't change that fact.
I never understood the compulsion of some people after a tragedy to spew nonsense like the previous steaming pile.

what did I say that isn't true?
The "Truth" of it is not the issue.

of course it is, truth is always the issue. you claimed that my post was "nonsense". I would like for you to tell me specifically which parts of it you were addressing.

or, you could just STFU and go away.
Every part that mentions BLM is.
in this context is nonsense , you use thread's like this one to spew your racist agenda.
Using the fallacy of "truth" is always part of an issue is meaningless.

BLM spox called for the killing of cops. I didn't make that up.
I didn't say you did .
Quit while you're behind.
"They that can give up essential Liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither Liberty nor safety." - Ben Franklin

Be very careful panicking about this stuff America. Big Brother loves it. He's ready to hop in and seize more of your rights. So calm down and take a deep breathe. Keep things in perspective.
I've never seen an anti-Muslim bigot start a topic about a terrorist bombing in the Middle East.


You never hear them decrying the murders of many tens of thousands of Muslims.


so murdering fellow muslims upsets you but murdering Europeans and americans doesn't?
There is no difference Americans are no more important than europeans.
They are to most Americans. But you lefties can polish yet another obama turd all you want, it will still be a turd.
Turd polishing is what you clowns do best
IE. Ted cruz & Trump.
I hope you didn't get ice cream on your keyboard.
I'll take that as a confirmation of my statement.
Most major cities in the U.S. are far more dangerous than Brussels. So it's important to keep things in perspective. The President's an infantile jerk, but there is some validity in what he was trying to say. Odds are, you're gonna die from everything but Islamic Terrorism. So let's not panic and demand our Government take more of our rights away.

You're right - Chicago DAILY adds to their record-setting pace of gun murders/violence; however, the INTENTIONAL timing of his comment is damn-near in-excusable.

His comments were infantile and insensitive. But we already knew he's a lightweight jerk who should have never been President. A 'Community Organizer' does not a President make. That being said, we really should be careful and not panic.

Major U.S. cities are full of violent thugs who'll kill you for $5. They're far more dangerous than Brussels. Americans have a much better chance of being harmed by them, than by Islamic Terrorists. The statistics bear that out. We just need to calm down and not demand Big Brother seize more control of our lives.

we can avoid the ghettos in our cities, we cannot avoid the entry points at airports and subways. I never go into the lower 9th ward in New Orleans, because I would be putting my life at risk, but I do pass through the doors at the airport check in area.

Islamic Terrorist attacks are incredibly rare. Americans are far more likely to be harmed by average murderer/rapist criminals. I do hear what you're sayin though. But according to the stats, you're gonna likely die from anything but an Islamic Terrorist attack.

Right. And unless you were unfortunate enough to be at Pearl Harbor Dec 7, 1941, the Japanese were never a threat either

Apples & Oranges. Al qaeda and ISIS aren't Japan. Islamic Terrorist attacks are very rare in the U.S. Americans being harmed by such attacks is a highly unlikely probability.
In the wake of the Belgium terrorist attack, with the news that 400 trained terrorists have been unleashed on Europe, with several Americans in a hospital and another still missing, Obama declared people have a tendency to overblow these events and that more Americans die due to slipping in tubs than terrorist attacks.


Where is the man's fire? Where is his compassion, his concern, his tact, his diplomacy...his frickin' COMMON SENSE?!

If you look at Obama's history, however, his attempt to minimize, apologize, excuse away, or ignore terrorist attacks has been a trend.

Despite Major Nidal Hassan calling himself a 'soldier of Allah' and yelling out Allah Akbar as he gunned down his fellow Army brethren Obama initially declared the terrorist attack to be a simple case of 'Workplace Violence'...until pressured to call it what it was.

After he and Hillary allowed 4 Americans to be murdered by terrorists, to include the 1st US Ambassador in over 30 years to be killed, Obama and Hillary spread a lie about a video...a month later he gave a speech before the U.N. While addressing the whole world, Obama did NOT voice his anger and resolve to hold those responsible accountable. Instead he pushed the lie about a video again and appeared to APOLOGIZE on America's behalf for the faux video, adding, "The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.'
-- After 9/11/01 Bush demonstrated his anger toward those who had perpetrated the attack and declared to those terrorists that he would ensure they had no safe haven in the world. After 9/11/01 Obama was more worried about the Islamic Extremists and Muslims being offended.

After praising his flawed background checks required before allowing 'refugees' and other into the US, Obama mocked Americans for voicing their concern over our national security and for the safety of American citizens - Obama claiming all they had to fear was 'orphans and widows'. Shortly after, the terrorist to whom he and his administration had given a visa and allowed her to come into the US murdered 12 Americans in California, making him look like a stupid ass while validating Americans' concerns over our National Security and for the safety of our citizens.
- In response to American outrage at his failure AND yet another successful terrorist attack in the US on his watch, Obama sent out his Attorney General to threaten Americans for choosing to exercise their 1st Amendment Right of Freedom of Speech if they talked too negatively about Muslims / Islamic Extremists. Again, Obama was more worried about protecting Muslims / Islamic Extremists than Americans.

NOW, with Americans injured and missing, Obama makes light of yet another terrorist attack and demonstrates a complete inappropriate level of disregard / un-concern, seemingly trying to claim it is an 'insignificant' act by the terrorist group he calls/called the 'JV Team', one that we should still not take that seriously.

After all, as Paris and Brussels demonstrates, Obama has ISIS completely 'contained'.

What a friggin' Islamic Sympathizing a-hole!
What a moronic thread premise.
You're right - Chicago DAILY adds to their record-setting pace of gun murders/violence; however, the INTENTIONAL timing of his comment is damn-near in-excusable.

His comments were infantile and insensitive. But we already knew he's a lightweight jerk who should have never been President. A 'Community Organizer' does not a President make. That being said, we really should be careful and not panic.

Major U.S. cities are full of violent thugs who'll kill you for $5. They're far more dangerous than Brussels. Americans have a much better chance of being harmed by them, than by Islamic Terrorists. The statistics bear that out. We just need to calm down and not demand Big Brother seize more control of our lives.

we can avoid the ghettos in our cities, we cannot avoid the entry points at airports and subways. I never go into the lower 9th ward in New Orleans, because I would be putting my life at risk, but I do pass through the doors at the airport check in area.

Islamic Terrorist attacks are incredibly rare. Americans are far more likely to be harmed by average murderer/rapist criminals. I do hear what you're sayin though. But according to the stats, you're gonna likely die from anything but an Islamic Terrorist attack.

Right. And unless you were unfortunate enough to be at Pearl Harbor Dec 7, 1941, the Japanese were never a threat either

Apples & Oranges. Al qaeda and ISIS aren't Japan. Islamic Terrorist attacks are very rare in the U.S. Americans being harmed by such attacks is a highly unlikely probability.

Dude, we get that. You should also get that muslims aren't very compatible with freedom and prosperity. There is a reason why the regressives want them in.
In the wake of the Belgium terrorist attack, with the news that 400 trained terrorists have been unleashed on Europe, with several Americans in a hospital and another still missing, Obama declared people have a tendency to overblow these events and that more Americans die due to slipping in tubs than terrorist attacks.


Where is the man's fire? Where is his compassion, his concern, his tact, his diplomacy...his frickin' COMMON SENSE?!

If you look at Obama's history, however, his attempt to minimize, apologize, excuse away, or ignore terrorist attacks has been a trend.

Despite Major Nidal Hassan calling himself a 'soldier of Allah' and yelling out Allah Akbar as he gunned down his fellow Army brethren Obama initially declared the terrorist attack to be a simple case of 'Workplace Violence'...until pressured to call it what it was.

After he and Hillary allowed 4 Americans to be murdered by terrorists, to include the 1st US Ambassador in over 30 years to be killed, Obama and Hillary spread a lie about a video...a month later he gave a speech before the U.N. While addressing the whole world, Obama did NOT voice his anger and resolve to hold those responsible accountable. Instead he pushed the lie about a video again and appeared to APOLOGIZE on America's behalf for the faux video, adding, "The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.'
-- After 9/11/01 Bush demonstrated his anger toward those who had perpetrated the attack and declared to those terrorists that he would ensure they had no safe haven in the world. After 9/11/01 Obama was more worried about the Islamic Extremists and Muslims being offended.

After praising his flawed background checks required before allowing 'refugees' and other into the US, Obama mocked Americans for voicing their concern over our national security and for the safety of American citizens - Obama claiming all they had to fear was 'orphans and widows'. Shortly after, the terrorist to whom he and his administration had given a visa and allowed her to come into the US murdered 12 Americans in California, making him look like a stupid ass while validating Americans' concerns over our National Security and for the safety of our citizens.
- In response to American outrage at his failure AND yet another successful terrorist attack in the US on his watch, Obama sent out his Attorney General to threaten Americans for choosing to exercise their 1st Amendment Right of Freedom of Speech if they talked too negatively about Muslims / Islamic Extremists. Again, Obama was more worried about protecting Muslims / Islamic Extremists than Americans.

NOW, with Americans injured and missing, Obama makes light of yet another terrorist attack and demonstrates a complete inappropriate level of disregard / un-concern, seemingly trying to claim it is an 'insignificant' act by the terrorist group he calls/called the 'JV Team', one that we should still not take that seriously.

After all, as Paris and Brussels demonstrates, Obama has ISIS completely 'contained'.

What a friggin' Islamic Sympathizing a-hole!
What a moronic thread premise.
Talking shit about Obama is all the Op does.
His comments were infantile and insensitive. But we already knew he's a lightweight jerk who should have never been President. A 'Community Organizer' does not a President make. That being said, we really should be careful and not panic.

Major U.S. cities are full of violent thugs who'll kill you for $5. They're far more dangerous than Brussels. Americans have a much better chance of being harmed by them, than by Islamic Terrorists. The statistics bear that out. We just need to calm down and not demand Big Brother seize more control of our lives.

we can avoid the ghettos in our cities, we cannot avoid the entry points at airports and subways. I never go into the lower 9th ward in New Orleans, because I would be putting my life at risk, but I do pass through the doors at the airport check in area.

Islamic Terrorist attacks are incredibly rare. Americans are far more likely to be harmed by average murderer/rapist criminals. I do hear what you're sayin though. But according to the stats, you're gonna likely die from anything but an Islamic Terrorist attack.

Right. And unless you were unfortunate enough to be at Pearl Harbor Dec 7, 1941, the Japanese were never a threat either

Apples & Oranges. Al qaeda and ISIS aren't Japan. Islamic Terrorist attacks are very rare in the U.S. Americans being harmed by such attacks is a highly unlikely probability.

Dude, we get that. You should also get that muslims aren't very compatible with freedom and prosperity. There is a reason why the regressives want them in.

Oh, i do agree. I've always said that Islam isn't compatible with Western Democracy. The Left in Western Europe really blew it opening up the Immigration flood gates. They didn't understand Islam.
Aren't appeals to emotion fallacies fun?

Playing on raw emotions is a staple for Liberals.

- 'Never let a crisis go to waste'.

- That's why Obama and liberals roll into mass shootings, for example, 'while the iron is hot', why the emotions are raw, to push B$ / agendas while people are pissed, not thinking rationally yet, and are demanding something be done. "More gun control!" - demanded by Liberals when the attacks are happening in places that already have the most restrictive gun laws than most around the country and happening in 'gun-free' zones'.

Of course let a terrorist to whom Obama handed a Visa enter the country and Kill 12 Americans while he mocks Americans' concern for our national security and safety, and all of a sudden he is trying to slam the lid down all the emotion, downplay the event, and minimize it as 'nothing to see here / worry about'.
Actually not.

It's conservatives who, for the most part, try to exploit such tragic events, who prey on emotions, consistent with the right's politics of fear.
In the wake of a massive terrorist attack, with An American family caught in the terrorist attack - some in the hospital, the mother still missing, and worried family members....
Appeal to emotion.

You must be a liberal!
A question to liberals the next time some dumbass shoots some people up. Obama should come out and say you are more likely to slip in the tub than to get shot by a gun? Right?
A question to liberals the next time some dumbass shoots some people up. Obama should come out and say you are more likely to slip in the tub than to get shot by a gun? Right?
No, way more people die from guns than die from bathtubs.

You are more likely to die from a bathtub than from a terrorist, though.
It's conservatives who, for the most part, try to exploit such tragic events, who prey on emotions, consistent with the right's politics of fear.
talk about 'projecting'...

'Fear-Mongering' is one of the liberals most prized weapons in their arsenal...except when it comes to illegal immigration or terrorism! Every election time it's, 'The evil GOP is going to tax the hell out of you and give your money to the rich, take away your social security / welfare / food stamps / Obamaphones/ etc......

Nice try, though.
A question to liberals the next time some dumbass shoots some people up. Obama should come out and say you are more likely to slip in the tub than to get shot by a gun? Right?
No, way more people die from guns than die from bathtubs.

You are more likely to die from a bathtub than from a terrorist, though.
I'm sorry I should've said being killed in a mass shooting.

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