In God We Trust

And "In God We Trust" was not a "thing" when the nation was founded.

It first appeared on a 2 cent piece in 1864 and was put on currency in 1956
Ever been to the Washington Monument begun in the George Washington Presidency, but finished years later? Ever read the Capstone, dollface? I'll share:


Laus Deo interprets to mean "Praise to God" in case you had forgotten.

Our Founders were grateful to a loving God that gave America the right to make its own laws to govern, so that people's needs here would be addressed and taken care of.

He can't forget something he never knew.
Oh and hey jerk off.

THIS is the Florida State Flag

Only after SJW capitulation. The seal is still the same. No concessions should have ever been made.
Claiming that what you have posted in your tag lines is the FLA state flag is a lie my friend.

It's a symbol of slavery...and intentionally so
Semantics, leftist shill. Let's do this!

Semantics? Your idiot fundie was claiming that religious mumbo jumbo was plastered on the Monument by the Founding Fathers. They were long dead..most before that monument was even begun.

What you call "semantics" are actually FACTS...facts that show your stupidity

She may have been wrong about the years, but you're still a Commie faggot.
I'm not against religions or religious people, be it Christianity or anything I just think it is extremely important government and religion don't mix. One of the best things about our country is freedom of religion. If we let a given religion have reign over government a religion you don't like/don't agree with could be in charge some day. Best to keep it separate.

View attachment 250995
Be as loud as you want...just keep your religion out of MY government
She may have been wrong about the years, but you're still a Commie faggot.

"the years" were the basis of her claim you racist retard.

She was trying to assign religious dogma to the Founding Fathers and was either stupid or lying

And for the record I am neither a commie nor a "faggot". You however ARE a racist bigot
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And "In God We Trust" was not a "thing" when the nation was founded.

It first appeared on a 2 cent piece in 1864 and was put on currency in 1956
Ever been to the Washington Monument begun in the George Washington Presidency, but finished years later? Ever read the Capstone, dollface? I'll share:


Laus Deo interprets to mean "Praise to God" in case you had forgotten.

Our Founders were grateful to a loving God that gave America the right to make its own laws to govern, so that people's needs here would be addressed and taken care of.

He can't forget something he never knew.
Oh and hey jerk off.

THIS is the Florida State Flag

Only after SJW capitulation. The seal is still the same. No concessions should have ever been made.
Claiming that what you have posted in your tag lines is the FLA state flag is a lie my friend.

It's a symbol of slavery...and intentionally so

Slavery was never a thing in FL, dumbass. If slaves made it south of St. John's river they were free and could be crackers/own land, whatever. No slavers had the balls to chase slaves down into Florida. True story. PS: That's a pic of an actual flag in my signature. Look close, dork.
This thread title is the official motto of the United States of America.
Rep.'s Tlaib and Omar were sworn into Congress using the Quran.
Does this mean that they were not duly sworn in as Congressional members?

Our official motto DOES NOT state that 'In Allah We Trust'.

Can someone please clear up this confusion?

Which god does the oath refer to?

Aphrodite – Goddess of beauty; one of the twelve Olympians
Apollo – God of poetry, music, and the sun and the prophecy; an Olympian , I
Ares – God of war; an Olympian
Artemis – Goddess of the hunt and of of the moon; an Olympian
Athena – Goddess of wisdom, defensive war, and Athens; an Olympian
Demeter – Goddess of the harvest and of nature, often considered an Olympian
Dionysus – God of wine, he took Hestia's place as an Olympian
Eris – Goddess of discord
Eos – Goddess of the dawn
Gaia – Primordial Goddess of earth, and mother of the Titans
Hades – God of the underworld, often considered an Olympian
Hecate – Goddess of Witchcraft and crossroads
Helios – God who drives of the sun: a primordial
Hephaestus – God of smiths and fire; an Olympian
Hera – Chief Goddess of the pantheon and Goddess of marriage; an Olympian
Hermes – The messenger of the Greek Gods; an Olympian
Hestia – Goddess of the hearth who gave up seat at Olympus to Dionysus
Pan – God of shepherds
Poseidon – God of the sea and the Father of horses; an Olympian
Selene – Goddess who drives the moon;a Primordial
Thanatos- The god of death
Uranus – Primordial god of the heavens, and father of the Titans
Zeus – God of sky and air; chief Olympian
Morpheus – God of dreams
Eostre- Goddess of April.
Frigg - Goddess of the Earth.
Hretha- Goddess of March.
Saxnot- God of the English.
Shef- God of the corn harvest.
Thunor - God of Thunder.
Tir - God of war
Weyland- God of smiths.
Woden - God of royalty, healing and magick
Balder – God of beauty, innocence, joy, peace and purity; Son of Odin.
Beyla (f) - Goddess of bees or cattle.
Bil (f) - Goddess of the moon.
Bragi – God of poetry.
Byggvir (m) - God of Barley.
Dagr (m) - God of the day.
Disir - local female goddesses or female ancestors.
Eir (f) - Goddess of healing.
Fenrir - Wolf God of Destruction, and Ragnorak (Norse Armageddon)
Forseti (m) - God of justice.
Freyja / Freya (f) - Goddess of love domestic skills and magic.
Freyr – God of fertility and love.
Frigga (f) - Goddess of women domestic skills and wisdom.
Heimdall – The guardian of the Norse deities.
Hel – Queen of Helheim, the Norse underworld.
Hoenir (m) - God of reason.
Idunn (f) - Goddess of apples and immortality.
Jord (f) - Earth Goddess.
Lofn (f) - Goddess of thwarted lovers.
Loki – The Norse trickster god.
Mani (m) - God of the moon.
Njord (m) - God of the coast and wealth.
Norns (f) - The three goddesses of fate Verdandi Urd and Skuld.
Nott (f) - Goddess of night.
Odin – God of the hunt, of magic, poetry, victory war, and wisdom.
Ran (f) - Goddess of the drowned.
Saga (f) - Goddess of wisdom.
Sif (f) - Goddess of kinship.
Siofn (f) - Goddess of love.
Skadi (f) - Goddess of skiing and mountains.
Snotra (f) - Goddess of wisdom.
Sol (f) - Goddess of the sun.
Syn (f) - Goddess of protection.
Thor – God of thunder.
Tyr – God of battle and warfare.
Ull (m) - God of skiing, hunting and combat.
Vali (m) - God of vengeance.
Var (f) - Goddess of Oaths.
Vidar (m) - God of Strength.
Vor (f) - Goddess of hidden knowledge.
Black Shuck East Anglian dog spirit.
Herne (m) - Hunter spirit of Windsor.
Holda (f) - Goddess of winter, weather, textiles and fertility
Nehalennia (f) - Goddess of Seafaring & Fertility (German/Dutch).
Nerthus (f) - Goddess of the Earth (German/Danish).
Endovelicus (m) - A Solar God with many faces, the supreme head God, god of dreams/visions and health.
Ataegina (f) - The goddess of health, the moon, and rebirth (a significant theme in their religion).
Runesocesius (m) - A god of mystery and martial skills, the god of the javelin.
You would have to ask Washington, Jefferson, Franklin, and any of the signers of the Declaration of Independence that question. I would say they all would admit to only the Judaeo/Christian GOD/Creator of the Old & New Testament. The rest are only man-made inferior copies...
She may have been wrong about the years, but you're still a Commie faggot.

"the years" were the basis of her claim you racist retard.

She was trying to assign religious dogma to the Founding Fathers and was either stupid or lying

And for the record I am neither a commie nor a "faggot". You however ARE a racist bigot

Prove you're not a Commie. Recite The Lord's Prayer, boy!
Prove you're not a Commie. Recite The Lord's Prayer, boy!

WTF is wrong with you?

Gonna look for the Mark of the Devil too?

Jesus save us from these people

Yeah, you're a Commie. :1peleas:

Commies don't believe in Jesus, next!

There's not a damn thing that can save lemmings like you if you keep poking the bear like your stupid asses have been. Keep antagonizing Americans if you want to, you're going to lose. Bigly.
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Ever been to the Washington Monument begun in the George Washington Presidency, but finished years later? Ever read the Capstone, dollface? I'll share:


Laus Deo interprets to mean "Praise to God" in case you had forgotten.

Our Founders were grateful to a loving God that gave America the right to make its own laws to govern, so that people's needs here would be addressed and taken care of.

He can't forget something he never knew.
Oh and hey jerk off.

THIS is the Florida State Flag

Only after SJW capitulation. The seal is still the same. No concessions should have ever been made.
Claiming that what you have posted in your tag lines is the FLA state flag is a lie my friend.

It's a symbol of slavery...and intentionally so

Slavery was never a thing in FL, dumbass. If slaves made it south of St. John's river they were free and could be crackers/own land, whatever. No slavers had the balls to chase slaves down into Florida. True story. PS: That's a pic of an actual flag in my signature. Look close, dork.
I posted the state flag of Florida...and that ain't it
Slavery was never a thing in FL, dumbass. If slaves made it south of St. John's river they were free and could be crackers/own land, whatever. No slavers had the balls to chase slaves down into Florida. True story. PS: That's a pic of an actual flag in my signature. Look close, dork.

From wiki

Florida became an organized territory of the United States on February 22, 1821, and allowed slavery.

Free negros were unwanted[edit]
The free blacks and Indian slaves, Black Seminoles, living near St. Augustine fled to Havana, Cuba, to avoid coming under US control. Some Seminole also abandoned their settlements and moved further south.[5]Hundreds of Black Seminoles and fugitive slaves escaped in the early nineteenth century from Cape Florida to The Bahamas, where they settled on Andros Island.[6]

In 1827 free negros were prohibited from entering Florida, and in 1828 those already there were prohibited from assembling in public.[7]:192–193 In antebellum Florida, "Southerners came to believe that the only successful means of removing the threat of free Negroes was to expel them from the southern states or to change their status from free persons to... slaves."[8]:112 Free Negroes were perceived as "an evil of no ordinary magnitude,"[8]:119 undermining the system of slavery. Slaves had to be shown that there was no advantage in being free; thus, free negroes became victims of the slaveholders' fears. Legislation became more forceful; the free negro had to accept his new role or leave the state, as in fact half the black population of Pensacola and St. Augustine immediately did (they left the country).[9]:193 Some citizens of Leon County, Florida, Florida's most populous[10] and wealthiest[8]:140 county, which wealth was because Leon County had more slaves than any other county in Florida,[11] petitioned the General Assembly to have all free negroes removed from the state.[8]:118 Legislation passed in 1847 required all free Negroes to have a white person as legal guardian;[8]:120 in 1855, an act was passed which prevented free Negroes from entering the state.[8]:119 "In 1861, an act was passed requiring all free Negroes in Florida to register with the judge of probate in whose county they resided. The Negro, when registering, had to give his name, age, color, sex, and occupation, and had to pay one dollar to register.... All Negroes over twelve years of age had to have a guardian approved by the probate judge.... The guardian could be sued for any crime committed by the Negro; the Negro could not be sued. Under the new law, any free Negro or mulatto who did not register with the nearest probate judge was classified as a slave and became the lawful property of any white person who claimed possession."[8]:121

What were you saying again?
Commies don't believe in Jesus, next!

So all Jews,Hindus,Muslims,Wiccans, are commies?

Who knew!

You may claim to "believe in Jesus" but from what I have seen you sure as hell do not believe in the TEACHINGS of Jesus
Slavery was never a thing in FL, dumbass. If slaves made it south of St. John's river they were free and could be crackers/own land, whatever. No slavers had the balls to chase slaves down into Florida. True story. PS: That's a pic of an actual flag in my signature. Look close, dork.

From wiki

Florida became an organized territory of the United States on February 22, 1821, and allowed slavery.

Free negros were unwanted[edit]
The free blacks and Indian slaves, Black Seminoles, living near St. Augustine fled to Havana, Cuba, to avoid coming under US control. Some Seminole also abandoned their settlements and moved further south.[5]Hundreds of Black Seminoles and fugitive slaves escaped in the early nineteenth century from Cape Florida to The Bahamas, where they settled on Andros Island.[6]

In 1827 free negros were prohibited from entering Florida, and in 1828 those already there were prohibited from assembling in public.[7]:192–193 In antebellum Florida, "Southerners came to believe that the only successful means of removing the threat of free Negroes was to expel them from the southern states or to change their status from free persons to... slaves."[8]:112 Free Negroes were perceived as "an evil of no ordinary magnitude,"[8]:119 undermining the system of slavery. Slaves had to be shown that there was no advantage in being free; thus, free negroes became victims of the slaveholders' fears. Legislation became more forceful; the free negro had to accept his new role or leave the state, as in fact half the black population of Pensacola and St. Augustine immediately did (they left the country).[9]:193 Some citizens of Leon County, Florida, Florida's most populous[10] and wealthiest[8]:140 county, which wealth was because Leon County had more slaves than any other county in Florida,[11] petitioned the General Assembly to have all free negroes removed from the state.[8]:118 Legislation passed in 1847 required all free Negroes to have a white person as legal guardian;[8]:120 in 1855, an act was passed which prevented free Negroes from entering the state.[8]:119 "In 1861, an act was passed requiring all free Negroes in Florida to register with the judge of probate in whose county they resided. The Negro, when registering, had to give his name, age, color, sex, and occupation, and had to pay one dollar to register.... All Negroes over twelve years of age had to have a guardian approved by the probate judge.... The guardian could be sued for any crime committed by the Negro; the Negro could not be sued. Under the new law, any free Negro or mulatto who did not register with the nearest probate judge was classified as a slave and became the lawful property of any white person who claimed possession."[8]:121

What were you saying again?

Look at the map of FL, then look where Leon county is.

Around St. John's river? :rolleyes:

PS: That Wiki is not very accurate at all.
This thread title is the official motto of the United States of America.
Rep.'s Tlaib and Omar were sworn into Congress using the Quran.
Does this mean that they were not duly sworn in as Congressional members?

Our official motto DOES NOT state that 'In Allah We Trust'.

Can someone please clear up this confusion?

Christianity. The Aramaic word for "God" in the language of Assyrian Christians is ʼĔlāhā, or Alaha. Arabic-speakers of all Abrahamic faiths, including Christians and Jews, use the word "Allah" to mean "God". The Christian Arabs of today have no other word for "God" than "Allah".

Allah - Wikipedia
This thread title is the official motto of the United States of America.
Rep.'s Tlaib and Omar were sworn into Congress using the Quran.
Does this mean that they were not duly sworn in as Congressional members?

Our official motto DOES NOT state that 'In Allah We Trust'.

Can someone please clear up this confusion?

Christianity. The Aramaic word for "God" in the language of Assyrian Christians is ʼĔlāhā, or Alaha. Arabic-speakers of all Abrahamic faiths, including Christians and Jews, use the word "Allah" to mean "God". The Christian Arabs of today have no other word for "God" than "Allah".

Allah - Wikipedia
So I'm not going to hell for saying goddamnit. Phew!
The Founding Fathers worshipped 1 God, you leftist shill POC. IGDGAF what some drug-addled people's offspring that joined the corps worship. That's not what built America, boy. I find it hard to believe you were involved with the Marines.

What kind of song is the Marine Corps theme song, hmm?

It's called a hymn.

Your leftist ass defies logic.


From the Halls of Montezuma
To the shores of Tripoli
We fight our country's battles
On the lands, and on the sea
First to fight for right and freedom
And to keep our honor clean
We are proud to claim the title
Of United States Marine
Our flag's unfurled to every breeze
From dawn to setting sun
We have fought in every clime and place
Where we could take a gun
In the snow of far-off northern lands
And in sunny tropic scenes
You will find us always on the job
The United States Marines
Here's health to you and to our Corps
Which we are proud to serve
In many a strife we've fought for life
And never lost our nerve
If the Army and the Navy
Ever look on Heaven's scenes,
They will find the streets are guarded
By United States Marines
From the Halls of Montezuma
To the shores of Tripoli
We fight our country's battles
On the lands, and on the sea
First to fight for right and freedom
And to keep our honor clean
We are proud to claim the title
Of United States Marine

marine corps hymn - Google Search

Every religion has hymns, not just one.

are you really this stupid or is it just an act for the internet?

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