In the East There Is Rupture between Kirill and Bartholomew. And the Pope Sides More with the Former


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
On the military terrain, the conflict between Russia and Ukraine continues at low intensity. But on the religious terrain, the clash has reached its peak. On October 15, the patriarchate of Moscow “and all Rus” broke off Eucharistic communion with the ecumenical patriarch of Constantinople, led respectively by patriarchs Kirill and Bartholomew.

That means that the sacred ministers of the Russian Orthodox Church will no longer celebrate any liturgies together with those of the patriarchate of Constantinople - to which Moscow systematically refuses to attribute the qualification of “ecumenical” - and even the ordinary Russian faithful will have to abstain from participating in the sacraments administered in the churches of the Byzantine patriarchate.

The reason for the rupture is Bartholomew’s decision, announced on October 11, to create in Ukraine an Orthodox Church that is “autocephalous,” meaning independent, no longer subject to the jurisdiction of the patriarchate of Moscow.
In the East There Is Rupture between Kirill and Bartholomew. And the Pope Sides More with the Former

This is lengthy but covers quite a bit.
Doubt if the Church bureaucracy has any luck with that; the Russian Orthodox has survived some very brutal suppressions and persecutions under Stalin and the rest, and Putin is certainly no supporter, so the rank and file will probably just ignore the politicians. The Ukrainians are right to dump the Putin stooge 'Patriarch' in Moscow and build their won Orthodox church. The Moscow Church certainly has done nothing for them.

The Catholic bureaucracy has been trying to exterminate the Orthodox Church in Constantinople, literally as in killing them all, for many centuries, so nobody need to take the Pope seriously either. He's an 'Anti-Pope' to begin with, and many loyal Catholics despise him.
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