In just 72 hours : MSNBC: We Have to Break Through This Idea 'That Kids Belong to Their Parents'


Gold Member
Jan 19, 2014
As has been noted by this Board's more profound intellects, by this time next year we will be debating the finer points of "Protecting Children's Equal Rights Under The Law", part and parcel of which will; you can rest assured, be the Child's right to sexual consent...

Just three days after the SCOTUS divined a FUNDAMENTAL RIGHT FOR DEGENERATES TO MARRY WITHIN A HOMO-GENDER CONSTRUCT, we find the Left priming up the separation of children from their 'rents.

"“We have to break through our private idea that kids belong to their parents or kids belong to their families,” says the professor of political science at Tulane University, where she is founding director of the Anna Julia Cooper Project on Gender, Race, and Politics in the South. Kids belong to whole communities, she insists, and once we realize this we’ll make “better investments” in government indoctrination of children."


Stephan Kinsella argues that the primary social evil today is a lack of respect for the fundamental right of self-ownership. Obama and Harris-Perry represent the other side of this argument. They believe, as do all Marxists and socialists, that the state, what Harris-Perry calls the “community,” owns the individual.

Harris-Perry urges us to “break through” the “private idea” that individuals own themselves. Like Marx, she believes the individual is a “communal being” and all human worth is intractably linked to the community, the collective, and the state is the ultimate manifestation of the collective will. Read more via InfoWars..."

I say it here and it comes out ^ THERE ^.
Clearly, 72 hours is insufficient for the meltdown to run its course. As a matter of fact, I suspect it's just getting started.
Clearly, 72 hours is insufficient for the meltdown to run its course. As a matter of fact, I suspect it's just getting started.

Seriously. Its like they are being paid for every pair of panties they shit in.

And how did Obama get folded into this? He's such a random addition.
As has been noted by this Board's more profound intellects, by this time next year we will be debating the finer points of "Protecting Children's Equal Rights Under The Law", part and parcel of which will; you can rest assured, be the Child's right to sexual consent...

Just three days after the SCOTUS divined a FUNDAMENTAL RIGHT FOR DEGENERATES TO MARRY WITHIN A HOMO-GENDER CONSTRUCT, we find the Left priming up the separation of children from their 'rents.

"“We have to break through our private idea that kids belong to their parents or kids belong to their families,” says the professor of political science at Tulane University, where she is founding director of the Anna Julia Cooper Project on Gender, Race, and Politics in the South. Kids belong to whole communities, she insists, and once we realize this we’ll make “better investments” in government indoctrination of children."


Stephan Kinsella argues that the primary social evil today is a lack of respect for the fundamental right of self-ownership. Obama and Harris-Perry represent the other side of this argument. They believe, as do all Marxists and socialists, that the state, what Harris-Perry calls the “community,” owns the individual.

Harris-Perry urges us to “break through” the “private idea” that individuals own themselves. Like Marx, she believes the individual is a “communal being” and all human worth is intractably linked to the community, the collective, and the state is the ultimate manifestation of the collective will. Read more via InfoWars..."

I say it here and it comes out ^ THERE ^.
I love when you cons burst into wild speculation! Puts a smile on my face every time :thup:
Yo, reason why we need to vote out both leaders in the Republican Party, and replace with Conservative Leaders!!!

This Stephan Kinsella uses the term "slave owning parents"? Have you left loons lost your collective minds? I have a proposition for any daffy leftist that's buying into this BS children belong to society, come try and take ours or tell us how to raise them. It will get very ugly...very quickly. You retards need to back up, sit down and stop this nonsense
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Now understand, the argument is that in the first 72 hours, the Ideological Left has already begun, to march their way to the rhetorical sea burning and pillaging everything it can burn and pillage in terms of recognition and respect for Natural Law... toward the goal of Legalizing Adult Sex with Children.

I told you on Day One... as most of you already knew, that the 'divining of the Fundamental Right to Marry' was not a Slippery Slope, but a leap from the Precipice... (That means 'we jumped off the cliff', Gilligan) that such would come first, through the ruse of providing Children with Equal Protection Under the Law, which requires that the natural responsibilities of the Parent be transferred to the state, thus providing the state the means to determine that children are 'Rightfully entitled to offer their Consent to sexual relations with Adult Homosexuals'.

Understand, that ROE has already gone along way toward destroying the notion of parental sanctity; wherein the Government Licensed Degeneracy at the first level... by 'granting the Right' to MURDER YOUR CHILDREN. So... where you can murder your children to avoid your responsibility to them, you've closed the gap necessary to rationalize that your parental responsibilities aren't 'real' anyway, so what's the big deal about giving Government the Responsibility for them... . Odds are that there's going to be some serious 'financial incentive coming, to help the lowest common denominator along.

So recognize that pattern, as it's the 900lb Democrat in the middle of the room.

SOOooo... in the first 72 hours after the Federal Government Licensed Degeneracy, we now have our first In-house Comrades Publicly Joining the Left's Ramp-up to Providing Children Equal Protection Under the Law.

We add to the list the following proponents:

Swim Expert

Anyone else?
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This Stephan Kinsella uses the term "slave owning parents"? Have you left loons lost your collective minds? I have a proposition for any daffy leftist that's buying into this BS children belong to society, come try and take ours or tell us how to raise them. It will get very ugly...very quickly. You retards need to back up, sit down and stop this nonsense

Stephan Kinsella is a libertarian that works with the Mises Institute. A body too right wing for the CATO institute, so it split away. It promotes anarcho-capitalism. It regularly gives awards to Ron Paul.

And this you call 'left loon'?

There's not much right of their position beyond straight up anarchy.
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Now understand, the argument is that in the first 72 hours, the Ideological Left has already begun, to march their way to the rhetorical sea burning and pillaging everything it can burn and pillage in terms of recognition and respect for Natural Law... toward the goal of Legalizing Adult Sex with Children.

I told you on Day One... as most of you already knew, that the 'divining of the Fundamental Right to Marry' was not a Slippery Slope, but a leap from the Precipice... (That means we jumped off the cliff, Gilligan) that such would come first, through the ruse of providing Children with Equal Protection Under the Law, which requires that the responsibilities of the Parent be transferred to the state, thus providing the state the means to determine that children are 'Rightfully entitled to offer their Consent to sexual relations with Adult Homosexuals'.

SOOooo... in the first 72 hours after the Federal Government Licensed Degeneracy, we now have our first In-house Comrades Publicly Joining the Left's Ramp-up to Providing Children Equal Protection Under the Law.

We add to the list the following proponents:

Swim Expert

Anyone else?

Fight the fight, brother! Fight the fight!


Now understand, the argument is that in the first 72 hours, the Ideological Left has already begun, to march their way to the rhetorical sea burning and pillaging everything it can burn and pillage in terms of recognition and respect for Natural Law... toward the goal of Legalizing Adult Sex with Children.

I told you on Day One... as most of you already knew, that the 'divining of the Fundamental Right to Marry' was not a Slippery Slope, but a leap from the Precipice... (That means we jumped off the cliff, Gilligan) that such would come first, through the ruse of providing Children with Equal Protection Under the Law, which requires that the responsibilities of the Parent be transferred to the state, thus providing the state the means to determine that children are 'Rightfully entitled to offer their Consent to sexual relations with Adult Homosexuals'.

SOOooo... in the first 72 hours after the Federal Government Licensed Degeneracy, we now have our first In-house Comrades Publicly Joining the Left's Ramp-up to Providing Children Equal Protection Under the Law.

We add to the list the following proponents:

Swim Expert

Anyone else?

Yo, the man above is telling me something? The "DEVIL" is trying to takeover the Country!!!
All HELL will break-loose!!!


Now understand, the argument is that in the first 72 hours, the Ideological Left has already begun, to march their way to the rhetorical sea burning and pillaging everything it can burn and pillage in terms of recognition and respect for Natural Law... toward the goal of Legalizing Adult Sex with Children.

Um...the quote you're offering us as the 'effect' of the 72 hour old ruling..... is from 2013. You've put effect before cause. And demonstrate that your examples are neither.

As usual, your argument is a disjoined ramble that even you can't make sense of.

I told you on Day One... as most of you already knew, that the 'divining of the Fundamental Right to Marry' was not a Slippery Slope, but a leap from the Precipice... (That means we jumped off the cliff, Gilligan) that such would come first, through the ruse of providing Children with Equal Protection Under the Law, which requires that the responsibilities of the Parent be transferred to the state, thus providing the state the means to determine that children are 'Rightfully entitled to offer their Consent to sexual relations with Adult Homosexuals'.

None of your sources in the OP say anything you just did. The 'left' isn't making this argument.

You are.

SOOooo... in the first 72 hours after the Federal Government Licensed Degeneracy, we now have our first In-house Comrades Publicly Joining the Left's Ramp-up to Providing Children Equal Protection Under the Law.

We add to the list the following proponents:

Swim Expert

Anyone else?

Neither have advocated anything you've attributed them. You're having a meltdown, Keyes.

Take a breath.

Now understand, the argument is that in the first 72 hours, the Ideological Left has already begun, to march their way to the rhetorical sea burning and pillaging everything it can burn and pillage in terms of recognition and respect for Natural Law... toward the goal of Legalizing Adult Sex with Children.

I told you on Day One... as most of you already knew, that the 'divining of the Fundamental Right to Marry' was not a Slippery Slope, but a leap from the Precipice... (That means we jumped off the cliff, Gilligan) that such would come first, through the ruse of providing Children with Equal Protection Under the Law, which requires that the responsibilities of the Parent be transferred to the state, thus providing the state the means to determine that children are 'Rightfully entitled to offer their Consent to sexual relations with Adult Homosexuals'.

SOOooo... in the first 72 hours after the Federal Government Licensed Degeneracy, we now have our first In-house Comrades Publicly Joining the Left's Ramp-up to Providing Children Equal Protection Under the Law.

We add to the list the following proponents:

Swim Expert

Anyone else?

Yo, the man above is telling me something? The "DEVIL" is trying to takeover the Country!!!
All HELL will break-loose!!!


All hell has broke loose...they just don't realize it yet. People are angry, damn angry

Now understand, the argument is that in the first 72 hours, the Ideological Left has already begun, to march their way to the rhetorical sea burning and pillaging everything it can burn and pillage in terms of recognition and respect for Natural Law... toward the goal of Legalizing Adult Sex with Children.

I told you on Day One... as most of you already knew, that the 'divining of the Fundamental Right to Marry' was not a Slippery Slope, but a leap from the Precipice... (That means we jumped off the cliff, Gilligan) that such would come first, through the ruse of providing Children with Equal Protection Under the Law, which requires that the responsibilities of the Parent be transferred to the state, thus providing the state the means to determine that children are 'Rightfully entitled to offer their Consent to sexual relations with Adult Homosexuals'.

SOOooo... in the first 72 hours after the Federal Government Licensed Degeneracy, we now have our first In-house Comrades Publicly Joining the Left's Ramp-up to Providing Children Equal Protection Under the Law.

We add to the list the following proponents:

Swim Expert

Anyone else?

Yo, the man above is telling me something? The "DEVIL" is trying to takeover the Country!!!
All HELL will break-loose!!!


All hell has broke loose...they just don't realize it yet. People are angry, damn angry

Nope. We're gonna get a few vague and thuggish threats and tantrums from a comparative handful of the fringe right. And then....nothing. As your ilk aren't willing to bleed.

Now understand, the argument is that in the first 72 hours, the Ideological Left has already begun, to march their way to the rhetorical sea burning and pillaging everything it can burn and pillage in terms of recognition and respect for Natural Law... toward the goal of Legalizing Adult Sex with Children.

I told you on Day One... as most of you already knew, that the 'divining of the Fundamental Right to Marry' was not a Slippery Slope, but a leap from the Precipice... (That means we jumped off the cliff, Gilligan) that such would come first, through the ruse of providing Children with Equal Protection Under the Law, which requires that the responsibilities of the Parent be transferred to the state, thus providing the state the means to determine that children are 'Rightfully entitled to offer their Consent to sexual relations with Adult Homosexuals'.

SOOooo... in the first 72 hours after the Federal Government Licensed Degeneracy, we now have our first In-house Comrades Publicly Joining the Left's Ramp-up to Providing Children Equal Protection Under the Law.

We add to the list the following proponents:

Swim Expert

Anyone else?

Yo, the man above is telling me something? The "DEVIL" is trying to takeover the Country!!!
All HELL will break-loose!!!


Uh yeah... we're looking into the dead eyes of Old Testament Evil here. No question... .

And history tells us that No Nation or culture has ever survived the Licensing of Degeneracy.

Now to find out what nations it was that Licensed Degeneracy and failed to live to tell about it, ask any homosexual to cite for you the cultures throughout history that embraced Homosexuality... They'll spout out a list of the big ten fairly quickly.

It's a good practice to get the list from them, as they will accept themselves as credible source.
Yo, you faggots on this board are asking for no return! If you think the REBEL FLAG is gone, keep pushing the true Americans to no return? You will wish you didn`t!!! Obama and his butt buddies has no idea!!!


Now understand, the argument is that in the first 72 hours, the Ideological Left has already begun, to march their way to the rhetorical sea burning and pillaging everything it can burn and pillage in terms of recognition and respect for Natural Law... toward the goal of Legalizing Adult Sex with Children.

I told you on Day One... as most of you already knew, that the 'divining of the Fundamental Right to Marry' was not a Slippery Slope, but a leap from the Precipice... (That means 'we jumped off the cliff', Gilligan) that such would come first, through the ruse of providing Children with Equal Protection Under the Law, which requires that the natural responsibilities of the Parent be transferred to the state, thus providing the state the means to determine that children are 'Rightfully entitled to offer their Consent to sexual relations with Adult Homosexuals'.

Understand, that ROE has already gone along way toward destroying the notion of parental sanctity; wherein the Government Licensed Degeneracy at the first level... by 'granting the Right' to MURDER YOUR CHILDREN. So... where you can murder your children to avoid your responsibility to them, you've closed the gap necessary to rationalize that your parental responsibilities aren't 'real' anyway, so what's the big deal about giving Government the Responsibility for them... . Odds are that there's going to be some serious 'financial incentive coming, to help the lowest common denominator along.

So recognize that pattern, as it's the 900lb Democrat in the middle of the room.

SOOooo... in the first 72 hours after the Federal Government Licensed Degeneracy, we now have our first In-house Comrades Publicly Joining the Left's Ramp-up to Providing Children Equal Protection Under the Law.

We add to the list the following proponents:

Swim Expert

Anyone else?
This Stephan Kinsella uses the term "slave owning parents"? Have you left loons lost your collective minds? I have a proposition for any daffy leftist that's buying into this BS children belong to society, come try and take ours or tell us how to raise them. It will get very ugly...very quickly. You retards need to back up, sit down and stop this nonsense

Stephan Kinsella is a libertarian that works with the Mises Institute. A body too right wing for the CATO institute, so it split away. It promotes anarcho-capitalism. It regularly gives awards to Ron Paul.

And this you call 'left loon'?

There's not much right of their position beyond straight up anarchy.

Is there a link to the MSNBC remarks?
Not infowars


Of course, that link requires that you believe your own eyes and ears...


Now understand, the argument is that in the first 72 hours, the Ideological Left has already begun, to march their way to the rhetorical sea burning and pillaging everything it can burn and pillage in terms of recognition and respect for Natural Law... toward the goal of Legalizing Adult Sex with Children.

I told you on Day One... as most of you already knew, that the 'divining of the Fundamental Right to Marry' was not a Slippery Slope, but a leap from the Precipice... (That means 'we jumped off the cliff', Gilligan) that such would come first, through the ruse of providing Children with Equal Protection Under the Law, which requires that the natural responsibilities of the Parent be transferred to the state, thus providing the state the means to determine that children are 'Rightfully entitled to offer their Consent to sexual relations with Adult Homosexuals'.

Understand, that ROE has already gone along way toward destroying the notion of parental sanctity; wherein the Government Licensed Degeneracy at the first level... by 'granting the Right' to MURDER YOUR CHILDREN. So... where you can murder your children to avoid your responsibility to them, you've closed the gap necessary to rationalize that your parental responsibilities aren't 'real' anyway, so what's the big deal about giving Government the Responsibility for them... . Odds are that there's going to be some serious 'financial incentive coming, to help the lowest common denominator along.

So recognize that pattern, as it's the 900lb Democrat in the middle of the room.

SOOooo... in the first 72 hours after the Federal Government Licensed Degeneracy, we now have our first In-house Comrades Publicly Joining the Left's Ramp-up to Providing Children Equal Protection Under the Law.

We add to the list the following proponents:

Swim Expert

Anyone else?

Interesting, I have all three of those dopes on ignore.

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