In Support Of Biophobia


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1.Many of us have been shocked….appalled, even,…by total and absolute refutation of science found in woke and highly educated Liberals.
Biophobia, writ large.

The best example…Well, Facebook offers 56 options for your gender. You can use up to 10 of them on your profile. Fifty-six sounds like a lot, but actually a lot of them are variations on a theme — "cisgender man" and "cisgender male," as well as "cis man" and "cis male." In terms of broad categories, there about a dozen.
See Confused by All the New Facebook Genders? Here's What They Mean.

OK…so, so far, if not for government schools, you could consider whether to have children, and whether there are two sexes, or dozens.


2. I always got a chuckle out of this one….”several anti-science, anti-reason, and illiberal idea pathogens including postmodernism, radical feminism, and transgender activism, the latter two of which are rooted in a deeply hysterical form of biophobia (fear of biology). These idea pathogens destroy our understanding of reality and common sense by espousing such positions as…”

“The latest case of mass hysteria - the belief men can get pregnant
Now that men can get pregnant, men can also get abortions

It all seems normal, no matter how nuts it is. With that feature of human nature in mind, think about these statements from yesterday’s hearing before the House Oversight Committee. The topic was legal abortion — but because this is 2021, …, the conversation soon turned to the newly-established scientific fact that men can get pregnant.

ABORTION ACTIVIST MALEEHA AZIZ: And I just wanted to acknowledge, a lot of people are being left out of the discussion today. As we know, people get pregnant and not just women. I hear people say over and over again that women get pregnant but that’s excluding people that should be part of this conversation.”

3. “…Ostrich Parasitic Syndrome (OPS), a malady of disordered thinking that robs people of their ability to recognize truths that are as obvious as the existence of the sun. Science denialism is one manifestation of OPS but there are many others. … OPS sufferers take imbecilic and at times suicidal positions [read: "Democrat] regarding issues of civilizational import including the root causes of global terrorism, the virtues of open borders, the apparent congruence between sharia law and the United States Constitution, and the supposed racism of profiling.”
Gad Saad

4. Professor Saad links these biophobic, imbecilic ideas with them being suicidal to our civilization. And… makes sense in that most species…die out. essential warning about said kingdom:

"The Endangered Species Act has not saved any species, but the costs for trying have run into the billions. In Travis County, Texas, for example, listing just two songbirds as endangers caused a $300 million loss in property values by limiting development potential, according to the chief tax appraiser."
Kaufman, "No Turning Back," p. 11.

"Anyone who thinks that nature prefers humans and our environment or any species we know and love should consider that 99.9 percent of the billions of species that have lived on earth over the past 3.5 billion years have been dismissed into oblivion."
Ibid, p. 12

5. Is it possible that there is an unconscious, genetic memory that exists in Leftists, species wide, that recognizes a point in Homo sapiens development that encourages…..embraces……suicidal imbecility???

Could that explain why so many Democrats actually believe the anti-scientific, anti-reality, anti-life beliefs we see in said political party????

And why Democrat Biophobia is meaningful to their movement toward non-existence????
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Will your next entry be about how the mind affects gender? Or don't conservatives believe in the brain?

I have six posts prepared for this thread.

All informative, all correct and accurate, all supported with links, sources and documentation.

I bet you recognize all of those elements in my style.

Next one as soon as I get back.
Who writes this shit for you?

Do your best to post sans marks you as an imbecile and a Democrat.........or is that redundant?

If you are envious of those with an intellect and an education, I suggest you try to articulate your reasons for being incensed by the truth.

....and, being unable to do so proves the truth of what irks you.
I have six posts prepared for this thread.
Thorough as always. On the other hand, brevity is the soul of wit.

All informative, all correct and accurate, all supported with links, sources and documentation.
Your sources have been less than correct and accurate in the past. I'm hopeful these will buck that trend.

I bet you recognize all of those elements in my style.
You have a style? You seem to offer few original ideas. Your originality seems to appear only when you insult.

Next one as soon as I get back.
I await them with eagerness and, of course, an open mind.
Do your best to post sans marks you as an imbecile and a Democrat.........or is that redundant?

If you are envious of those with an intellect and an education, I suggest you try to articulate your reasons for being incensed by the truth.

....and, being unable to do so proves the truth of what irks you.
Why are you ignoring the question?
The conflation of sex and gender is the justification of your verbose and grossly ignorant nonsense.
The conflation of sex and gender is the justification of your verbose and grossly ignorant nonsense.

You've been identified in several threads as being in support of anything harmful to America.

I'll conclude that this...."The conflation of sex and gender" your support of this:

The best example…Well, Facebook offers 56 options for your gender. You can use up to 10 of them on your profile. Fifty-six sounds like a lot, but actually a lot of them are variations on a theme — "cisgender man" and "cisgender male," as well as "cis man" and "cis male." In terms of broad categories, there about a dozen.
See Confused by All the New Facebook Genders? Here's What They Mean.

...and this:

“The latest case of mass hysteria - the belief men can get pregnant Now that men can get pregnant, men can also get abortions

It all seems normal, no matter how nuts it is. With that feature of human nature in mind, think about these statements from yesterday’s hearing before the House Oversight Committee. The topic was legal abortion — but because this is 2021, …, the conversation soon turned to the newly-established scientific fact that men can get pregnant.

ABORTION ACTIVIST MALEEHA AZIZ: And I just wanted to acknowledge, a lot of people are being left out of the discussion today. As we know, people get pregnant and not just women. I hear people say over and over again that women get pregnant but that’s excluding people that should be part of this conversation.”

...and you find these aberrant views as fitting that constellation.

Are you, as you have stated at other times....."pleased as punch' with this nonsense?
7. The explanation for the sheer stupidity of so very many of the Democrats/Leftist’s views is that they welcome the death of the species. We’ve seen it over and over.

It is the Left that is associated with and a hand-maiden of death, usually their own citizens:

Fascists, Nazis, Liberals, Progressives, Socialists, Communists, Democrats
The collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

None of the totalitarian forms of political plague have the slightest concern for human life: not communism (gulags), not Nazism (concentration camps), not Liberalism (abortion), not Progressivism (eugenics), not socialism (theft), not fascism (murder).

The Democrats check every one of those boxes.

They only differ in the final outcome: slavery, serfdom, or death.

They all follow Trotsky: "We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life."


One should enquire as to why Democrats are so wrapped up in death.
Oh the irony!!! This is from the same poster that dismissed the 600,000+ US Covid deaths because she claimed most of them were old and had DNR orders.

89% in one study.

And, of course, the CDC warned that only 6% died of the Wuhan Red Death.

But don't let that get in the way of your hand-wringing, or of following orders.
Does that apply to homosexuality too?

Homosexuality is largely herd and victimology driven, prevalent on the Left.

If it were genetic, it wouldn't fade away.

"Also interesting was the finding that by the time they get to middle age, the rate of self-identified homosexuality among women plummets well below 1%. Furthermore, between 92% of women self-identifying as homosexual and 70% of men self-identifying as homosexual have had sexual intercourse with members of the opposite sex, while only 6% of self-identified heterosexuals have had sex with a member of the same sex.

This study asks us to consider is whether impressionable young people could be persuaded by seductive others that they are “genetically” homosexual, when in fact they are not–they have simply been sexually aroused by a member of their own sex. The findings of the CDC study seem to indicate that people, especially young people, can be aroused by a member of the same sex without that arousal signaling that they are “genetically” homosexual. Indeed, that so high a percentage of homosexuals have had sex with members of the opposite sex means that such arousal with a person you are not “naturally” attracted to is possible. After all, you can’t have sex without any arousal whatsoever (at least for men).

The take-away, then, is not about numbers like 1.4% (though that’s pretty illuminating)–the take-away, and it is a very important one for young people, is that if you feel aroused by a member of the same sex, that does not necessarily mean that you are “genetically” homosexual. There’s a small chance you are, but a much, much larger chance that you are not. You are not stuck thinking you are gay even if you have had a same-sex encounter.

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"In other words, for the minority who may have experimented with gay relationships at some juncture in their lives, well over 80% explicitly renounced homosexual (or even bisexual) self-identification by age of 35.
For the clear majority of males (as well as women) who report gay encounters, homosexual activity appears to represent a passing phase, or even a fleeting episode, rather than an unshakable, genetically pre-determined orientation."
Column: Does it matter if only 1.4% of people are gay? -
89% in one study.

And, of course, the CDC warned that only 6% died of the Wuhan Red Death.

But don't let that get in the way of your hand-wringing, or of following orders.
So those 36,000 lives are expendable. Got it. What about the 30,000+ gun deaths we have every year in the US? Are they acceptable too?

Your self-righteousness is apparent and unwarranted, the Right has plenty of blood on its hands.
Homosexuality is largely herd and victimology driven, prevalent on the Left.

If it were genetic, it wouldn't fade away.
Is that your professional medical opinion? I can tell you from experience, one's biology changes as they age.

Now, a new study claims to dispel the notion that a single gene or handful of genes make a person prone to same-sex behavior. The analysis, which examined the genomes of nearly half a million men and women, found that although genetics are certainly involved in who people choose to have sex with, there are no specific genetic predictors.

It appears biology is a complicated science. Who knew?

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